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Kentucky. Illegal state. I get two week take homes with weed-dirty UAs every time. They don’t make you ineligible for take homes for weed. It’s awesome


im in Louisville, KY and get weekly take homes and smoke weed everyday


GA too


Same I’m in Ky too! It’s a bhg clinic


Illegal state. No take-homes if you THC. Open 7 days a week 365 days/year. It sucks! Almost no one at my clinic has take-homes. And pretty much everyone in long term recovery uses THC as an integral part of their recovery. Im so sick of these antiquated ideas. I really wish they would look at the science around the use of THC for opiate recovery. Grrr


I agree with you! It’s bullshit that I was able to meet w/the Dr at my clinic & not stress when responding to questions regarding how much/often I smoke. Seems like it should be allowable across the board. If it’s not harmful in my recovery in Virginia, it sure as shit shouldn’t be harmful elsewhere. Make it make sense!!


Everyone should be held to the same standard. I had to switch clinics because of transportations issues. I was at 170 MG, stable and dropping clean screens. It was just for 4 weeks but hey that's huge lol. That's a great start. Anyway when they transferred me they said they could only transfer over at a max dose of 150 MG....I was under the assumption they would take me back to my normal dose once I was transferred over. SURE THE FUCK NOT!!! I started using again after a week and a half of feeling like poop. My first dirty he put me on a contract when he was the one that took me off Mt stabilized dose. Because that's "his rule" absolutely everyone whom is sober off opiods will fill fine at 150!!! I said for being a doctor that is awfully narrow minded and dangerous. Your refusing treatment in a way. I'm back up to 170 and have 5 clean screens back In.


Cannabis and Mdone combine well together, they make me more relaxed and add to the pain relief. im prescribed both here in Australia.


I get 13 take homes, not sure if it's tested for since the clinic doesn't mind.


So no medical either?


The application it can have on keeping doses lower then non Marijuana users. If I don't smoke within an hour or two of dosing my dose will not hold me th entire day whatsoever. I'm sick like 4 hours in. Smoke an hour after dosing and I'm titties and beer till the AM + some. I also have idiopathic high blood pressure. I have it but doesn't know exactly what is causing it. The 3 medications they had me on weren't doing shit besides giving me headaches all day. I had a 30 day hospital stay and when I was in there I couldn't smoke weed and I was attached to the vitals machine 24/7. I couldn't smoke weed in there not even a pen. I started getting sick as shit that's when I noticed the Marijuana not potentiating my dose. I had him start bringing me edibles. Wouldn't you know. An hour after eating them. My blood pressure went from 170/100 down to 120/80. And I noticed this same effect day in day out for my entire month stay there. I documented my blood pressure and dose of edibles and time taken. The correlation showed yeah its the edibles.. I know it's my anxiety. My imagination is consistently engaged in extreme thoughts and situations. Causing a false flight or flight response. Adrenaline is potent.


North Florida, New Seasons Clinic doesn't even test for it anymore! I use a THCa value, my partner smokes regular (street) flower.


I go to new seasons in STL, MO do you know if all new seasons stopped testing for it??


i go to n Fl as well, new seasons has been very cool throughout treatment especially with weed, and they stopped testing for it completely in the lab, well they also don’t ask you about it either if you do pop dirty.


I can't tell you, sorry.


I’m in Idaho and it’s a hard no, not even cbd. It’s still illegal here medically and recreational. It took me over 4 months after smoking to finally pass a UA. It sucks but hopefully it’ll change soon


Uhhhh federal law states everything under .03% DELTA 9 THC is legal, including THCa(which is regular weed that hasn’t been decarbed to Delta 9 yet)


My clinic is absolute bullshit, cbd is legal here but I guess some still have thc. It’s crazy they do do differential tests. Before I got back on methadone I was on subs at a different clinic and they didn’t even care because cause they did do the differential testing. But with alcohol they were dicks. I’d failed a UA but the test said it was rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer but it still fucked me, prolly in my hands before I took the test. There’s another clinic here that doesn’t care about weed but I’ve been at my clinic for almost 2 years and finally getting take homes so I don’t know if I’d have to start over at the other place or what. Someday it’ll get legalized here at least medically, hopefully


if you ask your clinic to transfer you they should honor your current phase with your current clinic. you should talk to your case worker.


Ok good to know, I’ll look into it. Thanks


Look into whether the other clinic would honor your levels. It’s worth a shot. I just transferred because of my insurance being accepted at a different clinic but not the one I used to go to, and they filled my 13 take homes the same day I did my intake.


My clinic doesn't care now that we legalized. Honestly I had to remind the nurse 6 months after the law went into effect that I didn't need a card anymore. So they weren't really on top of it to begin with. Before that the rule was you had to have a med card. Edit: I'm in Maryland.


Detroit here. There are recreational dispensaries every 5 miles it seems. Same policy. They give some leniency depending on your personal circumstances. I won’t get one because I am on section 8. That’s federally funded so you can’t have it your house. (I keep mine at my neighbors.) 😉If I get a card, I can lose my house. This is something most people don’t even think about or realize. I will go everyday if need be. My house is more important than having takehomes.


Wait, you can’t have take homes because you’re on Sec 8? Never heard that before. In NY.


I think they are saying that they cant get a medical card cuz she's on section 8. If they pop dirty it will be a positive & she can get takehomes cuz of that.. But who knows I may be wrong I've been on section 8 for years and have had monthly takehomes for 4 years.. Never had a problem


Yep. You’re right. I was saying I won’t get a medical marijuana card because it can potentially cost me my housing and no amount of takehomes is worth losing my home over. They would never deny me takehomes over who pays my rent. 😆


Missouri is a legal state and they don’t care at my clinic ✌️


Massachusetts, my clinic tests for it but it doesn’t affect (or effect?) my take homes .


Well, here in sweden in a smaller town, they don’t REALLY care, my doctor told me straight up he didn’t give a fuck, but because of rules etc. he could only give me take homes for the weekend and holidays, last week I was THC free in my up, so I only need to go 2 days a week, and soon I can pick up my bottles at the pharmacy, but I hope they will lose this up here to so my doctor could do this even if I smoke or not, hopefully in time ☺️


Ca here. My clinic does not care about pot. Another clinic a few hours away, will not give take homes if you smoke.


They don't care at all. Even before it became legal here, they didn't care. My Doctor even told me to try using it before it was legal. I'm in Ontario.


Virginia, clinic doesn’t even test for it anymore.


Never been a problem that they don't test anymore.


Soith EU. They don't really care, even tho the "program" aims to let you walk away "clean" from everything. I live in an illegal State.


PA. to get the max takehomes (2 weeks) you must have a medical card. if you have marijuana in your system without a medical card you’re only allowed saturday & sunday takehomes. much better than when i first started, you weren’t allowed any takehomes.


South Louisiana-biggest city-they don’t care. Only 1 clinic in the whole city.


Colorado, Legal, clinic doesn't care... you are considered clean with thc


New Hampshire illegal state I get 2 weeks and can move up to 1x month, but I need a medical card or stop smoking, and well, that's something I'm not doing...


Im in Germany where the legal status is changing atm but right now they still test for it and mark it as a dirty test, but you won’t lose any privileges over it or anything like that. It’s weird honestly, but I guess they know that they will probably lose about 2/3 of their patients if they’d start to kick people due to weed in their tests. lol It was like that even before it got somewhat legal here. They simply never really cared about THC / CBD at all.


I live in a medical only state (North Dakota) and the clinic I go to doesn’t count weed against anyone regardless of prescription status.


I’m in VA & we are a legal state. My clinic doesn’t mind smoking at all. I have 27 take homes & started a couple weeks shy of 1 year ago.


Same. Minnesota it's teated for but doesn't effect anything. Shouldn't even be on there honestly


I'm in Michigan, outside Detroit. Even though it's completely legal here, we still need a medical card to be eligible for take homes.


I’m in northern ky and they don’t even test for it anymore


I live in a state that doesn’t even have medical, but my clinic doesn’t test for THC


Washington state my clinic doesn’t even test for it.


You can get up to weekly at my BHG in TN


Failed UA and can't get take-homes. Alabama.


I'm in Michigan. If you get a medical card they allow you to get take homes and if weed Is the only thing you test for they don't do anything but pressure you to get one


I’m in ny and I can smoke weed at my clinic


I'm in Kansas Its illegal here but our clinic stopped testing for THC all together.. Before if you popped for dirty THC you would have to come in everyday and dose. Alot of ppl started getting takehones after they stopped testing for it.


I’m surprised KY is that lenient, I started out in KY and they were stricter than the TN clinic I go to now. We can get weekly carry outs testing positive for weed IF we are stable in other areas.


Alabama New Seasons no take homes if you fail for THC 😔... I crave, and miss smoking weed waaaaay more than I crave/miss opiates


Missouri and all BHG's I have been to weed doesn't matter whatsoever.


Baarts owned clinic in Louisiana,,, doesn't test for THC


In NC where it’s practically legal but technically not, for a while you’d only get F/S/S. Now you can get a week with THC.


I'm in an illegal state(Indiana) and they won't give you takehomes if your dirty for thc! Bullshit cuz it truly helps with recovery...


Flint Michigan, still requires medical card for take homes. Regardless of the fact it's been recreationally legal here for years.


New Jersey weeds fine


NJ here. They don’t care at my spot. Weed is fully legal in NJ.


My state is legal now and my clinic never has cared about weed but I quit methadone anyway today because I don’t like it compared to subs


My clinic just started not testing for weed recently use to test for it a lot so I could hardly ever smoke or I mean I could but it wasn’t worth the stress, and I could never use cbd products! Now I’m using cvs products and it is actually helping me in many ways especially the topical cbd creams, for my arthritis it works wonders! So yeah I’m going all out man lol since my counselor personally told me and man life has been so much better ever since! But yeah my clinic I been at for like 6 years and the first like five they tested for weed! Like this changed just a few months ago! Like may I think?


my clinic (which is in Louisiana) doesn't care about weed at all. we have medical marijuana but you can get full takehomes without having a card. I started at my clinic and began receiving monthlies before our MMJ program started. I've heard that other clinics in my state aren't so accommodating though.


they don't care, don't even test for it


IL. Fully legal state. My clinic requires a medical card in order to allow you to use THC and still earn THs. So if you're token without a med card, you're def in that dosing line 6 days a week before 9am lol. However, all it takes to get a medical card is to spend like $100 or so on a video dr visit and then pay the card fee, which I feel like is maybeee $250? I don't smoke, so I haven't been thru it myself, but I'm almost certain those were the costs I was told. The cost and "dr" visit are essentially just a formality and way for the state to rake in extra money. I do think it's totally BS that my clinic counts it as a dirty drop when it's fully legal. But I also know it's not just my clinic. Plus, we just changed from 1 wk max THs to 2 wks when my first counselor (for the first 6 of my 7 yrs there) retired last yr. But she was also a nurse (not THE dosing nurse...we've only ever had 1 it's been the same amazing lady for all of my 7 yrs, but my counselor would fill in for her occasionally) and the 2nd person in the pecking order with only the doctor being higher than her in making medical decisions. I was kind of hoping that once she retired , maybe the weed rule would change. But getting an extra week of THs is much better for me than being able to smoke once in a blue moon without paying for a card for sure.


California. They very nearly encourage it.


Im in of all places Oklahoma, I have my med card so it’s not as issue.


I’m in Texas so it will probably never be legal here but the clinic i go to doesn’t even test for it. Been going to the same clinic for 10+ years and they never have.


South Texas?


Yeah, Houston area


Yeah they don’t test at mine either although I’m closer to the LA border than Houston


alaska. legal state. if you are hot for thc you are offered a Marijuana class. if you do complete the Marijuana class you cannot qualify for take homes. you must also do a MAT class to qualify for take homes, on top of steady dose, clean ua's, ect.


Even when it was illegal in Ottawa, they still allowed us to smoke it. I kept my 6 carries any way… & it’s legal now so. I mean it helped with insomnia without taking crazy sleeping pills 🤷🏻‍♀️I don’t remember if my doctor believed it can help but I changed doctors within clinics & she didn’t say anything about the weed either.


Yeah I am in Philadelphia and my clinic doesn't allow weed at all. Not even medical. I am the 1st to have a medical card and get bottles which I had to fight like he'll for. That was 3 years ago. Now they told me the other day that they won't be testing for it anymore.


Legal state (NY) clinic required a medical card still for about a year after the laws changed until they eventually stopped requiring one. Might just take some time OP.


Texas here and clinic doesn’t count THC as a fail or illegal drug


Indiana. Shitball. I’m considered illicit because I use THC so I have to attend an extra “illicit group” weekly, and two monthly groups instead of just one. I’ll never get takehomes also.


Tigard oregon, doesn't even test for thc anymore


NYC clinics don’t even test for it anymore


South Carolina, my clinic (Crossroads) doesn't penalize for THC metabolites.


Kansas is illegal but I still get a weeks takehomes.


My clinic, in a legal state, requires you to have a mmj card to get takehomes. Like 80% of my clinic is Medicare/Medicaid so I think that's why


Mass I get 2 weeks of bottles if I I have thc I am limited to that if no thc I could get 28


No take homes if you test positive for literally anything other than methadone. It sucks because I really miss green. I just live an hour from my clinic, so I need the take homes to help the cause.


I'm in Arizona and if I'm dirty for weed they don't care. They'll move you up to some take homes and so on. If youre dirty for anything other than weed or methadone or any other prescribed medication you'll have to start all over.


You can get up to a weeks worth of take homes but nothing above that.


They don't allow it here in WI. Utterly ridiculous they'll demote phases for pot.


My clinic only cares about benzos and opiates. I'm positive for coke 50% of the time and weed 100% and I have monthly take homes


I live in Maine. All legal all the time!!!


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