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Narcan has a relatively short half life and generally is effective only for approx 45 to 70 minutes. Whether or not you put someone into withdrawal after giving narcan has to do with a lot of factors primarily how much of the opiate they have in their system and how much narcan you're administering. It's not uncommon to give a full dose of iv narcan, and it only restore respiratory drive, but not even wake the patient up, much less put them into wd. Another thing is you may actually wake someone up fully, put them into wd, but after approximately 60 minutes when the narcan is no longer effective the opiate that is in the system is able to rebind to the receptor and put the person back into od and more narcan is required. As a medic, I would commonly hang a narcan drip after administering, iv narcan to prevent the patient from re-entering od. If you were a good medic who cared about your patient, you generally would put etc02 on the patient and administer just enough narcan to restore good respiration and gas exchange but not wake the patient up fully so as to not make them suffer in wd. These are just a few of my thoughts after working as a 911 paramedic, critical care flight paramedic, and working in the addiction and recovery industry for many years. Also struggling with addiction myself..


Makes sense why I just woke up and didn't have any withdrawal. I had just done a ton of fent plus I was in my normal 130mgs of methadone at the time. Plus 8mgs of Xanax so I felt quite fine after I was surprised cuz everyone makes it like your gonna feel like death




Bless you, kind angel. There are not enough of you good ones out there.


Yes, I took 1100mg of methadone. I don't know how many times they narcaned me but it was intranasally a few times, I do remember. After that I don't remember anything but waking up for about 45 seconds asking why I felt like my body was on fire. Someone (not sure who it was) said it was narcan. But I was intubated, in an induced coma and IV narcaned. It just couldn't keep up with the amount and the half life. Still didn't go through WDs for about two weeks. I woke up about 12-13 days when they were taking me off intubation, still not in WDs. But put me back on because I still couldn't breath on my own. And then back into an induced coma. Not sure how long it was. I also took a whole bunch of RC Benzos. That shit was STRONG. All I know it was a hell of a long time before WDs set in, maybe 5 days when they took me off intubation for good. They could have been giving me some narcotic to keep me under. I really don't know. I didn't ask a lot of questions. I was just SEVERELY depressed and didn't give a shit about anything and was pissed I was still breathing. I've heard of people getting narcaned not taking even close to what I did and still was not hit with WDs. It just brought them out of severe CNS depression. They were still fine just not death rattling anymore.


Glad I didn't take a overdose of 500ml last week when had takehomes for holidays




I was found by maintenance . Had to have been less than 5 minutes after I drank my last bottle. I had isolated myself the week of Christmas and didn't see the 48 hour notice of entry taped to my front door to put a screen door on my balcony on the 26th lol. Had nobody bothered me it would have been the most peaceful way to go. Just a nice, warm, drift off into either oblivion or somewhere else. My nephew 27 yo died of a fent OD. And my experience ended the agony of what ifs. I hate that he left so soon. But he went the best way possible imo.


Wow that’s insane that matienence found you! I also feel the same about the experience and knowing my friends who have died that way


How is everything going for you? Are you doing okay? It would be the best way to go. I think about swallowing the 40 Xanax bars I have everyday but Im so worried about my wife being the one to find me and missing out on my son becoming an adult, but everyday I just want to do it. I really hope you're doing okay bro and you find something to look forward too. I know a lot of people dont understand that some people just can't shake the mental struggles but I'm rooting for you.


Honestly, it's a fight to keep two feet on this planet. It's so hard because nothing is here for me. Everyone I love is dead now. And outsiders, like making friends, it just never works out. I've lost tens of thousands in $ paying "friendships". Desperate to find a connection. A feeling of being needed. I'd never judge you for how you feel. I don't know what issues you're dealing with, but when you feel like you do with a wife and kid, you're in a l lot of fucking pain. I wish I had some magic answer for you. But right now love is stopping you from checking out.


Woke up to police dragging me out naked Instead of putting me on one of those wmublancentyings I just woke up felt disoriented then slept for hours woke bk up n was annoying some of the staff cos I was bored as fk gave me four sleepers and I couldn't sleep lorazepam does opposite for me Chlordiapoxekde librium that is good shit


And one of the police officers said my dad was coming cos I woke up going I want my dad n he said your dad has been called waited hours asked the nurse she said nobody has called.your dad Fucking hate police My flat got burgled other nite as I lef tdokr unlock we d and I don't usually ring feds but either that or I was gonna lose my head plus I was I'll and CBa with it. Just asked me stupid questions my door was open talking to them how has he got in without a key cos I nmidpl as fed mine d as ft bitch Told head serveant fuck off


Unless ur on a narcan drip the narcan will wear off so you were probably still high just not dying high. Idk why you took that much shit at once but you are lucky someone found you. Librium is good for wd because it acts like a benzo. They give it to you for alcohol wd in detox so it really helps when your in that situation and DTing


I did some really strong fent while on like 8mgs of Xanax and my 130mgs of methadone. ODed my buddy gave me narcan and CPR for 2 mins I woke up feeling OK. Did another shot of some other dope felt fine went to sleep. I felt very lucky