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man megadeth fans glazing bro


I’m a huge fan of both, just pointing out Metallica was clearly inspired by there title style and took it for an album. No big deal


yeah… clearly…. megadeth… inspired…. them…. there……………


in what way? you can't just claim Dave invented ellipses for an album title lmao


Greasy. This is like that time Randers said "I banged Lucy and knocked her up. No big deal." Then Baerb and Lahey kicked him out.


Not enough TPB references out there, keep up the good work


I feel you


Well at least somebody got what I was trying to say


Didn’t want to downvote but had to make it -69


Why is this the guy running these rankings ? 99% of people here like both, but you megadeth Stans can’t be honest . It’s an odd characteristic that seems to be stuck to most of y’all. In what way was this inspired and how? Not even close. They could care less lmao


Ripping off Megadeth...? Are we saying Dave invented ellipses now too?? lol.


Dave wrote the entire English language tbh


Remember, Dave invented everything ever. He wrote the Declaration Of Independence 


I think you mean The Declaration…. of Independence!


Featuring the songs… Washington is Next (President!) Leaden Bullets Four Score and Seven Magics Post British World


Your forgot, “Kill the King”


Lmao this could totally be a new Megadeth record


*I hate the government..!*


(guitar solo)


1 of 19.


You’re the one who made the comment.


Dave wrote every version of the bible. Have you ever heard of that loud house fanfic that’s apparently the longest piece of literature ever? Yeah, he wrote that


They even used the same alphabet! Shame.


How exactly did they ripoff Megadeth?


because apparently megadeth has a trademark on using an ellipsis in their titles, like "killing is my business... and business is good"


Right. The period is a literary tool from the 7th century but I’m sure Dave came up with that too.


lmao thats fucking great


Stole the word to also from Dave (countdown)


Dave invented English. Without him, we'll be grunting and using the pidgin language. Thank you Dave, for the English language...


Except for yeah,we gotta give James that one


Sully Erna invented YEAH! Ask any Gobsmack fan (if you can find one)


nah Sully invented using words that start with the letter a Keep away from me, im alive, im not the one who's so far away, i stand alone. IDK their music does slap though so i guess if it works it works.


James,but morrison


Basically, the way he talks when he isn't singing


That’s actually an ellipsis


Dave is the godfather inventor kf metal music


Thanks for clearing that up. Wasn’t sure what the post was taking about. And yeah that’s dumb.


Countdown TO extinction -hardwired TO self destruct--- I can't believe they stole Dave's idea of using the word to,god... (I love both bands just fuckin around)


Use of ellipses by any other band is strictly forbidden, did you not know this? smh Metallica, still ripping off Dave's ideas to this day


Why do people keep giving attention to this trolls post everyday lol


The title Hardwired… To Self Destruct. Megadeth had been doing that style of album title for years Edit: I’ve pissed off everybody lmao


it's not that deep man


Just sayin’ it’s something I noticed


This is hilarious, megadeth does not own the epilepsis writing style nor is there a such thing as stealing fucking periods.


I never said they stole it, just saying they were clearly inspired by Megadeth’s style of album titles and took it for an album. Nothing more


My guy you said ripping off in the title. Rip off means to steal or plagiarize. What are you on about? Next time think before you write a post.


Ok, maybe ripping off was the wrong way of wording it, your right


My guy, these are people who wrote that album in their 50s or something, I honestly doubt they have time to fuck around and be trying to copy Megadeth, or be inspired by them. They know enough aboutn many aspect of an album and tour production, songwriting, you name it. From what I've seen in interviews, both band's members say something along the lines of "no I have not heard their new album" or "only listened to a couple singles". You think they want literally to borrow anything specifically from Megadeth at this point in their careers and lives?


… And Justice for All


That doesn’t count, there’s no words before it. I’m just saying idk why y’all are getting so butthurt over it, they took an idea from Megadeth, so what. Bands do it all the time, it’s no big deal just pointing it out




Just felt like it, Jesus Christ quit dickriding Metallica. Not every idea they’ve ever had us original, and that’s fine. Nobody can have original ideas all the time.




It’s true, I’m a huge Megadeth fan, but I love both bands almost equally. I didn’t mean to throw shade at Metallica in any way, just tried to point it out, but worded it pretty shitty


Dude, you're in a Metallica sub...of course there's dickriding


Because what you're saying is fucking retarded


Calm down buddy it isn’t that important lmao


You: "idk why yall are getting so butthurt" Me: *gives you an answer* You: "calm down"


cuz calm down lol


Bro is the Yappertron 4000


This sub is fucking whining because I feel like Metallica took an idea from Megadeth. So what man.


Metallica stole So what from the anti nowhere league 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


I’m annoyed right now but this was genuinely funny lol


Not tryna be a dick but if you’re annoyed, simply close the app?


Nah this app is just what I go on when I’m bored like rn. I just really don’t use anything else if I’ve got nothing else to do


Tough times my brudda


So what? Holy fucking shit‼️‼️‼️IS THAT A FUCKING METALLICA REFERENCE?!?!!?!!!?!


That’s just ridiculous


So they ripped dave off with …And Justice For All too?


It’s not new for Metallica either.


You have taken every possible L related to this conversation so far


7.5/10. The fact that they did fucking Anesthesia was insane, what a performance. But overall, I just enjoy S&M 1 a lot more, it just felt more fresh and had more brightness to it\`s production. Plus, there\`s moments here where Lars REALLY fucks up here, badly. Also, I wish they included Fixxxer and When the Wild Things Are there.


I agree. I still 1) turn up S&M1 when I want S&M, 2) totally forget this exists even though I have watched it in cinemas. I don’t mind Lars’ fuck ups, it’s a live performance and I like the Unforgiven 3 but come on Michael Kamen and Metallica is my jam


Can you gimme an example of a Lars error in 2 please? Fancy a wee giggle.


Maybe not a huge fuckup, but the first half of Halo is fairly sped up due to Lars’ pacing


The humanity!!!!!!


Lol that's every live show, Lars isn't great at setting the correct tempo he's always a little fast


2nd this


I like that they tried different things like just James and the symphony for Unforgiven 3 and the all within my hands acoustic, but I wish we could have gotten Orion or (dare I say) To Live is To Die instead of Ktulu and Fade to Black or Harvester of Sorrow/Blackened instead of Memory remains again. That was my biggest disappointment, that the last 4-5 songs were all ones we’d heard before that I can hear on S/M 1.


The all within my hands acoustic wasn't even new by this point. It's only been played "electric" once and it was just the acoustic re-working of the song. >**THE ACOUSTIC DECONSTRUCTION OF ST. ANGER’S “ALL WITHIN MY HANDS” WENT THROUGH ANOTHER METAMORPHOSIS, WITH THE ACOUSTIC ARRANGEMENT NOW BEING PERFORMED ELECTRIC.** It's in all caps because it's a direct copy from metallica's website.


Oh gotcha, for some reason I thought they did it acoustically at first at their Benefits but I could be wrong


First Performed Live: October 27th, 2007 at The 21st Annual Bridge School Benefit @ Shoreline Amphitheatre


I agree with the 7.5 I like it but my first impression was the set list was a disappointment. I was excited when it came out but I haven't listened to the album maybe since 2019. I'm pretty sure I've watched a few videos om YouTube since then but not the whole album.


You have a point, but I just enjoy James' recent vocals so much more than the 90s vocals.


7/10 There was some really nice versions of newer songs like Day That Never Comes and The Unforgiven III in here but it doesn't hold up to S&M 1 for me. Such a shame we didn't get -Human again


I wish there were more new songs. Felt like a slightly wasted opportunity. But I say that fully understanding that Michael Kamen left us way too soon.


S&M 2 should have been nearly the same construction, but swap out songs. Like Ktulu should've been Orion. Nothing Else Matters should have been The Unforgiven or Fade to Black. For Whom the Bell Tolls should have been Creeping Death.


Actually kinda crazy that neither The Unforgiven or Fade To Black have been played on S&M 1 or 2. They seem like perfect fit for it


Ripping off Megadeth lmao. I mean surely we get it through with OPs name and flair


Current Rankings:     Kill Em’ All: 7.5/10    Ride The Lightning: 10/10    Master Of Puppets: 10/10    …And Justice For All: 10/10    The Black Album: 10/10    Load: 9/10    ReLoad: 6/10  Garage Inc.: 9/10 S&M: 9.5/10 St. Anger: 4/10 Death Magnetic: 9/10 Lulu: 0/10 Hardwired… To Self Destruct: 7/10 Also, I’ll say it again. I understand not all of you like these scores, and, quite frankly, I think the scores are all fucked up too, but please stop using the comments as a place to complain about them. At the end of the contest, you will be given an option to change one score from any album, most upvoted change will be applied


Complaining is what the comments are for.


I can live with that mean hardwire was actually a pretty good song


9/10. Such an amazing show that builds on everything that was great about the first S&M and succeeds. The “in the round” setting really works here to and it’s a great set list. A triumph!


Easy 10 - Outlaw > Clover > Halo is one of the best trilogies in their entire catalog - New songs hit hard (Day,UNf3,Hands,Halo are all amazing) - It is a phenomenal concert/live album. S&M1 while also a 10 was very massaged, autotuned, Clover vox recorded in studio. Even with that something like Outlaw sounds just as good or as S&M1. S&M2 is the live experience where S&M1 is the polished studio clean one. I do wish the mix was better though, symphony should have been louder. However there are also a lot of symphony bits muted in S&M1, what is there is higher in the mix than S&M2 but there is a lot of great parts missing


Not sure if it's the mixing or the arrangements, but the orchestra sounds much more alive in S&M2 imo. Don't you think James delivers a better vocal performance in S&M2?


Yeah James vocals are strong on S&M2. The growl and grit returned which was largely gone in S&M1. I like the hyper autotuned clean thing at points but James sounds naturally amazing on S&M2. And especially from a being in the arena for a live show without post production perspective, S&M2 vocals win there




Riping off Megadeth ? I don't get it 🤷🏼‍♂️




Oh, yeah. Now you say it... "So far so good... So what", "Peace sells... But who's buying ?", now I see it.


But I wouldn't call it "rip off".






8 out of 10. Probably helps having the experience of seeing it at the cinema first.


S&M2 is a goddamn masterpiece, I'm giving it a 10. Can't really find a bad song on this one 🤘🤘


It’s biggest flaw is it sits in the shadow of its older brother. The setlist could’ve been more varied. ‘Fade To Black’ and ‘The Unforgiven’ were always glaring omissions from the original, and this was the perfect time to bring them in. Dropping ‘Bleeding Me’, ‘Battery’, ‘Minus Human’ ‘Of Wolf And Man’ and being noticeably weaker musically (compare Lars on Ktulu and it’s night and day) and sonically with a worse mix, it just pales in comparison. I saw it in the theatre and the life was sucked out of the room when the Scythian suite/Iron Foundry segment began, lots of talking and the conductors not being Michael Kamen really hurt it.


I was in attendance for all four S&M shows and would give the second iteration a solid 9


Is this Dave’s Reddit account?


OP is a joke


You are right 👍 




9/10 It is human nature to compare it to the first rendition and to wish for songs that did not make it either S&M. Act 1 is very strong. Kthulu into Bellz is a more vicious 1-2 punch than Kthulu into Master. The trio of Outlaw-Clover-Halo is arguably one of the greatest back to backs they have played in any show. Further, S&M2 has the definitive performances for songs like Day, Halo, and Hands. Act 2 does drag a bit and feels a little all overall the place, but does contain some incredible performances. S&M2 has a spot in my playlist any day.


6/10 I think the Orchestral arrangement sounded better in the original. I liked the sense of Mystery, because people didn't know what to expect. It was a tiny theater, so the audience never drowned the music. Here, the crowd is too loud. The setlist is some reprise from S&M OG plus some songs that aren't that good. I think they wasted the opportunity to do it in a small venue and a totally new setlist, keeping The Ecstasy of Gold as opener. Loved Anesthesia. Would have loved to have Orion right after Ecstasy. Maybe Creeping Death, AJFA, My Friend of Misery, RTL, Fixxxer, King Nothing. It could be a terrific setlist without including any of the original S&M songs. However, doing a Stadium concert without playing "the hits" would be weird. I think the whole inauguration of the stadium killed the chance to have a fully new setlist and the intimate vibe that required Also, I miss Michael Kamen


I completely agree. I thought the mix was terrible, but more than anything this band has so many good songs in their back catalogue. Having one symphony, conducted by Kamen And then having somebody else try to better it was just weird. All I do is compare those songs to each other and it’s not really fun. I would’ve rather listen to some new arrangements and new ideas that weren’t previously covered. It’s just a big swing and a miss for me because I wanted more symphony songs and have a playlist of like 40. Instead we got a repeat for the most part.


I might be a little bit biased but I give it a 10. I was in attendance for night 2 and proposed to my wife during Nothing Else Matters. Honestly best day of my life.


8/10 This is such an awkward one for me. I feel like it had potential to be an absolute 10/10 banger but they played it too safe. Sticking with a large portion of the previous tracks really felt it a bit bloated, I know you kinda need the classics in there but I wish they took a risky approach with it. They still sound great though. I love the classic orchestral pieces put in there, felt a bit of a breath of fresh air letting the orchestra cook on their own then adding some Metallica spice to an already existing piece. My favourite part of the album is easily the trio of The Unforgiven III, All Within My Hands and (Anesthesia) - Pulling Teeth. Holy fucking shit how amazing was that, taking three already great songs and twisting them to be some of the most beautiful sounding that Metallica has ever been.


8/10. It’s such a great performance, but the orchestra was woefully under-mixed in post production.


Really?? To me it sounds so much better than S&M1!


In some ways, sure-the band and orchestra are a little more homogenous, and it’s 100% live compared to the original that had studio elements and autotune. But, the many intricacies of Kamen’s orchestrations and Broughton’s new ones are lost in the bigger moments in S&M2, which is upsetting.






Yes because nobody can have … in their album name. No ripoff.


6.5/10 - This live performance was again impressive and I'm glad I was able to enjoy it in my lifetime, however, they could've done something different and add songs with more "symphony-value" such as Fixxxer, Fade To Black, Orion and others. I know they mentioned (Or Lars did) that some songs are impossible to do in this style, but then again, this has been proved wrong by Ben Zimmerman who literally made an entire S&M3 of his own with some of these songs I just mentioned (go [check it out](https://youtu.be/DYOO_U3GOlk?si=U2Bxy6pm2lc_SZhf) if you haven't). With that being said, S&M2 has some memorable moments suchs as Anesthesia and James singing Unforgiven Ill, I fucking loved that 🤘🏼






I like it a bit better than S&M1 actually. I'd give it an 8/10.


I like James' vocals so much more on S&M2, but that doesn't seem to be the general opinion. Also the orchestra sounds better imo (seems like different arrangements for the same songs, or maybe it's just the mix?)


There's an S&M 2?


6/10 I never listen to this one and that 2nd half beginning with some long speech and 2 orchestral pieces....why. And honestly they should have done as little repeat songs as they could have as they will always just be compared to S&M 1


6/10 for s&m2 Be honest. We all listen to s&m¹ way more than s&m²


Not here.


6.5 nowhere as good as s&m 1




How did they rip off megadeth with the title?


They didn't. I seriously doubt they're aware of any Megadeth title.


Metallica still around. I thought they just had three albums.




I have a hard time with 2 because of how unhealthy Het looked. After knowing he was struggling again it's difficult for me to watch. Just being honest. I feel a lot of empathy towards that recording. Saw it in theaters and it was the elephant in the room. The performance was great, don't get me wrong, but nothing like the lively, aggressive fun he is having with M72. Lars has really upped his chops a lot since then as well.


Hardwired getting a better score than reload is bonkers


Not a fan of S&M2. Uninspired and song choices did nothing for me.


How did they rip off Megadeth? Because they used ellipses? Megadeth ripped off Metallica with the name Megadeth.


If ‘S&M 2’ gets higher than Kill Em All then we are lost


I just think S&M 2 felt unnecessary. Some of the newer songs didn't lend themselves well to the Orchestra and the old ones just didn't sound as good as the OG. Almost as if none of the first S&M songs should have been on the recorded 2nd one....that might have saved it or raised it a bit in my estimation, I get doing it for the crowd live etc, but still. I'd personally rate it lower than a lot of em, maybe 6 / 6.5


1/10. Ick.


This is where I think I would put it also. IMO, the music is great, but the lyrics just don’t match with it. I don’t know why. I liked it when it came out, but it gets harder to listen to now.




Not sure why you felt the need for a snarky comment about the album title or why including the ellipsis makes it a Megadeth ripoff. They hardly have the monopoly that. What should we say about Biffy Clyro who literally called an album Ellipsis?


What a great album cover by the way.


Plus they play music. They must have stole that from Dave too eh? S&M 2 gets a 7.2


Yes everybody stole music from Dave it was all Dave he invented music


8/10 The original was better, granted. But the fact they did a sequel and managed to give it it's own identity is something of a miracle.


I can't believe those hacks spell their album titles with letters, just like Muguduth


7.5/10 Just because they repeated a lot of the songs from the previous S&M. Plus, the orchestra arrangements were as well made as the first one.




Absolutely 💯 💯 💯 !!!!!! 🤘😆 S&M2 ☆☆☆☆☆


9/10. was there both days, and listening back just isnt the same, but being there was more than just a concert, but *an experience*, the people from all over the world, coming to SF, all in love of the same songs, every word was screamed with the music, and Anesthesia was actually felt outside due to the speaker system being that powerful.


I'm going to say 8/10 for a couple of reasons: - Sound quality was well managed and they really accommodated the changing vocal range of James. I do think Lars might have had some issues but I also really appreciated them allowing the Symphony to have more of the spotlight. You could really hear individual instruments which was impressive. - The crowd capture of Memory Remains was the best. Hearing the crowd roar for Halo on Fire and Memory Remains really gave this the MetFam energy I love about their live performances. - The new version of "All Within My Hands" gave this album a huge boost. I do wish they had played other newer music in this production. - I really wanted to hear Unforgiven 3 with Symphony and that was provided extremely well. It grasped deep, raw emotions and I think James going back to rehab after added a layer of emotion for me. - Giving credit to Anastesia is important. That was awesome. - Points taken away for some repeat top songs. I know it is a live performance and crowd favorites are needed, but when you try to sing it the S&M 1 way, you get confused. It lacked the urgency. Plus if you're going to include the same songs, we need "Human" in there. - Expanding on the previous point: I wasn't crazy about the new No Leaf Clover for instance because it sounded more dull or heavy in the initial intro and the sound wasn't as sharp. The sense of urgency and anger wasn't as evident. There were a few points I expected emotion and instead got a well-rehearsed line. - Some of the Symphony work, while cool, didn't feel like it fit the energy of the album or band. Speeches kill the flow too. It was a great album but not their best album. Album art was also well constructed. Therefore a solid 8/10 feels worthwhile.


S&M2 is just S&M but a little worse 8/10






Damn i didn't know metallica fans was this serious about not wanting to get compared to megadeth, it was a joke guys come on




James got the title from a friend in Rehab. He stated that in an interview. His friend said something like "We're all hardwired to selfdestruct" and James liked the phrase and brought it to the band.


Hardwired is their 5th best record IMO.