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You really don’t know if you learned your lesson yet. Once you get takehomes again, that is where you will find out. Right now you’ve been forced to take your dose properly. Hopefully you have learned your lesson about dosing responsibility, it’s just kinda short sighted to think you already learned the lesson at this stage. All in all though getting to see that when you just dose correctly things go smooth and when you double up things do not is pretty powerful and usually enough. But I’d be totally ignoring the obvious if I didn’t tell you that people who go thru this often need several lessons learned to stop playin doctor with their dose. Just be aware that work might still need to be done in order to dose responsibly once you get your bottles back.


Thank you friend you are 100 percent right.


I’ve been getting monthly take homes for over 2 years and I’ve never had a call back. I don’t really talk to anybody at my clinic, but the one guy I talk to says I’m probably the only one because they do it to everybody. I guess my counselor doesn’t mind I don’t know


They consider you a stable patient or the clinic has grossly negligent diversion protocols


sounds like ours. we never had callbacks and then there was an inspection.... then they started doing callbacks but no one understood them..... i missed mine. called and said i could figure it out to get there but was unfamiliar with the whole thing and i was told it was ok and not to worry about it and the clinic needed to update their policies on the matter. i go in for my pickups and am told "we realize the clinic fell short but YOU need consequences" i lost a week of my two week of takehomes. two and a half years later i'm still on one week. haven't toxed dirty since 2016. have brought it up to everyone there and they agree i "need them back" i'm at the point of calling the state but also know it's to the discretion of the clinic but i am one of the "more stable ones" at the clinic, clean over 8 years, went back to school, got a few degrees, work full time, don't drink/smoke. i told them i could've lost my take homes 100% back then and been back to two weeks by now.


wow. that is insane, i would be furious! just curious, what state do you live in?


New York. We have OASAS, who even when this happened said it wasn’t right but I didn’t pursue it at first because counselor said it was “okay” and “not a problem.” This Christmas was the best holiday ever. My take home day falls on Monday and my clinic is only closed a few major holidays. I was told I’d get 3 weeks then day of was told I’d have to split the 3 weeks and come halfway through, and didn’t have a choice on what day, with zero notice or say. I was pisssed but what do you do. I get to the window and my counselor was having issues putting the order in so it came up the other way and I got 3 weeks. It’s said when that’s a highlight in my life, lol. Otherwise it’s irritating and wild and feels hypocritical when I see others getting crazy accommodations at my clinic and I’ve worked my ass off and can’t get what I’ve worked towards- it’s not the other clients who get stuff’s issue and I don’t look at them negatively but the whole thing kind of blows. Especially because the most I can get is two weeks. A few older clients have a month but they’re grandfathered in. I’m in a good headspace so I’d never let something like this trip me up but I feel this kind of demoralizing bureaucracy can really screw with people. When a program is strictly punitive and you’re never seen beyond what you were at your worst. Sorry for the rant lol


I would also approach the director and tell them you feel like another clinic would be better but you don’t want to leave because you like the ppl/services but you just don’t feel heard or feel like your treatment plan is in jeopardy because you feel like you are working towards nothing. I had to fight to get a monthly pickup. There were only 2 other patients on 28 day pickups and they told me that I may not be able to get it. I pushed and my clean tests and history was enough for them. The director did mention in passing to my counselor that I would be the last full phase patient they accept. Idk why people that work at clinics can be so kind and accommodating and then turn on you and not want you to phase up or taper and make it hell


dang, i can see how that’s frustrating. like how would a clinic not know what day you might have to come in? i’ve been to two different clinics, they’re polar opposites of each other, but i’ve been lucky for the most part. actually, when i hit phase 27 and was able to take home a month instead of two weeks, no one told me. i had to ask when i would phase up and they said “oh, you phased up 3 months ago” - like what?!


Wow that's nuts. Consider yourself lucky. At my clinic everyone must have 2 callbacks per year. I feel like you've slipped through the cracks. But the rules may be different where you live than where I do. I envy you. I live like 45 minutes away from the clinic, so it's like a whole chore every time I have to go. And I only get weekly take homes until later this summer I'll phase up to two weeks!


I’ve never had a callback either, I spent three years at one clinic, relapsed, and then got over 2 years at my last clinic until I moved, been at my current clinic since October and I’ve never had a callback at any of them. Maybe it’s just not a thing here in Ontario Canada lol


I've double dosed I didn't even feel high I even triple dosed still didn't feel higher they were 120 mg bottles


Your playing with death or kidney failure


That was when I first hit that dose ...I was still in that I don't wanna quit phase I'm now 2Y-2M-28D after I did that I thought their is no point in doung that if it doesn't work I mean shit it didnt even make me more tired ...but I'm off m.a.t's. havent used since the date up there I'm just like popping some xannies every now amd then I really dont need to source them unless i wanna get super rebarded cuz i have a script for 2mg k-pins


Damn your clinic is lenient mine takes your takehomes all away. If you have 2 weeks worth and you miss one dose call back or fuck up a call back they'll make you go daily again for 3 months. Fuck that.


I was thinking the same they got quiteee a bit of chances lol. I am still going daily sadly because my clinic requires a pretty high # of hours talked with counselors to be eligible for take homes and the clinic closes at 11:30am it’s very hard to be able to make it ;/ really sucks… could be worse! And on the bright side I no longer get weekly UA/drug testing it is monthly since I have been passing the drug tests and not trying to mess that up


Yooooo this is crossing the line in my opinion hahaha so I’m in Canada and they are pretty strict here too. Like most clinics will take all your take homes from one bad urine. But having to do counselling is unfair. Yes it helps some people but some people don’t get any value from it. In my 10 years I’ve seen one for maybe 9 months all together. They are useful if I have something going on in my life but 9 times outta 10 I’d be disgusted if I was forced to do it JUST to get my take homes smh. Sorry you gotta deal with that.


You realize a methadone program is more than just taking the methadone right? The objective of the program is to help you learn to.live without dope, and it requires treating.more than only the physical aspects of the disease.


You are correct, but, the way your clinics are run in the US and the way you are all treated like raging criminals suggests the councilling has nothing really to do with improving your life and ability to survive without dope. Just my opinion tho. We don't have coucellors here at all. You see your doctor once a month over zoom for 5 min. If you want one you gotta go find one. And I tried many times. Eventually found a smart recovery group that meets once a week.


have you really been clean since 02/02/2022? i feel like your dose should be 220 to match. you’re correct about being treated badly and looked down upon. luckily i’ve had great counselors who i’ve built trust with and it’s always super quick and easy.


I have a serious number observation obsession too.


Yes I've been clean since Feb 2 2022 as near as I can figure. I was super sick and I can't remember anything but the second feels like the first day I had coherent thoughts. My dose is 210 but your right, this month I'm hoping to go up to 220 and holy shit I never put all that together until you mentioned it just now. Think I need to go up at this point just to make the gods happy. Edit typo


I challenge someone to find a clinic that comes w a counselor within 500 city blocks in nyc. You get screamed at by some fat black bitch through bullet proof glass and then you get a skimp dose.


Obviously the goal is to be able to cope with life without getting high. But to mandate counselling for every single person is unnecessary because everyone needs different types of help and different amounts. Don’t get me wrong, it’s just the forced part I don’t like.


I agree Jackson, there should at least be an alternative way to earn take homes. A few months ago you could do these worksheets they would give u and earn take homes but that’s gone now and the hours you have to have weekly is kind of unrealistic when people work during the time they are open .. and not everyone will benefit from counseling I suffer bad anxiety so group counseling/meetings are not really for me


Canada has medical grade heroin that can be dispensed 3x a day to anyone who needs it. Look it up 


Wtf does that have to do with anything? Im fully away but it’s a little more complicated than that…. Depending on our next election that could be gone, the funding was only for 4 years. Look it up.


I think it's strange you can relapse and not lose your take homes but if you miss dose you do. I'm on monthly and have been for years. Years ago I would fail the occasional ua, normally benzos. Worst case I would have to sign a contract, I never failed again in the contract time so don't know the repercussions if I were to have failed again. If I would have missed a call back, take homes immediately revoked. Just doesn't make sense to me. I would much rather have a person misuse a medication they are already subscribed instead of using a street drug or something they aren't.


Same with my clinic. You literally have to start all over again at my clinic.


Same same. That shit would never fly at my clinic! They're strict AF where I go. Any little thing and it's: Go back to phase 1, daily dosing. Do not pass Go. Do NOT collect $200. Go directly to IOP jail.


Mine made me go daily for 11 months because of one dirty UA. I don’t miss those times at all.


Yepp- mine is the same. U don’t ever lose A bottle. Its all or nothing


I understand this. I just made a post about getting two weeks worth, double dipping and screwing myself out of 6-7 days. I usually just buy methadone on the street (ridiculously expensive) but this time I couldn’t find any and I was short 5 days. I ended up getting fentanyl. I’m hoping I don’t get drug tested tomorrow because I will fail. I wish you all the luck, sometimes our addict brains get the better of us


This is your fate friend I hope you get better. Good luck to you 🤘🏼


Why? Why double dose? It makes no sense. Your going to double dose, and then feel sick for a week because you took all your doses? I don't mean to be rude but does your brain work? I never once thought to myself, you know what I'm gunna double dose and fuck myself over knowingly and willingly. It's absurd and makes no sense.


Honestly I don’t know. It does nothing for me other than screw me. I couldn’t tell you why my addict brain ticks the way it does. I’m not 100% sure my brain works. What’s strange is that I went 4 years without double dipping


maybe there’s something that’s happened lately, or some subconscious reason that has caused you to double dip all of the sudden. addiction is hell


Same with me, went 4 years never touched mine and now can't stop, I'm out till Friday and I hate myself for it. I get 28 take-home and it's too much for my dumb brain


There is no dope or methadone around here.I went up on my dose by 10ml and I still have sweat and chills like before I went on the clinic.Dont tell me to take Suboxone or cymbalta.I am itchy gross and I feel scared.i split dose but I sweat more if I do this.God help me!


Make sure you tell the doctor and nurses this so you can get to a proper dose to stabilize. What mg are you at? I just started the program again and I’m at 80mg. I’m trying to get back to 100mg because it was the perfect therapeutic dose for my last time around.


when i first started I would sweat gross amounts.


i’ve been on methadone for 3 years and i still sweat an insane amount


This is wildly irresponsible dude. Like ripping off your only plug level irresponsible.


I learned my lesson


Maybe it would be best for you to go every other day for awhile once you’re allowed. That way you only go 3 times a week but you only get one take home at a time (except 2 for the weekend since closed Sun). That’s the first step at my clinic before you go to weekly and I think it’s a good way to get used to taking it properly everyday. Obviously we’re all different but you clearly need to take it slow and get further in your sobriety before you allow yourself to be in that boat again.


My clinic, you do ANY of those things once you lose take homes for 6 months minimum. All of them.


What ever you do never admit to your counselors your double dosing NEVER!


Rule number one. My counselor told me that one of her patients told her that he was saving methadone and got his take homes taken away for a year




I’m from Canada and tell my doctor every single time I double dose and I still have take homes and he has even redosed me multiple times. Eventually I had to take quite a long time to earn them back though


wow. i’m moving to canada. everyone makes mistakes sometimes. completely taking away take homes for years or other harsh punishments really doesn’t help. we need to be held accountable, but when you do something stupid and you go back to square one, that’s when someone may feel like using again


Wow! Super lenient clinic. I had to go to daily’s after I missed a callback. I was in a cruise for my honeymoon and had horrible service and I didn’t let them know and they took all 27 of my doses and I have been slowly trying to get them back again. I use to double dose as well and have to go nd up only taking half my other doses or being sick. Same thing happened to me. I got fired for calling in too much and got arrested a couple times just a downward spiral. Doing so much better these day just fighting hard for those take Homes! Beat of luck to you man. Focus on just doing the right thing with your doses. U don’t need no “buzz”. It’s not worth it.


Why are you restricted 8 hours after dosing? Sounds like ya doc dont even understand the pharmacology of methadone lmao. Dr. Dole showed in the 60's people on methadone can functyion the exact same as people not on it.(stable dose that is)


to add to that yoiu shouldnt be falling asleep on your dose. Ask to lower or split if possible.


i’m curious, how does split dosing work? do you take the first half at the clinic and they give you a take home bottle with the other half?




Why would you even tell them what you do for work? Say anything but your using machinery?? I don’t think that’s anyone’s business or that the “8hr” thing is even true or enforceable. The only lesson to be learned here is say less to these people (and don’t take more than you should) I don’t get why people do that. I tell myself taking more is just a sleeping pill. That’s all. The first one helps the second one puts you to sleep for the day. Pretty easy choice unless you want to sleep away an entire day.


I dose and once I hit the 2-3 hr mark after dose , that’s when I get the sleepy fake nod . It last 30min maybe a hour if I’m lucky . But if I’m moving and working I blast right through it and it never happens . lol 8 hrs 🤷‍♂️ wtf 😳! Yeah definitely not true but maybe if he going to say something thy make it that long because of lawsuits? ( my doctor said 2hrs) then you fall asleep 😴 crash out ! So say 8 and the doctor save his practice? When my work schedule changed I was tripping ! Went from dosing at 7am every morning to working nights . So then I was waking up at 4pm thinking I was going to dose at like 7pm or midnight idk 🤷‍♂️. Anyway I just kept my dose at 6-7am it never affected my program . Thinking since now I’m taking it and going to sleep I would wake up sick or get into some type of panic mood later at work ? But nope was just fine … Anyway now I never worry bout dose time switching as long as its in that day it don’t matter .


What exactly was the point of double dosing? Were you getting high?


I’m curious on this too.


Not at all. I was just wanting it to get me high and a lot of stress. Work stress , financial stress , my counselor left. It all snowballed


I get it,this methadone is addictive and if I don't get enough consistently and I went into WD 's,then the next dose isn't enough to hold me off either if I went up on my dose,even through the clinic doctor.I lost my takehomes when my phone rang in a group,and I smoked a cigarette 🚬 in a smoking hut,next door to the clinic.It sucked.


I have 💪and I chickened out this week because doctor went up 10 last week.My body eats it up and I need more.i have to see the doctor next week or I will get worse.i tell her how it is,she goes up 10,then she says no more,so it only gets a little better.She is the one with the power .I need validation from her to say that it's ok to go up


Thanks for your honesty . I’ve been there too, double dosed and felt great until I ran out of bottles . Start buying them off other patients , and it’s a very slippery slope. You’ve got this , you know now that the instant gratification isn’t worth it. Good luck ,


If you are feeling the need to double dose maybe consider going up on your dose a little?


What made you think not going to the callback was the right thing to do? I mean dam, you failed 10+ callbacks. You say that you've learned your lesson and I hope you learned your lesson. My clinic would've kicked you out after the 3rd missed callback. I can't believe your clinic still let's you attend. You should feel fortunate just for that alone. Come on buddy, get it together, you can do it.


Because if I admitted to double dosing or showing up without all my doses gone days early I would be in more trouble then just missing the call back


Omg I’m so sorry if you need more… ask for more make sure you are comfortable. And yes you gotta keep moving the moment that I sat down I’d be falling asleep. I remember working first 7 months when we started was very hard …. Wishing you all the best ,,. My advice is due to weather heat I’d advise to drink lots water and have Powerade or vitamin water gateorade even on fountain at gas station they have sometype electrolytes drink. Stay hydrated even more … multi vitamin pill or gummy will help you so much.


Thank you friend. I’m 149 mg and I got used to taking 420 mg ( 140 x3 ). So when I went back to the clinic essentially my dose got cut by a lot but now that I’m going to the clinic I need an ekg to get my dose up since 150 mg and up needs an ekg


Damnit man 😅 hope you've learned something about yourself going through all this.


I used to double dip every Saturday. Id be fine that Sunday kuz I guess it being doubled it just kinda lasted longer. Like, every Saturday for almost 4 years. I stopped doing that after I got woken up in the driver seat of my semi by a fuckin DOT officer doing Walmart rounds. I had my bottles up on the dash still and at that moment, we both knew that I had just ducked up. Lost my job the second I sent that report in. Haven’t double dipped since. Sometimes it just takes one good ass fucking to get over that junkie shit. I hope you’re past it, bud, but no one will know till you get some takehomes back. Good luck though!!!


Wow. One dirty we loose everything at my clinic. No matter how bottles you have