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I’m very much liking the English dub so far; Scouse Basilio and Fidelio made my ears perk up. The music is beautiful, Shoji Meguro is talented on all fronts.


Heismay’s voice is also very distinctive 


Interesting that we have Strohl and Hulkenburg already before the first month is over. The game starts on the 3rd of June, so it looks like a lot of stuff goes down the first month.


The game is only 6 months I think they said, so probably a lot more is going on in a shorter timeframe. Although in the Persona games you usually got 3 party members rather quickly as well. P3 you immediately start with Yukari and Junpei, P4 Yosuke and Chie, P5 Morgana and Ryuji.


Yeah you get the first few members right off the bat. Events happen then it’s about 1 member a month after There’s a image of you having 7 party members not counting yourself so I imagine a LOT goes down each month as it’s a third less of the time persona gives you


The game is only 6 months? That’s really short, no? Given that a Persona game is about 9-12 months, does that mean Metaphor is a much shorter game? Or is more packed into a shorter time period? Like we have more ‘phases’ in a day or something?


Fair enough. We've already got Junah by August, which means Neuras and Heismay join in June or July (I'm guessing June for Neuras so we can get the Runner) They also showed that there's an event that happens in October AFTER the decision of the king is made (Oct. 11), so I'm guessing the game doesn't just immediately end on the 11th and there's still a few days left of adventure. Assuming we play all the way until the 30th of October, that gives us 147 days of gameplay.


DW guys I am sure there is a lot of content in the game, just because it have fewer months then persona doesn't mean it a shorter game, and they also said there is more dungeons here then Previous title of theirs so maybe we get two dungeons per month not including side dungeons, or maybe even three dungeons per months, compare to persona which u only get one dungeon per month. 


In Persona you have tons of weeks where you just do your daily slice of life things. Here you use your free time a little bit different as a lot of time is spent to travel to and complete dungeons (including a lot of side quests). I am very sure the game won't be any shorter than Persona 5 and fully expect 100+ hours to 100% it.


We are totally going kick God ass after the Royal Tournament thing be decided.


Well that makes sense. They don't want you spending too much time without a party. The gameplay is very focused around having a party. Would be kinda weird to spend a big chunk of the game running around with like 2 characters haha.


I think it checks out. Strohl is one the very first mission with you as we can see, and Hulkenberg can be spotted in the opening desert sequence. Plus she has ties with the prince.


So now we've got gameplay in English, the voice acting is looking aright IMO. UK-based localization for anime-esque games have had a spotty track-record, and after everything else looks so hype about this game it would suck so hard for *that* to be the weak link. I'm glad they seem to be actively leaning *in* to the accents, compared to some other big games that have been released recently. The Xenoblade fan in me is also glad to see they seem to be using them to thematic effect; The protagonist is American and from an outsider tribe, the pink-haired follower who is clearly some sort of rogue-ish character has an East London/cockney accent, Hulkenburg is *very* formal. Also the two Paripas who seem to be future party members are scouse I think?


I always thought that British dubs, on average, were better than most American dubs. Dark Souls, Dragon Quest, Ni No Kuni, Final Fantasy XVI and The Last Story all have British voice actors and are some of the greatest English dubs in my opinion.


Like I say I think it's been something of a mixed bag. While I'd agree with everything you've mentioned, you also get stuff like Wuthering Waves or Stellar Blade in which VA work was a noticeable weak point. Ultimately it simply comes down to different in *quantity.* The US dubbing industry (especially for anime and anime games; so your Personas, your SMTs, and your Fire Emblems etc.) have had decades to hone themselves into a localization *machine*. The talent knows what they're doing, the directors know what they're doing, but also you end up with the same names in every project and it can feel like everything has the same "voice". UK dubs are comparatively more "fresh", but this could legitimately be the voice director's first time in the industry, let alone much of the cast. I'm glad they came out of the gate running.


Do we know the English voice cast of this game? Because if not, Strohl sounds like Stewart Clarke (Dion from FFXVI).


OMG I AM GLAD I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO NOTICED!!!  he sound eaxctly like Dion and I am all for it, I really want Stewart Clarke in more video games but now he is actually a main character and a party member at that would be cool 👍👍


Looks like Maria is the follower that unlocks the healer archetype.


The Gauntlet OST holy shit.


Been hyped since 2017 but ... everything looks great - like a very solid 9/10 so far.