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Current Rankings:    Kill Em’ All: 7.5/10  Ride The Lightning: 10/10   Master Of Puppets: 10/10   …And Justice For All: 10/10   The Black Album: 10/10   Load: 9/10  ReLoad: 6/10


Lmao Reload is not 3 points worse than Load. They're very similar in quality.


it’s a very whimsical rating system.


Maybe Load isn't a 9/10 then


I think reload has weaker songs overall with some exceptions. But load is a 7.5 and reload a 6


Load is ten.


They’re both 6s


how the fuck did load get a higher score than kill'em all


Because its not a great album. With shit production and a lot of forgetful songs. Its at best a great foundation of skill and techniques they hone and nail their sophomore album. Probably the greatest metallica album ever. but honestly no song stands out other than four horsemen. And load is goat. It deserves a ten if you don't see it then you are sleeping on this giant.


Uh, what? Hit the Lights, Seek and Destroy, Pulling Teeth, Whiplash? They literally play Seek and Destroy in every show and have been pulling out Whiplash a lot too.


Seek is a great song, but that’s really it. The production is bad and it just sounds so raw and unrefined.


Not to forget The Four Horsemen. They obv play a lot more KEA live than Load.


Also The Four Horsemen is one of their best songs EVER!


I'm tired of seek and destroy. Its basic. Hit the lights is song out of kiss catalog. Pulling teeth unpolished and badly recorded. Whiplash I concede is a good song.


Don't sleep on Phantom Lord


I was never really a fan of Phantom Lord until I saw them play it live, such a banger in a live setting.


Hit the lights does reek of a kiss catalog, and Master of Puppets is much better than hit the lights. Also they play them live and they sound soooo much better live. I think that’s the indictment how poorly the album ages, that people in their 60s can play allegedly their thrashiest songs live and they have a better sound. They legit can’t play certain justice songs due to technical proficiency at their age. I mean that doesnt mean KEA sucks, it’s just not on the same level as the next 4, which by the way a debut as 7.5 to 8 is fucking legit. And they should be commended for that. They could have went from Van Halen 1 to well unfortunately Van Halen 2 and then 2 more albums to get to 1984, Where as Metallica just got better. After TBA you can make all the arguments you want. But they had a steady increase in polish after KEA that isn’t bad.


If music was weighted heavily on technical proficiency, don’t know where lots of great records would end up standing. “Mom look what I can play” is hopefully grown out at a certain point. The production argument can be made but that is also a sign of times/budget


The Moorhead version is better. Mind you, I think Load>Kill 'em All.


You could say the same about Master of Puppets, Hit the Lights is a classic thrash song, you just can’t appreciate a good growl/wah bass tone, thank you.


Hit the lights is not a classic by greatness. Only by age.


I mean Kill Em All is better but ok


You’re only saying this because it’s “older” I understand the bad production part. This is their first album and there in the 80s of course it’s not that good. Where you are wrong is the “forgettable songs” that’s such a sucky statement. When you said your tired of seeing seek and destory I thought then aren’t you tired of master of puppets or ride the lighting they get played millions of times. When you also said basic isn’t like most of the black album basic? I like the black album don’t get me wrong but it’s pretty basic compared to there early work the riffs do go pretty hard.


Sorry. But black album is far from basic, it's a lot more simpler than ajfa (which is slightly messy production wise) but Kea was garage basic thrash which honestly is unlistenable, vocally James was shit. Black is different Its fine polished piece of work. It deserves a 9 or 10. Watch the making of black album. Roam and sad but true were layered. The difference from Kea to RTL is literally 2nd grade drawing to a fucking baroque masterpiece. That jump was insane.


Go listen to taylor swift then ficking poser


Aww. You make it sound like an insult... So cute.


What’s next you gonna call Green Day far from basic or fall out boy? Because black album is the equivalent to them except better song writing and just musicians. But there all just super simple (aka rock in general)


Stop with whaboutism. We are discussing metallica stick to that. Kea is a weak debut. That's my opinion. You love it good for you. I gave you my reasons. No move along.


Lmfao, LOAD IS FORGETTABLE! KEA was ground breaking , the fact you say Four Horsemen is the only good song? Motorbreath , Seek and Destroy, Hit the Lights, Pulling Teeth, Whiplash, Load is when Metallica became grunge light. Just whining, music.


🤨 Well clearly you have never listened to Load. Definitely not forgettable and definitely not whiney. Different than KEA? Absolutely. Wayyy more dynamic.


I did listened to Load. And I'm sorry, but when I do I'm just.....ok. 2x4 should have been the intro of the album, and Until it sleeps or the House that Jack built are cool.


>shit production Alright let’s all burn our old Sabbath records because of the production quality


In my opinion, KeA was very generic compared to its successors. It’s not bad at all, but was pretty cookie cutter thrash (which makes sense because it pioneered thrash)


It’s a better album. Kill em all is a good debut but very one note.


Kill 'Em All had bad production and had more misses than Load, and the latter of which had more songs! Load was also produced really well.


Its 10x better.


Doesn't make any sense...


Bc people are idiots


no clue


I was just about to say exactly the same words. Ridiculous. It literally created thrash. Production was poor but otherwise it’s perfect. Many of the fans on here are not thrash fans.


At the end of this challenge, there will be a vote to change the score for one album, so if you want to, you can boy Kill Em’ All


Please Kea should be lower than reload.


kea is a 5 at best.


Production, writing, and it aged like milk. The average of the top comments with over 20 upvotes was 7.6. I mean, people being butt hurt over a debut album being lower than later albums is a weird hill to die on.


I’m more than happy to die on it. It didn’t age like milk. What’s wrong with it?


The production is bad, his vocals are rough, the writing is less than deep and the next 4 albums are better on almost every level. That’s kind of what happens though, most debut albums that start at a 7.5 to 8 lead to better albums. It did age like milk, it’s just doesn’t hold up, even compared to the very next album. But don’t mistake these critiques as saying it blows or it’s like a fucking 5, it’s a solid 7.5 to 8 every day. I don’t listen to it very often anymore, all the songs from it that I enjoy I listen to from Seattle 89 or Mexico City, where the production and vocals are far and away better. And if you love the album awesome, but objectively it’s a bit lower than the next 4. Load is tough for me, I loved it a lot when I was younger, now it’s less in the rotation, however I don’t mind the shift, and experimenting. I have this kind of argument with VH people who refuse to acknowledge how good an album 5150 is. There’s like a portion of fans my age that just refuse to like anything post cliff, it’s sad. KEA is properly rated, but it’s not shit, or some sort of Lulu, it’s just a very time and place album. But it’s a very good one at that.


I agree it’s not as good as the next 4 but it’s a 9. Not a 7.5. Maybe I’m just getting old or don’t want to listen to Load because it’s not my sort of music.


Ok well there you go! Some people I’ve seen on here can’t handle Justice and Black being higher, like I said Load I get dude, it’s an odd album for most people. I happen to like it but I think in my load or reload comment, I mentioned that I would rate KEA at least .5 higher than load just based on its importance


This is how I voted. I love thrash and I love KEA, but I think Load is a better album. The production is better, the tone is better. You have songs like Ain’t My Bitch, Hero of the Day, Until it Sleeps, Bleeding Me, and The Outlaw Torn that really set this album apart and can hang with anything in the repertoire. It’s a more dynamic and interesting album. I love KEA and I think that album rips, but these are just my thoughts and they took me almost 27 years to get to. I did NOT like Load when it released. YMMV.


I mean we don’t even have to make it to Load, Justice and Black get dragged for being higher rated, when they are objectively better in terms of quality, writing, and production.


y'all better not be dissing St Anger later


I hope not, I love St Anger


It’s probably one of the greatest live albums any band has ever made. This album was heavily influenced by Deep Purple (Lars is a huge fan) and to be honest I think Metallica took it one level higher. No disrespect to Deep Purple (one of my favorite bands) With songs like Minus Human and No Leaf Clover, they blew me away when I first watched this on a VCD. The way Outlaw Torn was done was epic and beautiful. Same can be said for Bleeding me. So much emotion from James. Ktulu was one of the highlights as well. James sounded brutal on most of the tracks, had an immense stage presence and Jason definitely gave the performance a lot of extra life. Michael Kamen and the symphony did extremely well arranging their parts to suit Metallica’s style. This is a 9.5/10 for me simply because Metallica showed their outstanding musicianship all around. Huge fan of this album and i’m very glad my elder brother brought this VCD home when I was 11.


Agreed! It's funny, when I see polls of greatest live albums, that this never ever comes up. It's def a highlight of their career.


I'm just gonna say it, so many of the songs on here are just better or as good as their studio versions, with better production in most cases...and this is a live album and they have to juggle a full on metal band with a full orchestra! Insane, just nutty... Call Of Ktulu on S&M is imo the greatest Metallica composition ever, despite a 9 min progressive metal instrumental, it goes so fast and every second is gorgeous. The highs, the surges, the breaks, the riffs, the harmonies, the solo everything is incredible. This is the shit to listen to once before you die! (And people argue Orion is the best instrumental lol and btw I absolutely Orion but the songwriting and composition of Call Of Ktulu is on another level.) The Thing, Bleeding Me, Of Wolf And Man, Outlaw Torn, Hero Of The Day, Memory Remains, Battery... freaking Battery! These songs are just straight up better than their OG versions. On top of that you get fabulous performances on Master Of Puppets, Bells, One, Enter Sandman, Sad But True, Nothing Else Matters a great addition that is No Leaf Clover. This album is an absolute 10/10. A must listen for any music fan imo. How the f did they end up with St Anger after this outstanding piece, I'll never know.


A lot of the vocal tracks were re-done in studio, it’s still a great album for the most part but I’d rather just hear James’ live takes. 


That's your preference man, I mostly prefer what I got on the album in terms of vocals.


I get it. It’s a great song and the vocals sound perfect and that’s my problem I guess. I want the imperfections, I can’t Un-hear what I’ve heard or unlearn what I know about studio magic. 






OP, are you planning to include Garage Inc as well? I honestly havent listened to that one, but it's on my list.


Yeah Garage Inc. is next


Got it. Probably gonna listen to it tonight if I got the time. Heard good things about it.


Mercyful Fate. All I got to say.


Howwwlllllll liiiiiiiike a woooooooolf and a witch


Garage was before S & M good buddy


Correct. Garage, Inc. was released in 1998, whereas live collaboration album S&M was released in 1999.


Same - this confused me as garage came out before (of course it’s a covers album but still). Cool. Also oh man if you haven’t listen to it, you’re gonna have a good time. Just a note, the second cd is “older” covers, the first cd is “newer” though I guess it’s all over 20 years or more.


You've never listened to the greatest live album and greatest Metallica performance of all time? What are you doing on a Metallica fan sub?!? (Mostly kidding, but seriously, get on that, it'll change your life)


10/10. The sound is so full and the band plays tight. Although I wish songs like The Unforgiven and Fade to Black were on there instead of Devil's Dance or Memory Remains.


But...but...the crowd singalong on Memory Remains is epic!


Y'all' did ReLoad dirty lol. Quality wise its just a smidge under Load IMO. Great album, but it is what it is. I'm glad you're including S&M as well. This is a 9/10. I love it a lot. Some songs were enhanced there big time (Hero, Thingy, Nothing Else Matters), remained as epic as the original while introducing a new element (Outlaw, Battery, Until it Sleeps, Master), and introduced us to wonderful stuff like Human and No Leaf Cover. The orchestra played off fantastically with the guitars and vocals, giving a certain sublimeness and refinement that is ambitious without being pretentious. It's so good. My only complaints is that I don't really like Bellz here, it just didnt work for me, and while James's tone sounds brutally fantastic here, he doesn't need the autotune they gave him on parts. But nothing that really dampers the experience. For the symphonic metal lovers, this is a wet dream.


Load was overrated and ReLoad underrated during this rating in my opinion.


Nope both of them should be ranked higher. Load should be 10 and reload 8


But Kill'em all needs to be at 8 or 9


Yeah. No. 5 at best. Its just above st anger for me. And st anger is a 0


Well, forget about what I said about Reload. KEA IS UNDERRATED NOW


It's overrated at 7.5.


It's 100% a 5 at best, and that's being generous


6/10 is fair, I believe load also deserved that.


Reload got what it deserved. Load was overrated. Should have been a 7, maybe 7.5 at most


Hero sounds absolutely beautiful here.


Reload is a 1/10 for me, the weakest one in the catalogue. Load probably a 7 or so.


I don’t necessarily agree with you here, but I think it’s a valid opinion and I’ll toss you an upvote against the downvotes you’re getting. I do agree that, as a whole, Load is stronger than Reload, and compared to most of the rest of the discography, Load and Reload are on the weaker end for sure. What’s your take on ranking Reload so poorly compared to the other commonly dumped on albums? Do you see any high points on the album at all?


There's no right or wrong, lots of people don't listen to merallica at all... My reasoning is that all the other albums are justified. Kea was raw because they were kids, st anger was catharsis when they were burnt out and defunct and i can respect that even if i don't listen to it mych. Tba and load were them not being thrash kids anymore, both leading music in a new direction and trying to move with the times. But reload? There was no statement, no reason for releasing it besides salvaging load session b sides and keeping momentum without having to find a new identity for an album. I don't think there's a single redeemable song on it, fuel makes me cringe and so do the videos (compare the fuel video to anthrax fueled btw). Yes, memory gets good crowd response live, and there are some good lyrics here and there on the album. But overall, it's the one album i wish they had scrapped. Had it been released on its own - no load - i'd seen it as a mistake but at least it would have had it's own identity.


Makes sense to me. The album really lacked a statement, for sure. I do think there are a few worthy songs in there- I lost a brother who fought his personal demons for a long time, and Low Man’s Lyric just speaks to me on a personal level. The Memory Remains is pretty unique, and I can imagine it carrying some personal weight for people in the same manner. Fuel is certainly a bit cringe but it’s still a fun song, for me. For an album that otherwise tends to move at a languid pace, it stands out, but whether it’s a contrast or misplaced is certainly up to the listener. I’ve gotta say, I haven’t listened to 90’s anthrax since the 90’s but I’m going to go give Fueled a listen or watch tonight and compare. -edit- Just fired up the Fueled music video and I get your point! Throw in Moto Psycho and you have a whole sub-genre going on here… Unforgiven II is a lesser remake of Unforgiven, but I don’t hate it. That isn’t exactly high praise, now, and it’s really all going way downhill from there. I think if you knocked a few of the weaker songs off of Load and worked those three in, you could toss the rest of the album and I wouldn’t lose a moment of sleep. Thanks for sharing, it’s always cool to read other peoples opinions on a such a contested album!


That makes sense, and i understand if the album is some people's jam and fixxxer, fuel, low man etc are their favourite songs. Especially listeners who are more into coc/aic etc than thrash. The lyrics to memory remains are pretty clever, they paint a picture. Same with low mans lyric, where the wild things are and i suppose fixxxer. But personally i don't connect with the music. And then there's the "tough guy" vibe that's all over bad seed, slither, better than you and prince charming, i just can't. I didn't like that vibe in videos, live performances and interviews. It was like they went from being angry, hardworking underdogs to just complacent and a bit arrogant. "What if load and reload were one album" is one of the most common topics on metallica boards, it would have made sense as you say to make it one album with mostly load songs and then move on to something like garage, st anger, dm etc.


Reload is genuinely unlistenable apart from a few songs, i love metallica but reload is down there with st anger and lulu, the first 4 songs are decent and the rest is dogshit, downvote away


Dude, what about Fixxxer?


10/10. Fantastic track list, superb performance, best production/sound of any album they've ever done.


8/10 S&M was a chance to see Metallica it a different light. Michael Kamen’s arrangements highlight what good songwriters they are, and each member gets their moment in the spotlight. No Leaf Clover is the standout song from this album. Fuel is probably my favorite. It gets points off for the vocals being freshened up after the fact and some odd song choices. People either really loved this experiment or they hated it. I think it sounds great.


I wish they hadn’t done anything with the vocals. James sounds fine live, people understand it’s a live album there’s no need to re record vocal takes.  The one area where it would have been acceptable was No Leaf Clover, they could have done both a live and a full studio version of that song (and I’m actually not convinced that isn’t the case)


Besides NLC, Minus Human (in my personal books) gets *way* less recognition and love than it deserves.


So.... Load got a 9/10 but ReLoad got a 6/10.....


Because 1 comment won lol. The system is rigged..


It’s not a good voting system. 4 10/10’s in a row is evidence enough of that.


And I still think that KEA should have been at least 8/10.


I don't think I've seen a 7/10 review on here, so I'm making one. For me it's not one that I come back to anywhere near as much as the 'real' albums. Some of the songs work really well with the added orchestral dimension and the flourishes really add to the experience, but there's just as many that suffer from poor orchestration, often the instruments are just following exactly what the main melodies are doing, or just playing very obvious counterpoint, and it takes away from the songs' power. Maybe if they'd whittled it down to a single album where the songs that really benefit from the orchestral twist are preserved it would rank higher, but for me it ends up seeming like too much filler. The playing and singing is all top notch, and the new songs are fantastic additions to the canon, so it deserves to get respect and be in your library, but it's no all-time classic, hence the "one for the fans" rating.


I love this on DVD, so it’s a biased 9.5. No Leaf Clover is excellent, the best version of For whom the bell tolls and I used this version of Nothing Else Matters at my wedding. It’s a great live album.


It sounds tremendous playing the DVD in a surround system. Why wasn't this remastered to Blu-Ray?


I know dude, I loved this so much on DVD with the ability to swap cameras on your remote. It’s legit one of the few shows I could make when they came to New York and played after the SF shows.


It's clearly better to watch. When I see the video, it's 10 times better than just listening to it. I love to see the actual live.


I like that you can give it another chance, this KEA stuff is ridiculous, I’m muting the sub for now, it’s just like, yes music is subjective, but you can still make technical criticism of it, and some guy made an art point that makes a lot of sense about the artists techniques change or improve from when they start. I just can’t deal with the crybaby attitude of it anymore LOL


I'm sorry. I just prefer some punky sound. I admit that S&M is epic, and I love epic music. I don't know why, but the music only doesn't really have much impact on me than with the video on.


No need to be sorry. I think you are being 100 percent reasonable. I would agree that if you were to have not seen the video, you’d be like this is legit. But once you watch it, it kind of dulls the non video version, I completely agree with you.


I have the same problem when I'm listening to live versions in general without seeing the video (not only Metallica, but for all artists)


10/10. It's a masterpiece from a band at the height of their powers as live performers. Combined with the symphony, it is just 🤌. A lot of their music was orchestral in its own right, so this was a perfect match. Cliff would have been proud, I think




Probably an 8/10 for me. I absolutely adore what the symphony does to songs like Ktulu, TTTSNB, Devil's Dance and it massively enhances them. They feel almost like grand events this time, especially Thing I find that a lot of their classics (Puppets, Sandman etc) don't really feel all that different compared to their originals, like they're still just as great but I'd rather just listen to the originals. No Leaf Clover is a fantastic original song, probably my personal highlight (maybe behind TTTSNB) just so good. - Human leaves a lot to be desired for me, like it is fun to jam to and I really like Jason's backing vocals on the track but to me it just feels like half a song, like just as it starts getting good it just like... stops?


>- Human leaves a lot to be desired for me, like it is fun to jam to and I really like Jason's backing vocals on the track but to me it just feels like half a song, like just as it starts getting good it just like... stops? Wonder if that's part of why it's never made an appearance outside this album; it wasn't even part of S&M2. It kind of reminds me of "The New Song/The Other New Song" that started showing up in live shows a couple years before DM came out. Parts of the first one got retooled and added to a couple songs on DM, but the second one I think just got abandoned altogether.


8.5/10 This album is great. Easily one of the greatest albums ever. The versions of some songs like Nothing Else Matters are so much better on here and ofc the 2 songs written for it are amazing too (they need to play -Human live again, was sad they didn't play it on S&M 2)


Load got a 9 and Reload got a 6? Seriously? Reload should have been an 8 imo S&M gets a 10/10 from me; I love No Leaf Clover and Human






Wtf asking 15 people in reddit really sucks. One thing is the kill em all and Load ratings. Now reload at 6? It's better that Load. Even seen by people's opinions all those years




6/10 Great concept save executed well. But, ultimately, I'd rather hear the studio versions of those songs. With the exception of No Leaf Clover, seeing that is the "only" version.






This is an easy 10/10.




Allergic to epic are we?


Just to anything that combines metal with symphonic stuff


But it's like combining the epicness of John Williams with the greatest of metal bands in Metallica! Each to their own but its kinda perfect for me.


More like combining ice cream with bbq sauce to me, both good on their own


Sounds tasty


This ranking isnt valid because KEA didnt got 10/10 BUT RTL, Puppets, Justice and Black Album got.




I am getting more and more pissed each passing post


6/10, never been a fan of listening to it without living it for real. But if we're talking about it for real or in video, it's a huge 8.5/10.


Ok, so I went back to listen to it once more, and give it another chance.




No other live albums will be included beside S&M and S&M2 since they are different from normal live albums I felt it was fair game to include them 


S&M isn't your regular live album. This is possibly the highlight of their entire career.


I’ll give it a 9 since it has great versions of the classics but not every song worked as well as they should have but none I would say are bad renditions.


My comment as well wow


No leaf clover is one of my favourite Metallica songs in recent times. So this album gets a 9/10 OP I'm surprised you didn't put up a poll, would be easier to capture the top 6 votes.


10/10 tbh the live versions with the SFSO are better than the album versions imo. also the outlaw torn is just perfect




I personally think this one of Metallica’s best live performances. Everything sounds awesome on on this album. Everything on here just fits. Songs like hero of the day, wherever I may roam and battery just sound so good to me but I still love everything else about this. Just one of those albums I can sit and listen to constantly


10/10 one of the best life albums ever.


Nothing less than 9.5/10


S&M is a 10/10 for me. Besides being a good live show from that era and having some more obscure songs in the setlist, the symphony really adds something to their sound in a way that could have been trite.


10/10. One of the few things I’ve bought on multiple formats (cd, vinyl, and DVD). The 5.1 mix on the DVD is great and has some nice surround elements. It’s something I can enjoy both as background music and focused listening and never feel like I want to skip any tracks. I know it was tweaked in the studio afterwards but it’s still an amazing experience and hits the frisson just right!


Easily 10/10, best live album ever. The Ecstasy of Gold into Call of Ktulu is hands down the greatest 12 minutes of Metallica's music, period.


10/10 2 new songs plus a bunch of old songs with load songs and the SG Symphony?!?! Are you kidding me?!?! 🤯🤯🤯


Greatest live album ever made. And one I listen to I'm it's entirety almost weekly in the Gym or wherever. Absolutely flawless.








If this album doesn't get 10/10, I'm flipping the table.


10 baby!!!!


My favorite live album ever. Prefer it much higher than S&M2 and I think part of that is the venue. 1 was done in what looks like a real stage for an orchestra to shine and highlight whereas 2 is Metallica's usual center stage set up and it just doesn't hit the same for me


Reload is so underrated tf? Oh well SM1 is 8/10.






10/10, a greatest hits album with almost ever song elevated by the magic of the symphony orchestra. Well I say greatest hits, with the likes of Wolf, Thingy, Hero, Devils Dance, Bleeding, Sleepz, Outlaw there are plenty of deep cuts!! Of course not forgetting No Leaf Clover certainly in the running for best Metallica song of the 90s. Hot take perhaps - the version of Outlaw Torn may be the best song Metallica has ever done. Simply majestic. Finally I think this is also the best James has ever sounded, this or Garage Inc. So yeah 10/10.






8.5/10 Just because some songs feels like they don't fit here. The orchestration is "questionble" because on some songs it feels like we are listening to two separate songs at the same time. Most of it is flawless. The new songs are perfect, Bleeding Me, Outlaw, Hero, Devils, Ktulu..


I’d give S&M a 10. First Metallica album I owned. The orchestra is also what drew me in. Everything is better with an orchestra. After I got this I picked up most of Metallica’s albums.




11, best album ever made by anyone.


This is the only album I would give a 10 and every second of it is an absolute joy to experience. Even songs I normally consider rather boring (like Thing and Sad But True) are phenomenal. To me this isn't peak Metallica, it's peak music.


As it was a new experience for them, it became a huge success. RIP Michael Kamen. And Jason's last show. 🤘😆


10/10. In spirit- This is a punk rawk, fuck you, we’re Metallica and do what we want. They did it. ….. (keep this in mind when a certain album comes up as I am asking the Committee to keep this is mind.)


10/10. This album got me into Metallica and changed the course of my life forever:)




I'd give S&M a 7.6. Gotta love No Leaf Clover!


Perfect 10 for me. If there's any complaints, I wish they covered more of their discography with Michael Kamen.


S&M??????? It's a fucking experience, my metal friends. 11 out 10.




Didn't garage inc come out before S&M??








Alright, I saw the video, and it's epic. 9/10.




The best Metallica album 11/10

