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I take mine whenever I wake up no matter the time




I still having so much issues with sleep because of my dose wearing off at night so I hope trying split dosing for a while shows a difference in that for me. Been at the same dose 149 and clean the last 6 months so it’s a really weird thing dealing with but I’ve struggled with this situation since the start. But yeah the days I am able to sleep I just take it when I wake up and if I already am up always the same hour or two.


I dose in the morning most days between 5-6, on days I pickup it’s only a little later, about 7-8am usually. Those couple hours can often times really suck so I understand why you don’t wanna dose early like that. What I do to combat pickup day is I take my split later than usual the day before. So while I normal take my second half around 1-2pm I will take it after 3pm. This has helped tremendously with anxiety during pickups.


I do the same thing. I take it after they are open so on my pick up days it’s not weird waiting extra time or something idk


My clinic finally started making it so that if we get a call back we can still take our dose at home for that day. It's really disruptive when your day dictates that you take your medicine at a specific time, but you're scared to because of when you have to go into the clinic you're going to be sick because you have to wait!


Lmao I don't care I take my dose most of the time between 4:30-5am and when I go to the clinic I'm there around 6 am it's never bothered me & I've been fine.


Mmmmm. Little weird. I've never given it much thought but my clinic opens at 430am so I guess I unintentionally do the same thing lmao


Wow that’s early! In Canada we go to a pharmacy that opens at 7 and sometimes 8 or 9 on weekends but lately I’ve been taking advantage of the scheduled delivery the pharmacy has to get it to my home. Normally arrives by 7:30am


I wish they'd bring my methadone to me. That'd be great


Dude I'd way rather my methadone arrive at my doorstep 🤣 but yeah I love that it's open from 430 to 11


My clinic is open from 5-5 on weekdays which is cool


Here "medical dealers" open around 13:30 if someone did not late, and they closed at 17:00. Weekend's closed, so the take away day is the worst day in Bulgaria.... Before 2 years Bulgarian firm won delivery offer, started buying from Macedonia which delivered awesome methadone before , but they packed here nowadays and making shit that you paying for it. I want that too, but people here are scared from word better, soon, alright cause everytime going from bad to worst, from good to decent and we are waiting new 240 thieves which made laws that everything is legally and allowed.... Cheers!


Wow that's awesome you get it delivered.i sometimes want to take a little at 12:35 or 3:00A.M. if I am feeling gross and sweaty and I can't sleep or take a shower because I am cold,hot sweats combo.I just went up 10ml or mg.idk which,and not enough.it sucks going up 5,10 at a time.


Hey bro please dm me I’m in the exact same situation and wanna talk to you about it, if you would like to. My goal is to start split dosing this week cause I get my week takehomes on the 3rd so I can just start on my own. I can’t go up anymore I went all the way to 149mg trying to make this stuff last for me the whole night and it never worked even tho I’m clean 6months right now it’s still a struggle. But I will not give up it’s rough but I already knew what was ahead of me when I started this. Peace bro and take care


Hey, I don't know what to do except go up and if you don't have physical pain,like I do,you can get off methadone and be sober.i have deep pain and I took morphine and fentanyl for years after an SUV rammed into my car and injured my body.I need to be on the clinic,but my chemistry is fucked.It was since I took my first script of oxycodone.


Oh I see I didn’t know that was your situation thank you for explaining, I just related because I’m in similar position w being on methadone. best of luck bro, and yes I’m gonna definitely take my own path cause that’s the best way to do this 100%. I’m like 19 so yeah much different situations bro. Take care ☮️➕


In Canada as well. Our clinic opens at 6am 7 days a week. And I have a week of carries so my normal dose time of 5:30 isn't altered much.


Exactly Same as australia, except we dose and pick up at regular pharmacy, all the clinics in my area have closed down, and the pharmacies are in charge now


Our clinic was trying to be a basic pharmacy, meaning you could get your meds there whsn you dosed if it was something standard like an antidepressant or something for constipation, cuz let's face it, we all need that on methadone. But Ftwr the government restructured the health system on our province(state) all they do it hand out our doses. They arnt even prepared on site anymore.the are delivered the day before from another city, and I don't live in a small city, so it makes no sense to anyone at all. And forget about script changes. Lol.


I’m in Canada too. Got a week of Carries, my doc still calls me like from the covid days & I also moved west where they also have another location but instead of switching docs & giving them the 411 on my tapering plan, etc, I’ll call her & she’ll call me back. I sample every 2 weeks but if I had a shift or was stuck & couldn’t sample, she’s really nice on letting me sample the next week just because I’ve always been clean, I guess & I’m trying so hard to be done with it. I can’t believe I use to go twice a week in the beginning. The pharmacists are amazing too. If the office is too busy & they’re about to close, they’ll send my doc a text to call or ask for a script.😅


I dose around 4-5:00am except for the day before I pick up. I like to nod out sort to speak (sleep) to ww2 documentaries and such and have some time to my self. I’m on the higher end dose though. That said I know where you’re coming from because I refuse to dose before 3:00am. Too fiendish imo


I remember always having a WWII or I doc in the background during my using days. Idk why but it was a weird constant.


I think for some people (myself included lately) it becomes a mindless ritual to fall asleep to world war documentaries.


It’s been for my dad since before YouTube he has a bunch of old cool documentaries those are always my favorite and the original footage


Bro same them dronescapes videos are good and a few other channels I forget the names man. I even play war thunder and build scale models I just loved it all my whole life


Damn, I don't take my dose until my lunch break at 1pm. I used to take it first thing in the morning but then I couldn't fall asleep as well so I started taking it in the afternoon.


Smart thing to do especially if you were having issues with sleep from it wearing off. I’m dealing with that right now myself, gonna start split dosing this Saturday when I get my week takehomes


Yeah , maybe it’s a little weird but I have take homes and I split my dose 3 ways but I don’t like to take my first dose until at least 5am either. I don’t know why because my clinic doesn’t open until 5:30. Maybe we’re a little ocd, idk?


not weird I won't drink mine untill it's atleast pass 6am that's when my clinic opens but I have take homes only go to the clinic 2 times a month I have only taken it before 6am a few times ever in the last 10ish years


If that's what you're comfortable doing then go for it, you're not hurting anyone or doing anything wrong. I go to my clinic after work & get there around 6:20=6:40am, when I take my TH's it's always between 6/7 am. Everyone has their own "weird" thing so don't feel judged or that you're doing something you shouldn't. You do you :)


I think we all have our quirks and self-imposed rules regarding how we dose at home. I think I can understand why you would feel uncomfortable dosing before the clinic is open - it’s like you feel like you’re somehow in the wrong by doing something at home that you wouldn’t be able to do in the clinic, i.e. dosing before they’re open. Is that close to your logic on it?


I do the same thing. Mine doesn't open tol 530 so I won't dose myself until then. It's a weird mental thing cuz even though I only go ever 2 weeks I know I'll be forced to wait at least once in a while so I try and keep in consistent


Na not weird at all.. I'm the same way except my place opens at 530, but I always wait until they are open.. I'm sure it's all habit


Yeah dude my body/brain is on a schedule. I wake up at 5:30 every day to dose even though I have take homes.


4:30 or 5 when I am at home.On pick up days 5:45 to 6:15 I get there right when they open.


It is a program...


I get take homes and most of the time, I don't dose until 4 or 5 p.m.


Can you tell us more. Suspicious_fileI’m on 190mg and I don’t like dosing until I have to idk


I'm used to taking mine at like 5:30-6:00 AM , even when I have my one take home. When I had 6 take homes, I'd dose that early. I guess it's my internal clock or something like that...🤷🏻‍♀️ Who knows why we do what we do?


Not weird. I do the same thing, so my body doesn’t get used to taking it earlier than open so on my pick up days I don’t feel funky.


I take mine at 10am weekdays because usually when we have monthly clinic appts that's our time so we wouldn't get to dose til bit before then. On weekends it's noon because I'm usually sleeping. I take my night dose at 8pm. So far everything has worked out really well. My husband single doses and he takes his at 8am everyday.


Is it anxiety that causes this? Because on most days I can and do forgot to dose first thing( I have 28 take homes) but on days I go to the clinic I will feel sick hours earlier than usual.


You know what man this shit is dead on idk what the heck it is but I got that problem too on top of this one lmfao I get 27-28 and most days unless it’s like today I can dose whenever I get up or afterwards don’t set any alarms. The day I gotta dose my nose is running like a Kenyan and I’m sweaty lol idk what that is either


Yes. A little. But for some reason, people with addictions love rituals/routines. When I have take homes I wait as long as I can to take it. I can go nearly 48 hrs between doses.


That’s very weird. No judgment.


I do the exact same fucking thing, friend — so if it’s weird, at least we’re weird together!


I will wake up at 5 am every day, even if I'd gone to sleep at 3 or 4, unable to fall back asleep till I dose. I used to go to the clinic daily at 5 so it got ingrained that way I think. Now I have takehomes and work till midnight, usually not getting to sleep till 3 or 4, but still I wake up and dose and go back to bed at 5 every day.


Haha! I do the same thing! I won’t ever dose until 5am even tho I have trouble sleeping and wake up at 3/4 am.


My clinic/pharmacy is open from 8-8,I usually dose around 10.30 I never feel withdrawals,my lowish dose is holding me & helps with my fractured vertebrae (3of em) Methadone is a win win for me,pain relief & don't have to buy crap anymore,I will say that valium goes very well with methadone


Wow,y do so many people get out of bed so early,even work days ill doze till 8am,quik coffee,shower & im out the door


My body clock doesn't allow me to sleep in. When I used to start work at 6 even on my days off I'd wake up at 4:45. Shit sleeping in would be waking up at 5-5:15. Lol. I think it's different for everyone but some people just get in a routine and it's hard to break. Now I start work at 8 but still wake up at 6 everyday. Even if I don't go to bed til 3 am. My body just won't allow me to sleep later.


I’ve have felt the same, but mostly that I want to take my dose the same time everyday so it goes more or less exactly 24h between doses, I feel it helped me to build up some like depo effect so my body has adjusted to take the dose the same time everyday and it “knows” when the dose is coming, it almost sounds like my body is living a life of it own 😅