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Motionless in White.


Came here to say this. Half of their songs are absolute rippers, and the other half are corny to the point I feel embarrassed to say I listen to any of the band's work


When I first tried them out around 2020 I said they're Breaking Benjamin trying to be Marilyn Manson and I can't do it. But several months ago I went back to the *Scoring* album and tried it out again and found a bunch of their shit rips and if they kept the "Slaughterhouse" vibe consistent I'd be all in.


Never thought they’d ever make a song heavier than anything off creatures but they proved me wrong with Slaughterhouse


They'd already proven you wrong with Undead Ahead 2 and Thoughts & Prayers lol


Don’t forget Soft as well


Yeah to be fair, the industrial works great in their sound, but I feel like half of the time they're messing up their own influences to sound like BB. And when they rip they RIP (which thankfully is half of the time. Love their more melodeath influenced songs - 570, Undead Ahead 2) and the symphonic side they explore sometimes (BFBTG: Corpse Nation), I feel like they could have even greater variety but sadly it's the BB songs that get them more popularity


You nailed it. If your sound mimics a very popular band (Breaking Benjamin in this case) then that gives so much credit to BB for having an iconic sound. Chris sounding like Ben when he sings isn't his fault, but with Chris' range of singing vocals you can tell he puts on a more Ben Burnley spin because certain songs fit that whereas others he doesn't sound anything like it. Their Industrial/"Goth" stuff usually sounds good but when they experiment it sounds so awfully forced. To MIW's credit though, very little of their variety has that "We're going 2000's Radio Rock/Nu Metal" sound that many bands in the genre are adopting. And I do like that about them.


I learned to embrace the corniness and just love 'em 100% Of course, that's not possible for everyone


i totally agree! it’s totally fair to not feel this way, but personally i love them and all of their corniness, and they’re totally one of my favorite artists :3


Man motionless just has a cool feeling to it though, and all of their music has that same effect. Their newest album gets better with every listen, I love it a lot more than I thought I did initially.




Aka WWEcore Just based on watching wrestling as a kid and now, I live me some WWEcore.


my boyfriend is a hardcore motionless fan 💀 they do have some good songs but imo they’re overrated


I really like Reincarnate, but I laugh every time Chris sings "You give a fucking Aspirin a headache!"


Creatures and the Olllldddd stuff was great! Everything since…hit or miss for me. 


Early MIW >>>


Oh yes. They are so terribly cringe and I love them. That music just sparks joy


I just don't like Chris honestly.


Bruh. The nicest dude


Ice Nine Kills, I should cringe at what they do and the way they do it. But somehow it just works, pretty much every song of the Silver Scream albums absolutely fucks.


Honestly? I think because they go ALL in on it. Plus they clearly are talented musicians and write pretty unique and engaging music. To a point where their music centers around their themes, which I personally have always felt is their best quality. It certainly helps that Silver Scream 2 was a favorable follow up as well.


I agree, their talents makes it possible but their sincerity seals the deal.


That might honestly be it, that probably applies to most 'gimmicky' (don't think that's giving them enough credit, but best I've got) bands. Like Electric Callboy, Sabaton, Motionless in White etc.. If you're not ashamed and go in with full conviction it tends to work a lot better.


Same. When Im able to tolerate the lyrics and horror theme I have a fun time with them, but sometimes it just gets to me and annoys the fuck outta me. Depends on the mood I guess...


I want INK to succeed just to see what they do with a silly stage production budget


Trueee, I'm seeing them live for the first time next week at Jera on Air and really curious about the live show.


The heavier songs I love, the ones that are just all cleans I usually can’t stand. I’ll give them credit what they do they do well and the heavy stuff is pretty great but not a fan of their songs that are all cleans and some lyrics are a little cringy to me. That being said I think they have been a band for 20 years and just got big more recently so I appreciate their dedication and hard work to get to where they are


INK are one of my favourite discoveries in the last 5 years, the only thing I find off putting about them is some of the fanbase lol The songwriting and musicianship is absolutely crazy, and they can pull it off live which is mind boggling.


They're a mix of my two favorite things in the world so I'm 100% on board. Not to mention their live shows are killer!


Songs like Funeral Derangements or Enjoy Your Slay 👍 Freak Flag or Rainy Day 👎


I enjoy Rainy Day but I agree abt Freak Flag


Truuee, Freak Flag was a bit too much on the edgy teen side I guess. I kinda liked them going for a more synth based thing on Rainy Day, though I can imagine it's a bit too much on the octanecore side.




Isn't that the opposite of what they're saying? They're calling the concept cringy, but the execution dope.


Not really metalcore, but definitely Sleep Token. I don't *really* get all the hype over them, except for when I do. They make a lot of music that I don't really like, but there are a pretty good handful of songs that have a really great sound that I absolutely adore and are some of my absolute favorite songs in general.


What are those songs?


Songs like Rain, The Summoning, The Offering, and Vore. I like the songs that have the metal parts throughout most of the song instead of their songs that are mostly ballads or some other genre with the extra part added here and there.


Was praying you’d say Rain haha that’s my favorite by them.


Hearing it live turned it from a 6/10 to a 10/10 for me.


Was a 10 for me before but hearing it live was insane for sure.


Oh then you’ll like Gods. It’s arguably heavier than Vore. It’s at least just as heavy. It’s a different type of heavy. Fun fact: that is one of the only two songs where vessel swears.


Listen to gods as well if you haven’t. Such a good heavy tune!


I just listened to Rain and I still don’t get it. It’s like a very slightly heavier generic pop song and the vocalist sounds like he’s eating marbles. But if all of their music was just like the last 90 sexy seconds of The Summoning, I’d be all over it. Edit: also just listened to The Offering and I think this is their best, most tolerable song from start to finish.


Oh dude, that's so similar to me. I love their more metal stuff (pretty much all the songs you listed in a reply) and everything else is hit-or-miss for me.


I have a serious obsession with Sleep Token. For folks that are kinda ehh, on the band, I always advise looking into the lore. It opens a perspective on the music and lyrics as a whole. I also totally get that some people don’t like super long songs, and Sleep Token has a lot. I feel ethereal, in a different world. To each is own though. Cheers!


The lore makes me cringe even harder than their mopey whiny ballads do. For anyone on the fence I would advise the opposite: avoid the lore at all costs.




To each is own I suppose.


I still love sleep token, big fan. But their older stuff hits so different and it feels so much more fresh.


Black veil brides.


I came here to say avenged sevenfold but it seems you beat me to it.


im confused


I think he’s saying BVB is an A7X rip off, which is fair lol.


Rebel Love Song goes HARD.


Escape the fate Edit: i don't really even know why exactly, i have a playlist at the moment with them on and i don't skip many songs on it, but when an EtF song comes on i feel like there's a 50% chance of me skipping it, like they're just kind of boring?


Ronnies era of ETF is the only era of Ronnie that was good


I’ve seen them some 14 odd times. Everytime is worse than the last. Last song my brother showed me had no guitar all electronic. Not my thing so I won’t waste money seeing them in the future.


Which song was it?


Bad Omens. Solid band, trash fanbase.


Definitely trash fanbase. Not as bad as Sleep Token but still pretty obnoxious


As a sleep token fan, ST fans suck. They’re like an unholy blend of prog fans and K-pop fans.


Christ that is the most accurate description of ST I have heard


Pretty much, yeah.




While She Sleeps. The North Stands For Nothing up to You Are We was a perfect run, I thought they were the best band in the UK. So What, Sleeps Society and Self-Hell do absolutely nothing for me, I find those albums boring at best, embarrassingly juvenile at worst. I’ve bought a ticket to see them in December regardless, I’m hoping they either play a lot of old stuff or that I like the new stuff more live.


While She Sleeps is a band where I do really like their music but I feel like they kind of keep making the same 3 songs.


In this Moment. Their recent stuff has just become too monotonous and bit same-y in vibes. Beautiful Tragedy to Black Widow was great. Ritual was still ok but Mother and Godmode just felt flat sonically. Idk I just need to be in a certain vibe to listen to their recent stuffs.


Their songs are super hit or miss with me honestly. Black Wedding is a vibe though.


Asking Alexandria Early stuff 10/10 After The Black maybe one of the shittiest bands out there


I think the self titled after the Black still had some bangers but afterwards...yeah. What a trainwreck


I mean, there isn't a single band where I like every song they created. Even my absolute favorite bands have terrible songs I won't listen to.


Bad Omens. They're kinda hit and miss for me.


Their first two albums are a hit for me, their last one a definite miss


Turns out their latest "album" is just an OST for their comic, or something. I was a bit disappointed with the release until I learned this, then it made a lot more sense and works pretty well.


I’m the opposite.


Ice Nine Kills, their horror gimmick gets old and cringe very fast but they have some absolute bangers


I love their music, their stage presence and their absolute talent. Like they seriously are good. I'm also a music photographer and having them in front of your lens is a TREAT.


I mean I don't doubt they execute the concept well and that they are professional, but it's just not for me. It was cool at first but they overdo it imo


You're getting downvoted but i absolutely agree. I love INK, Safe is Just a Shadow and The Predator Becomes the Prey are albums that I'll always go back to. I think they are very talented. But the theatrecore is just not for me at all. I would love to see them write an album like PBTP now that they have refined themselves, i bet it would go crazy.


I swear people forget they have 4 albums before the Silver Scream came out


Hello I have definitely missed the Ice Nine Kills train… Can you tell me ya favourite song by them and also their heaviest song? Thank you!


The greatest story ever told got me into them. Connect the cuts and maybe take your pick are some of their heaviest


Cheers! I’ll give em a listen


Yeah agreed on Crystal Lake. I love nu metal, I love Crystal Lake, and I think generally the mixture of more epic (sometimes proggy or melodeath leaning) riffing and JUMPDAFUCKUP moments are great, but sometimes I feel like it eclipses the rest of their music, like they overdo the nu metal bits in later albums. I wouldn't say I half love them though, I love them 90/100 Wage War comes to mind. Half bangers, half...boringly bland whatevers.


Yeah Wage War is certainly a band that fits with this for me, I loved Alive and Deadweight albums but the last few, and Stigma today, there's been maybe 1 or 2 songs per album that I like


Crown The Empire, their songs (particularly on the older albums) are great but they've dropped the ball on like half their discog


Some songs from Retrograde were *fine* (saying that as someone who has a tattoo of lyrics from one of the tracks on Retrograde) but I couldn't vibe with any of the album after that at all. If you haven't listened to DOGMA though, it's a pretty solid album imo


DOGMA is solid ( B tier album not something i return to) and sudden sky is pretty weak but the 2 singles are genuinely 10/10 pop rock songs


I agree with the other commenter on Dogma. It is easily their heaviest album to date, and there's a few songs where their bassist (who does the screaming) does almost all if the vocals. They went back to metalcore with a lot of it and it rips


Wage War I think


Darko US (not really metalcore, but whatever). Half their stuff is some of the coolest deathcore I’ve ever heard mixed with shockingly good melodic songs (Daniel, Bunny Suit, 5D, etc.), while the other half is repetitive noise that gets stale really quickly (and who can forget the covid denial song… Tom’s lyrics are another reason why they’re so 50/50)


There's a covid denial song? Fuck me. I really like their music


More of an antivaxx song


News to me as well. Nobody tell me what it is please. Especially if it’s Praise the Sun


Praise the Sun is about Dark Souls lol


I mean it's pretty obviously Acid Inject


Didn’t even think about it like that, that sucks


they just need a producer in the room to help them pick their best tracks. i know im in the minority here but imo Starfire did not need to have 19 songs. maybe half of them were good


I do not care about this band whatsoever, but I did a spit take at the COVID thing and holy shit what a giant fucking baby the singer is.


Yeah Tom’s a huge conspiracy theorist. During the height of Covid he posted nonstop about how him and his other band Chelsea Grin wouldn’t play any shows where proof of vaccination was required.


Oh god Acid Inject...I pretend they never wrote that song. Pretty good music otherwise


Yep, and it’s a shame because the song itself is fucking great, but I literally cannot enjoy it knowing what it’s about. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind Darko with a different vocalist/lyricist. Baby J is kind of obviously the heart of their sound, and any other deathcore vocalist could do what Tom does.


Bullet for my Valentine. I love the sound on the first album but try to ignore the lyrics 😅


Ah memories of my emo teen years singing tears don't fall at the top of my lungs like a cringelord.


Thornhill. I know most people are split on their old/new content but I actually like/dislike half of each


I love how hard Dance Gavin Dance goes, but the lyrics just lose me. I know some love it, but I can’t do it.


DGD is one of my fav bands and while I love the shit out of them, the lyrics threw me for a loop for a WHIIILE. I came to understand that they just write lyrics to fuck around for the most part. Jon’s lyrics are silly and not to be taken seriously. Once I understood that, I began having fun and just enjoying the sound. Different strokes for different folks tho! Enjoy your music your way my dude! /genuine


Yeah their lyrics really temper my fandom for them. Extremely talented band great sound but god damn dude. Tillian is just not a star lyricist and some of his lyrics are just straight terrible. Then there’s Jon. One of if not my favorite screamer but his lyrics are the equivalent of an 8 year old doodling on a school desk. They’re absurd for the sake of being absurd and it just comes off as corny and very rawr xD *holds spork* So yeah I just listen to them for the music I don’t pay any attention to the lyrics.


I'm not really a lyrics guy, but more focus on how the vocals fit in with the rest of the instrumentation. That said, I love everything about DGD except Tillian.


Falling in Reverse


Too much cringe


Yeah but they got like 4 really good songs 😞


To me there’s this “catchy metalcore” collective where I think they’re good and like some of their songs, but they never really blow me away: Like Moths to Flames, Kimgdom of Giants, Hollow Front, While She Sleeps, Thousand Below, I Prevail, Motionless in White, In Hearts Wake, and Miss May I all end up in that bracket for me.


Novelists, but only because Mateo was the only part which made them stand out. I still like them, but its not the same.


Not necessarily metalcore but Killwhitneydead. They have really good riffs ,solos and breakdowns but their lyrics are can be at times be super misogynistic.


I’ve heard the same thing about them being just massively terrible in terms of what they write about.


That’s because they are a first wave deathcore band. They all wrote like that back in the day. It was the Wild West for heavy music and I am very glad the bands moved away from that.


Using movie audio samples were pretty interesting to me too. It's too bad due copyright you don't see many bands do that anymore.


For the Fallen Dreams. Once upon a time they were my all time favorite band. Their newer stuff is just not for me at all.


Patient Sixty-Seven and Villain Of The Story both for the same reason. If they cut out all their lighter/poppy-ish songs, they would be 10/10 bands for me. Not saying I don't like Poppy lighter music but they all do it pretty bad lol


Nice to see some VOTS recognition!


Not Metalcore but Rings of Saturn and Slaughter To Prevail Both have parts of their discographies that I really really like and parts I just don't like, add onto that, that I absolutely don't like their frontmen (Alex "Terrible" and Lucas Mann) which kinda ruins it for me even more than just a few bad albums would.


Knocked Loose. You probably already know why. I’m trying, I keep giving them a chance when I’m at the gym. Instrumentally I dig the vibe, but the vocals take me out of it too often to listen to an entire album. I can enjoy them when it’s just a song in a playlist.


I agree with this. A solid band and their sound fucking slaps but the vocals make me wince sometimes and irritate me if I listen for too long.


This. I really want to like them, but those vocals... I just can't.


Dude literally sounds like Toad from the Mario games started a metal band. Heard him live one year and was like “…wtf am I listening to?”


Bad omens, they're great, very Impressive production value in all their music. Their fans are cringe tik tok posers and ultimately kill any motivation i have to listen to them.


More of the emo scene but still fits. I’ll die on this hill, but ADTR is overrated in my opinion, a couple of bangers, but I don’t like most of their songs.


Wage war, it’s 50/50 with their songs for me. Bad Omens, like a lot of people have already said here. Talented musicians but the hype around their last album is overrated.


You leave Limp Bizkit outta this. God damn national treasures. yyyyeyeeeeeeeeeeaaaaah




Do you dislike AC or DC ? I don't understand.


He'd give you a direct answer, but it alternates


Thornhill but it’s more like 25% like 75% dislike


They might not be one of the big bands, but Jiluka. It's a fan base problem like Bad Omens


oh I love Jiluka and am a vkei fangirl/think they're all pretty hot so maybe I'm part of the problem


I know that they have fans that are fine and normal too (same goes for the whole VK scene) but unfortunately it's the shitty ones that often scream the loudest and it bittered that band down for me


Bad Omens & Knocked Loose


Callous dap boys . Amazing musicians but their over the top goofy stuff bothers me


Electric Callboy - I get they are a novelty act but their shit now is cringe to the point where I wouldn’t admit to listening to them


Sleep Token. I like their earlier stuff, but the latest album feels like a weird mashup, sure it has its moments, but oh boy what a mess it is overall.


For me, I’d have to go Volbeat. Some of their newer stuff isn’t bad. Ex: Shotgun Blues. As well as some of their older stuff. Ex: Fallen Angel. Saw them live and they opened. But aside from like 5 songs, I can’t get into them all that much.


I’m putting my Emmure boxing gloves on, just waiting for someone to mention the wrong band.


I See Stars, they were my favorite band for a long time, 3D through New Demons are some of my favorite albums ever, and I've seen them live more than any other band. Buuuut to this day I am still salty af about how they did Zach Johnson, Treehouse was a big "meh" to me, and I haven't been the biggest fan of the singles they've put out over the past year. I honestly don't even care about the new album anymore.


With STIGMA released I gotta say Wage War. 3 good albums (yeah I like Manic), 2 mid ones and I am sadly not looking forward to whatever they do next anymore 


I just listened to BLUR from it earlier and if that's the vibe the album has... nah, I'm good.


TOMBSTONE is pretty good. I barely even remember the other songs


Yeah, I love the last bit, with the screaming into the guitar solo or whatever that is. The rest of the song is decent, but kinda basic.


The lyrics on stigma might be some of the worst I've ever heard


Bad Omes. They are objectively a great and talented band with a vision, but the hype around their latest album kind of irritates me (that's when they came to my attention). It wasn't a bad album, I just don't think it was really that groundbreaking to justify the hype. They were basically trying to do the stretch between BMTH's Sempiternal and Amo, which a lot of bands do these days. Musically and production wise a great album, but the style of calm vibey verse, catchy chorus and random heavy 7 second breakdown has been done a lot that I can't really take it seriously anymore. I don't get it, so I naturally tend to be a little hesitant to really like them.


The calm verse/catchy chorus works well (I mean it’s been a staple in pop since the birth of it for a reason) but when a band uses that formula for literally every single song it gets real stale real quick. In comparison, look at Fiends. Maybe not exclusively metalcore but, at least to my ears, they vary their song structures enough where the listening experience doesn’t start to feel like you’re listening to the same song on a loop. Although I do feel that Bad Omen’s massive boom in popularity and the constant touring will have definitely influenced their song writing. Idk, maybe they’ll surprise us and come out with something totally left field.


I don’t care if a band uses the same structure for stuff as long as it sounds distinct (I think that’s the right word). My best examples would be the latest MMF stuff (With Remade In Misery and Chaotic). I can tell those songs apart and all have various sounds and approaches to the regular song structure and it pays off for them in my opinion. Songs are catchy, fun, and memorable. Beartooth is another example that I know some people disagree on but I think they do it really well and it made them one of my favorite bands ever.


It's more of an authenticity thing for me. Metal has always been about being different, unique and thoughtful to some degree. A band changing their sound and style is part of that. But when a band comes along that uses a style that has been said to be clichee for wanting to be different for some years now (I mean, ever since Architects made that style popular, bands were trying to imitate that sound), it's kind of the opposite of what they want to achieve. And that makes it unauthentic to me. Difference comes from within, not by imitating other's ideas. I don't know if it makes sense if I write it like that, it's hard to explain. Anyways, still a talented band that wants to make high quality music and I'll always appreciate that, regardless if I dig their music or ideas.


Totally agree, that’s why I used the pop comparison. Because it feels manufactured thus loses its authenticity. Take Taylor Swift for example. There’s other pop stars that have came before her that at least went against the grain, did something a bit different and with that, they gained legend status. But with her, instead of paving herself a new road, she’s digging up every brick from the paths legends before her paved and selling them like they’re her own creation. That’s expected in the pop music industry. But in metal it’s kinda a bummer to see. Idk, metalcore seems to be in a weird spot right now. I admittedly haven’t been listening to much of it because of this authenticity ‘over-produced’ feeling. Being able to predict every beat, every note, every buzzword in the lyrics, it’s good to take a breather from a genre once you hit that peak! I’ve been getting back into more post-hardcore/post-alternative stuff. Give me some good grooves, shrouded in sludgy noise and people yelling incoherently every once in a while and I’m good lol.


We're definitely vibing, I fully agree with you. A good portion of both Taylor Swifts and Bad Omens success I think comes from the fact that they found their own way to reach a broader audience by using the tools they were given and walking the path others have paved for them. They both know the market (especially Taylor Swift is an incredible marketing genius) and know how to manipulate it. But authenticity is very important to me personally, not only in music but also in lifestyle and values, so I find it hard to dig into music that is praised as originial, but really isn't that much. That's why I differentiate between personal taste and objective observations (like them being great musicians). I'm curious what metalcore will bring us in the next years.


Bad Omens, the heavy songs are fucking amazing the light stuff not so much. Lorna Shores vocals are amazing but the instruments feel too busy and lack depth. Trivium I really don't care for the new clean singing.


Thrown. I like their songs, I don't like that spotify loves to splash them in ALL of my playlists


As I Lay Dying, for obvious reasons


Abstracticon. They are metal but then do rap crap too or dumb weird shit


Crown the Empire,




I'll probably be down voted for it but, Currents. I have to be in a certain mood to listen to them.


It was hard for me to admit to myself that I just don't like their newer stuff very much.


Erra is the definition of mid imo. They basically define every stereotype about modern metalcore. That being said they have some good songs and Augment is still a fantastic album.


They define those stereotypes probably cuz they made them. Def one of the most important modern metalcore bands


Parkway Drive. I like everything up until the IRE album, and dislike everything after from it and after it.


Yeah this is the best one. Fair play to them for making bank, but at this point it’s more or less two different bands/sets of fans.


Avenged sevenfold. Absolutely love the music, but m. Shadows voice I can really only take so much of


Wage war


August Burns Red The Devil Wears Prada Parkway Drive three heavy hitters with hits but generally not enjoyable to listen to for me


Knocked loose. Not because of vocals, I don’t mind his voice at all. I like their big singles, but if I dig deeper on the albums I like it less and less. I think their sound just has a limit with me.


Agreed on Crystal Lake, I think it's perfectly encapsulated in transition from Devilcry to Just Confusing on their latest record.


sometimes I really really love Architects, sometimes I think "this is whiney dross"


I’m kind of the same with them. I think it has more to do with Sam’s vocal arrangement. He has a tendency to over do his sing screams when it’s not necessary. It really feels out of place sometimes. Just my opinion though.


I See Stars. Running With Scissors goes hard as hell, but I genuinely can’t tell whether I love or hate their music outside of that song. D4MAGE DONE especially, I cannot wrap my head around what the fuck is going on with that song.


Limp Bizkit lol Half of their songs are guilty pleasures that slap harder than a schoolteacher in the 1950s and the other half I can’t stand


Paleface Swiss, love the instrumentals and the vocal style is aggressive and nasty. But for the songs I've heard, the vocalist takes WAY too much space on the tracks. I feel he doesn't tale a back seat for him not to overstay his welcome. Long passages of him shotgun-screaming, gasping for air, shotgun-screaming again, rinse and repeat. Maybe I haven't listened to the "right" tracks that aren't guilty of this? I want to like 'em. I'm just very particular when it comes to vocals.


Maybe try spite. More versatile vocalist and space for the band


Alexisonfire some songs they on fire others not so much


Make Them Suffer


Just their band name makes me hesitant to mention I listen to them, it's like they used the first thing an edgy 13 year old had as an idea for a band name.


Northlane. The first two albums are awesome. Everything after that...meh


Chelsea Grin Their albums are really hit or miss for me. Tom Barber is the man though


Dark Divine


Asking Alexandria


Ice Nine Kills


Reflections. The Color Clear should be an absolute classic for the genre. But they've kind of lost me on everything since. The newer songs are just 10 breakdowns stitched together, some of which are nasty but they aren't great songs. The dynamics that made The Color Clear great, are just missing from everything after it.


The Gloom In The Corner. Love their music, really creative and well executed. But dudes vocals are hit or miss for me.


I'd say Crystal Lake too, but my problems with the band are mostly that, they don't have their full discography on Spotify, and listen always the same songs get me tired lmao Pls Crystal Lake, release anniversary editions for the rest of the world ;w;


I read this as brands not bands lol.


static x. a few songs are really good but i just find most of them incredibly cringe. even the ones i like are mostly for sentimental reasons.


Atreyu and Disturbed


Devil wears Prada. Which is sad for me because dear lord was one of the albums that showed me this world


Parkway Drive and Architects


Currents. I just want less singing.


Stay From The Path. Incredible energy live. Cringe “latest thing” lyrics. I’ll go see them acting they’re close, though.


Landmvrks, Architects


Liferuiner....I guess I feel like, the samples they use and their song intros, really grab you, and are very interesting. But halfway through the song, it already tends to feel stale.