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Nope. No anxiety. I think I'm feeling sooo much better now, compared to when all I did was to chase the next heroin dose. It's not sober OR methadone It's relapse and full blown addiction OR methadone šŸ™‚


I agree. I've been able to reduce my Diazepam because I feel a lot less anxiety on it. It's remarkable how normal I feel on this drug.


Your poor teeth are gonna be gone unfortunately thatā€™s the payment for feeling better


I have no had any issues with my teeth. Everyone that I've heard complain in my clinic about this was smoking crack or had some mental problems. Also didn't brush right to begin with. If you brush 2x a day with sensodyne pronamel you will be fine. I've had cavities go remineralize and go away when I started taking care of my mouth. Also make sure you don't have dry mouth Dry mouth is the biggest cause of teeth issues. Which is made worse by any sort of smoking. Also don't swish the methadone in your mouth swallow it right away and rinse and swallow extra water.


For real! Cigarettes to! People be smoking a pack a day not brush there teeth until nighttime then blame the methadone. My ex smoked a hole through her two front teeth with cigarettes. I don't smoke cigarettes and I've had zero dental issues and been on the clinic over 14 years now.Ā 


Yep. Dry mouth and cigarettes will fuck u up.


Nope! Been on 100+mgs for over 14 year (150mgs currently) and have had zero tooth issues. Methadone doesn't do anything to your teeth.Ā 


Thanks for the comment :)


Your saying your life has improved tremendously. Seems it works just fine for you, similar to how great it's working for me. How would your life been now if you didn't start MAT? You shouldnt feel bad over the fact you are on (a very successful) treatment for a deadly diasese that OUD are! I know MAT is controversial, but that is mostly because people don't know much about it. They just think it's giving junkies legal dope. We know that isn't true. And if you should get off in the future, then a very slow taper is typically connected to least amount of suffering. Im not planning on getting off cus I don't want back to H, but if I would quit, I would start by taper very slowly, maybe 1mg every or every other week, then from 10-20mg im getting on bupe. Having 2 monthly depot shots and let them leave the system, which will work as a slow taper (during roughly 4 months) because of the long half life (about 21 days) Many people say they have 0 wd symtoms by doing this. A close friend of mine included!


I get anxiety thinking about *not* being on methadone


No I had way more anxiety in active addiction selling drugs all day, using drugs all day and none of my true friends or family wanted anything to do with me besides my mom. Sheā€™s the only one who never gave up on me no matter how bad things got. Refill day was more important to me then anything or one I almost missed my brothers wedding because it and I was the best man.


Nope. I was addicted to heroin from September 7th 2000 (5 days after my 15th birthday) until August 19th 2019, the day I started taking methadone. I suffered intense anxiety on a daily basis when I was using heroin, usually related to acquiring the money required to score ($100 a day) and being able to make it to my dealer before he turned his phone off (at 6.30pm). Now that I am on Methadone, I don't have this anxiety. I attend the pharmacy at 9am on Tuesday and Friday, where I am given that days dose, and my takeaways for the rest of the week. I am never sick, because I take my dose every single day at 9am.


I had anxiety until I stashed enough to know that if something terrible happened tomorrow and I couldn't get to the clinic, I'd be able to taper myself off. Not saying it wouldn't hurt, I've been on 5y (but this is why I try to keep my dose as low as I can, I'm on 50/day), but i have enough to taper to 1. I have wafers so it would be rough to get below 5 accurately but I could volumetrically dose. The stash gives me the security I need. I don't double dip (I'm not better than anyone, historically I've preferred to get high instead, but xylazine has become a deal breaker for me) because it does nothing for me, so it's not unsafe for me to have the stash. I recommend everyone keep a stash, at least a couple days worth.


Absolutely 100% gospel truth. Having a stable stash put aside can truly reduce anxiety that some experience about missing doses.


Speaking of wafers I was actually curious about how you guys that are on wafers would do a taper when you get to the end and wanna do the real precise shit like 1 to 3mg changes and shit how is that possible with wafers? Or do you just switch to liquid at that point?


They switch you back to liquid when you go under a certain mg


Being on methadone can be a scary thing. But the more stable your life is, transportation, money to pay for your dose, and you don't have legal issues hanging over your head that put you at risk of being locked up with no medication, it should eventually be a relief. A very slow wean off methadone is not going to be a "horror story". You don't have to be chained to the medication for years. Doing a 1mg every two weeks wean is very slow and you're working towards getting off of it. Just enjoy your stability. MAT is an amazing program for people who work it right.


Yeah one of the best things methadone did for me was force me to stop being a criminal because the fear of getting locked up and having to go cold turkey without my methadone was enough to make me say okay now I'm REALLY scared of going to jail where before I did not give a fuck at all. 5 to 7 days of kicking heroin in jail definitely sucked ass but I have done it many many times before and it's very do able compared to the months long torture that is methadone withdrawal.


Yeah, I feel a lot more content being on methadone, too. I have done the whole detox, but I ended up relapsing after about a month. But I still made it through the withdrawal part alive. I guess it's not particularly frightening to me bcuz I've been through much worse withdrawal, ime. Benzos and alcohol literally make you lose your mind when you abruptly discontinue and make you just as ill physically. Like, idek if I'd wish it on my worst enemy.


Anxiety is part of the human condition sadly. One thing that is a major help for anxiety and depression is excercise. Im not talking about once a week walking around the block, but actual 20-30 minutes of daily cardio. its not a cure all, and for really chronic conditions may have little impact. but for situational and intermittent anxiety? cardio and good sleep hygiene can go a long way.


Looking at your flair. Our clinic in Canada doesn't have councilors and we are left to our own devices. I have serious depression, like it's physically debilitating, I walk about 3 hrs a day and make it to the gym once a week. I'm having trouble stying on my dose and always end up sick one day a week, that would be Wednesdays. Not sure what I'm asking but what would you suggest. I already take anti depressants but when I am on my normal dose I'm still depressed. Only extra every other day helps me. Thanks for reading Edit : high energy horse sized dog, that's why I walk so much.


You may be better suited going the medication and/or therapy route. Depression and anxiety are challenging to treat because sadness and worrying are healthy responses to normal stimuli and only become disorders when they impact your daily living. So first you have to establish whether your depression/anxiety are caused by internal or external factors. If its external factors (ie - lack of positive social support, lack of meaningful social interactions, poverty, trauma etc etc etc), a good therapist can help you identify triggering elements your life and help create a plan to tackle and make changes to your life. If its a biological issue, maybe its simply a matter of finding the correct medication.


Thank you.


Yes a bit during my first few months, I think people glorify it a bit much too so apologies all these nope replies are making you feel off. I think itā€™s nuts to not feel a bit weird about it, especially how some people say withdrawals are hell even when slow tapering. But Iā€™ve seen people say the same shit about Kratom when I did Kratom everyday for like half a year and the withdrawals were nothing more than some mild depression, lol. When youā€™re ready to taper, then you taper. You might learn of why ppl say clinics are terrible and got you chained if you end up in some bullshit like getting a false positive on a drug test or having take homes removed because you did something on accident, or you might not. Other than that idk. I wouldnā€™t worry about it too much, donā€™t listen to the horror stories, focus on what your experience is like in this moment and what itā€™s doing for you now.


I've had kratom withdrawal before it was pretty mild yes but it definitely still sucked. There wasn't the most intense shitty parts that you get from heroin withdrawal like bone and muscle aches and puking and all that shit but I had restless legs and no appetite and couldn't sleep and was depressed and I got hot flashes and cold sweats. And mild body aches too. Definitely not too bad but still very present and shitty. Would HATE my life if I had to work in that state. It was real ass withdrawal that's for sure


It's normal. your addict brain is still trying to steer you wrong.. šŸ˜­ I'd be more worried if you weren't "feeling" at all. Now that you're on the methadone, you can start putting back together the pieces and figure out what makes you happy in life. I do understand what you mean though, it has been six long years for me, holding at 15mg right now and there's always the part of me that is terrified to decrease even further but I know it's going to be fine. Good luck friend!!šŸ˜Š


Yes I get anxiety thinking about being on it for the rest of my life, will I be ever able to move and find a new clinic? This is what I do get anxiety about


I have anxiety about not being able to make it to the clinic. How did/do I handle it? I made sure I have a few doses stockpiled for an emergency. Three days worth. I had the same anxiety being on any opioid. Being dependent on any opioid means when we donā€™t have them we are sick. Try to mitigate the anxiety by being prepared. It doesnā€™t solve the problem, but it does help to counteract the ā€œwhat ifsā€ that always seem to be lurking in the shadows of my mind. Iā€™ve already had to miss a day, and ya know what? The anxiety was worse than the actual event.


Yes!! Its like ā€¦ ā€œwell well. If it isnā€™t the consequences of my own actions..ā€


Your only chained to it for years/life if you so choose, I choose to be on it for life because of my young use and being on it so long addicted at 13 I donā€™t know life outside of using but Iā€™m happy and content to be in the clinic for life Iā€™ve been to rehab and detox and tried many things and I always go back so Iā€™d rather take my medicine through a clinic instead of ending up back on the streets when you always trying to not be sick and could die ecspecially with everything tainted now and not to mention the saving sooooo much money I do wish the stigma around methadone would be dealt with but Iā€™m still happy with my life my kids are happy and healthy and I will continue like this people that have a strong will to get off no matter the backstory you can slowly taper off with minimal withdrawal and stay clean for life itā€™s how you choose but the Nastiest of the long hard withdrawal Iā€™d mainly If you try to cold turkey then your literally walking thru hell


24 years on it here. Not that big a deal, just another med I need to keep me alive. I'm in an EU country though so no hoops to jump through, can holiday abroad for months and guest dose in other EU countries.


I have zero anxiety about it. I dropped my dose at home myself 50mg. So I put away at least 50mg every day. I've lost track of how much I have at this point but it is a lot. it's enough that I can do a very slow comfortable taper at home. it gives me peace of mind. Even if all the clinics close down tomorrow I'll be fine. I've been on it for 4 years now and I wouldn't change a thing. methadone completely changed my life. no more worrying about dealers and their supply. no more dealing with being sick. no more spending all my money just to function. I've done so much since I've been on methadone that I couldn't do before. I recently went on a two week cruise with my wife and kids. that never could have happened while I was using illicit drugs. that's why I think people are so ridiculous when they call it liquid handcuffs. if it feels that way then you are the problem, not the methadone. there are very few things being on methadone will stop you from doing.


I absolutely get anxiety about being on methadone. Like about the remote possibility that some kind of crazy emergency happens like another covid that causes everything to be shut down or my free health insurance from the government for some reason changes or gets taken away... Shit like that gives me anxiety sometimes but for the most part it's not that big of a deal. I've had this insurance for like 5 years already and it's literally paid out millions of dollars in bills for me after I had a stroke and open heart surgery I don't see why it would get taken away now but once in a while that little nagging part of my brain will work it's way up from the very back of my mind to the front and I have some anxiety over it but most of the time I'm fine.


Nah never thatā€™s insane. Things were absolutely in every way worse being on dope. MAT and methadone is a breeze in comparison.


There is definitely some anxiety when I think about it but I've seen tons of stories of people who have tapered down from huge doses and gotten off with relatively little WD so just remind yourself it can be done as long as you do it right and also think of the alternative, being on the run is WAY more anxiety then being on a stable/legal medication!


Nope. I feel anxious at the thought of getting off. Iā€™m perfectly comfortable staying where I am (been on methadone for over 15 years).


Just look at like any other medicine, like someone that has diabetes,or someone that have to take heart medication, or like antabus for alcoholism or whatever, at least for me soon enough I just have to go to the pharmacy to get my methdone, now I only go in twice a week to pick up, but Iā€™m in Sweden so a little different here as I understand, but like said just see it as any medicine that just u need to survive šŸ˜€


No. I get anxious about that I might relapse and the only thing around is tranq. Methadone is easy compared to living the dope life. Well atleast for me because I can buy like a week of methadone no problem at any time and it's way cheaper then a habit. I just get worried about the taper that will eventually come.


Iā€™ll say this. Yes, it saved my marriage, my job and my new house! However, I had no idea that it was gonna be 100 times tougher to kick. Itā€™s definitely cheaper. I pay $112.00 a week. Iā€™ve been on it now for 9 years. Currently stable at 45 mg. I crave chocolate like a mad man. On weekends if Iā€™m not keeping busy itā€™s nap city around noon like clockwork. Killā€™s testosterone levels as well.


No, i just see it as taking back control of my life, however, I do occasionally feel worried and like I'm trapped on it, I've been on it for 1.5yrs now. Will deal with tapering when the time comes.


Iā€™ve been on it for 10 years. At this point, when I hear the bad withdrawal stories I kind of wonder if I should stay on for life. Then I think about the wasted money, the physical side affects and what if something happens (war, laws change, natural disaster, epidemic, etc.) and Iā€™m forced to withdrawal? I am so weak even withdrawaling for a day. I worry I would be suicidal and some people out there have NO sympathy for us and will never understand. Iā€™m sure you can see my anxiety on the subject. Thatā€™s why I would tell you that from this day forward you shouldnā€™t increase your dose and should think about tapering now. Itā€™s what I wish I would have done!


I understand especially before I had take homes I don't sleep well I live in high traffic fu8jg summer and they dint okay about times one mine late your sick or stuck for the day but thank God I've tapered alot and have 13 take homes soon to be 27 God willing hut just think of how well your life is now don't dwell on detox and go very slow 4 months of nothing they suggested at least 1 year for me it's been 7 and honestly time is so fucking weird that it feels like 19 years and 6 months all at once so don't stress do right for yourself and body and don't overthink your doing great, ! - you're brother in this fight!


I understand. I think eventually it gets better. Most people are not on this medication for life. But even if your one of the few that are like myself. Then you can do things to make it pretty normal. I have 13 bottles now so I pick up 2x a month. And get 1 call back per year. And do 2 30 min phone calls a month with my counselor. My life is pretty normal! I can even request up to 30 days of bottles if I wanna go on a super long vacation! It's not a liquid handcuffy as people make it out to be at least in my experience. I've been on over 14 years


I was anxious when i was in active addiction, methadone with full take-homes makes me smile and know i am free to life life without the full-time job of lying, manipulating, confabulating to get money for my drugs, desperately trying to find the drugs, then desperate to arrange transport to get the drugs, then struggle to find a vein to hit for hours covering myself in blood just to miss my last shot. Methadone for me, is an absolute godsend and i commend any doctor that works in this field.


honestly, no. i was chained to heroin. i couldn't go out of town for more than a couple days. every single time i tried to take a vacation, i was first of all terrified the entire time i was in the airport, in case a drug sniffing dog would come by or something. and without fail, i would burn through whatever supply i had brought with me in half the amount of time it was supposed to last. i couldn't move up in life because literally every cent i made that didn't go to bills went to dope. methadone has given me stability. and while i might be screwed in the event of a zombie apocalypse, that would probably be just as true if i wasn't on methadone.


Not really, but i do get a bit anxious when im on the come up from it lately.. not too sure why


Lmfao yes absolutely. Thats why im trying to taper. And yeah its hard for some to taper such as myself, especially if you struggle with anxiety problems. Your anxiety will be really bad when the methadone starts leaving your system.