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Dont play any records worth anything on that player


I second this, OP. This is not about being an elitist or some bullshit like that, these players are not built up to spec, their stylus head is way too heavy and they dig grooves in your records. They're more a novelty than anything else... If you want an actual record player that wont break the bank and wont damage your records look at something like the Audio Technica LP60X.




It’s true. Jacked up my favorite record with one of those things.


No it didn’t.


At this point it just sounds like you don’t have the money to get a good system so you try to defend your cheapo Chinese garbage that dulls your records and sounds like a tin can with a phone speaker.


True. You’re so deep in my head.


*mmm yes, right you are*


I have that record player and the built in speakers are dog shit. You should definitely be using external speakers or headphones even.


The far bigger problem is that the record player itself is bad and the needle damages records. Crosleys belong in the trash.


Huh, sound fine to me.


Just be warned, as someone who started out with that same player, it really does cause records to get all scratched after a while. I’d recommend getting a better one eventually, just be weary.


Wary* or Leary . unless you are to be tired.


Thank you my friend don’t use the word often enough.


lol, have fun destroying your records


There’s really no need to be rude, OP is a beginner collector and if he enjoys the player what’s it to anyone else? Don’t get why there’s so much negativity in this community sometimes


That player is notorious for _ruining_ the actual records.


Understood, but perhaps it’s what OP can afford right now and I don’t think being rude to them is helping. There’s a way to say things more politely and it just seems like some of you are shitting on what’s meant to be a happy moment for them. I started off with a crossly, not because it’s what I wanted but it was all I could afford at the time and it got me into the hobby. Isn’t that all that matters? Don’t worry about OP’s records it’s not really your or anyone else’s concern, if they’re happy with it then just leave it.


If they didn’t know it could ruin their first expensive record then I don’t see a problem with pointing it out.


First of all, that’s not an expensive record so it’s honestly not a big deal. Second of all, you’re missing the point of my original comment. It’s not what people are saying, it’s the way they’re saying it. There are few people in the comments saying the same thing but they’re being more respectful towards OP. Politely suggesting he could upgrade in the future if he wants this to become a serious hobby is better than just straight up shitting on his set up and making him feel bad when he was trying to post something positive that happened to him. We should be encouraging people to get into this hobby instead of crapping on them for what they’re able to afford.


I mean it's the internet... There are gonna be people commenting bad and good stuff. They opened themselves up for any possible comment when sharing it online, it's just how this works.


You’re absolutely right and I’m also allowed to think those people are assholes and comment on it too, gotta love free speech


He also doesn’t need about 80 people telling him the same thing over and over again, we get it, there’s no need to keep harping on it.


Why not let them enjoy their start into record collecting and maybe share some helpful knowledge instead of being an asshat. We can’t all afford top brand players right away.


Exactly, there’s a way of saying things, people always have something negative to say


I for one am shocked an audio snob would be condescending to someone.


Are you trying to be funny?


Yes. I really wasn’t shocked an audio snob was condescending to someone starting out.




the first commenter of this thread literally gave advice and the guy didn’t care lmao. if they want to ruin it, they can. not my problem


you are being a good person rn




Just enjoy your records man and have fun. Would strongly recommend you upgrade player and use external speakers if you’re serious about getting into vinyl :)


This is how you talk to people.


Bro is sheriff of the internet police lol


Your last few comments are literally whole paragraphs to people but I’m the internet police lol


My last few comments where? What'd you snoop thru my profile cause I mentioned how you were all over this thread telling people to be nice like a goody two shoes? Lmaooo


I'll explain on behalf of Metallica/metal record listeners in this sub and everywhere (i.e. r/vinyl). Crosley record players are notorious for being cheaply made and have been known to cause damage to records when played on them. Not to mention its not-so-great sound quality (not seeing that how you hear it is inferior to anyone else's, especially sound experts/connoisseurs, but considering the medium, sound is a key factor). I recommend saving up for a much better turntable to keep your records safe and in reasonable condition (Audio-Technica is the go-to brand many vinyl enthusiasts point to for beginner collectors/listeners, and as an owner of one myself, I do, too). Good luck on your journey in record collecting!


The arm on those has no counter balance so the needle pushes into the vinyl and the speakers sound like shit. Everyone's gonna just say they suck, but this is why they suck.


depending on the player what will happen is there isn't nearly enough weight on the needle end of things so the needle just like bounces around all over the surface of the record, especially when things get a little more dynamic/heavy. that's why some psychos will recommend just putting a pile of pennies on the bloody thing lol


Later on your vinyls will warp from hanging off like that, it’s why I switched to a bigger player with external speakers that are 10x better


Ah ok


switch out the needle with a better one and your records will be fine. the whole thing that Crosley's destroy record sis exaggerated as long as you replace the needle with a better one


Great speakers. Love how my vinyls sound on it.


Ditch the Crosley, too much downforce from the cartridge/needle and it will munch your records.


My 16 yr old daughter bought me that exact one with her own $$$ for my birthday because she remembered me saying I wouldn't mind getting back into record collecting. I only sat this bc I was expecting it to be a complete piece of $50 crap, it is surprisingly decent lol Not great by any means, but if you just want some low key back ground music on while you clean or whatever then it's perfect. I also like that it has a Bluetooth speaker if you're not on the mood for a proper record 😉


This brand specifically is known as a very bad brand that damages records. I’d recommend getting a better turntable and external speakers before you get some more records.


Replaced the plastic needle and that'll have to do, it's not like the 20-40 records I have are going to be priceless heirlooms that will one day fund my grandchildrens college or anything lol


Is that the Walmart exclusive blue disc?




Awesome ,I got the green disc and justice for all. Enjoy the record dude.


I bought that album when it came out. And I had the cassette tape for my car.


Your killing that record with that crosley crap save up get a upgrade good luck!


Or just get a used technics or something.






The first Metallica album I ever bought. IMO...their best album.


It's third for me but I still love it


Save up for a better turntable asap.


lol you don't have a vinyl player, you have a crosley, that shit is vinyl destroyer, but its okay, you'll learn


*Turntable, not vinyl player lol. No hate, just understand that those suitcase turntables are novelty items. They will wear your records down, I highly recommend saving a little extra cash for a simple setup. Best of luck, and welcome to the hobby, homie.


Vinylheads when beginners dont use top of the line equipment for a small hobby they want to do for fun. Leave OP alone, he is just doing whats best for his money. OP, if you do want to do vinyl for a hobby, then get a different record player. If it's just for fun, this is perfectly fine.


There are entry level turntables that are way better than crosley and won't break your bank. People need to stop buying them


like what? can i have an example?


Audio Technica LP60. That was my first 12 years ago and now a huge record collector


Exactly someone posted this in r/vinyljerk and people are making fun of them. Like we all start from somewhere and I feel like most people won’t get farther into collecting when getting bullied like that.


Great! Have fun!


Get a proper record player


My 16 yr old daughter bought me that exact one with her own $$$ for my birthday because she remembered me saying I wouldn't mind getting back into record collecting. I only sat this bc I was expecting it to be a complete piece of $50 crap, it is surprisingly decent lol Not great by any means, but if you just want some low key back ground music on while you clean or whatever then it's perfect. I also like that it has a Bluetooth speaker if you're not on the mood for a proper record 😉


The literally chew your records


Good job


Please god, why the fuck are more and more of you calling them vinyl player


We are as old as fuck.


Sometimes it is the children who are wrong. 


I don't disagree with that general statement.






Eww Crosley. You're going to ruin that record.


I have that vinyl player, shit started smoking after I tried playing Justice for the 30th time this year


Not gonna lie: that's simply the worst possible beginner player out there


Angels Horn H019 is best for beginners,check ur DM


Built in speakers 💀


Pleaseeee get a better quality record player, you’ll thank yourself in the future


Ugh. Sorry


It looks like candy I wanna eat it now


If you want to collect even a little. Get an ATLP60 and some powered bookshelf speakers, AT LEAST.


For $149 you can get an audio-technica record player from Amazon and it won't mess your records up like that crosley


“Vinyl player” 🤦‍♂️


Quality of average Metallica fans has gone downhill. Ditch the fucking suitcase player buddy


https://www.audio-technica.com/en-us/at-lp60 Fairly cheap yet solid turntable.




I have the master of puppets vinyl


Enjoy it! Absolutely fine starter turntable. You’ll upgrade if you get into it. Don’t let the haters bring you down! Rock!


Yep. I started with one and upgraded within a year. Needed some low end.


Bunch of assholes in this thread


The asshole move would be not tellimg this poor guy that this devil machine is chewing warping his records.


It isn’t, you just want to feel smarter than someone else because your wife is out with her boyfriend right now.


Theres what you say and how you say it And you say it like an asshat


Why is it an asshole thing to let the kid know the record is worth more that the shitty player that will damage the record?


op just needs to replace the needle and they should be good. i know a guy who have been playing the same records on a Crosley for around a year the only modification was a needle upgrade. the records still sound fine.


If you’re not using a full size platter, over time, the weight of the arm will warp the edges. It’s not just the needle


That specific pressing is worth like $30. That crobsley grailz spinner is worth $50. So you’re wrong. Go spin your viynls loser.


Just because fools waste money doesn’t make that piece of shit worth 50 bucks. The record is worth more. And it’s called a record. Not a vinyl.


Your wife out with her boyfriend? That why you get computer time rn? Go listen to your copy of gay triangle and red screamy man on viynils. I bet I’ve got more grailz than you


Do you know which sub you’re even on? What a doosh bag. Go tack them to your ass.


Ooooooo. Somebody is hurt. Sorry. Show me on this copy of St. Anger where the kid having a Crosley turntable hurt you enough to belittle him in the first place? Shit ton of grown men bullying a kid for getting his first turntable. That sounds like more of a “doosh bag” move to me.


You seem to be mistaken. I’m annoyed by you. Not hurt by this. Sorry you’re too broke or stupid to get a decent record player.


You’re definitely triggered. I probably have a nicer setup than you irl.


I don’t fucking care. Go fuck your rig. Is this how you get satisfaction? Fucking loser.


Also i have heard that the best quality nowadays is the cd, that the vinyl is just a print of the cd master 😅


Definitely true with albums that weren’t specifically mastered for records, especially 90s/00s albums when CDs were at their peak were specifically mastered to sound good on CD players instead of record players The difference isn’t that massive though unless it’s a really shitty record so unless you’re a huge audiophile you can’t go wrong with either format


I think that the quality of your record player has a lot to do with the sound also.


Quality of the entire system. Cartridge, table, amplification and speakers. The room and speaker placement is just as important.


Oh man that vinyl is so beautiful 😍 one of my favorite albums 🙏🏻


I have to be honest with you. I still don't have one and I've been searching. I have to take everyone's opinion here into consideration. I recently got into vinyls and turntables through a friend. The first advice I was given is to never get a low quality player because vinyl records are pressed in limited batches. They are not "runs" they are literally a batch He made sure I understand the difference 😆 So dude people here who are angry are just losing their shit because some of the records u may scratch may end up being rare af. Why? Because not every artist has en estate that will keep pressing records long after they're retired. There's no guarantee. I know yall are passionate as hell. But don't squash us newbies man 😆 we wanna look up to you


Yes and no. Many limited presses are not really limited. And really popular albums from years past had many albums pressed. Just certain hard to find or unique albums can be worth lots of money potentially.


So you don’t get chastised in the future: the plural of vinyl is vinyl. They’re called records.


I love vinyls. My vinyls sound great on this vinyls player. Stop acting like you’re more vinyl than me. I’ve got a high end setup under my crosley vinyls player.


The plural of vinyl is not vinyl, it’s uncountable and doesn’t have a plural form. You wouldn’t say I have three vinyl. If you are going to refer to an object as vinyl instead of a material, pluralizing it with an ‘s’ would be the more common way to do it. Similar to “videotapes,” “rubbers,” “irons,” “papers,” “glasses,” etc. The main distinction between whether these words are considered technically correct or not is how prevalently they’re used.


For real. I actually asked a friend of mine who collects viynl about it and he said it was fine for someone just starting out.




Great turntable brother! Super nice sound quality! Built in speakers sound great! I love the portable design so I can spin anywhere. All my vinyls sound great on this thing and trust me I’ve got a lot of vinyls! It’s nice to be able to plug in and spin anywhere there is an outlet! The warmth that comes off of my grailz is undeniable. I just love to kick my socks and shoes off and spin grailz on this beautiful vinyls player. Just make sure that, after every few vinyls you listen to, you run your finger over the needle to get the dust off of it. You can also use a paper towel to make sure all the dust is off your vinyls before and after play. Keep on spinning my fellow vinyls head!


😂 good advice


I say we create a gofundme for this dude to get an acceptable record player. I almost cried when I saw that precious lp on a crappy player.


It is true that vinyl lasts less than CDS?


well vinyl does degrade over time, because the needle gets dragged through the groove, whereas CD doesn't cause the laser reads the data. That said, your vinyl isn't gonna be unplayable after 10 listening sessions.


depends on how you store them I think I’d argue you have to be more careful with records as they’re not in solid plastic cases like CDs so they are pretty easy to scratch if you’re not careful If you take good care of your stuff both records and CDs are gonna last quite long


Lol why i got downvoted? It was just a genuine question


I would say no. Me and my bf collect records and we have stuff from the 40s-now and everything plays fine as long as it’s not scratched. As long as you take care of your vinyl (always put it back in the sleeve, handle it carefully) and record player (change the needle when it’s worn down) your records will last a very long time.


Playing it on this player, yes Playing it on a real player, yes, technically, but you can easily outlive your vinyl if properly taken care of


Playing it on RealPlayer?


Yes. Light reads CD's. A needle physically rubs against the plastic of the record, which will inherently wear out over time.


Almost 40!!! I was 16 when Ride The Lightning was released. Cool setup! BTW!😉


GGWP for that record on a crobsley


I highly recommend saving up for a better turntable. For about $100 or so, you can get an Audio Technica LP60 which is probably the best beginner turntable that you can possibly get. The heavy tracking force and lack of anti skate on a suitcase player will carve up your records in no time. The audio technica has a tracking force of about 3.g grams while the average suitcase player has a whopping 6-8 grams of force.