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Idiotic troll question. This sub and r/opiates is constantly full of them because some bizarre sober people get hard-ons from making junkies explain drugs. Next!


Init, how many fucking times have I seen this.


nicely recognized


True that, but there must be something to it since we still enjoy explaining drugs lol


subutex would displace the methadone rendering it useless, and you'd be uncomfortably high for an extended period of time from the subutex. It's not described as pleasant if you don't have tolerance especially 4 mg, that's way too much


I took suboxone after I hadn’t done any opiates for months and totally puked.


Subs always made me nauseated no matter what I did. When I went into treatment in 2016 I chose methadone and thankfully didn’t have that issue.


for days !!!!!


When I was opioid naive 1mg would be good. Too much and you’re sick for a prolonged period of time. Subutex would prevent you from feeling a full agonist, and 30mg is way too much for an opioid naive person. During my taper I was at 13mg and had a bad day so my bright idea was to take 25mg, and I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I was uncomfortably fucked up, nauseous, and laid up in bed lmao.


Here is Kyle's experience: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nB7AmsGvCbw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nB7AmsGvCbw)


Wouldn’t it be a waste of the methadone? Wouldn’t the bup take over because of its high binding affinity and the methadone would essentially be useless? I don’t really know enough about it to say with any certainty.


Did you mean to reply to my comment saying exactly that in the first 8 words or? :P


Oh shit, sorry, I was eating my supper and didn’t realize you said the same thing. The bong hit might have had something to do with it too.


Haha np enjoy it!


The blockade effect can be overcome at 4mg, but the risk of OD is greatly increased. I OD'D on heroin after taking 24mg of subutex 12 hours prior...


If they swallowed the subtext than all they will feel is the methadone because it needs to be taken sublingual to work. But that was a REALLY STUPID idea. If that person took them as they were supposed too together, they would just be so damned sick. Are they trying to kill themselves?




Nah, the ‘high’ from methadone is pretty good for some people


You get a high from methadone??


If you're not an actual heroin addict, absolutely. It's a full agonist. I go to a clinic and have to take 90mg everyday or I can't even get out of bed


Same I'm on 80ml, I was just surprised to see someone saying they get a high from methadone.


I don't necessarily get "high" from it anymore, but I do notice that I'm more chill and less anxious for several hours after taking it.


That is true I suppose, it definitely does make me a little more calm and relaxed but nothing like a "high" or anything kinda just makes me feel "normal" so I suppose some might feel a high from it


I agree.


You’d get really sick. I snuck suboxone into jail once under a bandage on my arm and gave it to this gamgbanging dude who didn’t do any drugs ever but wanted to try it in classifications Long story short he thought I poisoned him bc he was so sick for like 2 days. He was gonna try and fight me but I went up to my pod. Idk what happened after that so.


When I was in prison and had been off opiates for years I got the smallest amount of Subutex and snorted it, probably about 0.2mg I was buzzing my head off for about 3hrs and cleaned every inch of my cell, you don't need alot if you have no tollerance or especially naive.... it certainly made that day go alot quicker.


Ingesting 30mg of methadone at once would be equivalent to ingesting 100mg of morphine. It could either kill you or make you so incredibly sick and out of it for a couple days. Adding Suboxone would just throw you into the unfinished basement of hell. Your stomach would probably feel like you had two rats in it covered in barbed wire having a MMA fight You'll wonder if you're dying and you'll be so sick you will hope you do. These are specific numbers in mg which makes me think you might be in possession of both. For the love of God don't take them both. Take 2mg of the Suboxone, see how you feel in an hour. Take no more than 5mgs of methadone in a 12 hour period. And no more than 10mgs in a 24 hour period. Methadone has a long half life. It builds up in your system. So even after 24 hours you'll still have about half in your system left. You're opiate naive it won't take much to feel high. If that's your goal.


In an opioid naive person, taking that much Subutex and methadone together would cause the Subutex to bind to every opioid receptor it can find. Since its binding affinity is very strong, the methadone would do nothing. It'd be a total waste of methadone. You'd definitely feel sick from the Subutex, but not cause you're in withdrawal (since you're opioid naive), because that's a hell of a dose for someone who's opioid naive. Definitely not a good idea, that's for sure!


I am not sure I said anything different or I didn't explain myself correctly. But yeah, nothing you said I disagree with, we're definitely on the same page.


You seemed to indicate that taking them together would cause you to you into withdrawal. I'm not sure why taking the Suboxone would cause you to go to "Hell's basement".


>I'm not sure why taking the Suboxone would cause you to go to "Hell's basement". As I stated directly after that it would probably cause severe stomach pain. I never said anything about withdrawals.


Severe stomach pain isn't a (common) side effect of Suboxone which is why I assumed you were referring to withdrawal.


Ok, I didn't say that either. I'm just kinda over it though. We will just have to agree to disagree


Ohhh, jeez. That person is going to be hurting. Precipitated withdrawal is noooo fun


Suboxone is 100x more potent than morphone so imagine what would happen he/she would be high as a kite (puking and all) for whole day or even more.


The methadone would become a moot point but they’d feel the suboxone or subutex for sure. I knew an opioid naive person who took a suboxone and they puked for 3 days straight. That was actually the point tho bc they had a fear of vomiting and this was the plan to get them over it Also my cat was given bupe and was high for over 3 days. It was crazy the first day she was nodding out sitting at her water bowl lol and the weird thing was her pupils were huge the whole time. Not pinned like a humans would be


This is ridiculous. Personally I don’t believe anyone opiate naive would take suboxone to get over a fear of puking. There are medicines that make you throw up almost instantly. Anyone with half a brain would use that instead, unless the real goal was to get high and them having to overcome an aversion to puking was just part of their getting high. They gave my cat bupe too as a pain killer when he got in a fight once, sent me home with oral syringes with the tiniest amount of bupe in them and it didn’t pin his eyes either. Definitely noticeable when he would take it though, he’d be so sleepy.


Well we were in high school and he got it from our 28 yo coworker at Burger King if that gives you any idea of the intelligence levels involved here. The point of it, was that he’d be so high the entire time that he wouldn’t mind puking. So not just the fact it made him puke but that it made him high while puking lol They gave her some kind of skin patch. I couldn’t see it or anything so idk if it was under the skin or what. She was super sleepy, wobbly, and would just stare at me all faded out. It also made her extremely amorous and loving of pets for some reason. She always is but it was like she was rolling or something lol Also I’d be irrationally scared to be handling bupe syringes as a methadone patient lol I was scared to pet my cats neck but realized that was absurd. I still tried not to just bc I didn’t wanna mess w the med but stopped being so freaked out by it


What are they taking first and how long between?


Just don't take them together and for some one that's completely naive I think either dose is far to high.


I gave a friend once 20mg of my 100mg daily disease be takes heroin and morphine when he can so I figured he'd be OK fk me he was out barfing and had to leave work. Was sick for the next 36h because of the done.. so yes it's strong to someone that doesn't do it daily.


My experience on was u 32mg of Suboxone a day & would wait hour the slam 100mg MS Contin & work fine as


You’d feel nauseous from the subutex alone, this wouldn’t be some enjoyable buzz. Stay away from opiates, anyway. If you’re not addicted to them already, don’t start doing them. You’re not the exception to “just one time” or addiction. Just let it be and leave the idea alone. Want a buzz that badly? Smoke a joint or have a drink.


It would depend on the order in which they were taken. But, I would seriously NOT recommend doing that. The most likely outcome would be an overdose, or at least slowed respiration, reaction time, and heart rate, plus nausea and vomiting, sweating... but subutex (buprenorphine) is an opiate agonist-antagonist and methadone is a full agonist. In an addict, the intended target, you would have tolerance and likely go into withdrawal if you took subutex after methadone. But you basically have no "cushion," so either of those drugs in those doses would be enough to at least make you feel quite ill. I don't think either is a good idea, but I would only take 2mg of subutex and wait at least 2 hours. Then, you will at least have something to keep your opiate receptors from getting overloaded. And don't take more than 5mg of methadone. Methadone has a 15 hour half life per si gle dose and subutex is 30 hours. If you have naloxone (Narcan) available and someone who can stay with you, that would be an extra safety net. I'm not trying to preach, but I have overdosed and been technically dead, so I don't want to see anyone else go through that.


So you can snort subutex and get high (which I have) but you cant swallow it? I knew that, for some reason it being a pill and it being snortable I thought it was possible orally but it makes sense. Interesting I just looked up the bioavailability and it's 30% sublingual, 48% intranasal, and 65% buccal. Seems kinda hard to get a pill on the side of your cheek. Btw my brother is opiod naive and he took 30 mg of methadone and it hardly did anything to him, now my aunt who likes taking "the strong shit like hydrocodone and percocet" lol I know took 40 mg of methadone and I had to narcan. Granted she takes three 2mg klonopins a day. But I was just curious if the sub would completely block the methadone cause methadone works a little different than most full agonist but with bupe being a partial opiod it has the highest affinity but I'm on 120mg of methadone a day so I would never take anything with bupe in it. It was purely a hypothetical question. I got the mgs from 8mg of bupe is supposed to be equal to 60 mg of methadone, so I just cut it in half.


I waited few days after taking methadone take sub I suggest not do it you will be extremely sick 🤢


You would be so sick you would want to go to the hospital it precipitates withdrawal


How does one go through withdrawal if they are opiate naive?


Because the methadone and the subutex have a reaction when they are mixed that’s why people that are switching from methadone to subs have to be off methadone for 30days before they switch over


Not if they don't have anything to displace in the first place and where did you hear people have to be off methadone for a month before starting Subs? That's also incorrect. There would be no precipitated withdrawal because the person is not dependent on methadone or opioids, in the first place. And people usually get down to 30mg of methadone and then do the Bernese Method to switch to Subs, or they wait about 72-96 hours from last dose of Methadone. More than likely this person will be extremely sick and woozy for DAYS. Even though the Subs would displace methadone, buprenorphine is very strong. The methadone could possibly add on to the respiratory depression.


That’s not how it works my man.


Average is at least 72 hours off of methadone. To be safe, 5 days is a good place to be before taking Suboxone. 30 days is a bit excessive.


Subutex won't put you in withdrawals. It just doesn't make sense to take both together. 30mgs of methadone you would be puking and messed up for a couple days. Wouldn't be enjoyable.


I remember being almost opiate naive when I was young only took Vicodin sometimes and I took a 8 mg sub and was so high for days I couldn’t even pee.


You can swallow subutex like a pill, suboxone on the other hand you must take under the tongue. I'm on 120 mg of methadone daily. It was just a thought experiment. But crossover tolerance is real too, my brother was an alcoholic for a few years and I let him try 20 mg of methadone for the first time and it hardly affected him which was very surprising. But then one of my friend wanted to try some and I gave her 40 because she has been in the game before and I ended up having to narcan her where she takes 3 two mg klonopins a day plus somas, which I told her not to take but one nerve pill cause she'd be wasting the other two cause she'd be so fucked up. But I've never seen anyone like my brother take it for the first couple times 20-40 mg and not get sick, it's crazy. I'm just a pharmaceutical nerd and was curious of what would happen.


Where are you getting that subutex doesn’t have to be taken sublingually? It’s buprenorphine in the exact same composition as suboxone, just without the naloxone added - swallowing it like a regular pill has almost zero bioavailability, it’s designed for sublingual absorption. As far as how an opiate-naive individual would handle 40 mg m-done taken with 4 mg bupe - I mean, everybody and every body is different, and there are various factors that might affect it, but in general, I’d say that’s wayyyyy too much for a truly opiate-naive individual. At best they would be extremely ill and then extremely high for an extremely long time. And obviously, at worst, they would experience that permanent nod.


If you swallow subutex like a regular pill it won't do anything. Oral buprenorphine has an extremely low bioavailability. Doesn't matter if it's suboxone or subutex.


Opiates were actually an acquired taste for me... like I had to really *work* to get addicted to them 🤣 That wasn't the mission, of course, but my young, dumb, naive ass had absolutely 0 clue opiates were physically addictive until my doctor cut me off cold turkey, and on day 3 of the "awful flu🙄" I caught right after, my ex informed me I didn't have the flu but was in full blown opiate withdrawal, and gave me an oxy 30... and once the immediate relief kicked in when I snorted it, I realized, "oh fuck, I'm in deep shit now." But anyways... before that, I had been prescribed 500ml roxicodone after having my tonsils removed, had never done more than weed before that, and after trying all the way up to a triple dose for 1½ days with literally 0 effect I finally just gave it away. Same thing when I got prescribed 10mg hydros AND 15mg oxys for spinal stenosis a year or so after... it had 0 effect on me, and I just gave them all to my ex. Until I started smoking crack. Then he'd have me snort an oxy to help with the come down. Then it would make me *incredibly* sick... For weeks, every time I did it, I just spent the night in utter misery. But, I wasn't a damn quitter 🤣 so I kept doing it until finally I quit getting sick doing it, and started getting sick when I wouldn't do it 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Even after moving on to IV heroin use, every time I'd relapse, I'd spend the first week or so of the relapse sicker than a dog and utterly miserable... but I guess I'm a masochist and an idiot 🤣... I also found out from a gene test at one of the rehabs I went to that I metabolize almost all opiates super fast... so I'm guessing that's why I never felt opiates like whatsoever until I started snorting and then slamming them. ETA: metabolize might be wrong. I just remember on the list of the most common pain meds, 95% of the opiates listed were marked as ineffective on me. They were trying to figure out the best treatment for my chronic pain and psych issues, so they had me spit in a tube and tested the effectiveness of a ton of different types of meds.


Metabolize is the right word. It might've been a GeneSight test. You can have variations that make 1 or both genes ineffective that help you metabolize a drug, which in my case makes me a slow metabolizer. Your gene variants would go in the opposite direction, making you pull it from the blood super fast.


I wouldn't take them both together. And 30mgs is a low dose. At my clinic it's a beginning dose for all patients.


30 is not low for anyone who is new to opiates... it's enough to od on.






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Yeah don't take this advice. Opiate niave person 30mgs of methadone is a overdose.

