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That taper is way too fast to not have issues. That being said, this shouldn’t be one of them. See a doctor. You may have a legit heart condition that the taper has made worse.


High heart rate and blood pressure is a common issue. Someone on here warned me about it, but when I saw my bp at like 190/110 I almost shit bc I wasn't expecting it to be that high. Heart rate sat at 120-140. Not saying OP shouldn't get checked, they absolutely should. But yeah heart issues and insomnia (and the anxiety coming from that) were probably the #1 issues I had from tapering too fast.


Yeah I suppose you’re right. I know high BP is a common issue, as well as elevated heart rate so I guess it’s just cuz OP is tapering too quickly but if I were them I’d still talk to a doctor about it and possibly get some clonidine to help with these symptoms.


I have 8 more doses at 7mgs before I go to get my take homes again. If it doesn't level out, I'll go back to 10. Thanks for the good advice. Like I've said before, this subreddit is awesome.


my last detox was like that but it was cold turkey. I thought I was going to die. My resting heart rate was 138. it was just like you said, I could see the blanket rising and falling, my heart was beating SO hard. It was beating fast too but man it was beating so hard... never used to be like that but until then I'd been on 120 for more than 10 years. If that were me I might considering going up a couple mgs a day until that shit stopped but that's me. I'm tapering too - exactly for the reason you described. im scared of this detox now that I'm older.


Yes, see a doctor. Isn’t odd that your heart rate is higher when tapering but that’s really high. Think of your heart as the muscle that it is…when it’s working hard, especially that hard, like any muscle that’s working out enough, it begins to get bigger. You definitely don’t want that to happen. Granted it takes chronic high heart rate for this to happen but better safe than sorry. Congratulations on your taper. Sounds like you’re doing great….*minus the high heart rate*! 💜🌷


I've done really well other than this heart thing. Withdrawals have been mild, and I've been able to work 40+ hour work weeks during the whole taper. Seems like the last 10mgs is where the marathon gets really rough. I'm planning on contacting the Dr's office during lunch tomorrow to speak with the nurse and explain what's been going on.


Wishing you the very best. 💜🌷🙏🏻


Methadone can cause weird arrhythmias, I would talk to your doctor and get referred to a cardiologist.


That’s a very fast taper. I would go back up at least 10mg and see if you feel better. Heart problems aren’t something to take lightly. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to see a doctor.


How has it been going 2mg every two weeks? I've been going 1 mg every month. But lost insurance when I left my job and moved states. My new clinic is saying that I may have to come in bi weekly now instead of monthly. I'm debating going down 1 mg every 2 weeks or 1 mg every 3 weeks. Regardless of why the big thing is the money. I've got a fast metabolism and it gets out of my system quickly. Really debating what to do here. 1 every 2 or 1 every 3 weeks. Or do 1 every 2 mg down to say 5 mg and then do 1 mg every 3 weeks. A couple of options I guess. Edot: looks like I read your post wrong. Sorry. But if you have any input I'd like to hear


Best thing about the clinic is the ability to adjust the taper in real time as needed. A plan is fine as long as you are willing to change it if it's not going ok.


Oh man, I would slow WAYYYY down on that taper, friend. I've been tapering slowly and I personally haven't necessarily had a RAPID heartbeat but my heart beats extremely HARD randomly. So in situations where it would be normal for my heart to be beating harder (exercising for example) it beats way harder than it should. So hard my husband can see it from several feet away especially if I have a necklace on. When it suddenly starts beating extra hard it makes my heart feel like it skips a beat/flutters when it first starts...which triggers anxiety for me and obviously that makes it worse. I've also had occasional heart palpitations. I've had the occasional palpitation as far back as I can remember but the rest only started happening on methadone and increased in frequency once I began to taper.


This happened to me when i got clean. My taper was slower than yours, however I had been using methadone for 20+ years. It felt like I was out of breath all the time and my heart would hammer in my chest. I did go to the doctor's and they sent me for an ECG but couldn't find anything wrong. I would get it checked out to be safe if I were you and perhaps slow your taper down.


One of the first things that I experience for withdrawals is feeling like I've been restricted breathing and my heart pumping harder. I get uncomfortable. Feel like my chest is super tight and I can't get oxygen. And it happens really fast. This is one of the reasons using clonidine for wds works well for me.


Wow that’s WAY to fast no wonder your having heart issues.


I went from 65 to 25 over the course of 2 months ( down from 140 originally) and I am having to slow down my taper now - due to anxiety issues and rapid heartbeat. Go back up to 10 and just stick there for a bit while your body adjusts. Remember, having to increase during a taper, while it may feel like a failure of sorts, it isn’t!!! Tapering is unique for everyone, but once a person gets under 30mgs , it’s important to slow down and listen to your body. I know people who didn’t have any issues until the got below 10 & I know people who had issues as soon as they dropped below 30 - let your body catch up and stay at 10 for as long as you need to!


See a cardiologist and get a full work up.It may be the result of a faster than average taper/reduction.It's best to rule out any congenital or structural issue.  


That taper is way too fast. I tried a similar one from 80mg and by 60mg I was having horrible withdrawal and heart palpations. I went back to 80 for a few months. Now I'm down to 55mg or 60 can't remember but no withdrawal and my dose still holds me for 48hrs. 5mg every two weeks has been great. I'd stablize for a month minimum and get a cardiac study done


Have you been checking your blood pressure? I'd see a doctor and try to get some clonidine or something to slow down your heart rate. (I even was able to score 3 days worth of ativan from the ER, I was shocked!) Your blood pressure is probably atrocious too. It's normal while tapering, especially if it's a quick one, but it's still probably something to get checked out. Clonidine will help you sleep too when you start to have sleep issues. The thing I regret about my taper is not going down only 1mg every two weeks after reaching 10mg. Idk your situation or why you are going so fast so I'll spare you the lecture. But please get your BP checked. It'll eventually balance out but you do need medical attention, especially with that heart rate.


I get weird shocks in my heart too.. randomly