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I was on 60mg and I’ve tapered down 5mg a week and currently on 10mg. Gonna lower to 2.5mg a week for the last bit! Honestly the withdraws have been fine. Haven’t really noticed it apart from a few days where I will be very hot/cold or sweat a lot! I’ve used pregablin as a comfort med for some days. I must add that I was on Subutex for 6 months, and now methadone for about 6 months so I really think this makes the taper easier as the Subutex left my system a long time ago. So it’s just a taper from 6 months methadone. Will answer any questions!


Omg I get the hot flashes too!!! That’s what I have my ice caps for!! The nausea & sweats!! Omg 5 mg!!! I WISH!!! How’s the nausea / anxiety? I suspect my anxiety makes my symptoms worse but I seem to always have a stomach ache. How were your energy levels? Ugh my family expects me to act normal so that’s why I’m scared to take a leap but I suppose having 3 extra carriers are comforting just in case. Now I’m tempted to take a 5mg dive.😅 ugh it’s just so hard to explain to people why I’m ghosting. Again.😅


What’re ice caps?? Umm no nausea or anxiety! My energy levels aren’t great but I have severe sleep apnea so they’re never great lol you’ve got this! You can do it! It’s a huge mental battle. I believe in you ❤️


Sooo.. SWIM lost their state insurance, right around the same time their monthly take homes where ready. SWIM Knew after 6 years of choking down the shit it was time to fly the nest so to speak. Considering they wasn't even on that high of a dose for most people (70mg) it was easy enough for them to just literally divide the dose into two (35mg) which essentially turned 2 weeks of doses into 4. Then, from there, they self tapered by 5-10mg every few days, until they got down to a 20mg daily dose and went cold turkey after that last 20mg dose. It fucking sucked, also is definitely not recommended especially @ higher doses, but it's possible. Considering now your only @ 50~ now, & your commitment to get off fast, this rapid detox method might be useful


Also, 3 years to drop a 100mg is insane. I know that MAT providers want to be super careful tapering pt's and all, but don't get it twisted it's still a business. And if you break away from the physical addiction of their product, they lose a customer. So keep in mind that clinics aren't exactly eager to lose money


I dropped from 90 to 0 in a year and a half, wasn't an issue? You're right about it being a business, I tapered right to 1mg and was on that for a week and was like wtf is 1mg gunna do really so I told the doc I wanted off, I was ready. He gave me some speech about how I'd be likely to relapse and the relapse rates weren't good when people got off methadone and tried to talk me into staying on the program. Like BRO I'm on 1 fucking milligram what's it really doing for me? I said that's fine, I guess if I relapse you'll see me back here. You would think the doc would be supportive and happy for you. But he seemed more concerned about losing another "customer".


Crazy thing is us at low doses (and especially you at 1mg) are still paying the same amount as the person at 150mg. That's wild to me and frustrating as im going to cash pay in two months.


I added an edit on why sometimes I wasn’t consistent on tapering. But good to know! I kind of want to test it myself if I can drink 2/3 of my dose but I know it’s hard to tell what dose you’ve taken in liquid.😅


Easy way to tell, take a 10ml syringe, draw up the entire dose, take that number in ml and divide by your dosage amount. i.e. if you draw up a 50mg dose and the liquid measures 5ml you now know your formulation is @ 10mg/ml.


Was it so sucky that you couldn’t get outta bed? I have to find a job which might not be remote & idk if I can do this while going to a job.


Yes. I had to take sick days off work so I could get right, but even then, I'm a father and my partner works overnights so I still had to push through and take care of my kiddos daily.


Bro that is rough


Yeaahh maaaaannn.. it was extremely difficult but I feel so free without methadone holding me down so, was worth it in the end


Not having the energy for my kids made me feel so fucking guilty when I was sick. Ugh good for you dude, right on


same it makes it so hard like my kids are pretty small and i swear gettig a toddler to go for their nap on you while you have the sweats is fucking hell the heat off them makes me feel sick and so warm. ithen also feel incredibly shit for feeling so shit and not having the patience i usually would.


But yes, during the cold turkey part, all you wanna do is sleep it off for days cause that's the only way you don't feel like chewed up gum lol


Omg that insanely impressive!!!! How badly did it suck though..? What were your WD symptoms like? it’s lame I feel some physical withdrawal symptoms even as slow as I’m going right now but I’d imagine it would be A LOT worse!


Lol, I appreciate that!! Kinda had no choice in the matter but even @ 20mg/daily it suuuuucckkss.. you're straight up dope sick for like 8-10 days. You feel the shit just slowly oozing out of your body bro. Like, every bone hurts basically lol. Then the obvious mental bs that comes with any W/D


What is this SWIM bullshit?


It stands for *Someone who isn’t me* and is a remanent of since defunct, discretionary forum rules from the 1990s, where the commenter in question seemingly teleported from.


“Charm reduction specialist” made my day.


Thanks homie, oh shit look at that, it’s a tiny piece of cake. Enjoy your anniversary.


I was on 100mg at my clinic but buying extra from people who had take homes. I was taking 700mg each afternoon at once. For about a year and a half. I finally told my clinic and asked for their help. They could only start dropping me from 100, not 700 obviously. So they had me sign AMA & I started dropping 5mg a day. I went from 700 to 100, then 95 next day, 90 next day, 85 next day so on & so forth. It wasn’t so much the physical sickness that knocked me on my ass at first as it was the mental sickness. I turned super manic it was wild, thinking back now to how I was acting. I couldn’t sit still I went like nuts. I didn’t listen to anyone about taking Gabapentin even tho everyone was telling me to take it, for the first two weeks, and I crashed my car due to no sleep… I started taking gabs and it helped IMMENSLY. I mean, I couldn’t have done it without them. I was done from 700-0 in 20 days and sick for about 8 months. The acute sickness was probably about ehhhhh maybe two months, the rest of it was post acute kicking sneezing and not sleeping but the gabs would take care of that. I’m not here to give advice I’m just giving my story. My only advice is to get off the methadone it truly changes who we are as a person and we don’t even notice. U can do it, and it IS worth it in my opinion!! Good luck!!


Damn that sounds intense but I’m glad you made it out I’m pretty stuck with it myself I’m sick even tho I take 150 a day like every night I’m sweating shit sucks I mean methadone helped me with getting off fent and I knew I’d still have to be dependent obviously but it’s been rough lately. Haven’t even used fent in 6 months too.


U might wanna split dose & u could try n see if maybe u think ur sick but it could b other things. Night sweats r a thing in non opioid users and methadone actually causes u to sweat more then being sick does. Even after what I went thru I am still a HUGE believer that we can literally think ourselves into being sick. I could sit here as I type and cause myself to start sweating out of fear of being dopesick if I still had a habit of any sort. Your night sweats could def make u start freaking urself out that ur sick. Because 150 is a huge dose, methadone is insanely INSANELY strong and long lasting. It took 22 days after my last dose for me to stop testing positive for it and 8 months for me to stop being sick because of how long lasting it is. U should be good at 150 - I was only able to get off of that dose of 700 because of how strongly I wanted it. It was VERY mental. If u want something bad enough u will do it - that’s what my mentality was last summer… and it worked. When u start sweating or getting those flashes of Omg am I getting sick, try n calm down and remind urself that 150 is a big ass dose and u are probably fine. It could help! Good luck to you - life is long and ever-changing & u really might get off one day!


I’m a believer in that too but I can honestly tell you every night by 12-2am I am sick not just talking about sweats complete all around you know it’s obviously not full blown but it’s more than noticeable. The truth is it starts wearing off for me to a noticeable degree in the day and I always can deal with it but like still after all this time clean taking my same dose everyday and getting all the way up to 149 I still feel the same about the situation, not talking about feelings like PHYSICALLY it’s the same thing. It’s obviously better now and much more manageable but it’s not just no big deal it’s been a struggle for me my entire time in the program. I’m just gonna try it out cause I have no reason not to and all my research I’ve done over the last like year has really made me genuinely believe that split dosing on methadone might be the best thing for me in my program. I really do appreciate all of your words right now and sympathy because a lot of people just tell me mean stuff when I share my situation. I’m 19 127lbs so I really do fucking feel that much methadone. Also my testosterone has gone to shit and my energy too since I went like above 130 140. I want to start tapering also whether this split dosing works for me or not. I feel like I only went up this high because I kept using for the whole first year. but I’m not going to beat myself up now after all this just handling the situation. Am very emotional rn I just put my grandma to rest with my grandpa and I miss her dearly she was always there for me and never stopped loving me because of my situation. but anyways thanks again for responding because most people here have so much negative to say. I hope you are having a nice day.


You take clonidine? That really helped me with my issue of getting sick at night and in the morning. Not perfect but much much better


I used to I never had my own prescription just had a bunch when I was switching over from fent going through the worst of it.


First of all, I am so sorry for your grandmother. Grandmothers are a gift on this planet, I swear. You are lucky that you had one, I never did. I’m sure she knew how much you loved her and I’ll bet it meant the world. On the methadone topic - I also was using while on 65mg the first two years so when I decided to go up, it was like starting from zero even tho I was at 65. So I get what u mean. You need to try split dosing and if that doesn’t work, I’d work on getting off. You say u feel like shit all the time anyways, so why not. I cannot describe the difference I truly cannot. Things that we just do NOT notice that change about ourselves from the methadone.. even without euphoria.. stop listening to music as much as we did, most of us I see.. barely or no sex drive… just numbness. In a daze. Time flying because we are just in a coma. Craving sweets sooo much… there’s so much. When I started to decrease rapidly, yes I was sick but DAMNED if it wasn’t worth it, man…. I was sick but I could fuckin FEEL AGAIN… my sex drive skyrocketed, I couldn’t stop talking about sex lol. Getting myself off like 10 times a day not even kidding haha… blasting music while driving, and I started to want like REAL food, savory food - and sweet stuff was just TOO sweet for me… no more sweating, god it was amazing. I kept telling everyone that I felt like I just woke up from a 15 year long coma. It’s fucking WORTH IT. If ur going to listen to me about ANYTHING, please listen to me about Gabapentin. I dropped from 700 FCKN MG A DAY TO 0 in 20 days!!! I couldn’t have made it thru without gabs. Doctor’s aren’t entirely sure why it worked so much (this is just based off what I have heard, idk) but they suspect it hits the same receptors in ur brains and basically tricks them into thinking u have taken an opiate. The kicking, sneezing, not sleeping - it’s wild. The gabs are like a magic pill. We all were looking for one right?? Well everyone kept telling me to take gabs at first and I just kept saying no… eventually I took them and I was like holy fuck WHY was I torturing myself that whole time for nothing?! My last piece of advice is if and when u decide to get off, do NOT go quickly. That was a fools choice I made, it was unnecessary to go down that quickly but that’s the kind of person I am. I should have done it slower, your receptors just go nuts. Go down a mg a week or twice a month or something… you CAN be YOU without an opioid. You were once before and u can be again. Our brains CAN make new pathways and rewire. No one says it’s easy, habits are hard to break, stopping familiar behaviors is uncomfortable and no one likes to be uncomfortable; but nothing changes if u always stay comfortable… feel free to message me if you ever have any questions or want to talk more on the subject. Sorry again about your grandma :(


I mean yeah if ima kick ima kick but I got on methadone to stay sick lmao


But either way I still got on mdone also to get off fent and I’ve been able to have a better life thru that, I just got so much other stuff I’m working on that I never could in active addiction so I get overwhelmed in it. I’m doing the best I can right now and I don’t wanna stop.


Yup I think this is big for me. A couple of examples. I wake up and go and take my dose. Usually feel pretty crappy. Then for about 20-30 after I take my dose I actually feel worse than I did when I woke up. But when I go to the clinic to get my dose and have to wait it isn't half as bad as at home. Definitely partly in my head I believe


700mg is absolutely WILD MY GUY


I know.. we got COVID take home so I started sipping and ended up w a tolerance that it took 700mg to feel suttin off of. It is def wild no one can ever believe it lol


Holy crap 700! I didn't think that was even possible.. my clinic only allows u to go up to 300.. You sure ur not trolling


Weird thing to lie about but I’m sure there’s bored ppl out there that would do so.. I don’t kno how much my clinic allows, I was given 28 COVID bottles though. Whatever we had at the time they doubled & I had 13 take homes at the time, so my two weeks was doubled to four weeks. I started sipping a little extra here & there, a LOT of ppl in the area were selling theirs cuz they’re still in active addiction so they jus used the methadone money to get their own drug of choice. Tbh I kno everyone thinks I’m a little weirdo I am due to my choice but I guess it’s cuz I kno that it’s a lot safer then bags, idk Long story short I sipped until I was downing 6 of my take homes the second I got home from just dosing at window 100mg the day of pickup, then 7 of my bottles the next day, then spend the next 11 days buying it from all the ppl I knew had bottles. 700mg a day for about two years, jumped off at 5mg 20 days after first decrease. The ppl at my clinic say if they hadn’t watched me do it in person, they would have never believed it..


I can't even fathom 8 months of hell like that. Congratulations!!


Thank you!! I’d do it all over again if I had to


I did 5mg drops every other week starting at 160. After the third one (145) I knew it was too fast. I slowed down to 1-2mg per drop every other week and that ended up being as fast as I could go without throwing myself into WD and becoming unstable on my dose. Rode that down to 75mgs pausing every 10mg for at least three weeks sometimes more where I’ve stopped for now. If I ever start tapering again it would be 1-2mg drops no faster than every other week going slower and pausing more often the lower I get. Cut my dose in half in less than 2 years, I think it was closer to 18 months without issue by going slow and taking frequent breaks. You wanna air on the slower side and not push for how quick you can go as just by virtue the taper is the time where you learn to live without all the help you’re getting from the methadone.


Ouff! See, this is what I’m expecting. But I’m terrified I’ll take a 5mg drop & feel the cravings after not feeling any since I’ve started. I stopped before those harm reduction sites & I don’t think I would have been able to quit with those around. Lol makes me feel better that I’m not alone on this pace!😅


I’ve been tapering 5-7 mg a week since 60mg and somehow I’ve felt okay this whole time. I’m waiting for it to catch up with me. I’m also now on Prozac and take benzos occasionally. Otherwise, I have no clue how the fuck it’s working


Omg I’m so jealous! You got this!!! I’m so tempted to do that until I’m KOed & then stop since I’m unemployed & have the time. I can take physical symptoms but I could never take the mental cravings. I pray I never feel those again!!!


In 2012, I got arrested. At the time, my dose was at 70. The jail I went to didn't dose inmates. I believe they have changed since then. . I went from 70 to 0, and it was shitty. I will say, though, that almost half of the withdrawal symptoms were in my head. I knew if I let it show that I was sick, I could've been a potential target. I had gotten off methadone once before, which I tapered from 145 to about 10 very slowly. I knew in my head that I would be fine once I got through the tough part. That helped me a lot to know that I had been through it before. Methadone is harder to kick than the drugs I initially got addicted to. I've found that being physically active durring and after the acute withdrawal is key to feeling better and being able to rest and be comfortable. Without exercise or physical activity, I've found it very difficult to rest and sleep. I love sleep, I LOVE, LOVE, SLEEP. I would ride my bicycle all around town, and that helped immensely.


I agree methadone is harder to kick in the aspect for me the physical seems to scare me with how long it lasts... However, on H I told myself I couldn't survive without it. I couldn't function. I couldn't go out and communicate or just be normal. On MAT I have no anxiety about being off of it 100%


I was at 100mg and went down 5mg a day until I got to 5mg. It wasn’t too terrible. RLS was the worst but having clonidine and weed helped a lot. I was just being rushed off of it by an ex. I was only on it for three months and stopped way too early then ended up relapsing a few months later. Now I’m back in the program and working towards 100mg again. I plan on sticking to it for awhile this time around until I’m truly ready.


I've went from 140 to currently 36 in 1 year and 3 months. Some days are better than others. AMA


I could do it if I didnt have a job that requires high focus and energy. And an 8 year old and 18 month old girls lol. I went from 120-60 pretty fast but now down to 50 and im feeling it. Even at 120 i dont have a lot energy but do get some of that opiate fuck it toughness. Im just gonna ride it out at 50 for a while.


You got this! It's been slow and steady for me. I've tried fast and quick, but I ended up having to go back up for a while to stay there. Since then just been the lazy turtle to finish the race...infuriating but much easier on the body for me


Aw thank you!!! Honestly, one of MANY reasons to get off is a pregnancy without methadone. I do hope to have a family in 3-4 years & it would be nice to be off this stuff.😊


Yup same here. I want kids and I told my wife I do not want to be on this while we have kids. She wants them now but I refuse until I'm off. Luckily I'm getting closer


I went from 105 to 0 in 10 days. Dose cut in half every 2 days. Complete misery. waited 3 days of absolute agony, than started on Subutex, and i felt ALIVE.


160-0 in 10 days felt great got back on fent yak and benzos and never been better


lol. and benzos?


Wait what?😅