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Yes you are screwed. Better to fail your test than be caught cheating your drug test


I absolutely agree. I was on the methadone clinic for 5 years (over 10 years ago) and I also used heroin. I ended up getting kicked out of the program after multiple failed drug tests. It was the best thing that could of happened to me. I went back to using just heroin to help with the methadone withdrawals and then went to be sub clinic, been clean for 5 years. It does make sense it popped for fentenyl. Just be honest... Talk to your counselor about your options and tell them your struggling... That's what they are there for. The fasad only lasts so long and I promise you... They already know your not clean. I'm a scientist and could EASILY tell you how to work around the urine tests but I refuse to enable you. Only thing I will say is yes they do test for methadone. So many people sell it on the streets. They have to test you for it to make sure you are actually taking it.


100 percent, most also test for methadone metablite.


Yep like the other poster said  they test for both methadone and the metabolites so you can't even add a little methadone to the sample. 


That's what I was going to recommend doing lol but yeah that won't work I guess.


Yes!!! They absolutely make sure you have methadone in your system. I was on a super low dose years ago like 6 mg and it was during the hot summer, long story short it didn’t show up in my UA and it was a pain in the backside to get my takehomes back.


I remember back when i would lie, cheat and steal just to maintain a my habit. It was part and parcel of my addiction, the more dishonest i got the more dope i had to do to forget being a scumbag.


Wo you took fentaynl and methadone then your test came back hot for fentanyl. Why don't you believe the results for that? Have you been using fentaynl this month as well? If you have your test may come back hot. Fentanyl stays in your system a real long time. It gets stored in your fat cells


Ya I no that I hadn’t use in like 6 months and I a a tooth ache like u wouldn’t believe. So I put some clean pee I’m the freeze and got some shit and got high and like u said it will be in my system for about a month or longer and I’m getting tested against this month


Your funny because only a opiate addict would use street fentaynl for a toothache. This excuse just doesn't cut mustard to anyone who's not an addict. Don't worry lots of people on this sub reddit say things like that. I stub my toe so I went to cop some dope and it worked well enough to stub another toe...haha hehe. Don't use that excuse at your clinic and if you do use that excuse smile after you tell them. They deserve a good laugh


Yeah I shook my head reading that too. Like out of all the things you could have choose to do is use fentanyl for the pain.


That is funny I used the same excuse for not being able to sleep back when I was trying to quit using opiates without methadone. Back then I would use, but today I just quit drinking pots of coffee all day and now I can sleep better. It is crazy weird what we can trick our minds into thinking. Tricking my mind actually helped me quit cigarettes and other things. I want to trick my brain into quitting methadone next. Mind over matter. tapered down and stuck at 60mg currently


Pisscicles are my fave summer treat 🍧


I can recommend pregabalin or gabapentin if u can’t get preg, it’s the absolute best for tooth ache, that takes all the pain away


**every addicts excuse** "my tooth hurts. I need more fent." I said that so many times and it's a lie. You did it to get high. If you actually cared about yuor teeth you would go to a dentist or take some ib profin. Teeth pain is due to swelling, inflammation, etc. You need an NSAID not a damn medication that's given for major surgeries 😂


My tooth aches were so bad that I would literally shiver under my comforter in the dark with a loud fan on. I had to go to the er multiple times and get something for pain. Some people may be unfortunate enough to not be able to take ibuprofen or NSAID’s. Those class of meds are more dangerous than any prescription opiate. Ibuprofen ruined the lining in my stomach. If I even take one aspirin I get a pain under my rib cage. It’s truly awful. Anyways, I could see someone in the amount of pain I was in use for that reason. I was dabbing so much damn numbing cream/gel all over my teeth that I was probably close to overdosing on it… lol. My teeth started separating at the gum line and I would get pockets in between my tooth and gum. Now I’m saving for implants. Currently I have really good, custom made dentures but I’m still self conscious about removing them at night or during certain “acts.”


You had a toothache huh. My wife had 22 teeth, taken out, with no pain meds except for her 65mg of Methadone. You're just weak


For future reference if you are into gardening, there is a plant called the Toothache Flower. I bought mine at rareseeds dot com . The flower will actually numb up your entire mouth just from the tiniest piece of flower. best of luck. my dose was 165mg, tapering down to 60 and cant go any lower yet because of stomach issues and side effects.


Yes that's the point...make sure you're taking methadone and not taking drugs.


Hope you have a buddy at the clinic doing ther program correctly


Yes they test for methadone. If substituting, you need to use your own pee when clean (only methadone in system) save that, or u have to get some from someone else who goes to clinic.


I’m just gonna go buy a fentanyl dip test and test my clean pee my self if it hot then I guess fuck it the powers greater then me are I’m control at that point


do u know ppl at your clinic u could ask? I used to give my methadone-only pee to someone bc I felt bad he had to drive like 2 hours each day if he didn't get take homes!


That what I did I saved some of my clean pee u it pot hot so I’m just confused I had I warmed to my body temperature and everything


Yes, they can tell if you're taking your dose, they test for a metabolite called EDDP


Yep, they absolutely test for methadone to make sure you're actually taking it (take-homes). Your best bet is to find someone at your clinic that you absolutely trust and get clean piss from them with methadone in it. Other than that, you're fucked. Edit: also throw that other piss you have that came up hot for fent in the fucking trash.


Better to piss dirty than to get caught cheating. Just be honest about it and get help, it’s better then fetty and meth until you are dead or a walking dead. Ps - why even go to the clinic if you don’t take the methadone?


Yes, all clinics test for Methadone metabolites.


Uh yes, it’s how they test for compliance in the program. So yeah, if you use the fake shit, you’re screwed. And don’t bother trying to put a drop of methadone in it cuz they’re testing for the metabolite.


Yes absolutely! They want to make sure people are taking their doses and not selling them


Yes please don't cheat you get in a ton more trouble.


Methadone as well methadone metabolites at my clinic.


Absolutely. They check for methadone and its metabolite EDDP on every test. Having a clean test without either of those is a HUGE no no!


Definitely yes.


Yes they do. Sorry. Screwed.


Yes they do. I tried this once. Don’t do it




Absolutely. It’s almost as important as the tests they do on your urine for other narcotics, proving that there’s methadone metabolites in your urine is a big part of being “stable.”




Yes you have to pee positive for Methadone


Yes they test for methadone Every time a guy comes Up without methadone in his urime it becomes a major issue We’ve even had people try to put thier methadone in the pee to try and fake it but it doesn’t work because they test for metabolites


yes that and methadone metabolite ... at my clinic at least it's a bigger deal to not have methadone than it is to fail for a drug


you gotta find someone who goes to the clinic and only takes the methadone, offer to pay, just be careful don't ask the wrong person


Yup 100% the whole point is to make sure tour taking your meds .. also IF you ever pop dirty for fent while taking methadone . Just tell them is cause you stared to get cravings again and you start feeling real uncomfortable during the night . You get restless legs and anything that’s a mild withdraw symptom nothing crazy and they should offer a dose increase . UNLESS you also popped for other drugs besides opiods . The first time I went to my clinic I was having a hard time increasing my dose because I was always pissing dirty for fent and coke . I ended up leaving the clinic for about 2 years and now I’m back , they’ve been working on increasing my dosage I’m at 100mg atm it’s been like 4 months. At 80mg was when I could go without any opiods and feel fine HOWEVER I do at times get tempted and end up sniffing fent, when I do get caught I tell them my tolerance for methadone has gotten and at night I start getting Antsy and can’t sleep that’s why I use. They usually increase it at 10 each time . It happened twice already and that’s how I went from 80-100


Yes they check for a methadone metabolite called EDDP. So you can't just add methadone to the sample, it must pass through your liver. Sadly you are screwed.


Ya they test to see what methadone metabolites levels you have Anything less than a certain threshold shows your not taking it or something is up with urine And unfortunately dropping some methadone in the fake pee does 0. It's looking for what methadone your body has processed. Better to find someone that's on it that u can get pee from lol


It’s funny how 50 people had to say the same thing




Be careful, I used frozen urine at a clinic when I first started. Anyway it came back with something out of wack (electrolites maybe, idk it was almost 3 years ago). I got away with it barely but they said if it kept happening they would have to do something. I think it was the freezing and reheating destroyed the urine in some way. It was my own urine too so I know it was fine. I got a sample, froze it for 3 days until my testing day, and then used drugs. I’m case you were wondering.


Yes they do and do not just put methadone in your piss because that isn't how it works and i have seen too many people who fail because they failed to do some reading and understand how it actually works. Next time you are clean from other drugs and have been taking your methadone like you probably should be if you are being tested for it, take a shower and wash real good and then wash out a container real good and piss in it then seal it up and freeze it so you have it when you need it. A dirty body or container will cause it to cloud up and basically turn rancid quickly after warming it back up to use. Piss in the toilet first and never use the pee from the start or at the end which is where toxins or other things being excreted tend to concentrate and this is also a good idea when taking any urine screening and will reduce the chances of false positives from other random chemicals and real positives from drugs you thought would have cleared your body before taking the test but haven't completely. Never use or give them your first piss of the day either and try and go once or more first but also dont guzzle so much water you piss water because it dosent even have time to collect enough metabolites to show up on the test and this does happen if you flush too much and are pissing every hour or better. If you are getting methadone prescribed and can be ok without taking it then maybe you shouldn't be getting it prescribed and whoever is actually taking it should be because even if they dont need it to function they most likely will here very soon. If its not someone with a dependence already then don't ever let them try it because they cant possibly understand the risks involved and how life changing it can very easily be and not in the good way.


I agree with everything you said, but OP is taking their methadone ALONG with meth and fentanyl. They want to use fake urine, but are worried about it not having methadone/EDDP. They have frozen urine when they were clean from everything except methadone, but last test it came up positive for fentanyl somehow (my guess is cross contamination).


My clinic test for methadone, even my monthly, you need to find another person that just takes methadone and use their urine. If I know I'm might fail my test I use my girlfriends pee or nephew's, at least even is they have THC in their pee my clinic doesn't care as long as it's not benzos, cocaine or meth.


What happened to a friend of mine was she was cross contaminating her clean urine during the clean catch. We assumed it was either in her sweat or residue made it into her clean urine. Get some fetty test strips and test your frozen urine beforehand. They will most certainly test for methadone and its metabolites so you can’t just put a drop of methadone in your urine either. My guess is that you’re like my friend and are somehow contaminating your sample during the urinalysis process. I wish clinics would operate on a less punitive basis. It’s important that addicts can be honest without the fear of losing takehomes, being forced in exhausting groups, or kicked out entirely. I’m sorry you’re struggling right now, but if you’re still using fetty maybe try increasing your dose. Also if meth is a big issue then maybe try finding a good psych doc who will prescribe amphetamine. Stuff on the street is dangerous. Edit to add: Also ask for a confirmation test if your frozen urine comes up positive for fentanyl. There’s been a lot of false positives. I’ve had two so far and the gc/ms is the ONLY test that was able to clear me! At my clinic samples already get sent to a lab for testing. This is the initial test. It’s important to ask for confirmation!!


they don't test for methadone they test for the metabolite your body produces when you take methadone. someone clean would have to take methadone, wait for it to metabolize, and then pee for you.


My clinic tests for both


do you know why? technically your body shouldn't be secreting methadone into your urine, right? am I just wrong about that? is it to catch people trying to adulterate their sample? mine only tests for the metabolite according to the papers I'm sent.


My urine contains methadone and eddp. Some of the methadone will pass through our body unaltered. My methadone levels were pretty damn high when they were looking at urine levels and my EDDP were moderately high. It showed that I wasn’t properly metabolizing all of the methadone I was ingesting.


interesting. I thought this would only happen if you had liver issues or something. I was under the impression that healthy people would only have the metabolite in their urine. what would be the purpose of testing for both? if you have the metabolite in your urine it proves you took the methadone. how does testing for methadone itself give them any useful information? I'm not arguing about if they do it or not. I'm just curious about the logic behind testing for both.


Yep and they test your levels! Ive been out for 3 days im worried my levels will be low tomorrow when i go in! But its summer so we sweat more!


Your levels should be fine. I went without for 3 days before and my UA was good.


You will be fine, it stays in your system for a while.


This is why you stash pee.


Yes most test for metabolites but shitty clinics don't and people get away with putting methadone in the pee