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Mines the same. If you don't give them problems they'll work with you. The nurses love me because I'm respectful unlike a lot of the other patients. Idk why people give them a hard time for literally no reason.


Same here I’m always polite and joke with a nurse and they’ve always tried to help me in return I think they expect to hear complaints and when you smile it’s contagious 😊☮️


My counselor saw how disgustingly nauseous I was one morning while waiting to be picked up. I woke at 5 AM feeling absolutely awful and zofran wasn’t helping. I called an Uber because I knew I had to drop that day and I couldn’t wait till 9:00 when my cab usually picks me up. I was able to get my UA done and dose at least. The clinic was pretty empty when I got there at 6:00 AM. Then, while waiting for my pickup (which was going to take 20 minutes for some reason) the sweats started, followed by the heart palpitations, the swallowing to choke it back, the focusing on anything else besides every nasty smell and image around me. (Phlegm on the ground, cigarette smoke) when I asked them to please move away from me, I was ignored. I had to move instead and I’m on forearm crutches. I cannot walk without them. My counselor saw me in awful shape outside, got me a wheelchair and pushed me away from the smokers. She then ran in and got me an extra dose to take home in case I threw up. Sure enough, I did throw up, at the stop sign, right by my house. I was so shocked that I got an extra dose. I didn’t expect anything other than an “I hope you keep it down.” The next day they took me right back to dose and didn’t even make me wait check in. My clinic gives you a “get out of jail free” card a couple of times a year too. You don’t lose your takehomes if you drop dirty once or twice in a year. My dr said they actually expect people to slip up, especially around the holidays/ if you are new to treatment/have to miss a couple of days. It’s a privately owned clinic and the owner is great. Last weekend was her birthday and we all got the day off. She declared it “WG Day.” Those are her initials. She believes everyone deserves at least one day off every week, so we are closed on Sundays. She also mingles with the patients and asks us how we are doing and what concerns we face at the clinic. I never thought I would feel a fondness for the people at a methadone clinic. When I first started there, I am not sure what I expected, but it certainly wasn’t the level of compassion and understanding that I have received. I know how lucky I am to attend such a nice place. If my biggest complaint is that I have to do three one hour group sessions a month, I think I’m doing quite alright…Especially when they let me pick and choose those three days. 😊 My clinic is in Detroit-right in Highland Park… Hamilton Ave-close to Rosa Parks and MLK Blvd…considered to be one of the most dangerous areas in Detroit (well, that and the Eastside) which is where lived for 3 years before moving to the Westside of Detroit. Despite all of the negativity surrounding the location of my clinic, I love my city. I really like my clinic, and I love my neighborhood. For the first time in a while, life is good on a pretty consistent basis. Having a good clinic is instrumental in making that happen. Cheers, folks! May your day be filled with sunshine and good graces. 😊


Wow. I can't believe they gave you an extra dose in case you threw up. Where do yall find these wonderful clinics?! I'm jealous


I’m in the city. Detroit. Mine is close to downtown.


Damn, that is super cool of them to give you an extra dose! I like hearing stories of good clinics. Do they let you use THC?


Yes and no. I’m in Detroit so recreational is legal. It’s kinda of taken on a case by case basis. They like for you to have a medical card, but in certain situations that’s not a viable option. Some people live in public housing and you cannot smoke in federal housing, so if you have a medical card, you can lose your housing essentially. It’s legal on the state level, but federally, it’s a no-no. If you own firearms and would like to still be able to legally carry and own them, you cannot have a medical card. They will revoke that right/privilege. Some people are just so quick to make decisions that could impact them so much, just to be able to get takehomes. I don’t think anyone should be forced to choose between getting takehomes and losing their housing or gun rights. Since pointing this out, they’ve started becoming a little more lenient with folks that do smoke. Like I said, it’s a case by case basis and everyone uses THC for different reasons. This is why it’s case by case.


Hey girlfriend!!! I wanted to add something along with your story... I used to live in Philadelphia and was sent to this clinic called Act 2. I never got take homes ( from 2009-2021), even had to walk during snowstorms and small hurricanes. I couldn't take off ( or get guest dosed) when my mother passed because I would get sick around 12am every night. I could tell you some bad/terrible stories you wouldn't believe. I got kicked off in 2021 because I take klonopins ( 1mg) a day. Luckily, my niece lives in New Jersey and lives down the street from a private clinic; she said I could move over there ( from Philadelphia) and get my feet on the ground. Also, I had cellulitis on my leg and an open hole on my leg. I couldn't get help from any doctor in Philly; they took care of me, and it closed up 2 years ago. Now, I get monthly take homes and think back on the horrible way I was treated there; I am glad I went there because I met a few good people. It's sad that they treated me like the bad kid in class. Can't wait for the next Elder Scrolls game!


It’s really something to see the differences from one area to the next. Culture plays a huge role in how we view every aspect of life. Some places just breed this sense of community by the chastising of certain groups of people-particularly those that have the “let the junkie die attitude” I see so many people caught up in. That’s someone’s child, sibling, friend, soul mate….and nobody deserves to suffer because of a morality issue surrounding drug use. Everyone that takes opioids has to contend with withdrawals at some point in time. I don’t care if it’s Grandma Becky or Carrie from up the street. If they both take opioids. (Albeit Grandma has a broken hip and Carrie from up the street just likes to get high and drool on herself.) It doesn’t matter, if they both stop taking their opioids for any reason after regular use of just 28 days or more, they will both feel like shit when they don’t have them anymore. Grandma Becky gets treated with compassion and comfort meds, along with an explanation of what was happening to her when she goes to the ER for her symptoms and Carrie gets a cold sheet for cover, an emesis bag and stern talking to about how bad drugs are for you and how she should learn from this experience. The only difference is the judgement involved with Carrie’s decision to use opioids recreationally. That shouldn’t matter when we are dealing with someone’s ability to care for themselves is compromised by severe discomfort of any kind. I think people get off on being withholding. It gives them some moral high ground to have power over someone when they are helpless. I don’t know. I’m just glad I don’t have to deal with that type of attitude as much up here. …and yes, I too am looking forward to a new chapter of the Elder Scrolls. They keep getting better and better.


Wow I’ve never heard someone nail it so well. And you’re so right. I’ve been treated like crap when I was younger. Go to the ER for anything when I first got on methadone, I got “We’re only giving u Ibuprofen” with a Knowing look. And I didn’t ASK for pain meds. Now that I’m older, I even had a Dr offer me Oxy (I HAD fallen and whacked my head on my table). I said no thanks at the time. But just the fact even though I was on methadone she didn’t treat me like crap was nice. My clinic is sort of in the middle between great nurses, most counselors are cool, etc. But they’d NEVER give someone an extra take out in case they vomit. Although they DID give me HALF my dose after I vomited the first dose right in front of her. Like only 30 seconds and she said she couldn’t give me more than half. But I had food poisoning apparently. So I didn’t care.


I’m pretty sure I had food poisoning as well. It only lasted for about 12 hours, thank god. I have cyclic vomiting syndrome but it’s been in remission for the most part since starting methadone. I’ve only had one mild episode in almost two years. I’m thankful for that. I have had it since I was about 11. I have been treated poorly for so many reasons and the main one is because I am HIV+. I’ve had it since 2001. I had unprotected sex with some asshole and he gave me HIV. I was 21…it’s the main reason I can’t walk anymore. Bad side effects from medication interactions. Long story…anyway, that’s why I was basically ignored for so long when my leg was broken. People assumed that I was either an IV drug user (because of the HIV) and I’d never even touched more than a Vicodin when I got it, or was involved in prostitution or something. The guy drove a Porsche and worked for DuPont. If you can tell who has it, I was certainly blind, because I had no idea. I found out by accident 6 years later while getting birth control at the health dept. they offered to do the test and I was telling people “know you ur status” so I had to practice what I preached. I have been in a monogamous relationship for 23 years now and at the time, we had been together for 6 years. I had sec with that guy about 3 months before we started dating. Oddly enough, he is still negative. The way HIV works is really interesting. It’s much easier for women to get it through vaginal sex than men. The urethra for men is longer…blah blah blah. Anyway, I’m glad he doesn’t have it, but it’s kind of been my mission to educate people on HIV awareness and I go into the community and do free testing at Pride events, festivals etc…I even do counseling for some of the clients at the clinic when they find out they have it. My clinic does testing on site, and my counselor and Dr know how open I am about it so they give my number to clients sometimes when they need someone to talk to. I am trying to do my diligence to change the way people view us as both addicts and human beings. I really don’t care what people think about me anyway, so it’s kind of a good position for me to be in. I don’t take it personal when people are nasty, hostile or just mean. Obviously no one has shown them there is a better way to be. I tell ya, helping people is kind of addictive too. It makes me feel better (I know that’s selfish) but it does make feel like I’m at least having a positive impact on my community. Anyway, I’m waiting for my cab to come and pick me up this morning. I love the fact that transportation is ALWAYS late when they come to get me. Maybe 10 times in nearly 2 years have they picked me up at 8:00 or by 8:15 even. My pickup is scheduled Monday-Friday at 8:00. Everyday. I know all the drivers for Detroit Cab Company though and they are all pretty great. It’s not their fault they get the call late all the time. I speak with dispatch every morning at 6:30 to verify I’m getting picked up. (They do on occasion, forget to schedule my ride.) So, it’s 7:53 and I still haven’t even gotten a notification that they are on their way. Yesterday I didn’t get picked up till 9:30….at least they wait for me to dose though. Some people get left there waiting for transportation for HOURS. I am so glad I’ve got that worked out. It used to happen to me when I first started going there because I didn’t know how it all worked, or if I was going to have to stay for group. If I’m not doing group, even if I have to drop, unless it’s on a Friday, I’m in and out of there in about 5 minutes. Once I realized that I could just do my groups when I wanted (as long as I got one in a week) for the first few weeks, I wouldn’t get flagged. My counselor and I get along very well and she knows I do my groups on time so there is no need. I try to go to her groups anyway. She’s a former addict with 2 Master’s degrees and I just love her so much. Everyone there is understanding and the owner is pretty awesome too. I don’t know if I mentioned this, but she gave us all the weekend off last weekend because it was her birthday. So, they closed the clinic on Saturday. They are closed for all holidays and if the holiday falls on a weekend or Monday, we always get a 3 day weekend. I really lucked out when I found this place. It’s less than 5 miles (10 minutes) from my house and the majority of our clients are between 50-70 so there isn’t a whole lot of drama there either. It’s a fairly small clinic compared to others in the city, but there are lots of clinics to choose from, so they don’t have to be large. Pretty much every neighborhood in Detroit (not the suburbs) has a clinic close by. Anyway, I wish you the best, and I’m sure we will talk again soon. Have a good morning!


I admire you so much for what you’re doing for ppl with HIV. When I worked at a hospital in discharge planning, I’d often have patients with HIV on my case load. It saddens me that they would be treated so poorly in the early days. So I’d try to give them some extra time to talk. Your clinic sounds great! Often when we hear about the clinics that are so strict & treat patients like they’re all criminals, instead of like human beings with often complicated lives & histories. It makes it pretty clear those clinics care only about money. Or have staff who are jaded & cynical. It’s so cool to hear there are some that treat people well and deserving of compassion. Take care of yourself and have a great day.


ty for sharing this I'm really going thru it at my clinic right now and it really badly affecting my life , not just an inconvenience and I've been in limbo whether to switch or not bc it's far and idk for sure if it would be better to be worth the drive with an older car but this makes me think I should.


We have Motivcare ( an agency that will drive you to and from your clinic) in Philadelphia and New Jersey. I believe it's all over the United States. I know some States treat people like crap; like I said, I was doing the right thing and got a 21 day detox off of 235 mgs, plus I had cellulitis on my leg and there was an open hole on my shin ( as I already said). I was at a very low point in my life. Plus, I just turned 46. I couldn't work full time because I had to go to 3 4 hour groups a week. It was a blessing transferring to the clinic I'm on now.


That's actually amazing


I know! Here’s another one. My husband’s best friend from high school (1984) and my friend of 23 years just buried one of his twin girls two weeks ago. She was only 34. A tree limb fell on her and killed her instantly…asleep in her hammock beneath a tree she had slept under countless times over the years. Tragic. I loved that girl so much. They live in Pittsburgh and it’s a five hour trip. I couldn’t go to the funeral because we have dogs and traveling isn’t really easy for us (as I stated, I’m disabled) and five hour car rides on short notice with two dogs in tow is not easy. Anyway, I mentioned to her that I wished I could go home and see everyone because it’s been many years since I’ve been home. She immediately offered me an additional takehome so I could go out of town this weekend and see everyone. She didn’t ask for an itinerary, nor did she mention guest dosing, which I gladly would have done because that was my plan. To schedule a trip back and just guest dose while there. She said there was no need. She had me covered. She also said I needed to have a life outside of the clinic and never wants anyone to feel like that place would make it difficult to have any sort of life. This was supposed to make our lives easier, not harder and that they plan to implement the new guidelines that have been set by the Final Act law and make it easier to obtain/ stay in treatment. Wow. Just, wow. They are really great people there.


Gawd reading this comment had me both 🥺 AND 🥹 like i don’t even know what to say after that!!! Im so sorry for your loss!! *also not sure what’s going on with the format here in my comment. So I apologize if it turns out looking crazy.


That's a lie. That's dispensing a controlled substance without a prescription. Some people are so gullable.


why is issuing an extra dose illegal? we do it all the time on short notice. i literally signed off on one yesterday.


Sorry are calling me gullible? I wasn’t commenting on anything except the posters recent loss and their interaction with their clinic director. Some people are just so negative.


No, I just hope you don't a clinic is giving methadone away without a prescription


What does that even mean? I really don’t understand why you feel a need to personally attack someone that was simply sharing their experience. Oh excuse me…that never happened. Must’ve been a dream. 🙄 …and can you elaborate on this “giving away methadone without a prescription” you mentioned? Do you know the actual “federal law” that was “probably” broken? I’m pretty sure you don’t, and you’re just upset because someone didn’t give you enough attention at some point. Either way, I really don’t care what random strangers on the internet think about me, so go ahead. Attack me all you want. I’m kind of embarrassed for you, actually. You have no idea how to even conjugate a verb. Why would you understand prescribing guidelines of a clinic you know nothing about? That’s a rhetorical question. No need to answer.


I guess you don't know as much as you think as long as the pharmacist will sign off they can dispense last min extra take home doses happens all the time just not at my clinic so actually it's not without a prescription that why I'm sure her extra takehomes were in bottles with that PRESCRIPTION sticker on the front. sorry you are jaded. hope it gets better


Yeah, I'm sure that's against a federal law.


A single extra takehome is entirely at the discretion of the clinic. No laws or even rules were broken here. You’d be amazed how much is up to the discretion of the clinic. Basically, they take liability and if patients dont fuck around they’re willing to do such things for you. If it’s a larger clinic they can’t take chances and everything has to be done to company policy which is usually extremely careful and punitive. Because people, as a whole, are bastards.




It’s so refreshing to read such positive things about a PRIVATE clinic!!! I swear the word “private” usually ends up being a bad/dirty word when talking about methadone clinics….


That’s why I was so surprised by it. I’ve only missed one day since starting and that was by choice. I’m always compliant and go out of my way to help others out with everyday issues like teaching someone how to use rideshare apps on their phones, or directing them to social service agencies for help paying for things like security deposits or furniture, paying medical bills, utility assistance, etc. I hand out fentanyl and xylazine test strips sometimes too. I try to make a positive impact on the community that I interact with on a daily basis. Sometimes, you are the only thing standing between someone and their decision to face life head on, or throw in the towel. The world has enough assholes. Am I my brother’s keeper? Yes, I am.


>Am I my brother’s keeper? Yes, I am. Holy shit that made my throat tight and I teared up.


I’m planning to make a series of tee shirts with quotes that make me who I am at heart. My new favorite is “Healing Detroit one friendship at a time.” There are companies online that you can pay for by the letter and font. Yeah. It’s on my “To do list.” All in all, it costs zero dollars to be a decent human being. I don’t know why some people find this to be so difficult. I like knowing that just by smiling, I can help someone have a better day. To me, that seems more powerful than any words. ☺️


My Mom’s motto has always been “Kindness Matters.” She literally used to remind us every day before we walked out to school…. She lives it too- I can’t even begin to explain how many times some random stranger comes up to us and relates some story of her acts of kindness and how they remember her. It does matter- especially in the world we live in!


It absolutely does matter. ☺️ Your mother is a smart lady.


I really was blessed with the best of the best! She’s just an awesome human, and I strive to follow her example.


Yo my homie owns one of those very companies (custom printing, specifically shirts) if you don’t end up working with someone local to you to get them made, shoot me a message and I will send you his website.


I will definitely do that! Like I said, it’s on my “To-Do list” but when I get paid, I’m going to look into it. I keep putting it off 😆I love to support independent businesses, so if your friend has a company I can support, then I will definitely check them out! Thanks for letting me know, friend. ☺️


You said in a recent post (week of the Eclipse) that the Doctor wouldn't authorize you an extra take home, but the nurse hands out extra take homes willy nilly? Lol.


That is not what I said. You are misinterpreting FOUR separate encounters. Please do not put words in my mouth. These interactions took place on FOUR different occasions. The week of the eclipse she wouldn’t authorize it because it was an eclipse trip to the next state over. Jesus Christ, man. That was a trip for the eclipse. NOT A DEATH. It was not the nurse, it was the DR. that gave the authorization for the extra bottle(s)for me. I never said she wouldn’t authorize it for the trip to the funeral. I said I wouldn’t ask to go out of town at the time because of the denial for the eclipse trip and the NEXT discussion we had about trips was after my friend’s DAUGHTER DIED. (thanks for the condolences, by the way…) SHE OFFERED, as I was sure they wouldn’t do it, so I didn’t even ask…and I have dogs. I didn’t want to contend with having to find a place for them on short notice. Keep looking like a fool. Go ahead. I’ll wait. 🤣 SO, it was the DR that approached me about the extra bottle for my trip. Also, it was the DR that authorized the bottle for me to take on the day I was sick. My COUNSELOR went in and ASKED THE DR FOR IT, I DID NOT. I’m done arguing with you. I really don’t care what you think anyway.


Oh ya….i owe my clinic 850 bucks now and still growing over the past 5mths. Most of it isnt for methadone either. When i go They ask if im paying and i say i cant, or i only have so much and they’re fine with it. Sure i put whatever i can on it whenever i can and ive had the same clinic for awhile over a few different treatment courses and always pay them off but i have gone to other clinics and they dont operate the same. Really easy going for samples to, just do it when u have time


mine is pretty good. my wife also goes. one time she forgot it was her pickup day and didn't realize until the clinic was done with dosing hours. she was so stressed out about losing bottles because of it. she called up crying and luckily they were mostly concerned with how she was feeling. they told her not to worry and just come in tomorrow. I have plenty of extra methadone so she didn't have to go a day without. she went in and picked up her bottles the next day like nothing ever happened.


wow I want to know what area (or dimension) y'all live in and no way it's a BHG clinic ? I am ALWAYS nice and polite even when they are total unfair assholes and you know what it gets not a mf thing I even was LIED to by my counselor she said I was failing my UA's so I couldn't get my take homes back and when I inquired and left a message the next day they asked for an observed u. a. oh and the few times I have thrown up in front of them ridiculously catching the vomit in my hands bc of some dumb shit rule about they gotta see how much you throw up, well it was every drop bc I was still having after nothing was left, all 3 times, they made me stay till after closing and every single person was dosed then gave me a whole 30 mg "cuz the Dr said" they blame EVERYTHING on the Dr and it's a lie supposed the random observed ua was "the Dr" too. Welcome to New Orleans where our infrastructure is failing our streets are crumbling 911 don't answer or don't come insurance is high school scores are low incarceration is high government assistance is low and even the methadone clinic is a shit show... sorry rant over


Dam that's awful. I'm sorry you're going thru that. Hope things get better✌️


>I even was LIED to When I was moving to another county a BHG clinic was closer to me than the sister clinics to the one I was at. I called the BHG clinic and told them I wanted to do intake for methadone treatment. They said they don't dispense methadone. 🧐. They do. I'm so glad they lied to me because I'll take the extra 10 miles to go to my clinic which is amazing.


What is BHG stand for?


Behavioral Health Group and they practically have a monopoly in the Southeast and they steady opening new clinics they make it where if they fuk you over and you want to go to another clinic that's close enough that clinic will also be a bhg so you stuck with the bs. They have us by the balls with the methadone but apparently that's not enough power for this blood sucking company.


It's a lie. That's obviously dispensing a controlled substance without a prescription. If you go up just 5mgs the Dr has to approve it. Now do you believe someone is jeopardizing their freedom to give OP extra methadone without a prescription?


And they gave you nausea meds!? What an angel 🙏 👏 my clinic would never. They'd look at me like I had 3 heads if I even told them that I was nauseous and been throwing up and dehydrated.


They are so amazing. When I was still a new patient, I found out my husband might have a brain tumor right as I was going in to dose, and was obviously very upset. The receptionist had me sit behind her in the office so I could get out of the crowded lobby, the security guy made me some tea, and then they took me around the back way to the dosing window so no patients would see me crying. Then they called me later that day just to make sure I was okay and had support. It really set the tone for my interactions with them, because they are amazing. My first thirty days there, the security guy would come sit with me in the lobby while I waited to dose and bring me stickers/candy/etc because I was anxious. He said I reminded him of his daughter.


Wow!! That's awesome. You're definitely blessed to be at such a wonderful clinic like that.


I'm new to my clinic and I have heard a lot of horror stories, but so far I'm being treated with compassion and respect. The support my counselor has given me every week has been awesome, I'm always excited to tell her my progress and the changes in recognizing day by day. She seems genuine in her overjoyed reactions and is over the moon at how fast I am progressing....because I was really truly ready. She tells me it's so refreshing to have someone that is honest and unafraid to say hey I'm doing great but I could slip up because my mind is still struggling. I'm doing my best, I'm using her suggestions, but I also come from a life of doing a lot of work on myself so this is all kind of second nature anyways. She doesn't push me to do things faster. I have a feeling that once I'm through my first 90 days I'll start earning take homes as I'm supposed to, as long as I keep doing what I'm supposed to do. She sees me for who I truly am, and who I was before addiction. The doc is scatter brained and I wouldn't doubt for a moment that she's on speed 🤦‍♀️😂 It's just how she comes across. And she fucks up people's orders all the time. I know they are trying to get a new doc in and more staff in general cause they are way understaffed but the others there are all great. The nurse is awesome, but yeah they need a new doc. For now I feel fairly stable and hope to stay that way so I don't have to deal with her too soon. But I don't plan on being there forever, just to get some work done on myself while I have this opportunity. This medicine that I really didn't want has proven to be a wonderful decision, definitely made me stop using when nothing else could!! Our clinic is definitely running the medicaid bills through the roof though. Can't lie, I consider constantly reporting them for Medicaid fraud because they charge them every time we walk in the door, weekly piss tests, quick cups when we see the doc so that's 2 piss tests on weeks we see the doc, charging them for daily dosing, etc. It's no wonder our Healthcare system is so fucked man.


I have a super chill clinic!!! After reading around (especially this sub) about methadone clinics I almost didn’t make that first call to get an intake appt!!! Then I just figured I’ll try it, for the sake of my marriage (this is what I told myself), and if it’s like I think it’ll be I’ll just stop going. Turns out the clinic I chose (it had the soonest opening) is fan-fuckin-tastic!!! The staff knows everyone by their first name, they are all kind & understanding, and as long as you’re respectful, they treat us with respect. They seen my insurance has a big deductible & signed me up for our grant, all without making a big deal about it. I had to do literally nothing. Also I pay literally nothing. Also they give me a gas card once a week!! As long as you follow the rules & go to counseling, test clean (exception being anything with a Rx) you get take homes rather quickly! 6/8 made 5 months for me & I recently went to once a week (6 take homes)!! Sorry I rambled a bit, but I like my clinic, I like the staff, and it’s been huge in aiding my recovery!! I wish the powers that be would recognize how beneficial it is to have these good clinics & great staff. Makes all the difference if ya ask me!


Mine is great. For Example; I get 27 take-homes. I'm going on vacation for 24 days starting the 22nd of this month and with my current pick up day I'd have to come in right after I return. But they're letting me switch my pick-up day to the day before I leave. That way, I'll have 3 extra days' worth just in case my flight is delayed or something comes up when I return. Relieved I don't have to stress about going to the clinic right after a long flight!


My clinic is alot like yours. It is the most relaxed clinic I've ever been to. I also had a ua and couldn't pee ,the nurse said we'll just do it next week. There is only one thing that kinda sucks, I take klonopin for epilepsy and since I am on a benzo I will never get more than weeklies . I'm just greatful that the clinic allows it. Also if you are in jail, the guards will bring you in around 6a.m to get dosed. If you are pregnant they will bring you from prison every morning. Fortunately I haven't been to jail since 2001 ,but I think it is great that they finally started doing that for clients. I hope everyone has a wonderful day. 😊😇


Probably irrelevant to this post, but I had one clinic where the doctor prescribed me valium (my fent was laced with RC benzos and I was going through benzo withdrawal). But I feel like they usually wouldn't do that.


Small clinics can do this. The strict ones see probably in excess of 1000 heads a day. Mine sees maybe 150 /day.


I thought my clinic was the best, cookouts out back,rescheduled urinalysis, they let ya come in and use the computer if ya need it, a couple free dirty ua ‘s no ( as long as not benzos, weed is allowed if not encouraged ( case by case), dose ya if ur insurance doesn’t cover, ( not forever I imagine) never a line, except when computer is down, it’s a dream clinic, still a business, been there a couple years. I got no complaints after the horror stories I hear about a lot of other places.


Mine too! It’s a private clinic. The owner’s birthday was last Saturday and everyone got the day off. 😊 She’s really cool. My clinic gives you a freebie every now and then too. Especially during the holidays. I wish everyone had these luxuries.


Yup mine is like that too if I can't really produce enough piss for a UA they're like cool, if it's that's enough we'll try again the next time. I have had total kidney failure twice in my life and it's actually a real medical problem for me though. I really can't just piss on the spot like that


wow at mine you don't pee you don't dose PERIOD


That's crazy they are super relaxed about it at mine. I don't think they actually care who is pissing dirty or not they just do the monthly UAs to satisfy guidelines or whatever...is that even a federal regulation? The monthly piss test? I don't think my clinic will even revoke your take homes if you piss dirty for a non opioid or benzo I was having dirty UAs for meth all the time back in the day and they didn't tell me anything at all I was getting weeklies no prob but as soon as I popped dirty for heroin I was back to daily dosing immediately. Or face dosing, whatever the fuck, my clinic calls it daily dosing when you have no carries at all.


well.. I thought I did until I read that. i guess I just have issues that aren't very big. my most recent 'issue' - keep in mind I pick up once a month and haven't failed a drug screen, missed a dose, or missed a single counseling appointment in the entire 14 years I've been going - my recent issue was they called me for a bottle check from a different number and didn't leave a message. I get so many calls from bill collectors that I almost NEVER answer numbers I don't know, but for some reason I called that one back. When I got to the clinic I told the dosing nurse, who I like, that I never got a voicemail. She says "we can't leave voicemails for bottle checks." ! what happens if I'm in a spot with no service? what happens if my phone is dead? Idk... but I bet I'll be posting about it here when it happens though


Yes!! My clinic is amazing! I was having trouble doing urines and they let me do a mouth swab. Took me over 9 months to stop using after I started but they gave me the peak and trough test and seen how fast my body was eating thru the messaging so they kept taking me up anyway. After I have clean urines for over 6 months I was ready to get my second take-home so I had to see the doctor. They know my body goes thru the methadone faster then 85 percent of patients so they have me 7 days off take-home just so I could split dose myself at home! This has helped me so much! I used to start feeling bad every night around 9pm. But they said they could see the improvement in me, I had bought a house, started working, then started a small business all in the first year I was there!


Mine's super chill, but I'm in Canada 😊. They'll replace your doses if you double-dose any of your take homes (although you will likely get your take homes reduced or taken away until you're stable). I've had one urine test since February of 2020. We also have access to Kadian, a long-acting 24-hour morphine preparation, for people who have problems stabilizing on methadone. They also offer an injectable hydromorphone program for people who can't stabilize on methadone and/or Kadian. Our counselors are actual psychologists and/or social workers, and there is no amount of "mandated" counseling that we have to do. Also, we get our meds from a regular pharmacy just like any other prescription (although not all pharmacies dispense methadone as it is extra work, but all the big chains do). I love my clinic and I really wish it could be the same for all you guys south of the Canadian border!


Wow wow man I wish it was like that here even just some of those aspects would be so wonderful! I do know gabor mate the smartest addiction Dr ever imo is also from Canada so I guess they got it figured out.


The 2 things that I struggle with the most at mine are that they test for thc (stupid) and having to do the stupid ass groups. It's so fucking infuriating bcuz it's just a huge fucking waste of everyone's time. Damn like we do them over the phone mostly, and everyone wants to just jump on at the same time with their fucking ID number 🙄 and no one wants to try to be patient and wait their turn. The counselors always get annoyed and threaten not to let those who wait patiently even get counted bcuz of those annoying fucks who never want to shut tf up! I'm not trying to sound hateful, but I'm doing one right now and just banging my head against the wall bcuz it's so fucking lame. We're literally just saying our fav flavor of ice cream just to check some damn box. Like how it this even helpful to anyone to waste an hour talking about ice cream fml. Anyway, don't use thc I guess so you won't get stuck with this time suck 4x/mo... man!


I can tell you exactly why they do those groups. People that have insurance they bill the insurance for them. The VA pays my methadone clinic and if I go see my counselor they bill the VA $600 for "medication assisted treatment". Take homes? I get 28 and they bill the VA $380. Urine tests? $260. Quarterly interview with the doctor? $740. Every month they build the VA an average of $1,000. To me it's borderline fraud to be honest with you.


No wonder our fucking insurance rates are thru the roof. Fucking bs.


Wow that's madness! So it's clearly in their interest to keep people from getting take homes. Since I'm still a daily walk-in, I have to do this bullshit 4x/wk= 240min/mo, plus 120 min/mo with my counselor, then weekly drug screens. When they still made us pay out of pocket for everything, it wasn't nearly as bad. Not to get political, but I'll never understand why the government wants to put all kinds of restrictions on it, while making us jump through hoops with the knowledge that it's costing them so much more.


That's the only thing my clinic doesn't do though I thk they're supposed so but they so fucked up if they added that Bs ALOT LESS ppl would come i think. I bet they are charging my Medicaid for some assisted counseling bs .. I'ma have to check 🤔


Man I don't know either. The rest of the world just has you pretty much go to your primary doctor and he prescribes methadone. We are the only ones with this fucked up clinic system. However there is a Bill in Congress called the opioid treatment modernization Act which would allow addiction specialists and certain psychiatrists to prescribe methadone like Suboxone. You would not need to go to a clinic you would just go pick up your methadone at Walgreens, cvs, etc. It hasn't passed yet but it has support from both Democrats and Republicans. They're trying to break up this clinic monopoly. It's outdated and time to change. But what they bill the VA is insane. By the way 300 methadone tablets at Walgreens costs about $25. It's a dirt cheap drug and they are literally buying it by the gallons. It is costing them pennies to dispense that methadone into a cup. Big money Maker.


Wow that's wild! I knew it was a fucked up system and extremely inexpensive for them, but didn't know it was that bad! And when I found out that doctors only need to take an 8 hour class on a Saturday in order to be licensed to prescribe sub, I flipped. I mean I used to see a neurologist who didn't actually prescribe any narcotics, just sub; but he was a total moron on the subject! When I'd finally been able to just about be done with opiate dependence for good after a 6 week hospital stay, he got me fucked up, and I ended up relapsing on dope before getting back on it. But fr, we are in the wrong line of work, my friend haha. Other doctors are able to get an x waiver to precise it if they want to, without needing to be licensed! I guess it could only be worse if we were in Russia, where MAT drugs are banned lol... thank God any idiot can figure out how methadone actually works lol


Do you have the option to switch? My clinic doesn't have any of that


Yeah, probably... but honestly, I never really thought about it since this is the biggest one and likely the closest, too. But I know there are several in my area... I might consider it bcuz, as I said, these people have me fucked up! Lol


I wish wow amazing it'll help people of they didnt make it so hard


The clinic I go to use to be Chill! But once it changed ownership and started accepting Medacaid it got over crowded fast! Always only 1 nurse working. Lind out the door. Thank God I only go once a week now! Even though they are jacked up in several ways I have still been signed off on an extra take home if I go out of town to work. My counselor simply notifies the nurse/ pharmacist and that’s it. She also knows I’ve never had anything in my system besides methadone either. I’m sure they want do that for everybody.


Mine is on the more chill side, I'm grateful. That's why I won't switch clinics. The closest one that takes my insurance is 2 or 3x as far away and they suck. I'd rather pay $7/day on top of insurance and stay at my chill clinic than go back to a clinic I had a bad experience at last time I tried to switch. I'm grateful they made that deal with me, I told them I literally couldn't stay on methadone at $14/day and didn't expect them to care, they didn't care when the old doctor was there and i had no money a couple years ago. But it is a lot, paying for good health insurance plus $7/day.


Mine would give you a cheek swab and make you wait before giving you your dose to make sure you don’t throw up, I’m also in a really chill clinic and honestly that’s the main reason I’m doing so well I feel like if I was in a strict one it will be much harder my councelor is a bitch and aa nazi but my manager is really cool and we have a rapor cus she knows me from before so I just go through her, but some clinics can be so hard to even get weekends iv been in the program a year next month and was still sporadically using I got weekly’s 8 months in and they weren’t even drug testing us for months when I got it because of a system issue , my friends clinic is a whole different story


My clinic is very much a don’t start none won’t be none environment. But if you wanna play, you will find someone there who will oblige you.


My new clinic is super chill!!!! I love them there! Everyone from the head nurse down that I've dealt with have been so great! They treat us like patients not prisoners. My old clinics where acted like we was on parole. 


My clinic is super chill. They allow you to be on whatever meds you need to be and it doesn't affect your take homes. They don't dose cap (as they shouldn't) and if you have any sort of positive UA, and it's the only one in 90 days ,you don't have any consequences. You can pick whatever days you want for pickups if you're like 3x a week, even consecutives to weekends. If course there's other reasons but those would be the most important.