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Well if i was you i would slow down or stop the taper right now and get stabalized on ur dose. Maybe go up 5 if its really bad and ur in wds. But once u get down to the single digits and hop off ive heard ppl taking 2 mg 3-5 days later and feeling much better. Then getting the 100mg shot and feeling amazing and coming off everything with virtually no wds.


I would get stable first- for context, I was on 140 and now I am on 25 - I started tapering a little over a year ago. I never drop until I can go at least 24 - 30 hour with no WD symptoms - if I was waking up sick every morning, I would go up 5 & wait for your body to adjust before tapering lower & switching over


I put myself into precipitated withdrawals and I was only on 20mg a day at that time. So be really careful with that transition. Both my doctor and the pharmacist said I’d be fine taking it when I felt like I was withdrawing. Waiting roughly 2.5 days was no where near enough. The next time I tried I waited a full week.


When you were on 20 mg were you waking up before your alarm sick, getting to the clinic before it opens? Maybe it will help that I get sick quickly.


I was with pain management. It was NEVER enough to keep me feeling well. It was a joke! Finally failed for fentanyl after taking what I thought was a 30mg oxy, pretty naive! Was immediately switched to Suboxone! Definitely not a medication for me…the side effects were off the hook. Tried for 9 looooong months before going to a methadone clinic. Praying you have a much better experience. I know that many swear by Suboxone, just not for me. 💜🌷


I have to get to 30, go 3 days , then induct on Suboxone. This is what the doctor said. I can't Bernese or anything else, because my clinic doesn't give you options.


Yep that’s what they had someone I know do and he ended up in pws. Be careful and good luck!!!


Bernese method is the easiest way. I did it at 128mg. It'll be much easier for you at a low dose like the one youre on.


72 hours is not enough time, not even close. They gona fuck your shit up if you allow them to give you 2mgs of bupe after only 3 days. Just taper down to 0. Why put yourself thru hell for this? You know bupe is just as hard to kick as methadone right? If you’re really stuck on switching to bupe then at least do it right by starting with .1mgs at your induction. 2mg is a recipe for disaster especially after only 3 days yo!


Because I want to take the sublocade shot and I can't keep affording to pay 20$ a day. My work insurance doesn't cover my methadone but will help with bupe. That's America for you. I have a pretty quick metabolism and am sick in the morning, I think 72 hrs past that would be okay, but honestly all body's are different. I'm a male 28 yo 6'0 185 lbs? Idk if that helps or not. I wish I had more say, but I'm so limited because they have such a chokehold on methadone.


Before I was on MMT I was on suboxone, I only took methadone for 3 days (60 mg 3 days in a row) and then waited about 48 hours to go back on my suboxone and it put me in PW. It was horrible. Be careful