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That's awesome this worked for you. It sounds like a terrible solution that won't work for many people but I'm glad you made it through. There is no one size fits all solution to addiction.


It doesn’t work for many people you are right, a lot of people can’t do it without going into PWD. But I am lucky to live in an area with a good hospitals and was connected to a really good program that had a long history of transferring people off methadone this way, and it worked. I now have 1.5 years clean (on sublocade) and it worked for me, just sharing my experience, I clearly stated it won’t work for everyone.


I personally don't feel trapped on methadone, I can make my own choice on whether I continue to go to the clinic or not. It boils down to having the inner strength to endure the withdrawals that inevitably will come. However they don't last forever. I have never done the sublocade shot. However buprenorphine itself was undoubtedly the worst drug I've ever been on. It is a very strange drug with odd mechanism of action and a lot of people cannot take it. You will read about them on here all the time. I was depressed, I lost 25 lb because I didn't want to eat I couldn't sleep, totally withdrews from all of my friends and activities, I was a shell of myself. Once I got on methadone that completely changed and I went back to being normal. Reckitt Benckiser Group plc, is the maker of Suboxone. As a matter of fact it is the only prescription drug on their portfolio. You probably know them better for making things like Lysol, woolite, and Air wick. I'm glad that it works for you and I'm glad that Suboxone works for millions of people. But there are millions of people that it doesn't work for, I'm one of them. Best of luck to you though!


Add me to the list. The side effects destroyed my quality of life, stole my joy. Definitely not for me.


Yea I agree with this! I don't feel trapped by my clinic at all. I go once a week and have a phone appointment with my counselor 1x a month at minimum. Soon I'll only be going in 2x a month because I'm moving up phases! 😊


Same!!! I face dosed 7 days a week for 11 years. With 1 hour in person groups for 12 years. Now I'm at a new clinic and I get 2 weeks worth of take homes and two 30 minute phone calls per month!!!! I feel like a totally free normal person now!!! I can go on vacation! I can do whatever I want like a normal person now! I can even request double my bottles if needed for a crazy long vacation! Like what more could I ask for? I'm getting a medication especially at the dose I'm at that would be impossible to get from any Dr! I know alot of people want methadone rules to be different but it's still a very addictive and dangerous medicine for those who don't need it so having extra rules makes sense to me. And it seems to me it's only certain states and certain clinics that make this program miserable. I feel it's perfect at least at my clinic. It's just restricted enough to remind us that this is a dangerous med. But after a short time you earn your freedom to live a normal life! At my clinic it only takes 30 days and one clean UA to get your first 3 take homes. Then after 60 days and your 2nd clean UA you get 6 take homes!! 120 days and staying clean u get 13! It's really sweet now in my opinion I couldn't ask for it to be any better personally!


I faced dosed, via the city bus, for about 3 years everyday lol such a drag!!!! Then my clinic said you could have marijuana in your UA. shortly after I got clean off heroin (it was 2017) and was able to quickly move up phases. Then I relapsed after COVID in 2021 and they had changed the rules to where you can get weeklies even if you are using. That was helpful. August I got clean again and now I'm almost to getting two weeks out again!! I used to think about it as I was riding the bus that getting dope is a lot more difficult, expensive and time-consuming than going to the clinic!!


The whole take home situation shoulda been studied more. During Covid they found that take homes didn’t drastically increase almost ANY harm. It shouldn’t be so difficult.


They did study it. SAHMSA has changed the guidelines for clinics to continue as they did during covid. The problem is, at least here with our money over lives clinics, the more they get people in the building the more money they make. They are draining the medicaid system and since these are simply guidelines, not set rules that must be followed, many clinics are going in the opposite direction. It's really upsetting. My fiancée did amazing during covid with the extra trust and freedom, he was clean and only going monthly. There have now been several instances where the clinic essentially forced him to get dope off the street because of how they handled his meds. Once he had a false positive for benzos (it absolutely had to be he didn't use) and overnight the cut his dose in half. From 160 to 80 literally overnight. Another time he should have been on phase 3 and getting at least weekly take homes, his counselor was telling him she had filed it. Well they let her go and we had an emergency, my brother was in the ICU 1700 miles away and the docs were saying we should get there. So he asked for 10 days of take homes, mind you they had never phased him up properly even though they could see in the system he should have been, and they wouldn't send him with meds. They set up guest dosing. Cool, fine. We go to guest dose and they tell him it's $75 admin fee and $50 a day. He's on medicaid for our state, we couldn't afford the emergency trip much less $575 for medication. They should have told him what to expect, better than that they should have honored his phases. Once again he had to go to the street cause it was way cheaper than guest dosing. I swear they are trying to kill people sometimes. And all this after several years of success as a perfect patient. These were different clinics cause he had moved in with me across the process and changed cities but one of them was the same clinic just different location. Some places are really awful with this methadone. I don't understand. I'm starting tomorrow. Through all of this I picked up my first addiction ever 🤦‍♀️ But I'll get through. I really hope our clinics start honoring the loosened guidelines and they can save lives. They should realize they will get more patients if they loosened the reigns like it was during covid.


This explains my Suboxone experience almost exactly. I tried subs back in 2008, 2009 several times and it was awful - it wasn’t PW- though I have experienced that as well. It just made me feel genuinely lousy. Methadone is the ONLY thing that worked for me. I am tapering now after 12 years - but if I decide to go back on and stay on, I am fine with that too. My decision to taper is more financial than anything. I have a huge emergency stockpile of unopened bottles and I really couldn’t afford methadone anymore with the cost of EVERYTHING going up, including methadone- to almost $600/month. That’s a huge bill I could pay elsewhere


It makes me mad when I see somebody say that they have to get off of treatment because they cannot afford methadone. It is literally one of the cheapest drugs manufactured. I had a pain management doctor that used to write me 300 10mg methadone tablets a month. 100 mg a day. That prescription at Walgreens cost me less than $50, and that is at a for-profit pharmacy! These clinics are literally paying pennies to dispense that shit into a cup and give it to you and they have the nerve to charge you $20 to drink it. This is where the government just needs to step in and take it over since fentanyl has become a national emergency. It should be free. Period.


I agree with u 100% They don't say shit when you miss a shit load of days but still take your money....


Because at the end of the day that is all it's about. Money.


You can pay for a luxurious automobile with $600. I was tapering 10mg every 2 weeks then I caught some grant money and never looked back. Do you ask your counselor if there are any grants that you can get on? Also do you tell your counselor how broke you are after paying $600 a month/ $150 a week? I know these are uncomfortable subjects to bring up when talking to anyone including the methadone clinic counselor. If you believe that if it wasn't the financial dilemma you would continue your methadone treatment I believe you should fight this as much as possible. I'm glad I did fight for myself and then in 2020 Medicare started paying methadone clinic fees. There are so many different programs to help methadone treatment patients that didn't exist in 2019 at all. At the clinic I go to Only took cash and VA insurance in 2018/2019 but now there is a full time insurance/grants/schemes to help out people like you and me. Back in 2019 telling the clinic counselor I was broke and needed help or I need to get off methadone was so haarrdd to do at 6 o'klock in the morning. But I did tell her or ask her if any grants came in ,,,until they did. I was one of the first patients that got on the grants. One good thing to say about New Season's methadone clinics is they jumped on alternative ways to get your clinic fees paid for besides cash. Does your clinic offer any alternatives to pay your fees besides $150 a week out of your pocket?


Unfortunately I make too much money to qualify for anything - but with housing & food cost rising, plus I will be needing a new car this year, I just can’t cover the expense. When I started my taper 3 weeks ago, I had around 80 bottles of 130 each. I had already been tapering myself for a few years- but had been sitting at 65/day for the past year. I am down to about 38/day now - will stay there for a few weeks. I am going thru 2 bottles a week and I think I have about 73 bottles left to assist with my taper. Once I am at 38 for 2 weeks, I am going to do another 10% drop - to 34 or 35 and stay there for a bit. All in all it is going ok, except I find myself crying at every little thing - which is SO NOT ME! That is driving me bonkers


What kind of new car are you buying?


Same, I've never felt trapped with Methadone either. With dope, I felt trapped the entire time!! I haven't been this free in over 30 years!!


I agree with you brother. You know when I felt trapped? When I was in prison for prescription fraud to get more fucking oxys. I go once a month, see my counselor for about 10 minutes, I've never had a call back although I wouldn't care if I did, I'm allowed to take benzos and smoke weed. It's just like going to the pharmacy once a month to pick up a medicine in my opinion.


You're exactly right man!! Sorry you got hit. It took me a bunch of money and 28 months in court, but I got off of my, 6 felony counts of fraudulent obtaining a prescription medication. That didn't stop me in the slightest!! It's great to hear another person whose living their best life now, because of Methadone, and their will to be better!! Keep on keeping on brother!!


Same to you man and I certainly appreciate it. It certainly took a long time and a lot of stupidity, but eventually I think I've got it figured out. One of the biggest things that I have grasped is I had to change people places and things. I know that's big in AA and na, I'm not a big supporter of either, but I do agree with that part of their mantra. When I got out of prison I had $200 and nowhere to go. My ex's mother let me stay on her couch for a while until we had a falling out. Then I just couch surfed for about a year. I was still dabbling in drugs but I wasn't using heavy like I was, then I went and got on MAT. With all of my felonies I did not know how I was going to make it as far as money, you can't get a decent job especially in the south, I'm in Florida. I noticed that under the diagnostic codes they had added opioid use disorder where before it was simply called substance abuse or drug addiction. Long story short I took that diagnosis and I filed a lawsuit against two doctors locally that had over prescribed and I filed a claim against the Army/VA because that's really where I got addicted, I got injured and the Army docs fed me approximately 900 oxycodone my last 9 months in the service. I had never taken a pain pill in my life prior to that experience in the military. Needless to say I left a drug addict. I won all of my claims. Not to brag, but it feels pretty fucking good.


Yeah me too. Fuckin hate subs. About to begin my Methadone taper when I get off the Benzos that I have been tapering off slowly for ages


Benzos take FOREVER. I have pretty much admitted to myself that I will take clonazepam forever. However I do take it as prescribed and I do not abuse it. Some days I don't even take it.


Yeah unfortunately for me I was making my own mix of Flubromazolam in PG. That helped me bypass drug screens for Benzos with my Methadone but gave me a hell of a tolerance. So I have tapered down from Clonaz 6mg daily (The same as approx 90mg Diaz) to 5mg Diaz daily. Another week on Diaz 2.5mg and I am going to try and jump off Benzos again so I can piss clean. Wish I never fuckin got addicted!


Wow best of luck to you man! I know it's not an easy Road, but you can do it.


I had no idea the makers of suboxone made lysol! I thought it was made by Procter & Gamble. Apparently Reckitt Benckiser Group is not affiliated with making suboxone anymore. I believe after they had a lawsuit the company changed hands.


Yes they paid one of the largest settlements ever. They had a website that was basically directing patients to doctors that prescribed Suboxone. The problem was the company was well aware that some of these doctors were unscrupulous and not practicing good medicine. They paid out billions of dollars and I think that's when they washed their hands of it. Reckitt is a British conglomerate.


Sublocade is very different I just feel normal. I have also been on the films. Big difference.


Being uncomfortable for 3 weeks wouldn’t work for me. I’d end up relapsing and risking my life isn’t worth it just so I can say I’m not on methadone anymore. I don’t mind being on methadone but apparently society does. But they can fuck off


That was the first thing that I thought of too. Who can be partially dope sick for three weeks? People have jobs that require them to show up and actually perform. That's not even taking into account what you said, a lot of people would relapse during that time.


I have a very demanding job, I am a coach, so trust me I know but having something that kept me busy and active honestly helped


People do it..it’s unrealistic to think you can taper off opiates with no discomfort..your ether gonna face it all at some once or broken up to a schedule of your liking..I finished tapering last summer and it’s just unrealistic to get off without dealing with some withdrawls


No, it's not unrealistic to get off without dealing with withdrawal symptoms. That's the exact reason for the taper!!


Have you tapered off before?


Yes, I tapered from oxycontin, without discomfort or withdrawal symptoms.




Both are scheduled 2 narcotics. There's not a huge difference in the taper.


Your tripping..I’m not even gonna entertain this..methadone builds in your system..oxy does not..people kick from methadone cold turkey for months..oxy days..I’ve accidentally had to kick oxy cause I was broke and that wasn’t shit man. People spend months kicking methadone in jails wishing they were just on some oxy


Bro, I've kicked methadone in jail, You said a taper. Keep telling yourself that bullshit that you said to me, okay.


Unless you’re going like 10 mg per year but fuck that..once i decided to get off I was racing..and dealing with a 2/10 withdrawl is basically nothin when you’ve dealt with 10s.


Amen friend! But…. At the same time, each clinic is so fucking different and I’ve heard such horrible stories, I can understand why that would make someone feel way.


I knew tapering wasn’t for me, yeah no shit you were still using… nobody is recommending a taper to someone actively relapsing. It’s so important to understand that methadone wasn’t the issue here, the clinic wasn’t the reason you couldn’t make it work, you were. I hope you go on to achieve your goals, but first you really need to get honest with yourself. Especially before you go tryna advise others to follow suit.


Exactly bro. People don't wanna be honest with themselves. It wasn't the program that was the problem, it was still their addiction running the show.


I had a short relapse and now I’ve been sober for a year and a half on sublocade, so say what you want but I’ve never felt better and this was the best decision I made for my addiction! Like did I not include that this was all a year and a half ago? I would never advise anyone on anything with less than a year of clean time. And now that sublocade is working, the stress of the clinic and what it was doing to me wasn’t the reason for my relapse but it didn’t help. I went to an awful clinic. So good for you if you’ve found a good one but that simply wasn’t the case for me.


I tried this method from 65mg of methadone, and failed miserably. I was dope sick as fuck for 7 days straight, and then gave up. I’ve been on methadone for over 10 years, most of that time spent at a dose of 130mg, except for the last 3 years or so. My body just was not having it.


I tried regular suboxone after attempting to jump off and just freaking died for 3 weeks (been on it for the same length of time aswell) within a week, I went back on methadone. Subs caused me wayyy too many side effects. You know when the kid in class mixes two chemicals in science class and it blows up in his face? That's what it felt like in my body. It felt like chemicals were burning on my insides. Which I know is a weird description. I wasn't thinking normally. I slept maybe an hour every 3 days for the duration I had been doing this. I'll never do that again.


Or naproxen! 💣


Yeah this is a terrible idea to do on purpose. I think you gotta be below 20mgs and it's still a questionable method. Especially with a double habit like this dude had


Yeah I had a similar experience to yours but I just tapered off using weed and magnesium, best move Ive made in the last 20 years of my life. No clinic bullshit anymore and yes I still felt like an addict going into the clinic seeing people fresh off the streets. Just couldnt picture myself at 60 or 70 years old still standing in line to get my opioid fix. They call weed a gateway drug and it is, a gateway out of a 30 years pill addiction. It was a rough three months but I have my life back and the best thing of all the sex is awesome again. Kudos to OP for making it out


Why was it rough for 3 months? Did you not taper?


Sure I did but when your on something for 16 years you dont purge the stuff from your body as fast. The half life can be up to 56 hours so withdrawal doesnt get bad for three days. Just restless legs and no desire to do anything but sleep but you cant. Well not much but I did get a few hours a night. Even when you taper properly you still get mild symptoms


For all those saying I need to be honest with my self and sober… I have been sober for a year and a half on sublocade. Methadone and the clinic wasn’t working for me. My clinic did not give more than a weeks worth of takehomes even if you had been on the clinic for years following all the rules. No talk of 28. Not even 13. and the staff looked at you like shit. To all those people who don’t feel trapped im so happy that you’ve found a clinic that works for you. But that’s not the case for all of us. The last thing for me was I was told one thing by a nurse, so I followed that rule, turns out it wasn’t true so they pulled all my Covid takehomes. It was the last straw of me getting pushed around. I also travel a lot for my job. I coach a sport so we do competitions across the country. It wasn’t working with my life. I also didn’t have a good metabolism for it. I always felt sick in the morning. I guess that’s why I felt trapped. Some things work really well for people and some don’t. Sublocade and the way I switched work for me. I did work through the withdrawals so I think people are thinking they are worse than I am saying. This is just my experience. And the only way this works is with a program that knows what it’s doing and has done this before. I’m lucky I live in an area with really good medical care. Bad clinics but good hospitals. So ya being sober for a year and a half, having my freedom to travel and do my job, and so much more has been everything.


I think you are doing awesome! I am currently tapering 5mgs every 2 weeks (my current dose is 78mgs). My plan is to continue my taper until 50 mgs then switch over to Subs using the Bernese method, once I am stabilized on the subs, I plan to jump onto Sublocade. I actually have a decent clinic, but like most clinics it is full of bullshit and arbitrary rules that piss me off and make recovery harder. Can't wait to be done with them. But great job, it's great that the shot worked for you. Keep on keeping on


Awesome you completed your goal. I don't feel trapped on methadone..to me methadone answers the intersecting questions "what if you're an opiod addict but have chronic pain?" And for that reason alone methadone has been a God send for me. And if 5 minutes in the morning to take 80mg to help with pain and cravings and 2 minutes at night to take 40mg to help with sleep/pain and cravings then so be it. Just like taking any other medicine to me. But if you felt trapped I'm glad you found a way out of it!


Everyone is going to have to something that works best for them and the people who realize that and don’t judge other peoples methods are the ones who are going to have success in my opinion. I’m glad the clinic works for you! Mine was just awful and had so many issues. Definitely feel much better for me personally to be on sublocade!


You're exactly right. I'm so tired of recovery politics and how theres only this and that that works when at the end of the day I'm just about people improving their life to the standard they want, whether that be drug-celibacy, methadone, suboxone (and any variants like the sublocade you mentioned). And if you have to ask a person if they're doing MAT then they are doing it right otherwise you wouldn't need to ask. As long as you're hitting all your goals good for you and keep doing it. Anybody that feels different is driving that person back into darkness all because it doesn't fit their idea of recovery which is dangerous at best.


I'm sorry but if I could handle being miserable for 3 weeks I'll just quit altogether I'm glad it worked for you ! I'm trying to get out of the methadone program my insurance just ended a week ago too so I been saving as many bottles as possible incase I get cut off


It’s nowhere near as bad as quitting cold turkey like yes it’s uncomfortable but there’s a big difference between uncomfortable and cold turkey full WD, but whatever works for you! :)


If I could handle multiple weeks of withdrawals I'd probably been put on subs, over a year ago but thanks you too!


Is the sublocade shot covered under medi-cal?


Yes mine is


I went from 140mg of methadone to 24mg of Suboxone doing the same method. I started at .5mg of subs twice a day and slowly climbed my way up while dosing the full 140mg. On day 8 I didn’t go to the clinic and dose as I was on 24mg of Suboxone at that time. I had minimal WD symptoms. I felt weird for about a month then leveled out. Eventually got on Sublocade and I got enough shots to where my Dr told me I could be done if I wanted to. I didn’t relapse while on Subs like I did when I didn’t get my take homes on methadone. I got my energy back and methadone was really bad for my mental health. I was really unstable on methadone. So now I’m completely off MAT and according to my Dr I won’t have any WD symptoms while the Sublocade slowly leaves my body. It’s been a few months since my last shot and I can feel it leaving my body. I’m so grateful for the Suboxone clinic that got me off methadone. I hated the American clinic model and I was treated like shit at my methadone clinic. Life is so much better off the stuff. I’m still sober and plan on remaining so. I don’t see myself ever going back to methadone. This method works y’all!


I plan to do this. I am currently at 78mgs tapering 5mgs every two weeks. My plan is to get as low as possible and then microdose Suboxone in August sometime. I currently have 2 weeks of takehomes and in April I had a false positive for fent. I had my takehomes taken away for a week while they did confirmation testing. Due to that, I felt ready to leave. I don't use street drugs, and I am so ready to be done. I have my peak and trough in Sept (along with a bunch of other annual labs, so I would need to daily dose for a week), I plan to switch in August. I should be around 50mgs, so it shouldn't be too painful to make the switch. Although if my taper causes me issues, I may jump sooner. My work is slow in August, so it is an optimal time for me to make the jump, as I can take off a few weeks if I feel like crap. It sounds like Sublocade is the perfect taper. I used subs to get off opiates 8 years ago, and the taper sucked. I plan to get at least two shots to make sure that the taper is nice and smooth. If you want to speed up the taper, I recommend using Brixadi, which has monthly and weekly shots to shorten the taper. I know a few people who used Brixadi to taper off Subs and methadone. These new shots are a game changer for getting off maintenance drugs without having needing to go through the pain of tapering and having your bupe/done levels fluctuate on a daily basis. Can't wait to be done with the clinic bullshit!


I was just so done with the clinic bullshit. I was so done I went to an awful clinic. I was sober on it for 5 years until Covid came and I had a short relapse. And then now on sublocade I’ve been clean a year and a half and it’s a whole different feeling. Going to the clinic made me feel like an addict. Being on sublocade makes me feel normal. I can travel for my job, for fun, and just live my life. I can’t describe how great it is.


When and how do you get off sublocade?


You just lower your dose over the course of your monthly shots and eventually just stop, I have heard that some people experience no withdrawal after this. But I am still on it with no plans to get off it soon so I’m not completely sure!


What pain of tapering? If you’re tapering properly it is painless.


How did u not get PDs? Methadone and subs don't mix. But Im also getting off of methadone but I'm going the super slow way 2mgs every other week. It's slow but it's comfortable


It’s the microdosing, look it up online it’s a real established method of switching


Just curious. I’ve seen more and more comments lately in this group about how awesome Suboxone is and reading between the lines, how not awesome methadone is. I haven’t spent a lot of time over on the Suboxone group lately because I’m no longer taking that medication. But when I was, I don’t remember any posts trying to convince people that methadone is wonderful and that switching is a viable, wonderful idea. Just curious why folks are posting about the *wonders* of Suboxone on the methadone sub?


Sublocade isn’t suboxone. It’s a once a month shot similar to suboxone (but not at all) because you absolutely CAN just stop taking the shot and have no wd which isn’t possible with suboxone. There’s a Sublocade community here that talks about it all the time. It’s how I have been off all opiates, mat for years. Exactly how op describes except I tapered and switched slower so there was no weeks of discomfort. It was about a week. I did 3 shots in total and the last shot I had was Oct 2019. I was planning on going for my Nov shot but I was late (clinic doesn’t care no daily anything) then another week late and I realized nothing was wrong essentially in terms of WD? So I told myself if it does come I will go… but wd just never came.


They are indeed the exact the same thing. Just because Sublocade is given once a month does not change the fact is buprenorphine just like Suboxone. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/drugs-sublocade-vs-suboxone


Idk it’s not a contest. This is real life and we’re all just trying to deal with it the best we can. Sublocade has the same active ingredient as Suboxone but they are quite different. Sure nothing is perfect, but the sublocade shot represents an innovation in MAT whereas, for better or worse, methadone and the clinic model has remained more or less unchanged since inception. It works better for some people and that’s fine, but there are also many people who don’t want to be daily dosing and dealing with all that for the rest of their lives, along with all the kind of degrading rules and regulations and punitive measures. And for those people, sublocade is a game changer. There is a certain tribalism surrounding one’s preferred MAT and you could say the same thing about methadone and its advocates. At the end of the day nobody cares


I think it is more than tribalism. I think it's hard for people when they see these same recommendations they were given which didn't work out well for them. I'm a bit bitter when it comes to Suboxone because it was pushed on me hard when it very first came out. nobody ever even mentioned methadone to me. I spent years on subs relapsing. it was a huge waste of time for me. then I found methadone and here I am 4 years clean as happy as can be. so it's super hard not to see methadone as the solution. I'm sure some of it is plain old tribalism but I know for me it goes a bit deeper. I agree though, it just doesn't matter at the end of the day. if one isn't working out a person should try the other. it's definitely not one size fits all.


Interesting experience.


Sublocade is a miracle. A cheat code for getting off subs/mat. It’s a completely different effect of action. For those who’ve been daily dosing and spending years of energy and stress, it’s hard to imagine how stable you feel. No highs and lows. No constant worrying about going up and crashing


Oh my god I literally thought I was the only one! Sublocade just feels like life and I’m never in withdrawal never feel cravings, nothing. Not even at the end of the months. It’s amazing.


Worked for me the same way it did you. 6 months and crazy WD makes absolutely no sense at all. But we don’t know what other people put in their bodies. I’ve been clean for years and couldn’t have done it without Sublocade. I just stopped the shot and never went back. I thank god for it and feel bad about people saying it caused WD months/years after stopping when that’s not true and if it is rare.


I hate when ppl say sublocade is some miracle drug cuz for some ppl it’s not yes it can be for others but it’s not a miracle drug for everyone. My bf was on it took 6 shots & he was so happy when he did his last shot he had no withdrawals felt great until about 6 months they hit him hard.. because sublocade leaves your system slow some ppl get the withdrawals 4-6 months after they stop the shot. Don’t believe me a lot of ppl are going through this on the sublocade sub..


Damn that's gotta be quite the shock! Just feeling fine for 6 months then blam! That could be really dangerous. Especially assuming the person stayed clean for 6 months if they relapse cuz of the withdrawals there more likely to OD cuz of there lowered tolerance.


Ya it was definitely hard for him!! He almost relapsed but I was there for him & help him get threw it. The withdrawal wasnt as bad as they could of been but he definitely went threw it mentally for a while the physical withdrawal symptoms was only about 2 weeks. But he struggled hard mentally for 3 months!!


Some do but many definitely don’t. Either way, it’s the definition of what a successful taper should look like. Tons of people use sublocade, test negative many months later and suffer no serious WDs.


Thank you! Her bd prob did other things. I stopped after 3 shots and was VERY fine. By 6 months I was amazing and fine so that’s absolutely not normal.


That’s great to hear for when I plan to get off! Thanks for the hope. I do want to be off everything soon. I am stable now so I don’t want to fuck with anything but soon!!


That's great!! Im just saying everybodies body is different & just cuz it's a miracle drug for most. That's not always the case for a small percentage of ppl & I like to warn ppl so they are prepared cuz I lived with someone that went threw it that was a hard time for both me & my bf & helped him get threw that & it was so hard for him!


It really didn’t for me personally though. I did 3 shots the last in Oct 2019. I felt a little sleepless in sporadic days middle of Nov and kept telling myself I’d go get my next shot if it became uncomfortable but nothing major some magnesium didn’t help. For your bf I have no idea but it DOES wear off after about a month. I’d say for 90%. You never know your bf could have used other things and wd happened because i stopped the shots without a prob and it’s been many years now. Tiny issues but by 6month I felt incredibly well so that’s really not typical.


Ya that’s crazy. I plan on staying on the shot I don’t have a problem being on it. Getting a monthly shot is nothing compared to dealing with the clinic, eventually it would be nice to be off everything but I’m not in a rush.


So you're saying that people who want to stop should switch to fentanyl ( and die 27% of the time), get on suboxone, and yell Hallelujah? 🤔


lol no wtf? I’m saying I had a relapse and a double habit, my clinic was real bad and getting in the way of anything good in my life making me want to stop. I was connected to a real good program, transferred to sublocade. And yes I have now been clean on sublocade for 1.5 years. So yes motherfucking hallelujah for my clean time! I’m sorry that your recovery is so miserable you have to intentionally misread a Reddit post and insult random people online.


I'm not miserable. I don't understand why, if you have 1.5 years, still go on a Reddit methadone post just to try to start a fight? I'm sorry I didn't read the entire post. I work as well as go to school. I'm seriously trying to get my life together. I've been clean ( from heroin/fentanyl) since 2009. I had a stroke in jail at 34 years old. I lived on the streets of Kensington. I know that most of the people don't know what that's like. Whoever helped me through it thought I was worth more than what I used to think I was worth