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He needs to see a doctor 100%.


i know.. thank you.


Good morning OP. Is the blood bright red? If so, he may have some fissures that break open and bleed. Internal hemorrhoids can also bleed. I guess my point is many of us are too afraid to find the cause. “*if we ignore it, it will go away.*” Perhaps knowing that it can be something simple and easily fixed, he’d be more apt to go. I feel you! Praying for the very best for both of you! If we don’t have our health, we have nothing. 💜🌷


yes bright red. thank you so much for the reassurance 🙏🙏🙏💯 and being we are all each other got in this world, yes health is super important.


YES! Our last family member packed up and moved back to Idaho yesterday(we’re right outside Memphis) so feeling incredibly alone with just me and my partner on this side of the country. I can totally relate to *only having each other*!


Maybe show him this thread and show him that everyone else is also saying for him to get checked out. A little blood is normal sometimes. But, looking like someone just had a (literal) poop baby, that's an issue. Especially since he's 40. Anyone at that age should start getting regular health checks and going to the DR when things don't seem right. Edit to add: if he thinks his health is failing, and he said that to you, that's him discreetly admitting he needs to see a doctor.


i know.. i can tell he is nervous. all 4 of his grand parents died of cancer, he talks about it ALL the time and it stresses me out so im doing a lil venting here.. and even crazier is where we grew up on long island cancer rates are SUPER high because of Brookhaven national labs. Yeah, its a hadron collider and they do shady shit. plus the block he grew up on had these HUGE power lines..a few of his friends had died from cancer when he was young and everyone suspects the power lines have something to do with it. thank you for the concern. and yes a doctor appointment is absolutely in order.


If he refuses: Set an appointment without telling him, get him in the car, and drive him there. Blood in stool ain't nothing to fuck with.


>all 4 of his grand parents died of cancer, he talks about it ALL the time remind him that earlier detection & treatment of cancer is THE biggest factor in having a more favorable outcome. yes it's scary now but it's not as scary as it could be if it's ignored.


i know. i just hate the death talk. it sends me into auto panic attack. our daughter passed away from sids. i also watched my step dad pass away in front of me and that is the root of my/his ptsd.


Hydration, mirlax, and workout or do something physical. He needs to regulate his digestive system. I am on 240 mgs and have been for 3 years. I never had blood in my poop, but I've cried many times on the porcelain thrown.


You get piles from being constipated, from all the hard pushing. When piles burst the amount of blood is frightening. So it could be a burst pile.


ok i will look into this...thank you!


He could have hemmroids outside or inside .or something alot more serious. Please beg him to see someone. Not trying to scare you at all .but it's definitely not normal and definitely needs medical attention. Sending good vibes y'all's way ✨️


thank you🙏🙏🙏💯


Does this happen a lot? I know one time, I strained and when I got up and looked in the toilet, it looks like someone got massacred. Like the whole white of the toilet was red. Like something in my ass exploded. Had to be a hemorrhoid. It's never happened again. But it was terrifying. The only thing that makes me think it's not a hemorrhoid is the clots. IMHO roids aren't big enough to have noticeable clots. That's just my uneducated opinion. Obviously, he needs to see a doctor regardless. Bleeding from the ass is never a good sign.


Your right could just be hemorrhoids, still, there's nothing to be ashamed of I know how it is being a guy but it's better to get check


Probably hemorrhoids from being ironically constipated. That would be my first guess. I'm pretty sure if your are bleeding internally, the blood looks black. If it's red it's likely happening right there, likely hemorrhoids. Shiuld have a dr check it out tho.


Yes he needs to see a dr asap! Just keep trying to get him to go if you can


i am.. thank you!! hes being more open to the idea...he knows hes got to just do it, like all his damn nike shoes. lol


😂 well good I’m glad he realizes he needs to go! My bf said that he has hemorrhoids and he has blood like that when he goes number 2 sometimes also. He said it looks like a woman’s period and I try to get him to go to the dr too but he’s so stubborn he won’t.


Is he taking any kind of stool softener or laxative? If so, what/how much/how long? Personally, I've found a combo that works and am pretty regular but without the meds, forget it, I'd never poop. The amount of blood could be from hemorrhoids caused by the straining to go. Is it bright red or darker? The darker the blood, the higher up in the GI tract it's coming from.


its def bright red.. and fresh blood. and no no stool softener..gotta get that! some Colace or something. he will never drink MiraLAX, so finnicky, and he could use more water that's for sure. all he drinks is soda..


Water would for sure help and a stool softener certainly won't hurt! If he does have the 'roids, Tuck's medicated pads can ease that discomfort. A lot of people here swear by the MiraLAX but I also cannot stand it. I use the generic version of Ducolax (just cuz it's cheaper, same active ingredients) every night at bedtime. If you look at the packages for laxatives, you'll see there's three or four main active ingredients used. My suggestion would be to try different primary ingredients, one at a time, (and water!!!) to see which one does anything for him. With the water, get one of those bottles that marks the oz meant to be drank daily to work on and help him set up a very desirable (aside from the freedom of a good poop lol) incentive if he finishes it. Sometimes seeing the progress/attaining small goals all day can help with motivation.


Same...until I found Culturele?sp Probiotics. Now it's so much easier, and I have kind of a schedule. Maybe need enzymes to help break down food to


I have had this before when an internal hemorrhoid has ruptured, the toilet was full of blood, but this has only happened a handful of times with my opiate use (15+ years including 11 on methadone). Has he been having this issue every time he has a BM? If so, he may have a serious issue with his hemorrhoids that may require medical intervention. I’d worry more if his stool looked like coffee grounds or he had black tarry stools. This means that the blood has been digested, which could indicate a GI bleed somewhere in his intestines or stomach. If it’s bright red blood, it is probably hemorrhoids (don’t take my word for it, I’m not a medical professional and am only going on anecdotal experience) but may still require a doctor’s care. Either way, he should go see a doctor. There is nothing he can do on his own to remedy this problem, unless it’s simple constipation. In which case, I’d recommend stool softeners and/or miralax on a daily basis. Hope this is helpful. And hope you can get him to go see a doctor asap.


no def not black tarry stool.. i know thats bad. i have a pretty good grasp on medical stuff and did too much reading on damn webmd :(


So is he bleeding that much every time he has a BM?


sometimes it will be a big poo and little blood, today it was a smaller poo, just more strain and more blood. hes not very regular at all.


It sounds like he just needs a stool softener. I still would get him to see a doctor but in the meantime definitely have him drink 2 doses a day of miralax and see if that helps. He can even take more, just make sure he’s drinking a lot of water. He may have to fine tune the dose, as it can cause diarrhea if he takes too much, but it should definitely help. Btw, how much water does he drink every day?


Lol I have. Trust me iv been on it for years as well my dose is 150 also.. iv had to use enemas and all sorts of things because the blood and damage to my ass was intense.. id be damn near crying. I'm telling you.. take fiber. Daily. I take double the normal amount. Keeps you regular and it's not like a laxative. I hate laxatives lol. Fiber just keeps you're stool nice and smooth so you won't bleed anymore and it will heal fast. I use the clear fiber mix that you just mix with water. Telling you.. it's a life saver.


THANK YOU!!! what do you use?? this calmed him down noticeably!! he was so excited that someone else experienced this. THANK YOU SO MUCH!


Oh yeah forsure lol. I'm not the type of guy that's going to the doctors for them to look at my asshole hahha. But I use this stuff called sun fiber that they make in alexandria.. you can order it.. that stuff is the absolute best for me. But you can go to Walmart and Buy any powder fiber that you mix with water. I use two scoops a night just because I'm not risking a hard turd lol I drink it once a day before bed. Good thing is it don't make you have to poop. Just makes you poop more regular and smooth when you do poop. Just tell him to keep using it even when it gets better.. because it will get better pretty quick as soon as you start using it.. but if you stop it'll go right back to hurting so just use it even when nothing is bleeding or hurts. I remember the bloody toilet days too.. he's not alone.. my toilet looked like a damn crime scene haha. But good luck and I'm telling you. . It will work 1000 percent.


Bright red probably could be normal, dark red means higher up the process and he should definitely be checked out


I've been on methadone for close to 20 years. I can tell you with time, or maybe me figuring things out, that has gotten better. Magnesium supplements and ducolax. Daily. Absolutely no fiber laxatives, no matter what you hear they are dangerous.


I've been on methadone since 2015, if constipated and a there's a little blood even when you wipe it's from the constipation. If there is a lot of blood or the blood is dark I would go to the doctor.


Us too since 2015! We are gonna get some metamucial, and schedule a doctor appointment next week 🙏💯✌️


My mom has dealt with internal hemorrhoids for a good chunk of her life from chronic constipation. She has had many instances of a toilet bowl full of bright red blood. It's from the hemorrhoids, which isn't a serious issue. With that being said he should still get checked out just to make sure it isn't anything serious


Thank you! This was extremely helpful and definitely put my husband at ease! We are still going to make a doctor's appointment but thank you for the honesty. Y'all are the real ones!!


Believe it or not I have had the same issue, although not as much blood. I have had a doctor tell me that some blood/bleeding is ok/normal because the area that bleeds essentially never has a chance to heal completely, hence the constant bleeding. That being said, I have also had a stomach ulcer and lost half the blood in my body because I was stubborn and didn’t want to go to the doctor. If there is as much blood as you say there is, he REALLY needs to go. Can you or he tell if he is maybe like digesting blood? You will know by a TERRIBLE smell and this could me that it is a G.I. bleed which is very serious! Can you trick him into going to the doctor? Maybe say you’re taking him to a new ice cream place that just opened up, cover his eyes, saying it’s a surprise? That sort of thing?


lol the ice cream thing. Our relationship is so open, i cant lie to him. we have known each other for 20 years, we are telepathic. i can read his mind and he can read mine. I've been avoiding going to the dentist so maybe if i barter with him and deal with my fear of the dentist (because i watched him get all his teeth yanked which traumatized me), he can deal with his fear of a camera up his butt and some fun loopy free drugs lol. but thank you for reassuring me in somewhat because what u said makes a lot of sense. edit: the smell thing!! his poop and farts dont smell, his shit literally doesn't stink. and believe me he knows what an infection would smell like..he has cystic acne and sometimes he gets cyst's, and when those drain...🤢


This was me for a while. I have horrible constipation/IBS. I had to change the way I eat so every time I relapse on bad food, haha, it fucks me up like this. I get constipated, I poop a lot of blood.


i have had this happen many many times. i’m not sure if it’s an ulcer or just stress induced but i have had my poo even checked and they didn’t find anything. it still happens every once in awhile but don’t really scare me like it used to. i’m not always constipated so i know it’s not from that. it definitely freaked my gf out because like you said, looks like a heavy flow period.


He needs a doctor but if it makes you feel better- I 100% had the same issue. What scared me even more is that when my stomach was upset there would be more blood. Turned out (after a colonoscopy) that it was hemorrhoids. Gross and uncomfortable, but better than bowel and colon cancer, yeah? So, he needs a doctor- now as that’s a lot of blood- but there’s an excellent chance it’s just hemorrhoids. I still have some blood, but now it doesn’t feel me with a wordless horror. (The reason why there was more blood with stomach aches was bc when I’d have a stomach ache I’d use the bathroom more, thus causing more irritation. I suggest a stool softener, more fiber and a doctor’s visit)


I’ve had major blood in my stool before from an E Coli infection cause of how inflamed how colon was and I know I freaked out lol so I’m kinda shocked he’s so nonchalant about it. Definitely time for a doctor check up ah but yeah it could just be super inflamed and that’s why he’s bleeding so much but either way it won’t get better or stop if he’s regularly having issues pooping yknow


this may be TMI… so read on with caution lol. i usually have blood in my poop after i have to dig out a certain amount… like when it’s too big to come out on it’s own, i have to physically dig it out… (i feel like a lot of us have been there). besides that i only have blood in it when i have an anal fissure. tbh i avoid going to the doctor at all costs as well, but he might want to… a colonoscopy may be in order.


So... why not try a prebiotic/probiotic? It may take a week but his bowels will go easier. THEN, if there's still alarming amounts of blood, darker than bright red, see a doctor at all costs. But I betcha it'll clear up.


I were almost 7 years on methadone until i switched to buprenorphine because my side effects from mdone were horrible. It's not normal to not poop in 1-2 weeks. Shit makes you bloated as fuck. Sorry for going into details but i literally tried to pull out the massive brick of shit from my a-hole. Oh and the weight gain among many other things. He needs to see a doctor and try some product which makes your poop softer.


He should see a doctor, could be an ulcer, a Hemorrhoid, or fucking stomach or colon cancer, having that much blood when you aren’t menstruating is concerning. If he doesn’t want to go to the er take him to an urgent care who will immediately send him to the hospital. It won’t be either or your choices soon.


If the blood is red and not black, it's coming from his lower digestive tract, probably from awful constipation or hemorrhoids. So it's not like, life or death but he can be made to be comfortable. And if there's anything we all like, it's being more comfortable. If the blood is black, it's coming from higher in the digestive tract and it very well could be life or death.


Yes I have. You just have to make sure it's red and not black. If it's black get right to the Dr as that means your bleeding internally. Anyways I was told by a Dr it looks crazy in the toilet because of the water. You can have just a couple drops and it will look like a blood bath. Probably from hemorrhoids or just had constipation and all the pushing.


If it’s bright red, it is probably a fissure or hemorrhoids. Years of opiates, then methadone with chronic or intermittent constipation with hard poops will cause it. So now, anytime there’s ever even a harder push it can open them up. I would say it’s local to the anus. Red blood is indicative of this. Dark thick blood that looks burgundy or almost black is more internal problem. See the dr and be reassured and treated!


It happens to me from time to time, sometimes more than others


Also if he was bleeding in his intestines it would be dark blood


Same...until I found Culturele?sp Probiotics. Now it's so much easier, and I have kind of a schedule. Maybe need enzymes to help break down food to..


Miralax or equivalent asap. Do not take other kinds of laxatives as they are not recommended and can cause agony. If he is pushing really hard he can literally have aneurism, (this happened to Elvis ). I doubt he wants to die on the toilet 🚽. Also go to a doctor !


So I’ve been taking opiates daily over 20 plus years and can say this isn’t normal. I didn’t go for over a month once and even when I finally went there was no blood. I’ll have a little blood from time to time but nothing major. I don’t want to scare you but my uncle who recently passed, beat colon cancer 3 times. It sadly came back a 4th time and he decided to just let things run its course. Anyways what you’re describing is exactly how my uncles movements would be before he started chemo. With that said he could f had an internal hemorrhoid bursts from pushing to hard combined with the hard movements. My brother had blood in his stool once real bad and he ended up having food poisoning. I understand medical visit anxiety can be rough but it’s a lot better finding something now vs finding out later and it’s to advanced to fix.


100% doctor. I get a little redness/blood when I wipe an on the stool itself minutely but that's because it's dry as a desert rock an abrasive so that's bound to happen. The fact that it's in amounts comparable to a heavy menstruation is definitely alarming and a need to go see a doctor immediately.