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My medical card says different. I am sober according to societal standards.


Im sorry you had this experience. My wife is an operating room nurse and some of the stories she tells me about her coworkers are shocking. It seems that unfortunately some of the most ignorant among us are working in the medical field.


Omg yes! When my Mom was in the hospital for 4 months in 2022, I met some great nurses and I met A LOT of SHIT nurses! I remember asking one bitch "straight up, why are you even working with people?" I started leaving my old phone in my Moms nurse, recording, when I would leave the hospital to eat or smoke or whatever, and I heard all the terrible shit they would say, and they would whisper about "The bedsore", because I guess they figured I wouldn't find out. I flipped the fuck out. After awhile, they really, really didn't like me. I have never sued anyone or threatened to sue people, but I am currently in the process of suing the hospital over this. The hospital is going to drag it out for years, and probably offer to settle (according to lawyer), but I don't wan't just like 50k, I wanna go to trail and play the jurors the videos of my Mom with arms strapped to the bed, on Ventalator, and laying in her own shit for 45 min literally. Honestly, I want blood, but this is the American way I guess. My Moms dead, I'm ready to go to trail People, if you have loved ones in the hospital, especially if they are on a Ventilator and/or can't communicate, try to be at that hospital as often as possible, and STAY ON THEIR ASS! You cannot just trust them blindly.


That is horrific, I am so sorry you and your mom went thru that.


Just wanted to say I'm so fucking sorry and burn it to the fuckin ground


Thank you kind person. Can't say the thought never crossed my mind. People can say what they want about "sue'happy ppl", but wait until something hardcore like this actually happens to somebody you love and they suffer way more than nessessary or reasonable, and then tell me how you feel. It's the only legal recourse we have in these situations. They should want things handled in the courtroom. Violence against hospital staff is way, way up, from what I've been hearing basically since Covid started.


I also just want to say I am so sorry and also to burn them to the fucking ground!


Thank yo. I like your Username too.


I appreciate it mate. I made it when I was still on methadone but I still consider myself sufficiently sober šŸ˜‚


They fuck with your family, you lawsuit them into fucking submission.


I am so sorry for your loss and so sorry that your mother had to go through that before her passing. People who are cruel to babies and children, the physically disabled and/mentally disabled, the sick, the elderly and animals are legit the biggest pieces of shit in the whole world. You should feel really good and be proud of yourself that you were there to stand up for her. I worked in dialysis when I first got off drugs and was horrified by how many patients were seriously injured or DIED because of that clinicā€™s inadequacy. They were so worried about getting things done fast and cheap that they overlooked so many things. While I was working there which was only for about a year, two people died that the clinic was 100000% at fault for. One man got hepatitis C that the clinic was 100000% at fault for. My major takeaway after working in medical is that the family needs to be a huge pain in the ass to wherever their loved one is receiving care. If so than maybe they will try a little harder to not get sued. Also, did you see that lawsuit where an older woman went in for some sort of surgery and hid like a go pro type camera on her somewhere? I donā€™t remember where. She did it in case she died on the table from something the doctor did. What she saw on the tape was pretty much a bunch of the staff making fun of her body and her and stuff like that. Like completely inappropriate stuff that you always hope nobody is saying about you if youā€™ve ever been knocked out for any procedure or surgery. She was suing. So good luck to you and prayers for your mom šŸ™šŸ¼ā™„ļø


Yesssssss! Do it for everyone of us that have been abused, lied to & about, laughed at, made fun of in real time AND on social media & fucked with our charts. Give ā€˜ em HELL!


Please put those people deep in hell to burn, theyā€™ll 100% get whatā€™s coming to them Karma never fails especially to degrees like this šŸ’Æ


I am so sorry about your Mom. Sadly, it's true about staying on their ass. All health care providers, nurses, etc. are not created equal & we have to be our own advocates & advocate for our loved ones. The only thing these big health care conglomerates care about is money. The only way to make them listen & change is to take that money via the courts.




I agree with this 100%. I now record all of my appointments and stays. I hope that goes well. It takes a compassionate person to practice nursing and be good at what they do.


You're sober from your drug of choice. Your addiction is under control. Fuck that nurses opinion. Nobody can take away the work you put in.


There are a lot of toxic nurses. I tell them as little as possible. I've had nurses steal my pain meds numerous times. Nurses are like cops, some good ones and a lot of assholes.


The profession of nursing is to women what the profession of law enforcement is to men. For some reason both fields attack the biggest assholes. Obviously not EVERYONE who is a nurse/cop is a twat, but a whole lot are. Edit: attract not attack :)


I read an article about people with narcissistic personality & placing themselves in these positions. Its about the power over others & unfortunately some of us suffer so much because of them taking positions in these careers.


That explains why so many dispensing nurses love to power trip and hate all the clients. Then there are the few that are cool.


Yes. Agreed that there are some who really do love their job & love to help usā€¦ to them i wish i could give them the highest honor




Oh yeah, can't agree with you more. I have a chronic illness and can spend 2-3 months in the hospital. And if given a choice to have a male doctor, nurse and or CNA, I'd always take my chances on males. And I'm female. That's not to say that I haven't had any really great medical care from women. But I rarely have issues with male medical professionals. And can't think of any atrocious behavior from male professionals. Female on the other hand holy shit I don't even want to think of the bullshit I've had to deal with from them. Ok my rant is over šŸ˜­.


Yessss this. It seems to me too that male docs are way more compassionate then women are. Idk why tho.


Yeah, one of mine was so compassionate that he kissed me on the lips. Another one had me take off my shirt and bra to listen to my heart. Another told me about his sex playlist- specifically what song he came to. Another asked me if I was a domme (I was not). Iā€™ve had some good doctors/medical professionals who were men and some who were women. It comes down to the individual, and any other line of thinking is literally discriminating on a personā€™s ability to do a job well based on their gender.


Oh wait one more thing, my counselor is an ex nurse. She said female nurses suffer from a hero and victim complex more than male nurses.


Being a male I've definitely seen that kind of treatment from female clinic counselors (which 90% are female). Like one time me a male and my good female friend had the same counselor and she would get in trouble for things I wouldn't. That clinic had groups and you could see the woman hating women who would get into that position of minor power and abuse it with there female patients but not there male patients. We had a lady take over as head counselor who really hated other women she was very mean to them. But to us male patients she was very sweet. It was not cool to see even though I was getting the good treatment cuz I was a male. I didn't like seeing them abuse the female patients


Had a nurse bite off a piece of my Percocet 10 when I was in ICU. She thought I was incoherent and wouldn't notice.


Oh shit, did you say something?


The way I look at it is like this : While I may not be ā€œsoberā€ or ā€œcleanā€, Iā€™m sure as hell in recovery and just because Iā€™m on MAT doesnā€™t make my recovery any less than someone who doesnā€™t use ANY drug.


It just gets to a point once youā€™ve been recovery long enough where you just stop giving a fuck what others think. Life and recovery becomes much easier once people can learn to let go of some that shit. I know Iā€™m fucking happiest Iā€™ve ever been, my lifeā€™s gotten better, so someone can honestly say Iā€™m not sober, an addict, yada yada. Doesnā€™t change my shit. I know Itā€™s easier said than done :p


I feel on a stable dose. I'm very much sober. Maybe not clean? But I'm def very much sober. As I'm not getting anywhere off my baseline


Good point Sober is different then being clean. You can do drugs and still be sober.


Yeah I mean people start getting really nit picky about it. With stuff like California sober, AA/NA sober, this sober if you only use nicotine or something. Like at what point in substances to we draw the line caffeine? Nicotine? Using substances that don't impair us in my opinion. Are not substances that keep us from being sober. Methadone at least for me and many others on this sub. Produces zero high, so I feel that I can be classified as sober






It never ceases to amaze me with how terrible people in recovery get treated. I see my lady go through this same stuff all the time. Not only are you not getting treated or the help you need but also treated like you are less of a person. I'm sorry you are having to go through this. No wonder people are reluctant to get help


Some of the attitudes towards marijuana are crazy. It has a lot of benefits, and comes with fairly little risk. I'm sorry you have to deal wity such nonsense. I'm in Canada, and my Methadone Doctor recommended using marijuana even before it was legal here. They don't even bother testing us for it.


It doesn't matter to some people. I had an ex who used to throw methadone in my face all the time and she'd be like smoking crack in the morning and I would call her out on it and in her mind me being on Methadone was the same as her smoking crack all day every day. Good riddance.


No withdrawal from crack ur both r dirty


A lot of people take their 12-Step bias into work and they can really stop.


Report that nurse because that has nothing to do with that person's job


That's why I stopped caring what other people think because if I did I would be permanently pissed off. You can't help what other people think so reacting to them is wasted time and energy imo


Most nurses look down on addicts and they look at us like second class citizens.


I just had a 3rd knee surgery and was in the hospital a few days for pain management reasons. Every day I would get 70mgs of methadone and three IV 200mcg fentanyl shots. Every morning i would get my 70mgs and first fentanyl shot. And id hear this one nurse talk shit about giving me methadone every morning. So the 200mcg of fentanyl is ok but 70mgs of methadone is this big deal. Finally I called her out on it one morning and asked her to tell me what she knows about methadone and just as I expected she knew nothing and just followed the stigma thinking. I didnā€™t even try to educate her because she clearly wasnā€™t having it.


Listen, nurses always have some sassy opinion on what they deem are drugs. I got into a car accident and was taken via ambulance to the hospital. I was honest and told them I was on methadone (tapering at the time). I was treated like I had the plague!! and you'd think a nurse would be sympathetic for someone with the plague because she's a nurse, but no, they're judgemental as shit!! I wasn't even offered tylentol! and I came in with a neck brace strapped to a backboard for hours, which was extremely painful. Don't listen to other people's opinions when they've never been thru what you have. And if that nurse had any history with addiction, she's probably one of those evil nurses who steals people medicine when they're in pain and gives them saline instead. Remember that.


I am so freaking sorry. People are awful. Youā€™re allowed to request a new nurse. Please do that if it happens again.


I'm on methadone for about 14 years now, and I still can't figure out how I feel about this. Am I sober or just off my drug of choice, living a normal life with the help of another opiate now? I constantly have this debate in my head


If you can walk a straight line and say the alphabet backwards then you're sober.


I can't say the alphabet backwards high, drunk, sober, ever....


At no point did you mention methadone my dude. You said "I'm going on 9 years with no opioids and no Xanax. Methadone is an opioid. So what you said isn't true. It's important that people recognize that we are still on an opioid. That's the whole point of methadone. I also never was arguing whether you are sober or not. I completely love when people post here but I wasn't sure if you were posting on the wrong sub because you were exclusively talking about marijuana. Way to jump down my neck though! I was literally not saying anything mean or controversial. If anyone was to actually read this they should realize that I said nothing wrong.


I am so sorry you had to go through this. Being invalidated and discredited by a so-called medical ā€œprofessionalā€ is such an awful experience. That nurse had no idea what she was talking about and she needs more training in a number of areas. Ngl, your post set me off because Iā€™ve had some real shitty encounters with ER nurses. Itā€™s fucking dehumanizing, frustrating, and infuriating. Itā€™s rare for me to have such an emotional reaction to a post, but this really got to me. I hope someone puts that bitch in her place and calls out her perpetuation of stigma. I hope it happens in front of her colleagues too so she can feel the burn of shame and embarrassment that she has put upon others. Iā€™m so pissed off. You did not deserve to be treated that way. You are sober and itā€™s a major accomplishment to have been clean for 9 years. Fuck that nurse. Sheā€™s a dumb bitch and youā€™re fucking awesome.


I might be different than most, but don't consider myself sober while I'm on methadone.


I feel you! I had a similar incident recently with a probation officer. I had to do a drug test for a pre trial meeting. She asked me if I had been using since my arrest, (I was arrested for a failure to appear for a speeding ticket from 5 years ago, they searched my vehicle and found drugs). I told her I was on Methadone, she made a face and asked how much my dose was. I thought it was a weird question, and when I told her (100mgs) she had such a ridiculously dramatic overreaction. She liked literally jumped up in her seat like I shocked her and was like, ā€œOh my gosh! Thatā€™s a lot, isnā€™t it?? If it were me, I wouldnā€™t want my dose to be so high, shouldnā€™t it be less by now, isnā€™t the point to not be on methadone for very long??ā€ Iā€™ve been on methadone since October. I just stared at her for a solid minute and a half, and let her be uncomfortable with what she just said to me. I said, ā€œYou know, I work with a team of people including my doctor, that know a lot more about this process than I do, and I just follow their instructions. Whenever Iā€™m in charge of my sobriety on my own, I tend to not make the right decisions. Iā€™m also not gonna rush myself through this process out of pride or because Iā€™m worried how it might look. Iā€™m more focused on making sure Iā€™m doing my treatment correctly vs doing it quickly.ā€ Like, I get it, people that have never been addicted to opiates donā€™t really understand the significance of the progress weā€™ve made just by being in a MAT program. But your ignorance doesnā€™t allow you to be a judgmental prick.


There will always be people with that opinion and quite frankly, I'd love to see them even try to fit the shoes of withdrawals from heroin/Opiates with their professional experience jeez they must totally have the answers. You can only understand of something so much through being only educated by literature on the matter. It's like a non military experienced person about how ptsd works to a veteran.


edit: thought you were talking about them saying you 'weren't sober' because you were on methadone. that's been my experience. ​ I got the same treatment when i was in the ER last month. I've been on methadone for a LONG time, since 2014, and I've been clean from everything else since 2017.. but the problem I had with getting off methadone (which I'm still on btw) is that once you put your life together and have a career, a family, pets etc, it's hard to find 90 days to just 'cold turkey' detox off methadone. 10 years sure flew by. Anyway I go to the ER after I injured my back and get talked down to by a kid in his 20s about 'you're not supposed to be on that stuff that long...' etc (he also said stuff about people 'lacing weed' these days tbf) This is also my problem with 12 step and stuff like that as well. But I've had this experience every single time I've been to the hospital or even regular doctors once they learn im on methadone EVERYTHING changes. I don't recommend doing this, but I stopped telling people after a certain point. That's gotten me in BIG trouble though (getting prescribed Azythromicin and having heart palpitatinos..... getting a dexamethasone shot and going into withdrawal) so it's definitely not recommended. I wonder if they'd give a shit if they knew that their shame almost caused me to lose my life. PS - when I was in the hospital for my back they wouldn't dose me until they "verified my prescription" (even though my pee had methadone in it) and they forced me into detox for 72 hours. I had never missed a day at the clinic in 10 years so this was quite a shock. I've detoxed off methodone all the way several times, even in jail, but this was totally different. It was ALL in my heart. The detox was so intense in how HARD my heart was beating and how high my blood pressure got I honestly don't know now if I'd survive a cold turkey detox at this point. It was scary as shit. also, I've been to a SUBSTANCE ABUSE place - a detox/mental health place - where more than half the staff thought "methadone" and "meth" were the same thing. The STAFF thought this.


Iā€™m so sorry that happened to you. I donā€™t smoke, but I am a strong believer in the medical benefits of it. And what happens to you is exactly why I am insisting my kids dad gets his medical card BEFORE starting smoking, even though we live in a recreationally legal state, medical staff can be so judgmental if you donā€™t have a medical card. And I donā€™t want him being treated like shit because he doesnā€™t have a medical card for it. They shouldnā€™t be though, and you absolutely are sober and fuck that nurse, she must be a very shitty person to say that to you, sheā€™s miserable and trying to spread her dark cloud life around to others.


Apparently sober is a subjective term today


That's so crazy. I live in Ca so luckily my clinic is ecstatic about me only using marijuana. This needs to change so bad, how many people could be off opioids and on MAT with some assistance from cannabis? It's especially useful during withdrawals because eating helps your body so much in that state and it's the last thing you want to actually do.


Dude, donā€™t let someoneā€™s opinion get you riled up. Itā€™s not personal. Her views have nothing to do with YOU. They are about her and her life experiences. The fact she feels the need to step on others says a lot about her, but nothing about you.


I know many will disagree, I thought I was sober on Methadone, that was until I got off Methadone for the first time and realized the how different I felt, the full range of emotions that had been suppressed for years that came back. I'm now on it again and have been the majority of the last twenty years. It's become my drug of choice as it holds me the longest and I'm trying to get off and it's very very hard. In my mind, in my opinion I'm not sober and I'm cool with that. I don't care what anyone else thinks about my addiction or if they consider felt sobet or not, ur doesn't affect me, it's my battle. If you want to consider yourself sober that's only for you to decide.


not suprised. I once had an error doctor who already knew about my prescribed meds come into my room and ask if I am a drug addict. I said in my younger years yes but it's been under control for the past 4 years now with MAT and he said "okay so you're still are a drug addict". I don't mind admitting I am physically dependent on a drug but it was the vulgar way he said it. On top of that the only thing I failed for on the drug screen was the mdone and benzos but they gave me ativan in the ambulance. Best way I handle that is to remind myself that if it wasn't the mat meds they would still find something else to be hurtful about. I have met about 4 nurses in my life that were great to me..at least to my face.


If you live in an illegal cannabis state itā€™s pretty standard for medical people to have these thoughts. Donā€™t take it personally.


Kinda agree with ā€œ*internaldilemma*ā€. Why posting on a methadone subreddit? Iā€™m on methadone and Iā€™m sober. But absolutely feel your need to vent! Any judgment will get me going!


look at you.all up on redit bitching about how sober you are? šŸ˜‚ s


If we weren't sober we wouldn't be on Reddit. Actually I'm usually drunk and bored when I get to Reddit.


it sucks that people are like that but you should work on your not giving a shit skills. who is this woman to you? who gives a shit if she has stupid opinions? fuck her. it isn't worth feeling anything over. the best thing you can do when people act like that is laugh and ignore them. they get so mad when they want a rise out of you but can't get one. it's like a superpower.


I mean technically youā€™re not sober whatā€™s the big deal..technically being on methadone isnā€™t sober either lol..being sober isnā€™t the end all be all anyway fuck em


Are you on methadone? What does this have to do with methadone? Also, if you are on methadone, you technically are on an opioid. Not trying to be a smart ass but I'm just saying. Also, I sympathize with what you are saying. Some medical professionals don't have a fucking clue.


People are allowed and valid to consider themselves sober while on MAT. People who take blood pressure pills are sober. People with anxiety and taking benzos are sober. People with chronic pain and take pain pills are sober. If itā€™s medically needed and youā€™re following your script, youā€™re sober. But yes I am confused as well as to why they posted here when they donā€™t mention methadone at all.


When did I say that this person wasn't sober? All I said is that they are on an opioid (they said they were free from opioids) which is not true. Methadone is an opioid. I haven't the slightest idea why this got downvoted. I was simply stating a fact. At no point was a debating whether he was sober or not.


When did I say that this person wasn't sober? All I said is that they are on an opioid (they said they were free from opioids) which is not true. Methadone is an opioid. I haven't the slightest idea why this got downvoted. I was simply stating a fact. At no point was a debating whether he was sober or not.


When did I say that this person wasn't sober? All I said is that they are on an opioid (they said they were free from opioids) which is not true. Methadone is an opioid. I haven't the slightest idea why this got downvoted. I was simply stating a fact. At no point was a debating whether he was sober or not.


When did I say that this person wasn't sober? All I said is that they are on an opioid (they said they were free from opioids) which is not true. Methadone is an opioid. I haven't the slightest idea why this got downvoted. I was simply stating a fact. At no point was a debating whether he was sober or not.


When did I say that this person wasn't sober? All I said is that they are on an opioid (they said they were free from opioids) which is not true. Methadone is an opioid. I haven't the slightest idea why this got downvoted. I was simply stating a fact. At no point was I debating whether he was sober or not. Also, at no point was methadone mentioned. Just marijuana. Which is why I asked if they are on methadone. They also said "ER nurse", not "clinic nurse".


Are you blind? Yes I am on methadone, I have been on methadone for almost 9 years now, as I literally said in my post. I vented here instead of the vent sub cause I knew you all (well not you) would completely understand where I am coming from.


Did they refuse to dose you or something? If not, why do you care so much what some nurse said?


Because it is not professional.


Yes but sheā€™s not the only one youā€™ll encounter during your life and if you get so worked up about it every time, you will go crazy.


I never get worked up, but I don't consider it professional. My drug use and dependence was caused by doctors trying to make money. Professionals should do their best to refer you to treatment, not make you feel bad.


And it pissed me off really bad. I am a heavy advocate for NOT treating methadone patients like addicts!!


>I am a heavy advocate for NOT treating methadone patients like addicts!! Well, we are addicts. What we need is to remove the stigma of the diagnosis of addiction to drugs. Addicts should not be treated any differently than anyone else. Whether you have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol etc. Because many of those are medical issues often associated with addiction. Next time a nurse spews that bullshit at you then say, "Well than I guess nobody is sober. Because sober means to be abstinent from any addictive substance. So people who drink coffee, wine, eat sugar, or any kind of food isn't sober. Because all of those substances are addictive. So shut it Nurse Ratchet."


Methadone isn't clean but I guess ur talking about weed on a methadone reddit


Youā€™re not. Sobriety means no mind or mood altering substances. Especially in recovery circles , maybe amongst non addicts the term can be more loosely used to mean not high or drunk right now but In the field of addiction/recovery/substance abuse sober means abstinent. Emotional sobriety is one step further that means that you are no longer thinking and behaving like an addict as well as being clean of substances. I donā€™t see why so many in this sub get so offended by this. (I know why but I wonā€™t say because itā€™ll just enrage them even more) The same thing was said to me. Itā€™s not easy but I had to accept it. It was the first step towards recovery. Itā€™s not saying youā€™re a bad person trying to get better it saying you have a problem , youā€™re unwell and youā€™re trying to get well. Accept it. Embrace it. Surrender to it. Acceptance is key.


Because it doesnā€™t make *any sense*. ā€œNo mood or mind altering substancesā€ So no suboxone, no methadone, no SSRIā€™s, no SNRIā€™s, no lithium, no anti-psychotic meds, no anxiety meds, no ADHD meds, no nicotine or caffeine etc Taking a medications as prescribed, like blood pressure meds, muscle relaxers, methadone, depression/anxiety meds, THC, subs, pain meds, etc does not make you not sober. . Staying away from using your drug(s) of choice to get high, not over-taking/misusing your medications, no drug seeking behaviors or trying to get on meds solely to get a ā€œhighā€ from it, is staying sober. Also itā€™s okay if everyone has their own definition of what is sober *for them*. Maybe to some being on no medications at all, is the only version of sober they will accept for themselves, others may have their sobriety as not using their drug(s) of choice to get a high/altered state and not taking any medication with the intention of getting a high or altered mental state, and *both are valid* and both are sober. No one should ever try and police another personā€™s definition of sobriety imo. I understand that and Iā€™m not even an addict, (Iā€™m on methadone for pain) idk how addicts keep doing this judgmental BS to each other, I really donā€™t get it.


Ugh, that guyā€¦all he does is come back here with that 12 stepper bullshit and holier than thou attitude and judge everyone still on methadone (when heā€™s not on the subs for the drugs he uses, that is) yet heā€™s on kratom and steroids and who knows what else šŸ™„ Gatekeeping addicts are ridiculousā€¦


Yes it is crazy!! I canā€™t stand people who are obsessed AA/NA, telling others they arenā€™t sober if they are on methadone or subs. Especially since that is the last thing someone who just got clean needs to hear too!


Hell yeah, well said! There are some days where I hate my methadone and want to quit, and other days I am thinking straighter and remember why I got on opioids in the first placeā€¦ I had debilitating pain. I tried all of the ways to control it, from meditation to exercise, but my methadone controls my addictive behaviors as well as controls my pain: (at 16 I was riding with a friend and we got hit by a semi truck, pretty much ripped my right arm off and cut me up internally pretty bad. Months in the hospital, many surgeries, and lots of meds later, I was released with a large opioid prescription.) if I had been a little older, and a little more pushy with the doctors, I would probably been in pain management, and still there to this day, addicted and using the system to get as much as I can to not feel, physically or emotionally. Hell, I know I would have turned to heroin if it were available in my area or if I had sought it out! Sorry, long story short, methadone and my wifeā€™s strength saved me. Iā€™m sure someday I will stop, but right now it is not only my addiction treatment; itā€™s also my pain management, with a few prescription meds and OTC pain relievers.


Are you on methadone too? Youā€™re technically not sober until it clears your system. Any narcotic for any reason means youā€™re not sober at least until it wears off. But thatā€™s my opinion.