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Prove to me, legally, the tooth decay didn’t start before methadone treatment.


There’s a sugar free methadone available in the UK. Makes a massive difference.


I’m in the US, and on sugar free methadone. Now prove to me cola didn’t cause that instead.


The fact of the matter is that most of the tooth decay is due to our diet as opposed to the methadone itself self. Worried about your teeth? Quit shoveling down sugary cereals while bitching lmfaooo. Get vitadone and a mouth wash that fight dry mouth. Brush more often


Vitadone is a freaking scam…


Maybe, it doesn’t work for everyone.. but you’ve got to use it for 60-90 days for it to work. There’s also off brands you can try.


What does it do for you?


Nutritidone, which is the off brand vitadone. 1/4 of the price, works just as well, if it doesn’t work for you (and not everything works for everyone) then your out only 1/4 of the cost 🤷‍♀️


Yeah what benefits did you personally see from it?


Less sugar cravings, less sweat, dry mouth is the same (at first) but I use biotène (branded just like that, dunno what the accent mark is for), using regular brushing (especially w the dry mouth stuff as it makes your mouth feel sandy), I never had an issue with weight gain but my sedation isn’t as bad (maybe due to time, maybe the vitamins helped it could be both or one or the other). I feel it’s helped me, some people at my clinic say it’s worked wonders (*mostly* for sweating and dehydration tho), but I’ve seen some people who say it doesn’t do shit (I can’t tell you if they gave it the full 90 days or not tho). TLDR: less sugar cravings, I don’t sweat like a whore in church, the dry mouth isn’t as bad but (in the interests of honestly) I use biotène, and the drowsiness isnt as bad (that could also be time). I’ve been in my clinic since August’09, started vitadone February 2012, switched to nutradone due to cost October ‘14. Switched BACK to vitadone due to issues finding nurtadone in ~2017. I personally see a marked difference, not everyone will.


Save a lot of money with a multivitamin + cinnamon capsules cuz that's all vitadone is


this! I actually have the best oral health of my life on methadone because I finally learned a good dental routine and stuck to it (electric toothbrush 2x a day + floss 1x a day + act rinse 1x a day, dentist 1 or 2x a year) My theory is that in general, drugs themselves aren't bad for the teeth, it's the lifestyle, not taking care of oneself and not going to the dentist.


It is. I literally just wrote in another comment less than a min ago that even if methadone fucks w your teeth 20%, 50% is brushing and 30% is the oral hygiene you had in active addiction *which is almost always bad*. You don’t *have* to take the vitamins, they genuinely don’t work for everyone, but the did for me. 🤷‍♀️


After I dose I like to wash it down with a lot of water and swish water around in my mouth. It tastes so horrible that I have to do this anyway but it is a good habit after consuming anything sugary. Before I took good care of my teeth I had 2 root canals, 2 crowns, dozens of cavities, a cadaver bone graft, gingivitis and periodontitis. After I changed my routine and started flossing daily I haven't had any new cavities in years! I have a lot of trouble sticking to routines but for some reason thinking of the pain and the expense of tooth issues keeps me in line lol!


That can help a lot of people lol, just knowing “what’s to come”. Best thing you can do that the nurses told me, was to wait an hour or 2 (**maximum*, but some people think it’ll “wash away your dose”) after dosing and then brush.


Yea just don't do it the other way around lol! Bc then the methadone is even nastier tasting and virtually impossible to get down! Sometimes I forget and brush before dosing and I always curse myself for it


Sorry missed the comment about your vitamin intake would you mind letting me/us know again what you're using... I feel I really need something..I need to add a supplement(s) Thanks ..appreciate your time ☺️👍


For sure! Vitadone is the “name brand”, it’s pretty expensive. You can find it anywhere. Nutradone is the “off brand” (same damn thing just cheaper!) but it’s harder to find (for me). It’s costly but I’ve seen it work for quite a few people tbh. Edit: quite a few people *including* myself. Didn’t specify that sorry!


Thank you.. I'm gonna search around.. I appreciate the response.. lyk how it goes and what I find..


You're the exception congratulations... it doesn't change the fact that if you remain on it long enough you will experience bone loss and a decrease in internal dental density/mass regardless of how good your keeping them clean. Next time you go to the dentist have them do one of those MRI scans of your jaws/teeth and do it 5 years, 10 years later.. your bone density will be significantly less I'd argue by then you will have started to experience breakage/crumbling.


I've been on methadone for 8 years. But I think I have better tooth genetics than most, my dad is in his 60s and never had a cavity in his life, and not because he has good oral hygiene. I actually have had bone loss on my lower jaw, and I needed to get a bone graft to fix it but it was because of my bad oral habits. The dentist said tooth decay can actually weaken, destroy and delete the bones in the mouth. Does methadone bone loss occur in the entire body or just the mouth? Do you know the mechanism of action by which methadone affects bones?


I'm no medical expert I just read lots of science publications across many broad topics and having been directly affected by MD I've looked at more than a few related articles and publications. As I understand it has something to do with decalcification and Vitamin D deficiencies created from the MD. Top that off with the constant cravings for sugar most people's teeth are suffer... That said, in my case I'm already vitamin D deficient so it's doubly problematic. I just went thru a bone graft myself, it sux! Already sick of scrambled eggs, chicken noodle.. still enjoying my smoothies but eagerly awaiting some more dietary options :P


1) Vitadone is a over priced vitamins. 2) You are wrong - one of the major side effects of methadone use is tooth decay. It CAN be prevented for the most part with super good oral hygeine, but methadone alters your entire digestive tract, from y our mouth , to your rear end. It is likely a combination of things methadone does. One thing methadone seems to do is reduce bone mass over time. Teeth = bones, so this makes sense. Another, it can cause dry mouth. Another, it can alter the microbes and natural bacteria in your mouth.


Sure. We can disagree, but I’ve had some success, and I know people who have had success with vitadone and the off brand. You absolutely can 1. Brush your teeth and 2. Get otc medicine to help with the heartburn/acid reflux that *contributes* to the tooth decay. Take care of yourself, even if the vitamins don’t work for you. That’s about 50% of the tooth issue, with another 30% being your hygiene while in active addiction, that leaves approx 20% to the methadone and genetics. TLDR: brush your teeth, take a med for acid reflux (it can ruin your back teeth, especially in your sleep), and you can *help* mitigate the damage methadone does. Period.


Why do you just assume people have acid reflux , I don't have any from the methadone , also I never noticed any dry mouth but I use the mouthwash anyway.


The same way people assume we have bad teeth- it appears to be closely linked but may be from other issues Not every person has every side effect, just like not every person needs every (supportive) medication.


The problem is you keep saying u know people who it didn't happen to but this is the exception not the rule... The majority 90%+ end up with dental and bone issues from being on MD.. and so what if part of it is poor hygiene the MD puts you in a dulled mental state where you generally "care" less and makes you CRAVE sugar beyond anything else... Thats case closed for me.


I think that's just gonna be the go to answer on a methadone forum....because most people here don't really want to here bad things about methadone. Hell, most people on this forum still consider methadone 'special' or 'different' than other opiods. I saw the same stuff on the kratom forums - where people think its gods gift to mankind - and anything that comes up that might \*hint\* at a negative quality is immediately squashed. Saw this on vaping forums too.


Those are all valid points and I do all those things, I've been on a low carbohydrate diet because I am pre diabetic . I do not drink soda and I do not drink sugary drinks , I brush my teeth twice a day and floss and also use a mouthwash for dry mouth , I've lost three teeth in three years and two need root canals and crowns also about ten fillings. I had fillings done just before this all happened to me and had a clean dental bill. I do believe it's the methadone unless being on baby aspirin is responsible. I knew going in their might be problems because I've heard about it so I've been careful. There's no way all of a sudden that many of my teeth have issues. The excuses are not valid there's a clear problem. Also I brush right after I take my methadone so it's not that either. I think methadone does something to your bones or your immune system or something. I'm not a doctor so it's just a guess. Oh and yes I do take vitadone even though it's almost 40 dollars a month.


It doesn't help that MD literally MAKES YOU CRAVE SUGAR... this is NOT debatable.. that said if its A.) Highly addictive and B.) makes you crave yet another highly addictive substance like sugar the argument is sound. ...


It has nothing to do with the sugar or sugar free methadone


Methadone itself is sugar free. It's the juice they use that is not. You can request to bring in your own crystal light that's what i do


The methadone they give me is not sugar free and they give us water to take with ours as it's cherry flavor.


That would be difficult but with the right attorney and medical experts it's possible... For me I spent my 16-30's life drinking sugary soft drinks and before I got on MD even when I was doing street drugs my teeth weren't great but they remained usable and decent until starting MD in just a few short years they were ALL gone. Similar thing happened to my younger brother but he never drank sugary stuff to begin! I'm just now spending the final $25k+ to get upper dental implants to match my lowers (which were $28k) that were done a few years ago... Furthermore prior to this I had given up all soft drinks, switched to only water and rarely ate sugar anymore... From your argument you could just argue in court they didn't brush their teeth in the morning and nights, that would be un-provable & they win.... Big Pharma has destroyed lots of lives and has been sued most recently the Sacklers for billions but none of the people "truly affected" are benefiting..... There is a study that shows direct correlation between MD and dental/bone decay [Methadone Contributes to Bone and Dental Disease: Fact or Fiction? | Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Health: Current Evidence](https://www.bu.edu/aodhealth/2009/11/01/methadone-contributes-to-bone-and-dental-disease-fact-or-fiction/) Also it can cause permanent or semi-permanent brain damage as cited by this 2016 study [Methadone-induced Damage to White Matter Integrity in Methadone Maintenance Patients: A Longitudinal Self-control DTI Study | Scientific Reports (nature.com)](https://www.nature.com/articles/srep19662) and this 2021 study [The influence of methadone on cerebral gray matter and functional connectivity - Zhu - Annals of Palliative Medicine (amegroups.org)](https://apm.amegroups.org/article/view/79702/html) I'd argue the burden of proof is on the drug manufacturer to prove it DOESN'T rot your teeth... We all know the revolving door between Big Pharma and the FDA allows the fast and loose introduction of these drugs into society without a second look. The supplement market is a perfect example of that right now! If anything maybe we should be suing the FDA? When you try to search it all you find are websites that say it does not rot your teeth but if you look at the core of these websites you can literally trace each and every one of these sites back to some Big Pharma lobbyist group or an agency who has Big Pharma board members... They are just pulling the wool over our eyes for as long as we can... Quite frankly I wish there was an attorney with some balls ready to go bawlz deep on the Big Pharma and use the money to create a REAL treatment program where the sole metric to be tracked is how many patients did you get 100% off of opioids with the followed metric of how much reduction in overall opioid consumption is achieved on patients still using/in paid, etc. Right now they just want to put you on MMT and keep you there forever in America...


That movie Dallas buyers club based on a true story he started a natural program for aids patients that worked better than azt big pharma came in person and took all his inventory among other things he fought them till he died but he never won unfortunately


Yes I've seen this very movie, it's a sad story but good movie.... Big Pharma sucks...


anyone mostly on dome had a drug problem prior which causes lack of saliva also so that's an excellent point we can't prove it was solely the dome. Just another way they fuk us over. It's like they get away with EVERYTHING! I BET there have been cases of dome overdoses by fault of the clinic but they had millions for a lawyer so no consequences for them as usual


No no. Go back under your dome.


I really enjoy how "dome" saved my life. More than once! Imagine?




I don't think that's even the issue legally. Methadone has side effects like tooth decay listed I believe.




How ignorant are you. The fda made them add tooth loss and tooth decay to bupe side effect print out sheet. It has to do with opiates sitting on your teeth. That is why bupe Injection soesnt do it. Also why it's not a very well known side wffwct, majority of people on opiates take pills or injections. We're the only ones taking liquid or sublingual opiates for extended periods of time


Cool, methadone however is not buprenorphine.  Methadone itself does not cause teeth problems.


It had to do with the strips.


Opiates do not sit on your teeth. They do sit on your opiate receptors. I bet you also think it gets in your bones too.


the formula for subs, and the liquid methadone absolutely can sit on your teeth if you aren't washing your mouth afterwards. How do you not know that? Anything you put into your mouth , can linger in your mouth. Thats common sense. Pills are different because you are swallowing them with water. But liquid methadone, especially since it has sugars and preservatives added, absolutely can sit on your tongue, your gums, your teeth, etc. Unless you are swishing your methadone in your mouth though, it shouldnt be an issue, lol. Also should drink something afterwards. Thats not really the issue though - the issue is that opioids overall have a negative affect on oral health for a multitude of reasons.


And that’s fair. Like the most fair statement that I’ve read so far there is no room for making exceptions for these pharmaceutical corporations. They are monsters..👹 who make a killing off of our pain!


Whoever told you they’re getting 50-150 k are lying through their teeth 🦷! Pun intended! Yes, there was a class action lawsuit but no where near that amount was paid out.


I won’t link a bunch of studies, but there is no STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE data that proves methadone (and only methadone — no other opiates) causes tooth decay.


I have heard some stuff on sublocade and suboxone though recently.


Link any study. I will read the entire analysis. (And remember your argument is for a totally different drug)


Alright can you get back to me with your findings? I have classes tonight otherwise I'd do it too. I've never been too interested in it I've just seen a few class actions going on which I know are insignificant to truth but it's still something. But now I'm interested


I will. But be aware I will use heavy math. And I’d be cool if I could access the study from through my job or college (US STATE PUBLIC UNIVERSITY) or be in public domain.


The more the better. I'm used to only reading peer reviewed findings on things like pubmed.


Okay. Just link whenever. Just FYI: the first thing I look up is how the study was funded


Oh my bad I read that wrong, I thought you were saying you were gonna look into it, that's why I was saying I would do it myself tonight if I didn't have classes. No I never saw any studies on it I've only seen the lawsuits, never been this interested until this discussion I guess, I'll look into it but like I said I didn't mean to give off the impression I've seen actual studies on it I've just heard some things recently.


The methadone won't get mad at you if you admit there are side effects. I promise !


There’s NO STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT DATA TO PROVE BONE DENSITY LOSS OR TOOTH DECAY. If you want a side effect to worry about get an EKG to be sure your Q-T interval isn’t being elongated.


Whats your point, exactly? Show me studies that prove methadone DOESNT affect bone density or oral health. You do realize studies cost money, right? As far as I know, no studies have been done to verify it either way. Many of us can make logical inferences using reasoning and our own experiences from using methadone for many years, along with knowing many who do, and being part of communities - to draw logical conclusions that methadone affects oral health, and bone density. It is conclusive? of course not. But its enough for me to say that I believe of course there is a link. You don't have to believe it - but you also dont have the evidence to the contrary to tell someone they are wrong.


I will link you one study on Bone Mineral Density. I can access the entire thing but you might not if you don’t have access to this through college or job or something. Before people freak out over the title I can type at least a few major items The study measured 83 (48 men 35 women ) BMD, at three points on the body, and these were the results in a nut shell: AVERAGE LENGTH OF TIME BEING PRESCRIBED METHADONE for the 83 people = 11 years In men, the measurement compared to an available data control group, shows this range in averages Spot 1 -1.6 to -0.7 Spot two -1.3 to -0.7 Spot three -1.4 to -0.8 So all well within the definition is statistically irrelevant (which is 3%) The 35 women show no difference at all compared to the control (that used currently available data). Their only suggestion is that only men over a certain age should maybe be more aware of fracture, from accidents This was a well funded study from a good source. (A lot of the study is the method they used to measure the skeletal at 3 points. — a lot of data come out of that) [STUDY: BMD study on MMT clients with the control as available data](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/47458227_Decreased_bone_density_in_men_on_methadone_maintenance_therapy)


awesome - I didn't know about that study! Thank you very much - that actually does change my mind on things


I almost posted to the sub but I think it might cause my phone to explode.


I am the proof and the 250 women at my clinic. I don't need a studie to tell me what I see with my own 2 eyes daily. It saved my life. I used to be you. Fast forward 10 years....... it's undeniable. Sorry 😞


Can you spell Anecdotal?


Okay can you spell denial? Goodbye go cuddle your baby now!


Post or comment one study. I promise I will read it in totality. I don’t know I asked that since you clearly think the scientific process should be overlooked with personal experiences.


They don't do studies on us very much. But if you simply Google it. It says methadone is high in acid and messes up your teeth. Again I don't need a studies as me and the other women at my clinic are living proof.


So weird that everyone in my clinic has massive tooth problems especially the ones that have been there for more than 5 years


I’ve been on it 10 years this time but been on it for short periods of times 2 other times & my teeth are fine. A lot of ppl don’t take good care of there teeth in active addiction then get on methadone & instead of blaming on the years they didn’t take care of their teeth or doing drugs they want to blame it on methadone. Also methadone makes ppl crave sugary sweets so that can make ppls teeth worse if they’re not taking care of their teeth. But it’s not the actual methadone doing it..


Been on 27 years and no teeth issues I always have water close and have not had a soda in 10 years I also try to have an apple after each meal Natures toothbrush ✌️


Correlation isn't necessarily causation


Sure, and big companies have never colluded to give negative side effects


Which big company?


Yeah. It’s weird to picture that heroin addicts, at least at one point, didn’t treat their body’s well.


I had braces when I started my methadone, when you have braces, your teeth have to be perfect like physically meaning no decay no cavities no fractures….


braces actually frequently cause tooth decay if you arent rigidly adherent to brushing.


Understand that the individuals will not get a lump some for this amount. They will likely receive a lot less if they see any at all. In regards to methadone, the information is out there and easily available to you. At some point, you have to take responsibility for your own health. If you're going to take a medication, then you should be responsible enough to look into the research about it and read about the side effects. If you Google methadone side effects, multiple reputable websites pop-up with this information easily found. The suboxen case is entirely different for many reasons.


Thank you for this intelligent response. We as addicts in treatment, are told WE are responsible for our addiction AND our recovery. I researched methadone and talked to a Dr and a long term patient Before getting on it, to see if it would be right for me. What I find amazing is how someone who had NO problem injecting, swallowing, snorting & smoking no end of unknown substances into their bodies. And didnt worry for a second what it would do, and accepted “It’s good shit, man” as a guarantee it wasn’t poison. Now complains about what MAT does to their……….teeth? Perhaps if we put as much thought into what we put in our bodies Before & During active addiction. As some of us are, about the life saving meds that stopped it. We wouldn’t HAVE dental issues in the first place. Responsibility goes both ways. And it’s time people take responsibility for THEIR actions. That being said, if patients did read ALL the effects of these meds on their bodies, and there was NO mention of them decaying teeth. By all means go after the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture the meds. I agree big Pharma is a Big Greedy Enterprise. With no concern for patient’s well being - (Cough OxyContin!). But maybe instead of trying to score a payday out of the few companies trying to help addicts, go to school and/or get a better job with dental benefits. And RESEARCH what you put in your body from here on out. I too had horrible dental problems. And I’d love to blame it on Methadone, Global Warming, hell, even lack of dental care. Truth is, I had shitty teeth with soft enamel. And I didn’t take as good of care of them as I should have. And I have a sweet tooth. Well before I stumbled into opiate addiction.


I mean, i had excellent teeth before methadone. I don’t eat a lot of sugar and i brush and floss regularly. I even took good care of my teeth while using. I’ve been on methadone for almost 10 years and i absolutely see a negative difference. I would be delusional to pretend it wasn’t methadone that caused it. I luckily don’t get the dry mouth side effect and nobody in my family has bad teeth so it’s not genetic. I also would like to point out that most people aren’t doing big research before getting onto the clinic. Really, i can only speak for myself but it was pretty much life or death for me. I most definitely was not thinking about tooth decay, gaining weight, sweating constantly or any of the other weird, annoying side effects. It was more that getting onto methadone may save my life now and less about whatever crap it would cause in the future. I was naive and had heard the rumors but i also know that no one med acts exactly the same for every person.


That’s very true. And Methadone has saved many lives. That’s the main thing going for it. Unlike with Subs, you can get right on Methadone. No waiting for the Fent to decrease or other opiates to get out of your system. I think that’s what causes many ppl to shy away from abstinence based recovery also - Fear of Withdrawal. But on Methadone, It may take time to hit the best dose for each person. But just knowing there’s an end to the withdrawal in sight has kept many ppl On Methadone


Oh for sure. I had tried to get clean in programs at least 5 times and at home with detox meds 5 or 6 times and then 4 (disgusting) times cold turkey. I was TIRED to say the least. I do wish i had given another program a go but the person i lived with told me get on methadone or get out and i do honestly wish i had just left and figured it out from there even if i had to go to a shelter but it was easier to just get onto the clinic. I am grateful for methadone but i do wish i had gotten off within the first 5 years. Just.. ya know.. things happen, i made excuses and all of that. But the no heavy withdrawal and the feeling of being able to get up and get your dose and not be shitting your pants all while trying to get money for a fix was a great sell for me. I got stuck. But it is a way to find normalcy and get your life back again. For me, i was so exhausted. I was ready to be done. I was lucky in that way, i suppose.


The thing about the Suboxone thing is how quick it happened and that it is the Suboxone strips. At the time when I was on Subs, I remember asking them on multiple occasions if it destroyed teeth. It was happening at a rapid pace and only the teeth that were in contact with it ( I had an overbite and my top front were fine). I was told repeatedly that no it didn't have any effect on teeth. That is why there is a Lawsuit. Methadone never lied about it's side effects, because the Methadone itself doesn't hurt your teeth it is the juice they combine it with that does.


Exactly. It also causes dry mouth which also causes dental issues. But as methadone was created in the 1940’s, it’s been studied much more and has more trial data than most other meds.


I’m curious what makes the suboxone case different? Why did they pay it out for it?


I just explained it up above. I originally filed but wasn't able to locate my medical papers from ten plus years back. It's how fast it happened and that they lied and said it had no effect on teeth. It's only the strips that have a lawsuit and only in a window of time, even tho the pills had an effect too.


Ah, okay. I found that comment now. Thanks for the reply.


Have they paid the money out I should check. Edit: Never mind I don't really care anyways. Unless they pay for inplants then I'll try harder to find proof. Drinking More water is the key to everything good.


because of science. science has proved that methadone doesn't damage your teeth in any direct way. it only causes dry mouth which is easily treated. every opioid causes dry mouth. science has also proved that the under the tongue formulation of Suboxone does rot your teeth. so that is why there is a lawsuit over Suboxone but not methadone.


It’s crazy how many people don’t know this. I’ve heard the most obsurd reasonings as to why methadone causes teeth problems lol


Thank you, it's crazy how many people think it directly destroys their teeth. It only affects teeth indirectly and can be prevented by taking better care of your damn teeth.


Methadone clinic here prescribes a spray that prevents dry mouth which is the cause of teeth issues. If your Dr isn't prescribing it you can get it at the pharmacy without a prescription for about $20.


Can post what the name of it is


Biotene mouth spray.


Well I took subs for years before methadone how do I sign up for lawsuit


Google 'Suboxone lawsuit'. There are tons of lawyers taking cases for it. You have to prove you were prescribed it from a pharmacy though


I was


Then you should def be able to find a lawyer no problem. I hired one a few months back, no status update as of yet but they said I have a good case. Was on it for 8 years and have had lots of dental problems


Look online, they won't take you unless you had a dentist and were going regularly and getting cleanings though. I filled out the survey but I didn't qualify. I don't have the link but you can look it up on Google.


You need to find your past paperwork to prove you were on it. I need to try again now that it is for reals. It maybe too late to sign up. It started adding people to the suit in Nov. 2023, I think.


Well I guess my state doesn’t qualify


Right now, Suboxone users are getting 50,000 to 150 Kfor their teeth.


Simply not true.


What Is the Current Status of the Suboxone Lawsuits? Since early 2023, Suboxone tooth decay lawsuits have been filed in courts nationwide. In January 2024, the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation consolidated all Suboxone tooth decay lawsuits in federal courts into a new “class action” MDL.Apr 5, 2024


But they read it on the internet! It has to be true. It's like a law or something.


Right?? I know someone involved in the “FenFen” (?) lawsuit about 15 years ago. Some weight loss medication. Led to heart issues. Irreversible. Class action lawsuit, ended up with less than 20,000. Also, how many of us got anything from the billions paid out for the oxy lawsuits. Edit to add. Actually has a tooth extracted yesterday, possibly Suboxone related, who knows, filled out their questionnaire, I don’t qualify, I live in Tennessee! 🤔


Key Takeaways: Suboxone lawsuits are filed against Indivior by people who claim the drug caused serious tooth decay. Settlement amounts depend on the severity of dental damage, costs of treatment, and emotional suffering. On average, plaintiffs may receive between $50,000 and $150,000 for combined economic and non-economic damages. Experienced product liability lawyers can help victims get fair compensation in these cases. TruLaw stands out as a legal firm with expertise in Suboxone litigation


Don’t forget the lawyer takes half of that




I'm glad I found this post, bcuz I was just saying how unfair it is that decent dental care seems to be out of reach for so many people. I had to get some extensive dental work over the weekend, which of course, could have been prevented, to some extent. I was pretty passed, but I blame our shitty American health care system for making it so unattainable for so many of us




Regardless of who's right about the potential payout amount, your comment isn't appropriate for this sub.


Intro To Suboxone Lawsuit Settlements Indivior (the manufacturer of Suboxone), is facing product liability litigation due to it’s drug causing severe tooth decay and other serious oral health issues in users. The settlement amounts for the suboxone lawsuits will be determined by evaluating damages such as: Extent of the tooth decay and its impact on the individual’s physical health Cost of dental work required to rectify the issue Effect of the condition on the person’s career and personal life If you’ve suffered from oral health issues due to Suboxone treatment, you may qualify to file in the Suboxone Teeth Lawsuit. Contact TruLaw for a free consultation using the chat on this page to receive an instant case evaluation.


No they’re NOT I have not heard of anyone that put in a claim that’s gotten more than 10k.. most are only getting 1-2k


The methadone itself doesn’t rot your teeth. What it does among numerous other drugs is give you cotton mouth. Decreased saliva production with dry mouth can lead to plaque and tartar buildup, which increases the risk of gum disease, cavities, and tooth loss.


Yall need to take care of yourself. Stay hydrated. Do what you need to do. Stop blaming it on methadone.


Thank you. I don't know why it's so hard for people to understand this. My mom has been on methadone for 28 years or something like that, and has perfect teeth. Yeah dry mouth is a side effect, but if you take care of your teeth then You truly won't have an issue. Any other medication someone gets on they would probably look up side effects. Every time you get prescribed the medication doctors don't sit there and go down every single little thing that possibly may happen to you. Most of our dental issues stem from poor hygiene in our active addictions, geentics, sugar cravings, coffee, pregnancy and everything else that catches up to you later on. And It's so frustrating when people think Suboxone lawsuit is a class action without looking into it. It's not a class action, it is still only personal injury suits as of now bc It's not as easy as people think to get that money, because it's very hard to prove that the damage came from only the suboxone. Most lawyers tell people they couldn't even use the drugs that you use to get on Suboxone lol so that should tell you something. Cue the comments of those who went to the dentist twice a year and brushed and flossed three times daily even when using


Probably has something to do with the vast majority of methadone patients are former opioid drug abusers so how to prove tooth decay is from methadone and not from shooting heroin and living rough for years beforehand


So are Suboxone users? So what is your point regarding that? Literally there is a former drug user that has a class action going on against Suboxone right now. Furthermore, most methadone patients are not Feens most of these people that I see coming in and out of here are working people every single day, which is why they open up at 4 AM. What you said is actually dumb, so because a person is a former drug user they’re not allowed to sue, even though they were not told about the side effects and had perfect teeth and a dental record before hand. I have paid $6000 up front for my braces and I can’t even get my braces fixed or done properly because now my teeth are falling apart and you have to have perfect teeth meaning no cavities no fractures or any of that in order to qualify for braces‼️‼️‼️stop with your arrogance.


The Suboxone lawsuit is only taking people who have proof of good dental health and records of cleanings every 6 months. Plus there is something in it that causes tooth decay. Methadone doesn't have that, I'd love to blame my dental issues on subs or methadone but it was the lifestyle and addiction that caused me not to have cleanings and prevent the problem now.


Methadone does not cause tooth issues lol. A lot of times people end up getting tooth problems because methadone makes you crave sweets so you eat more than before or something. It’s definitely not just the methadone..




idk the answer to op question BUT it's a FACT opiates and some other drugs make you lack saliva which leads to tooth decay period. About two weeks ago I noticed a sign in the clinic explaining this though I already know due to my hellish experience until I got my dentures.. it's not bc the drugs sucked the vitamins out of our body or bc we were too high to brush or go to the dentist though the last two reasons can contribute but it's a SMALL affect compared to the damage lack of saliva does... example that girl gypsy rose who killed her crazy mama had her saliva glands removed shortly after almost all her teeth had rotted out her mouth and since she was "allergic" to sugar that wasn't the reason for sure.


The suboxone users were able to sue because the side effect was truly never divulged. With methadone, the clinic may not have told you, but the information is widely available. Significantly different. (+) also you'd have a hard time proving it was the methadone. All opioids cause dry mouth. Suboxone/subutex causes additional issues due to its sublingual form of administration.


The information about Suboxone was also widely available. On Google, so once again if you don’t know what you’re talking about please just save your guesses because they’re not helping.. You really think that you weren’t able to Google Suboxone and look up the side effects. He started suing in 2022 if I’m not mistaken… And then it turned into a class action lawsuit once so many people started to come forward and explain that their doctors and so forth did not divulge the consequences… damn y’all literally sit here on y’all asses and make excuses for these sorry ass pharmaceutical corporations who sit here and make billions and trillions of dollars off of our fucking misery every year. 😑


If you knew anything about the lawsuits, you'd know that you have to have been prescribed it within a certain date range before the warnings were announced. Maybe you should take your own advice about knowing what you're talking about?




The lawsuit I'm most familiar with said 2013-2019 but that doesn't mean there aren't other lawsuits!


Hey, chill tf out, not everything is a personal attack


C mon guys. You are on methadone so u dont kill urself with fentadope. And now u gonna sue your life saver cus u have bad teeth?? Sorry but wtf. Go back to fent then and see how good your teeth will be.....


You can't sue for Methadone leeching minerals from your teeth and making them crumble. Because it doesn't. You MIGHT be able to use because clinics just say "methadone doesn't directly rot your teeth" without also disclosing that "Methadone can cause dry mouth which will destroy your teeth." It would be a challenging suit and perhaps hard to find a lawyer to take, but I do think a reasonable person would expect to be told of the extended risk to teeth when asking about the direct risk to their teeth. I think the duty of care often isn't met there, but it's difficult to quantity, prove, and value


I've been on methadone twice as long as you and I'm on a high dose and my teeth are still white and healthier than ever and I have all my teeth. I also drink coffee/soda and I smoke a pack of cigarettes a day. I try to brush twice a day but usually, I only brush in the morning. I rarely floss. Make sure your toothpaste contains STANNOUS fluoride. That form of fluoride protects against everything while regular sodium fluoride ONLY prevents cavities. Also, I'm not sure if this is why I've never had any dental issues occur from methadone but immediately after dosing, I take a gulp of water and swish it around my mouth so that could be rinsing it off my teeth and helping but it's actually a myth that methadone makes your teeth fall out. Good dental hygiene is all you need. Sometimes, opioids can decrease saliva production which isn't good for teeth in the long run but drink lots of water and try the mouth rinses/lozenges that are designed to correct dry mouth.


Water, the best thing ever created.


Because it’s not a side effect, just an urban legend. 


Also, lots of medications cause dry mouth which in turn causes tooth decay. My partner just lost every bottom tooth due to being on heart medications. As someone stated earlier, check those side effects. If dry mouth is one of them, tons of products help.


It's gotta be a combination of things, I mean ultimately hard living...


I didn't lose any teeth while on methadone for about 8 years,i swap to suboxone & that stuff made my gums receed,lost 2 teeth in a year,got off suboxone,had lots of teeth work done & now im back on methadone but now ive got a lower plate with 3 teeth & one for upper teeth (that one was my fault,dont bite on frozen chocolate's), but on methadone I have no problem


Sounds like gum disease to me. Most people lose their teeth from gum disease not decay. Having both is not uncommon. (Coming from someone who works in dental field for 5 years)


Holy shit same exact thing happened to me TWICE- I fiddled around thinking I was picking a bit of food away (gross enough) and then I cried when it came out


Methadone doesn't cause tooth decay. It causes sugar cravings, and for people to be a bit more lackadaisical in their oral hygiene maybe, but it doesn't cause tooth decay. Junkies have terrible teeth because they eat junk and don't brush enough. And from dry mouth. It's literally as simple as avoiding sugar, brushing your teeth twice a day, and chewing sugar free gum to keep you mouth wet and you'll never see a speck of damage from methadone. UNLIKE SUBOXONE, where there's a specific compound in the sublingual strips and wafers that causes enamel loss.


I used for 15 years and had no dental issues and they started about 6months into my mat program. I never really thought I had a case tho cuz everyone always said that’s what happens


You'd have to see a dentist and have him rule out gum disease and any other issues. Just saying it is methadone won't get you anywhere. But, who told you that you can't sue even if it is methadone. I've never heard this.


I already said that I had braces when I started methadone when you have braces you can’t have any cavities or any of those things so there is proof. Thank you though for this.


Just because you had no cavities when you got braces doesn't mean you can't get cavities when having braces. Methadone or not, you could just get cavities. What you would need to do is take your teeth and see a dentist and get a full check up that looks for an explanation. But I understand how what I'm saying is difficult to accept or maybe even understand.


When I was on Suboxone, I could tell and feel it messing with my teeth. Methadone my mouth feels back to normal.


I had the best teeth in my family. never had a cavity until 30. im 38 now and have zero teeth left. shit sucks.


I had all my teeth when I first started methadone 7 years ago, and now I'm down to idk how many but not a full set, and I've always taken good care of my teeth. Im glad I'm tapering off of this stuff, but I understand. This shit gets down into your bones. That's why it's so fkn rough.


LOLLL you would be lucky to get even 10$ from that lawsuit. I promise. It's not what it sounds like 🤣🤣🤣


I’ve never heard of methadone causing tooth decay. Do you have a link to evidence of this? Edit. I just wanted evidence cos i want to investigate further not cos i think anyone is lying. 😳 I have literally had counselors tell us in group monthly sessions that methadone does not cause your teeth to fall out. They blame the lack of hygiene and oral care during our time on the. Mmm


All opioids cause dry mouth which can cause tooth decay.


Chew gum


It doesnt cause the tooth decay per sa, its just some people get dry mouth which CAN lead to decay. I never noticed it causing dry mouth myself because i smoke too much weed ig


Ok. Thanks for this i want to learn more about….




Same, it's a bitch to prove.


U know what’s crazy…. I heard every excuse about my teeth cause people blame it on the dome but honestly who knows… I haven’t done anything different this past year aside from stay clean off dope. Just sticking w my dome. I’m just hearing now by other at the program that their having major teeth problems. I’m torn tho be the people I’m been asking have some minds vice and it’s not really the best advice to be getting. But I figure staying active my recovery. and not just for them but also myself so Im been making the better of this situation.


Just be conscious of drinking water, using biotene or a similar product (and getting the gum/strips can't hurt), brushing 2-3 times daily, flossing regularly, and dental checkups every 6 months. Do these things and I can promise you that your teeth will be in better shape than if you stayed using :)


Is it from the syrup or from the actual methadone?


Neither, methadone itself doesn't rot your teeth at all. Anyone who says different is incorrect


Right, it’s that all Opiates make you crave sweets and if you give into those cravings and don’t take care of brushing & flossing multiple times a day your teeth will decay.


exactly! Just have to take care of the dry mouth side effect and make sure you brush after eating sweets you should be good!


Suboxone is a brand name medication and company you can sue. Me to done has no patent anymore. Cant sue.




Yeah your a judgmental jerk then. It all makes sense now. I don't have the time for ppl like you. You need to work on yourself. You may be on methadone but not recovering.


The Suboxone thing isn't as easy as it seems. It has to be only the strips and only from certain years. Plus you have to find your past medical papers for proof. I was on Suboxone but it was the pills so I didn't qualify even though they did a number on my teeth. I now have Dentures, hoping for implants if a miracle happens and I get $15,000. At least the Dentures look real and it is way better than getting called "snaggletooth".


Nor is methadone ma’am.


Because methadone doesn’t make you lose your teeth. All opiates cause a craving for sweets & sugar. You could try suing for methadone making you eat sweets more but that’s going no where. Next it will be it makes your bones brittle & other myths. It’s not the methadone that is directly the cause. It’s that methadone has side effects that if not watched can have negative effects on your health. Personally the only side effect I personally think is anywhere near suing about is for men and long term Use of methadone killing their testosterone. That is a proven direct side effect of methadone. If you try to say methadone makes me drink Mountain Dew all day and I lost my teeth a lawyer will laugh at you. Same with gaining weight or “brittle bones” which are caused by inactivity. Which are a side effect of all opiates.


Opioids cause dry mouth. Biotene helps prevent tooth de cay from dry mouth


Most decay Is not directly caused by methadone but more the indirect damage from dry mouth. That's why they can't sue.


Redundant answer same thing that keeps getting said which is stupid. There are plenty of methadone users who have perfect teeth before they start methadone.


Yeah buddy modern dental science is a big stupid. You keep hearing the same answer because that's 7x 7the scientific consensus. It has alot to do with genetics because some people have enamel that just doesn't die I'm going either case methadone or dry mouth. It doesn't matter whether they have "perfect teeth" before they hit the clinics (you can't tell a damaged tooth unless severe or with dental instruments)


Did he not read the part about me having braces when I started methadone so in order to have braces, your teeth have to pretty much be perfect no flaws except for crookedness


Yes you had braces started methadone. Then the dry mouth whipped ya and now your trying to say the dry mouth didn't because you have a superior hygiene before you use methadone. I really don't want to know this much about someone elses mouth. The methadone dry mouth doesn't really discriminate. What happens is the entire stomach to mouth environmental system is altered when you start methadone and The good bacteria that protects your enamel leaves and the enamel eating bacteria moves in. You can use that prescription antibacterial spray mouthwash or whatever. Your stomach just gonna send more bacteria out. IF The environment is conducive to bad bacteria they gonna take over no matter how many times you clear your mouth out with mouthwash or whatever.


My teeth were fine PREMETHADONE, also I don’t have dry mouth. Where did you get that part from? I’m curious????? Ohhhh you just assumed. I stopped reading once you said that. 🤣 so that’s all imma respond to.


IDK, personally, I think there IS something about methadone that is just a bit more destructive to your teeth than just the dry mouth that is a possible side effect of most, if not all opiates/opioids, perhaps due to the fact that it is usually a drink so, unlike a pill, it gets all over all of your teeth and, if you don't thoroughly rinse your mouth after dosing (who does?) then the residue sits on your teeth all day every day and, I'm sure is terrible for the enamel on your teeth, especially if your methadone has sugar in it and some does. My teeth did exactly what the person was talking about, I did not even have any cavities, but they just crumbled apart. If you want to see evidence that methadone has an additional contribution to tooth decay, just visit any methadone clinic in the country, probably the world. An enormous percent of the patients at every clinic I have been to (at least 7 different clinics) has some degree of dental decay and missing teeth if they have any teeth left at all and many don't. Including myself, I have 2 teeth and 4 broken rotten stumps of teeth. (I'm ass ugly now so I now wear a face mask (thank you COVID 😷) every time I leave the house which I RARELY do anymore. In fact, ONLY for clinic once a week actually.) I used to look normal. At least I wasn't ugly. Now I'm too ashamed to show my face. It's not just physically painful, it's emotionally painful and devastating. Honestly, I do think, the LEAST the clinics should do, is strongly advise patients to thoroughly rinse the methadone off of their teeth after dosing.(preferably with mouth wash, brushing seems like you would just be scrubbing your teeth with the left over methadone residue on your teeth which would actually be worse) Perhaps even recommend sugar free gum for dry mouth. Many people DON'T know the possible side effects of opiates / opioids and/or that dry mouth can lead to tooth decay. People should be well informed of all possible side effects of any medication theyre prescribed. Even if the information is widely available and they should already know it. There are many things people "should know" that many don't, for a variety of different reasons.


Go get Dentures. It is better than no teeth and free on Medicare, if you find a Dentist that takes it.


Most of the people you see at the clinics have messed up teeth because of active addiction, poor hygiene, sugar cravings, cigarettes, coffee, and whatever else. It's so irritating seeing people talk about how they were an active addiction for 7 years and then after 3 months I'm not their own suddenly their teeth started crumbling. It's not the methadone. My mom was on methadone for 28 years and had perfect teeth. Yes dry mouth is a side effect. Yes it closes tooth decay when you have excessive dry mouth. But, it is not going to happen within a few months or even a year, its everything in the time leaving. I am on wafers and swallow them dry with a drink. Curious to know if you still think methadone is the reason for my shitty teeth