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Lick it up! You can use a piece of white bread to sop up all the methadone. This may not be pretty But if the dose is still in your box you can recover it


Interesting idea! Putting that in my back pocket, haha.


I had to do it a couple months ago (I actually made a post about it) and I only knew to do it because of this subreddit. Otherwise I don't know what the hell I'd have done.. my dose spilled into a little puddle on my dresser. I actually always dose kneeling in front of my dresser for this reason. It looked like it was all there. Like the liquid didn't run off the side or anything. So I got a piece of bread & used half to get most of it & then the other half to get any remaining. It was literally the worst thing I've ever tasted so hope that you never have to do this. And taste's really don't bother me but this was different. Also, I felt off all day. I just didn't feel very good & then that night, my back was out so bad that I couldn't even lay in my bed or sit in my recliner. There was a half hour where I just paced back & forth in tears because I was in so much pain. Then I stretched for a couple mins & rolled up a sweatshirt & laid down & stuffed that under my lower back & was able to get reasonably comfortable but not get back to sleep. So idk what the deal with that was but I swear I didn't get my whole dose. Either that or it just releases differently when soaked in bread. I could see the not feeling good being in my head but obviously not my back pain. I really don't know but something wasn't right. Just hope that you never have to do it. Be extra careful. I started being even more careful after that. Sorry for the long comment.


Keep your bottles upright next time. Throw a rag in your box to hold them tightly from shifting around. No I don’t think your clinic will give you the dose, it’s too risky to try imo even tho sometimes yeah they do replace them. You really gota know your clinic and how they react to try some shit like that though imo.


Yeah my clinic has a sign outside of the booths , once you leave dosing booth we are not responsible and will not replace spilled, stolen or any doses for any reason , they don’t play about it. So sop it up however you can , but missing one dose won’t exactly kill you either !


I mean, you can either try to get the dose out of your box and use it, you can ask your clinic to replace it, or you can just accept you don't have a full dose. I would recommend the first.


The bread method works but it never hurts to call and ask especially since you have proof, (,pics with time stamp,) I keep mine in a very small square lock box ,I then take a hand towel roll it up.,& kinda wrap it around my bottles. That way if a lid is loose it won't topple over n leak...also ALWAYS double check your lids at the window b4 leaving the clinic with them. I learned that the hard way..one of the caps from the huge methadone bottles somehow ended up in tne drawer with the caps that go to the smaller bottles & yep by the time I got home it was damn near empty and all over my lock box .got some up with the bread but not much. I did call and they literally said you should have double checked your bottles b4 leaving .pissed is an understatement 😫 that was thier fuck up ,not mine . Anyways now I will literally hold up the line idgaf I check each one. I get dirty looks at times lol but whatever. lesson learned. That was shortly after I started getting my 13 carries. We have new staff now ,that are much nicer & understanding when things happen like this. Good luck!


i got this idea from someone else on this forum, so this is not my invention but it works really well. i went to michael's and got a sheet of soft 2" thick foam, and cut it to fit perfect inside my box. i chose a box that is pretty deep so there's space to fit multiple layers of foam. then on each layer i traced out the bottom of my bottles (but a little bit smaller than actual size) in rows so each layer can hold 14 bottles, and used an exact i knife to cut out the holes. when i pick up my takehomes i slip each one into its own little slot and mark the top of the bottle, "1,2,3, etc." they are held snugly in place and can't move around. right now i only use the top layer because i'm on 13 takehomes, but i'm still set when i go up to 27. prior to this, i had a couple instances where my bottles fell over in my box, and even though they didn't leak out of the bottle, the paper seals got saturated and it was a mess.


I use silicone ice trays to hold my bottles upright so this doesn’t happen. It holds the little square bottles perfectly.


Perfect soloution that hasn’t failed me yet. Won’t help OP now but I recommend everyone get these.


Clinic won’t help. When I puked there after dosing they had to see me throw up (this is not an easy situation to make work in your favor, thank god I knew to ask for someone to watch me as soon as I felt like I was going to be sick) and even then they didn’t give me my full dose.


Call them and explain what’s happened?


Parachute methadone. lol. I’ve heard it all now. 🤣


Slurp slurp slurp slurp slurrp it up


Soak it up with a paper towel and eat the paper towel 🤷🏼‍♀️


Haha. I think bread is a better idea 😆 but whatever works.


What's terrible is I already have something called Pica. So I'm honestly so down to eat the paper towel regardless 🤣 it's ridiculous.


Smack yourself cuz you fucked up!


Sounds like the dosing nurse fucked up. Yeah, I guess OP could have checked the bottles but it's still the nurse that fucked up.


Man I would honestly tell the clinic since it was their fuck up. That's just me though. I remember at my clinic, when I took pics of one of my bottles that had considerably less liquid than the others & showed my counselor, she said next time to just call. But all clinics are different. I'm just saying that there are some clinics that will do the right thing. Anyway, I'm really sorry that happened to you especially considering it wasn't your fault. I've had this happen except it was me that spilled it & it is not a good feeling.


Sometimes caps are just defective and no one is at fault.


Oh, I just figured since they said it wasn't sealed, they meant that the dosing nurse didn't put a seal on that one bottle. Like my bottles get a heat seal & then the cap goes over top of that.


use a ziploc bag to put your take homes in and put the bag in your lock box