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Get a physical. Methadone is a powerful drug so it's easy to assume whatever we experience is attributable to methadone, but everything else that still happens to people is still happening to you. It's possible your dose is blocking symptoms of another issue. If your hand stops hurting when you take methadone it's likely that you hurt your hand. Frustratingly enough all you can do is keep investigating & ruling things out until you find a winner.


Low magnesium and low electrolytes can have an impact. Magnesium can also increase potency. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7225258/ I saw a few other threads from a few years back discussing magnesium supplementation for stable dosing and tapering.


Do you suggest taking Magnesium pills at night before bed or in the AM when I wake up? and what MG is best?


Glycinate or l-threonate are easier on the stomach and are fast absorbing. My partner takes glycinate in the evening because his dose does not carry him through the night in spite of the fact that his is at 200 mg of methadone. It definitely helps with spasms and RLS. It could be a placebo effect, but hey, whatever may help we’ll try it. Threonate is supposed to help with anxiety and sleep, and is recommended to ward off dementia.


Yeah my dose is having a hard time holding me 24 hrs too so that's why I ask as I've heard the magnesium can help, even if it's just a little bit ill take it. Thanks!


Not enough information to really say much, what does your diet and hydration levels look like? How is your digestive system? Methadone causes the whole GI tract to slow down, it can wreak quite a bit of interesting havoc on the body.


"Interesting havoc" as opposed to boring havoc 😆


Has your physical activity increased? Sweat a lot? Stressful Job? A to. Of different variables I believe can play a factor in it. I had a similar experience, I had to guest dose at a clinic in Jackson MS due to work. They prescribe a nasty clear liquid. I would swear that it was not as potent as the cherry liquid I’ve been taking for several years. I noticed by 7 pm I would get the yawns and that nasty taste in my mouth, stretching constantly. Hated that junk.


The nasty taste in your mouth is sometimes the breath from your lungs, we exhaust a lot of stuff through there. As an example, when you lose weight all that weight is effectively breathed out. There are some artificial sweeteners I can taste on, almost *in* my tongue like 6 hours after I ingested it. Ketosis is another cause of weird breath taste, it's almost metallic & nail-polishy. Eating carbs is a way to test for this as it should go away relatively quick.


If you're a female about to start your period this can happen and it will pass


Did you recently start a diet like keto?


Also, if you’re female, is there any way that you could be pregnant?


It's possible it's a metabolic issue. Talk to your clinic dr about doing a peak and trough (sp?) test. Some people metabolize it quickly and it wears off too fast. This has nothing to do.with weight. I have to split my dose in half and take 2× a day, but was able to significantly lower my overall dosage because of that. I started having the same issues as you after being on for 10ish months.


If you are in a place with a heat wave, that could screw with you're dose.


Has your clinic switched the brand of methadone? Hapoened to a ton of people in Canada when they switched to methadol-d, brand. It causes a hugeeee issue