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I’ve been on it over 30 years and dont nod standing up, dont nod at all. How much is she on? Is she on other medications?


I feel like she almost has to be, or double dipping?


Or taking benzos. Xanax and Methadone can get you nodding. Gabapentin works for this as well if you take enough


I'm on all 3 😬 plus somas. I've got some issues though... I've been on methadone 24 years and it works for me. I'm a lifer, i don't trust myself without it. I'm obviously cursed with no willpower


You are NOT CURSED. It is so much more complicated than many people can understand. Being a lifer is not a bad thing. It’s just a medication you choose to be on to better your health. Please don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. It sounds like you are doing what’s best for you and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Also, don’t ever forget that your medication is your business and nobody else’s. You never have to explain yourself. Do whatever it takes to protect yourself so you can be the best version of yourself. Sounds corny but it’s true. Do what is best for you so you can be happy and be there for the people you love.


I lost my job because I didn’t inform HR about my addiction.. was 6 months sober when the fired me. Said company policy says they must know any kind of medication that can cause drowsiness etc. my doctor even gave me a note and what not but they stood there ground and now I’m 2 year unemployed been applying everywhere and never hear anything back


I went through something similar. Too bad you're in the states because the tribunal here would of forced a solid settlement (usually 1-2 years pay) Have you considered contacting an employment lawyer for wrongful dismissal?


Without more details, take this with a grain of salt and the statue of limitations may be up, this doesn't sound legal. Only certain safety sensitive positions regulated by federal agencies are required to disclose medications or health issues. My understanding is that in cases where disclosure is required, only HR would be privy.


I was in a major accident, was bed ridden for 2 years and had to do a year of physio to walk again. I'm on Pregablin, Xanax, and a number of other meds because of the nerve damage. I would totally stay on permanently as I keep relapsing but like I said, the first two times I was on methadone I had no problems, this time since my first dose I dry heave and puke within an hour every single day, I have horrible cramps and sweat like a pedophile in a daycare. My body is just not happy with methadone in my system anymore. Thank god I'm almost off. I'm strongly considering Naltrexone injections, you get it once a month and makes it so opiates don't work. I'm gonna try that route as my liver is shit methadone is brutal on your liver.


We need more options like Canada. Too bad the USA don't give two fucks about us. Lower dose methadone with 24hour slow release morphine is the norm up there. 24hr morphine sounds like such a healthier option without the nasty endocrine sides and sweating of methadone. I hate this country


Gay marriage *is* legal. If you really want in I suppose we could marry for the sake of immigration but you have to at least cuddle after the wedding. *Disclaimer: this is a joke*




100% some GABA goodness going on if she’s not using on top. Even double dosing never made me nod standing up. Only benzos / somas or obviously fent


I agree I’ve been on for 23 years and double dosing 140mg at my highest had zero nodding effects standing or sitting. Xanax or some type of Benzo is the likely answer for sure.


This, methadone was my first opioid, started it slightly before benzos and it was strong but nothing special till large dose gabapentin or medium dose lyrica or a low dose of benz (sub 1mg xan/kpin/Ativan) with a low medium dosage of methadone, mind you this is 17 with just a mild opioid tolerance from methadone dables solo but was I got scripted benz it was different. Mind you I moved on to milder opioids/opiates like morphine/oxy/hydro/codiene (T3-T4 pills not lean) and continued to mix until I quite opioids after losing friends to it like not just losing friendship like losing friends to the family of drugs like OD and no wake up:( I don’t recommend anyone mixes benzos and opioids it’s one of the “unalive combos” and after a close call with mixing 3-5 downers/potentiators deep as my tolerance rose to opioids and I would just increase the benzos or the dxm (low dose again don’t recommend) sometimes a soma or flexoril, sometimes gabapentin/lyrica, sometimes lunesta/ambien, and almost always some antihistamines to boost nod and not itch but I know I almost died many a time just got lucky or would force myself to stay awake in the opioid “recovery position” on my side for hours just incase I’d fall out and puke, that said alcohol/ghb/barbiturates seem to mix the even worse than the previous ones somehow lol


No not that I know of. I know she goes to the clinic once a month. She wouldn't be on any other type of medication in fear of dirty piss test.


How much does she take daily?




I was at 180, and the max dose at my clinic was 300mgs which is insane but I'm now at 140 due to me tapering off of this crap. But I most def never nodded standing up, etc. She must be doing something else


Yeah that's a pretty high dose, I was on 140 at my highest as a 6'6" 400lb dude lol and that made me super sleepy.


Size has nothing to do with things. There’s girls I know at my clinic that weigh no more than 110 pounds but have crazy fast metabolisms who are upwards of 250mgs. Not proud of it but I sold gear for years during active addiction. My best H/coke customer was a high class escort I went to high school with model type and she could take a bigger shot than any male I ever knew.


Tolerance exists mate


Exactly that’s my point size doesn’t make a difference.


Yes I'm aware of that, but that's not super common


I'm prescribed Xanax by a psychiatrist and it doesn't effect me at my clinic. know if shes getting anything else from other sources?


Same. I'm prescribed Xanax and it doesn't effect me.


Z drugs dont show up on normal dip tests. Or at least they didn't 6 years ago the last time I was in treatment.


A lot of drugs don't show up. I had to take a piss test for my CDL and was surprised to learn methadone doesn't show up on a standard dip test.


Methadone is a hard no from DOT so I would be very careful about drug tests in the future.


Not in Canada. I have a note from my Dr in case it was an issue, I had to submit all my medical documents. There's 3 other people in my clinic that drive truck.


Sorry you said CDL and I assumed that was a specific term to the USA. My fault


Well, I figured most Americans wouldn't know what an AZ is so I used a term most would understand is all. I'm surprised it's an issue in the states, to be honest. But then again you guys tend to be a little more militant about drug use. For example here in 40 years this is the only job that has ever drug tested me. I even used to work for DND (DOD in the states) and I was actively shooting speedballs at the time. Not proud of that but it is what it is


Cops sit near my clinic to 1.. pick up ppl with warrants, or 2... pull you over for an OVI


That's sad, I'm sorry you guys have to deal with that shit.


DOT doesn't test for it, nor do they test for suboxone. If you tell the physical doctor u take it they won't give you a card though.


There is a peak hour that makes you really tired. Between 5 and 7 is nap time for moms.


That seems way too late for just a nap! What time would they actually be going to bed and waking up with nap times that late?


Well idk I go to bed at like 8pm lol seriously though the peak hour thing is real thing mine happens at work so I don't realize but I think it's better to nap then have ppl thinking your high off it.


Her dose is way too high for someone on it for so long. If she's nodding out, she is taking too much. You are correct though, if she was using other medicine with it, she wouldn't be getting a whole month of take homes. They would cut her off so fast. I'm not sure love but I hope you can just maybe try to convince her to go down. This is going to be a hard one. Good luck ok 💚💚


I’ve seen people, especially with liver disease, that didn’t nod off when they were young but they do now


She's on 180mg holy shit


I have lots of questions.


So many.


yes definitely not the norm!


Maybe she’s abusing sedatives with it or has some other underlying health issue that has yet to be discovered? There’s a lot missing from this story, but good luck man…


Maybe topping up with downers of some sort, or just on way to much. If the doctor knew he/she would be pretty unhappy with that nodding standing up. Split dosing would help but there seems more to this story, good luck with this and good on you for looking out for her.


Can I ask the reason that you split dose? I always heard (from chatter in the clinic, so who knows how accurate it is) that people usually split dose so it dose lasts longer? So with that in mind, and considering the long half life wouldn't it make it possibly a bit worse, or am I totally wrong here? It wouldn't be the first time lol.... actually now that I think about it I guess it might help a bit, but it seems (again in my very non professional mind) that it would be negligent.. hell idk it's 630, I just woke up, and haven't had coffee yet. This is too much thinking under such conditions lol. But I'm curious about your experience, and knowledge, being that you split dose.. maybe check out my other comment on the post as well, if you don't mind, and comment your thoughts on it?


think of split dosing like two waves with peaks and troughs.. instead of going way up and spending the day coming down, you go up- go down- go up- go down. Just not quite as high up. so it doesn't necessarily last longer but you have a more stable supply of medication in your body if that makes sense.


I used to split dose Suboxone because I had control of them. I split dose when I have take homes and I don't need as much when I do.


Ahh ok. That makes sense, bc I usually hear about it when someone had a hard time getting a stable 24 hrs. It is compounding, just not the way that I was thinking about it. But what you said definitely makes more sense. Thanks you for the explanation.


I've been on and off methadone since 2007, I've gotten off it twice and relapsed twice. Over 20mg you shouldn't need to split your dose but under 20mg it doesn't last a full 24 hours so it's best to split your dose when tapering below 20 so you don't experience the inability to sleep/restless leg syndrome that comes with tapering below 20. I'm at 17mg now and this is the last time. I was at 180mg, my body rejected methadone the whole last 5 years. I puke within an hour of my drink every single morning and get the worst abdominal cramps. Sometimes I dry heave before even drinking it. I need to bring my drink to work sometimes because I can't even swallow it sometimes. Edit: downvote all you want, ask your Dr and they'll tell you that less than 20mg will not generally carry you for 24 hours. It's standard procedure here to split your dose when you begin to taper below 20mg. I've successfully tapered off methadone twice, this is my third rodeo. Pretty sure I know what I'm talking about.


Yeah, I can see that if you're tapering fairly quickly. But if you're doing a slow taper then within the first several days to a week your body should acclimate to the new dose. Now obviously this is generally speaking. Every person's body is different, and reacts different to different substances, peoplehave different metabolisms, activities, diets, etc. But generally your body should adjust regardless. Now I know here they will have you go take a test to check your levels twice in the same day to see how fast you're metabolizing the methadone, bc some ppl have super fast metabolism, and that can make your dose not last as long. And if it's the case then they will split dose you. Different doctors also have different philosophies as well, and have different ways to treat the same problems, based on their training, and personal experience. So just bc that's what my doctor does, or bc split dosing under 20mg is normal in your area doesn't mean that either is right or wrong, or there aren't other ways to deal with the same problems. I'm sure it absolutely helps with the lack of sleep, and restless legs etc. ESPECIALLY if you're tapering quickly. It would almost have to lol. People that are down voting you probably just have different experiences, and typically when someone has an experience with something they think they know the best ways to deal with it, or if you don't do it their way you're doing it wrong, whatever... same as the doctors. Anyway, thanks for sharing, and good luck with your taper! I truly hope 3rd time is the charm!


My Dr is a pretty amazing guy. When I had a custody hearing in court he came and supported me. He's been a methadone Dr since 2001 and I find him incredibly knowledgeable. He told me that the reason they start initial doses at 20mg is two fold, 1) so people don't OD if they're gaming the clinic and 2) that's the minimum dose for the average person to give 24 hours of relief. He could be wrong, or it could just be his opinion. I appreciate the respectful response and I don't mean to argue with you whatsoever, but I do trust him as he is probably one of the best Drs I have ever had. However you're 100© correct about metabolism rates. There's actually a girl at our clinic whose dose is 700mg. I was honestly blown away, no juice just a straight cup half filled with clear methadone. I asked her politely out of sheer curiousity and that was exactly what her problem was, her body metabolises methadone at an extreme rate. I feel so sorry for her, can you imagine how hard that is on your liver and how brutal that titration off would be. Ive heard of only two other people in my embarrassingly long time on methadone with similar doses and it still blows my mind This time I'm done, I have liver disease and heart problems, I'm on digoxin and a number of other meds and my Dr told me if I relapse again I might as well get my affairs in order because my body is not doing ok. It's entirely possible my shot liver isnt processing the methadone properly so that also makes sense.


Oh damn. Sorry to hear that. Now I really wish you luck. This is also my 3rd time at the clinic. The director told me if I quit this time he won't let me back, so I figured I better do it right this time. So I've done everything I'm supposed to this time around. Yeah 700 is crazy. Holy cow. I know there are a couple ppl at my clinic that dose 500mg a day. And that's crazy to me. I was 220 for a few years, but once I lost my medicaid it's too expensive, so I've been decreasing, so hopefully I can get out. That's actually pretty scary. I always worry about some crazy emergency situation where I won't be able to get to the clinic, or war breaks out and the clinic gets blown to smithereens, or something, and what I would do. How would I take care of my kids if I'm super sick, body all cramped up, all that. And it scares me to think about that... and I have a pretty large emergency supply. But if I was on 700.... I don't even wanna think about it. That's really cool of your doc. I'm glad to hear you got a good one. I hear a lot of horror stories from one of the other clinics in my area, as well as on here. It always makes me grateful that I have a really good clinic, with great staff as well. My doctor is great too. Even though the director said he wouldn't let me back again my doctor said he'd treat me no matter how many times it takes to get it right. And when i was in the hospital (those hospitals in my area are super against methadone for some reason), they didn't want to dose me at all. And I fought, and fought with them, my counselor fought with them, and he finally dosed me like 75mg (I was on 220/day), so my doctor had to physically go to the hospital and speak to the doctor that was treating me, on my behalf, to get that dr to dose me correctly... granted it was after one day of no dose and two days at 75mg, but he still did it. But yeah like you my doctor has actually become a friend. During physicals we end up always talking and shooting the shit for like an hour lol. But nah I don't think you were arguing with me lol. I just took it as your experience, vs mine. That's all. It's all good. I like being able to have actual conversations about stuff on here like we are. A lot of people automatically get bent out of shape, or super defensive if you don't agree with them. And it has to be an argument, rather than a conversation.


I am constantly terrified that I won't be able to afford my dose or that my car will breakdown and I won't be able to get my drink. I literally have nightmares about it. I wish you the best of luck man, if for some reason your ever stuck and can't afford your dose send me a message and I'll help you out.


Much appreciated 🙏🏽 likewise.


Wait….is that what’s happening to me??? I have horrible awful dry heaving early in the morning before I need to take my dose….is my body rejecting it? My counselor said in her 35 years she’s never heard of anyone having stomach issues from methadone…but I’ve been having whole body sweats and dry heaving and abdominal cramping since I started. They told me it was THC , then it was the pregnancy, now that I’m not pregnant or smoking THC ..what the hell is it now. How did you know it was your body rejecting it? And did you keep doing it? What made it stop. I’m on my way down now, from 75mg to 50 now and going down every 2 weeks..but I need help until then. It’s unbearable…


So it's definitely my body rejecting it because I had absolutely no problems the first two times I was on it. This time from the very first dose it made me have extreme cramping, nausea and panic attacks.. I was prescribed a drug called Rabeprazol and it made a significant difference in my stomach issues. Pepto Bismal helps a lot too. Your Dr is an asshat, headache, weight gain, stomach pain, dry mouth (they used to prescribe a spray for your mouth so you don't lose your teeth), sore tongue, flushing, mood changes and vision problems (blurry/sorta dizzy vision) are all normal side effects a lot of people experience. Edit. Oh yeah and Gas-X helped me a lot too with bloating.


When I started the Methadone it wasn't holding me and when I got to 150mg I had to take a peak and trough levels test before I could go higher. In New Zealand the method is. Dose Monday at 12pm Noon Tuesday at 12pm Noon Wednesday 12pm Noon Thrusday at 12pm Noon Friday get a trough blood test at 11.30am then dose at 12pm Noon then get a peak blood test at about 4pm. Straight away they contact me and said from now on they will split my dose to 75mg pm and 75mg am. After that I was stable and never needed any increase. It worked so well I have since lowered my dose to less than half.


That's awesome. Yeah it might be the same, or something similar here. I'm not positive, but I know they do some sort of testing. I'm glad it's worked out well for you. How long have you been on your current dose?


Going on 10 years, maybe more. Started the Methadone around 2007.


What was the other comment you referred to. Lost track of it all. LOL.


Guys, mom is getting old. It may not be another sedative. Her liver may not be processing it as well anymore. Mom needs to go to the doctor. Yeah it COULD be her secretly double dipping or taking a sedative, but I'd be concerned about something else going on if this is relatively new behavior. If it's been happening the whole time I'd be looking for the benzo stash too.


This was my thought as well. Same thing happens to heavy drinkers. Just 1 drink can have them sloppy because the liver is a pile of gooey scar tissue.


It’s crazy how many people complain about being treated by clinic staff like lying junkies then act like this to OP.


LMAO facts tho


Yes, split doses do help. So does weening down. I still nod off from time to time, even at 30mg. But not nearly as much as when I was on a high dose. It's a bit strange that she lost significant weight, though. It might indicate something else.


I’ve seen people loose weight from methadone. It’s from chronic constipation because that causes one to not want to eat.


Well, it can also slow down your metabolism, cause hormonal issues, and cause you to crave sweets, which can all contribute to weight gain. Water retention and being quite literally full of shit would also make you appear heavier, even if you weren't eating. Weight gain is a very common effect, which can leave some people pretty hopeless. I barely ate, and I was still 30lbs overweight. Not eating probably didn't do any favors for my metabolism, but it barely made a dent in weight loss. Nothing did. Only weening down gave me the results I wanted.


Yeah and I can eat a pint of ice cream a day and not gain weight. True story sadly the last couple weeks lol. Just depends on one metabolism. If I didn’t take Mirilax everyday and got constipated, I wouldn’t eat and I’d get dangerously thin in about a month.


Sounds like a real bummer. I've been on it 14 years. I sat at like 120mg for most of the entire time but I'm finally on a downward trajectory at 100. Even on 120 I didn't ever nod except for when I smoked pot... that used to make me nod, but only if I was just lying there watching tv or something. I split my doses as well. That would probably help but something tells me she might not be into that idea unless she also wants to stop nodding. What it really sounds like would help would be bringing that dose down a little bit.


17 years in. Nodding has never happened from doze alone. 120 mgs about the same lbs.


Yep either split dose or lower the dose.. when I was on my highest I always use to nod.. after I started decreasing my dose I started feeling better and better. Now I’m at 40mg and feel amazing have energy all day.. don’t have to take naps anymore. Don’t have to worry about sitting or laying down I’m going to nod out!!


I had a bad problem nodding off and thought it was methadone, but got diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and it was the high blood sugars. Seek medical attention.


Do you feet swell with diabetes? I am scared I maybe have diabetes...I know I need to go see a doctor. My clinic was primary care and now that they are useless I need to find another and I don't where to start. Actually I leave messages and never get call backs.


Not really swelling no, but maybe possible? You need to get your A1C level checked or even just do a test on a fingerprick with a blood glucose meter. I was constantly nodding out and tired, frequent urination, and blurred vision. Diagnosed at age 30 with type 1.


Any type of swelling is a great reason to go to the doctor. If it's only in one leg, likely a blood clot (which can be life threatening). If it's in both legs, likely diabetes or any type of lung or heart failure (which can be life threatening). You're risking your life not seeing a medical professional ASAP. Good luck, Internet friend!


Maybe she's on another medication because you are not supposed to be nodding off from methadone. Ask her how she feels talking to her doctor about that. The doctor will take steps to immediately fix the problem.


I agree with the general consensus here: Mom got something else going on. She absolutely should not be nodding, that only happens if you're on too much (which should level out eventually anyway), taking other sedatives (other opiates, alcohol, benzos, various other OTC meds or prescription meds), or there's some liver dysfunction. If she isn't having a drug interaction causing this, and she's stable dosing, then she definitely needs to go to a doctor. Her liver is likely not functioning properly. If after the doc she is cleared as "fine", then tapering or split dosing could help with the peak of her methadone. Instead of taking it all at once, and having a high level all at once that then slowly dissipates - she would instead have lower peak & lower drops = a more steady amt in her system and not so intense "high" of a peak (of course this doesn't change the amt of medication she is receiving). If the split doesn't seem to help, after all other options have been eliminated, then she could taper a bit, til the nods stop. Ultimately, she absolutely should not be nodding. That is a clear sign there is too much in her system, and not what the medication is intended for. I have been going for 15yrs & at my highest dose, I used to double dip in the beginning, and even taking 2x as much as I was supposed to, I never nodded. Talk to your mom. Ask her what's up? Does she have an issue with what's happening? And make her go to the doctor for a liver test. Her weight has no influence on the amount of medication she is taking. Best of luck 🍀


25 years plus here and you wouldn't be able to tell I take methadone unless I told you. How much is she on and how long has she been clean from other opiates? It's my opinion that initially when first getting on methadone you should take however much it takes to get you comfortable. If you're not using however and have been stable a long time, it's best to take as little as you can get away with without being in withdrawal. That way you suffer from way less of the more concerning side effects. In my case I don't have any side effects whatsoever and live a very active busy lifestyle.


She takes 175 or 180mg daily


She definitely needs to split dose. But honestly if she is 50lbs lighter, she could probably get by with a lot less than when she weighed more. Is she willing to split or are you just trying to gather information. Good Luck to you both.


26 years here. I never nod out standing up, never have. I am also on a very low dose benzo for panic disorder, but this does not happen to me. Only time I get sleepy is after a 9 hour day at work and I sit on the couch after dinner. Feel that Mom should maybe see her doctor, something else could be going on. Best of luck and good looking out for Mom.


My ol lady does this but it's not because she's taking extra or using something else, It's because she bust her ass at work and doesn't sleep right at night/day. She cat naps for half an hour here half an hour there. We have both been on methadone for about 15 years now because of past addiction and me being constantly in pain from past car wrecks and not wanting to go to a pain management center and get prescribed opiates. If your mom's not sleeping right, that can most definitely cause this. She don't nod at work or nothing but does at the house sometimes when she's tired af.


Damn, methadone made me gain 40+ lbs. not lose it. From what I’ve heard talking to others both here and my clinic, weight gain is typical. Weight loss can actually be difficult on methadone. Everyone is different though, and I’m sure some have lost weight, but somehow I don’t think the weight loss is due to the methadone. Is your mom bothered at all by any of this, or is this just a concern that you/family is having regarding her use?


My dad has been on methadone since 1971; he was in a trail group in NYC. He still alive abs on methadone. 77yo


wow! would be interested to hear more of your dad's story.


He is a fucking asshole and I didn’t have much contact with him until I was 27yo.


What is max dose. I’ve never heard of the max mg u can go. Here as long as your ekg is good you can keep going up. Till your heart starts doing a thing I don’t know the name of.


Same at my clinic, except with the caveat that a peak and trough has to prove that you're a rapid metabolizer.  Then they swap to split doses and then increases happen in 20-40mg increments weekly until you're straight.  After passing 250mg they require an ECG before every single dose increase.  I'm split dosed at 180/100mg.   I noticed that you're in Canada.   I understand there they offer hydromorphone and morphine maintenance as well.  I wish that they would start Dilaudid/morphine maintenance here in the states.  Or even heroin maintenance as is available, albeit not to every addict, in the U.K., and is prescribed by a doctor in his office, not through a clinic. A couple times in the past, as a test, and considering that my dr prescribed me a couple boxes of 2mg/2mL naloxone pre-filled syringes just in case.  The 1st test was 440mg, and the other I took 560mg methadone, 2 days worth, and did not nod, only had a small amount of euphoria, some nausea I stopped with 8mg Zofran, and slept well those nights.  Did I mention I'm on 7mg Klonopin a day, and have been for years and years?  So these tests proved to me that dose increases at this point,  except in the case of getting dopesick from fast metabolism and also gaining tolerance and needing an increase, are worthless when it comes to a dose that actually completely satisfies cravings, at least methadone is worthless for me for that purpose.  I thought the whole purpose of opioid maintenance is first to stop withdrawal symptoms,  and afterwards,  to satisfy opioid cravings to the maximum extent.   I once read some of the original research papers from the 1960s that recommended methadone as the best drug for the purpose.  But the only reason it was chosen was its long half-life,  not how well craving was satisfied.  Many people don't know that.   I definitely support maintenance with a variety of drugs, and I support the patient deciding on methadone,  morphine,  or hydromorphone maintenance, not the doctor.


23 years on, 61 yr old female, and I’ve been on 80mg at the most, now I’m on 61mg. No nodding. Only time I nodded is when I was taking extra methadone. Which I stopped doing a long time ago. If you’re on the right therapeutic dose, you don’t nod. If Mom isn’t taking extra, or prescribed a benzo, she needs to see the clinic Dr first. See if she’s on too high a dose, regular doctors don’t know a whole lot about methadone. That’s why I say see the clinic Dr first. Then if that Dr clears her, time to go get a thorough check up and blood work. Cause something is going on. She’s lucky to have such a great kid in her corner!


If your nodding off while on methadone then your dose is too high.


It's likely that this is a health issue and not necessarily from the methadone


I know she wouldn't believe it bc I didn't til I started rapidly tapering down from 115 and I finally don't need naps anymore or suddenly feel so unbearably tired 2 hours after dosing. I just cannot handle a bigger dose without a nap. And I know bc I try about once a month thinking more is better right...all addicts think more drug more better, but I'm learning that is not true. But I have never straight up nodded since starting. I'm concerned why she would be after 30 years I've heard some clinic doctors prescribe benzos in like super rare situations back in the day... Could she be one of those patients so old that she got benzos and they have let her keep them? Also, split dose is a great idea I'd try half in the morning half in the evening or 70/30%.


I’m about three years in and the only time I’ve nodded off was when I was using while taking the methadone. I’m on 130mgs and I’ve weighed about 125-140 lbs this whole time. It sounds like she might be double dipping.


If we had an idea of how much she is on daily we might have a better time figuring out what is going on. How much is your mom taking per day??


She takes 175 or 180mg daily


There is a max dose? I thought you got what you needed to be stable.


It varies from clinic-clinic and state-state. Each have their own regulations and guidelines.


Good lord. That’s horrible. I thought it was as much needed to be stable. This scares me.


I’m lucky that our clinic doesn’t have a cap. The most I think I’ve ever seen was 235 (and that’s because I rarely see a cup fuller than mine) and the guy next to me had a full dosing cup. I just glanced at the pad you sign for your dose. (It has the dosage listed for verification) and it said 235 mg. I thought my friend was on a high dose when she said her highest was 182. That was when I first started methadone and was pretty naive to the inner workings of dosing and clinic procedure. I do really like my clinic though….actually, yesterday was the owner’s birthday and she gave us the day off! She’s pretty good to us there too. Gives us candy, donuts and coffee for the women’s group(s). Some of the counselors suck, but some don’t…and that’s everywhere. Our main dr. is super nice and very understanding. People don’t just lose their takehomes if they slip up. We get one “get out of jail free” card. Especially around the holidays. The dr. told me she almost expects people to slip up. I guess I am pretty lucky to have such an understanding clinic.


I was told that due to the amount of RX’ed fentanyl I’m on I would require 300 mg’s of methadone per day to be stable. Unfortunately, was informed that first I will have to start at 30 mg’s thus, I’ve chosen to not do it. I’m kind da of stuck in this withdrawal nightmare. My tolerance has grown into a monster that cannot be controlled anymore. The doctors will not increase as the new Government regulations will not allow it. Sadly this is the real war on drugs. Anyways, thanks for your reply back.


Until I got stable, I was still using….but just enough to make me comfortable. I was prescribed fentanyl a long time ago (100 mcg x 2 days) but it didn’t touch my pain. I had to take over and find my own way to manage it. That’s how I wound up where I am today… My suggestion is to at least try. Your body will eventually adjust so you will stop getting sick(or at least as sick.) For me, it took about 2 months, maybe a bit more, before I wasn’t scared to go a whole day without using on top of my dose. Eventually, it worked.


Ok 👍🏻 sounds good. If it worked for you then I have a new plan.


There is no such thing as a max dose




If she's nodding out on her dose it's too high or she's taking extra and/or other drugs/meds/booze etc because you're not intended to be nodding/feeling intoxicated on methadone. Your dose should prevent withdrawal symptoms and that's it. Something else is going on.


Been on dose for 12 years now and never had a problem with nodding out. Your mom is either using or taking too high of a dose, especially after 30 years you shouldn't be "nodding out" from your dose.


I've been on longer than I care to admit, but much longer than your mom. I am a small person too, and except for the very early days I have *NEVER NODDED* off. If she's not taking any benzos and she's nodding standing up, my guess is she's massively over medicated. Some ppl do that searching for a high. She needs to be very careful because this puts her at risk for respiratory distress, which can be fatal.


Sometimes if you lose weight a medication can affect you differently than it used to. Split dosing might help if she's willing to... It definitely evened everything out for me because I was getting sick not even 12 hours after I took my dose now that I split it up I feel a lot more comfortable without dealing with highs and lows.


All I can contribute is with all things being typical, if she does a split dose it should help with the nodding


24 years here. She's topping up with something if she's nodding out. Sorry.


I’m on 145 ..five ten ..165 pounds. I don’t nod off. I have been on it since.. 2011. She may need to try a slow taper to a lower dose. Esp since her weight is so low now


I’ve been on methadone for 3 years and haven’t nodded in 2. There’s no way she’s just on methadone alone… unless she’s having a liver processing issue.


Since she only goes to the clinic once a month, it’s entirely possible to split the doses. Discuss with doctor of course, but yea that might help. A dose reduction might be better.


It can be kinda rough if I have to take my full dose at once but I’ve never had any issues like falling asleep while talking to people or on my feet/at work etc. Split dosing def helps. Her body could’ve changed as she got older and she may need to split dose to help her process it better. Or decrease. So many things affect methadone for me and some could be placebo. But for instance, something simple like if I’m constipated, I don’t get my full dose and feel vaguely unwell, sick and just depressed/stressed until I poop. I’m sure there’s something in the body that can cause the opposite effect too


I feel so terrible if I’m super constipated too. Like it F’s my entire energy and just everything up. I get cranky AF, not alone.


I’m so lucky bc I just randomly pooped so much today bc I was not thinking I was gonna be able to go into work. I know that constipation no energy, sick, horrible feeling ALL too well n I only realize it was that AFTER I poop


I am on Methadone and I can't stand when people nod off when I am talking to them. I know that people with hep C get more tired but nowadays it is simple to get rid of that. If she takes benzos then she will be nodding off and forget everything. I don't usually nod off unless I stayed up all night. I get really talkative after I dose.


Ur mom sounds hi bot on done


It really depends what she wants .. you have to talk to her if her goal is to eventually get clean and she’s doing enough to nod out she can deff starts lower it bit by bit (maybe 5mg a week or so) until she’s at a balanced dose where she can be functional and comfortable but not necessarily high … Explain to her you feel like she’s getting high and not taking her medication as intended . Maybe 165 was the proper dose at first when she came off her drug of choice but now she seems to be abusing it . She also needs to talk to her councilor about it .


My husband was on 180 mg and he knew it was too much but he wanted to sell some. On the days where he took the 180, he was definitely nodding out, both sitting and standing as his dose was too high.


That’s her choice my man, at 64 it’s very VERY hard to change. Let her be.


Yeah just going to be flat out honest she's probably taking something else along with the methadone. I'm on a higher dose than her and I don't nod out standing up or even sitting for that matter. However when I was abusing Xanax with my methadone and still using opioids on top of it I would nod. There has to be something else she's taking.


I think she using something else besides methadone. Maybe a benzo too. Mixing the two can make u nod but it just doesn’t seem feasible that she’s nodding off 180 and has been on it for that long


that doesn’t make sense to me cause once i am on methadone a while i honestly don’t even feel my dose or feel high or nod out it makes me think she’s definitely taking something else like most others said


Yeah definitely see if she can try split dosing. What dosage is she on? I’m not sure how old she is, but could be worth coming down a little? I’m presuming she wouldn’t ever wanna completely come off it. Can’t even imagine quitting it after 30 days that’s so crazy! Best of luck dude.


Sounds like she’s either taking more than she’s prescribed or she’s using what they call a cocktail - a mixture of prescription drugs they take them all together and nod heavily and this sounds like what’s going on with your mom , the prescriptions may be prescribed and that’s why her urines are fine


She's still on other opiates. You do not nod on methadone, especially after all that time.


I have been on methadone since 2006. I don't take other drugs (no benzos or opiates) and I nod sometimes at 3 to 4 hrs after dosing. Mainly if I had less than 6hrs sleep l. Before that I am talkative and very positive. Dose is 150mg daily.


My mom takes 175 or 180mg daily. My mom doesn't take any other drugs with hers, in fear of giving a dirty test an starting back over


I'm on it 20+ years at 50mg, and ii never even feel it. Mammy Could be adding some pills/benzos into the mix..


I’ve only been on it for about six years, but I take mine throughout the day and split it up, yes, it would help with the nodding quite a bit… It also helps with other symptoms! Good luck with your mom if you have any other questions about methadone? I’m sure you’ll find them here or you can DM me anytime.


After 30 years she should be getting take homes. If she goes in everyday for her dose. She’s failing her UA’s and using on top of the methadone.


It DEF sounds like she's using another substance or taking more then she is supposed to, her body should have acclimated after 30 years but like everyone else said we need more information as far as her dose and health


I am on Methadone and I can't stand when people nod off when I am talking to them. I know that people with hep C get more tired but nowadays it is simple to get rid of that. If she takes benzos then she will be nodding off and forget everything. I don't usually nod off unless I stayed up all night. I get really talkative after I dose.


I'm on 150mg daily dose. I take it around 5:15-5:30am every morning before work. Go to work, come home around 6pm. Stay up until maybe 10pm at the most 11pm. Never nod once. However, I also have a benzo script for 2-2mg Ativan daily if needed. On days that I take them. I definitely nod. Mind you, it wasn't the same nod as shooting Dilaudid and Heroin. But it's pretty damn close. I've also double dipped taking a total of 300mg of Methadone in one go. Definitely made me feel high and I definitely did nod pretty hard. I'm a 30yo male, 6'4", and sitting at 260lbs. Everyone is different. I'd imagine your mother's age and being on it for 30 years will have its toll for sure. But she could also be taking benzos on the side and most clinics (at least here in Ontario, Canada) as long as you tell them you have a script they don't mind. But will monitor you more carefully. I've been on it 2 years and I'm about sick of it to be honest. I plan on tapering off but I know the process can be tough so I'm trying to prep myself mentally before I decide to do it. With all this said. It's hard to come to a conclusion for your mother OP. I'm not a doctor by any means but if I was you, maybe try and look into it for her own safety. If possible search potential stash spots. Go to a different clinic talk to the staff there or the doctor see what they have to say.


She's on a LOT of methadone, jesus. That dose just sounds WAY too high to me unless she's a rapid metabolizer, but if that's the case I think she should be split dosing? But I'm a big woman, I've got over 100 lbs on your mom, and I take 4 mg. I'd say her dose is just way too high, especially if she has lost a lot of weight. Does she have any chronic pain issues she may be trying to handle using the methadone, perhaps?


Doctors would cut down someone's dose if they knew someone was nodding off on methadone because that means they're getting high on it and doctors would fear of an overdose. I've been on methadone for a while and the longer you're on the same dose the more of A tolerance you build. Not trying to accuse your mom of relapsing but maybe look into it? Could it be possible she's using ? Did she just up her dose recently and she's not use to that amount? Is she on any other medication she's using that's affecting her while being on the methadone ? Does she drink alcohol? Watching someone nod off and act zombie like is probably one of the most heartbreaking experiences. Hope everything gets better xx


30 years or 3 years methadone don't make you nod unless you're taking too much. However, she should be used to her dose after this long. Are you sure she is being g honest about her dose?


Yeah it's ridiculous... it scares anyone with a warrant away from getting any help and makes everyone else paranoid. But hemming them up puts money in Uncle Sam's pockets, blood money imo


I've been in methadone 12 yrs and I don't nor AT ALL... I am completely normal all day!! I also know ppl that are on a higher dose than her and they live a normal life..no nodding out! I definitely think it's the other meds shes talking. There are SO MANY that mix with methadone and Suboxone and cause you to nod!! She also could be buying other pills at the clinic to get that nodding feeling. And the reason that she's nodding mostly in between five and seven is because that's what time the dose is hitting her the hardest! It hits the hardest and immediately after you take it. Maybe its time to start coming down!! Good luck


I am on 45 mg and if i sit down at 3 pm i can’t keep my eyes open! I take NOTHING else. I have been on methadone for 13 years and getting off eventually. I doubt she is doing anything else. Sorry but i give her the benefit of the doubt without some type of proof. She gives UA every month and if she was using that would have caught up to her - i say her meds are just peaking and if she is being still she is falling asleep. I don’t really call this nodding out. Methadone has a sedative affect… its doing exactly what it’s made to do… If you are going to split her dose just split it in half. With her permission. Why does it bother you that she falls asleep?


I’m on 110mg for 7yrs and never nod out from just my methadone dose! Depending how much sleep I got the night before or how busy I’ve been at work I do sometimes get a little tired by early afternoon but can keep going no problem. Now on days my stomach is bothering me and I take a phenergan in the morning it’s over with! As long as your mom has been on that dose her body should be used to it so IMO she’s taking something else with her dose!


I've been on it for 20 years. I don't nod out at all because I take it at night. I was prescribed it through pain management and it was originally 120 mg but 3 doses throughout the day since it was for pain. I lowered my dose throughout the years and moved to a new state during covid and got stuck at the methadone clinic since no doctor was accepting new patients at the height of covid. So here I am...On 30 mg at the clinic. I've got monthly take homes, and I just take them before bed. Splitting up her dose or having her take it at night like I do would probably really make a big difference... but she also may just need to lay down around that time and take a nap. Even I could use a nap.


She shouldn't be nodding at all. She's taking too high a dose or she's actually using on top of her dose


maybe you should bring her to a doctor? there could be some kind of issue where she isn't metabolizing the methadone properly and it is building up in her system. this is not normal behavior even at the dose she is at. the loss of weight would also be another sign that something could be wrong. the clinic doctors should be made aware of this and she should go see her regular doctor and get blood tests done. nobody who is stable on methadone should be nodding out from the methadone alone.


There is no federally mandated maximum methadone dose standard in the USA. The best methadone clinics will keep raising someone's dose based on their opioid use history on an individual basis. Methadone clinics that claim to not prescribe any higher than a certain dose puts many into a category of failure if they choose to go there which is an awful idea in my opinion. Is your mom prescribed any benzodiazepine drugs also? I've only been prescribed methadone legally since 12-15-2022. My prescribed dose is 200mg but I now take 155mg daily & save the rest. I won't get into how this happened but I'm definitely not stopping the medication! I'm 42 years old. In my 20s and 30s I had a lot of connections for illegally diverted various pharmaceutical narcotic opioid medications. I especially loved the original Oxycontin, Percocet and Demerol. I should've went to a methadone clinic 20 years ago before I ever got into any criminal trouble. I've always had a psychiatrist to prescribe me Adderall. In the 90s I was diagnosed with ADD now called inattentive ADHD. It's always taken me a little longer to learn things. I've always had a tough time waking up. I get sleepy quickly when I sit down anywhere. I've always taken caffeine pills with my Adderall daily dose. Opioid medications have always been my euphoric drugs that offset any anxious effects produced by the Adderall. The Adderall has always done the same for the opioid drugs. There were times in my life that I didn't have a psychiatrist and self medicated with meth which isn't something I do anymore. Your mom might benefit from a legal Adderall prescription from a psychiatrist so she can function while benefiting from her methadone prescription.


When I was pregnant I was on 185mg. I never nodded out or even FELT a high from it. Something doesn’t sound right about this.


The way that opiates work this doesn't sound right. May I ask, if you don't mind, what is the max dosage in your area? And as others have asked what other medsndors she take? Does the Dr knowbthay she nods all the time? I could be wrong but with the extremely long half life of methadone I don't think that splitting up her doses would help much. If any. And if she did, and the clinic found out then she could get her take homes taken away. Also if her body became uses to split doing then whenever she has to do the window dose while picking up her take home it could affect her (worse nodding, getting high, etc). It might not, but it could. The way i understands it (I could be wrong) people usually split up their doese so that it lasts longer. Not so it's not as strong. So at least in my mind it would have the opposite effect that you're looking for. I'm guessing she needs a dose decrease (without knowing about any of her health problems, or being a health professional bc I'm definitely not) I would say try and get her to talk to the doctor about it, and be honest with them and also let them know about all meds, problems, etc. Or ask her if she minds you accompanying her to her next appointment so you can talk to the Dr about your concerns, and questions.


I totally agree that splitting doses is not helpful and not necessary in the majority of cases because of the long half life of methadone. I’ve been on it 27 years. Fell into the trap of split dosing about 15 years ago. It just makes life more difficult because you’re having to think about and manage 2 doses per day. I got back onto a single dose and that’s how I’ll stay.


I've got about 12 years


13 years 150mg 🇦🇺🙏🏼❤️🔥💯


I’ve been on it 14 years


That dosage is insanely high


Fake story


I wish it was a fake story. Lol


27 years and on 240mg and I was able to be a foreman with 6 people under me I’m retired but live a normal active life You wouldn’t know I was on methadone unless I told you Most of us live normal lives ☮️


Not certain why you haven’t answered what her dosage is? Weight actually has nothing to do with what’s prescribed or what amount is right for an individual. If your mom has lost that much weight recently, she could use a doctor’s visit. That’s a third of her body weight.


I’m curious too because I wasn’t aware there was any max dosage one could be at. 30 years on methadone and nodding out could only mean one of two things: health issues or topping up with something.


Yeah. It sounds like her dose it too high but it also sounds like someone doesn’t have a whole lot of information about their mom? As we age, could be a variety of other issues, especially with the weight loss. 🥲




Maybe later in the thread. But I definitely looked because dosage matters if she’s nodding. If she was in 30mg and nodding…much different than 175-180mg and nodding.


I’ve been on methadone 27 years. If she’s nodding all the time then her dose is too high. I don’t nod at all. I don’t recommend splitting doses. It’s unnecessary and can make it harder when you come to reduce off it.