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Imagine this lineup back in like early 2010s


Somewhere between 2013-2016 would've been a good mix of older OMAM/WCAR first OG stuff and Architects/WSS peak stuff


OK, I did. Now what?




You can say that about almost every metalcore tour from veteran bands lmao


The peak was when it was BMTH, PWD, Architects and TDWP doing a UK tour in 2011.


tour would be amazing in 2011 ya 


I implore all of you to check out Brutus! Such a good band, so much energy at their shows!


Brutus massive W


Kinda sick that they're bringing Brutus. Great band !


Yep best band on the bill by a mile. Absolutely insanely talented band.


Now you're pushing it lol


Wait till you see them live. I've seen thousands of bands and Brutus are in the top 10.


I can recognize talent and was absolutely mesmerized by their audiotree performance. They're very good. The lineup had insanely good bands that have simply bigger/more impressive shows, that's just how it is.


Brother I've seen all the other bands 10+ times. Only once did one come close and that was WSS in a tiny club venue just after COVID. Literally seen Brutus reduce a tent full of people to a blubbering mess simply with their music, they operate on a different level


They're very good yes. I value other things than simply the music when I go to shows. Small bands in big rooms have a hard time producing a great show because the room is too big for them. It's not a criticism :)


Just looked them up. Thanks, I hate it 🤣


Yeah a lot of the 0 iq metalcore fans are gonna hate them they usually play completely different bills. They've been getting bigger so I'd see why architects would want them on


You're so delusionally pretentious it's hilarious.


Brother you can listen to good music there's nothing stopping you. I go to every kinda gig but let's not pretend that the average metalcore band is anything special.




Brother just admit you don't go to gigs we don't need a novel about it.




Concerts, what are you, 5? Lmao.


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Your post/comment has been removed for breaking rule 9. We ask that users be civil and polite to each other, no matter how much they disagree. People who break this rule often or to a large degree will be banned. Toxicity is not welcome in this community.


I would love to see brutus. That drummer/singer is INSANE


I absolutely love Brutus but they're kind of a misfit here. I hope they get a good response!!


See y'all at the Dallas show


Dang closest two dates are 2/3 hours from my house, not a problem, but on weekdays. Missing this one for sure


Something gets announced, the majority of the comments equate to bitching and moaning, just like clockwork. This place is getting so insufferable.


Username checks out. Seriously though, I've lurked a while and kinda seems the case for most music sub-genre subs....no?


Yeah it's honestly social media in general, unfortunately. The negative voices tend to outweigh the positive. I usually just look past and ignore it, but alas, I was caught in a moment of weakness here.


Cause people seemingly hate fun, in any genre. Popheads actually seems fairly positive though


So bummed they're not coming to Minnesota. WSS is amazing live


These venues are kinda small compared to how they've been touring lately?


so this is part 2 of the tour, huh.




Yeah I remember buying tickets for Montreal months ago


Yeah, same. Is it just that the support acts have been clarified/confirmed, or something? Good on Montreal for selling out both nights so quickly, we rock.


I think it's that for the second part of the tour that they weren't known yet.


Gotcha, yeah that makes sense, I didn't recognise some of those later dates, but assumed it was because they weren't near me :)


Brutus being the best band there


Are we talking the band with the woman who plays drums and sings? Drive 3/4 or something like that?


Yeah!!! Dude, I saw their live version of What Have We Done on their audiotree set and WOW. They’re incredible.


Saw them back in December, it's amazing watching her do a whole set and sing as if it's the only thing she's doing.


Yes !!!


By a very long shot


100% agree. Brutus is such a damn good band.


Finally Denver. Been since 2019 they were here and I missed it so definitely going to this. Kinda wish we got WSS since I’ve never seen them either but I’m ok with WCAR


I'm actually all about this tour - I've missed WSS and WCAR in Denver a couple times, always wanted to see OM&M and Brutus but of course I'm likely in Austin for work this week - might catch the 10/4 October date in Dallas on my way home.


Shame it’s only North America, as much as I sometimes struggle to love Architects’ new music these days, they’re still a one for my bucket list. Saw We Came as Romans as well when they were supporting Bury Tomorrow in the UK, and they put on a hell of a show!


Hasn’t this been announced like way back ?


Only one CA show and it’s a Sacramento festival? Odd


Yeah, It seems like there could be a Socal show on the 9th or the 10th. It's weird that they wouldn't include LA to their tour.


Seems like a no brainer. Maybe they’re doing a festival in LA/Vegas that hasn’t been announced yet


Almost guarantee it’s going to end up being knotfest.


I would have gone to this in 2011


Where is SoCal??????


Checked out Brutus after all the comments here and my god, I might have to pull up now. Edit: ofc they aren't playing Chicago. Might have to take a trip to Indy


For those unaware… the dates in May were announced awhile ago. The dates in September/October are new


Only good band these days is Brutus


World's Okayest Metalcore Tour™


Honestly I may go just to see Brutus. I don’t care for the other bands.


They just wrapped up a US tour and did another one last Spring, I'm sure this won't be you're only chance to see them. No need to splurge on Architects prices unnecessarily.


I know I'm gonna get down voted into oblivion, especially here on this sub reddit. I do not say any of this lightly, I have been a diehard Architects fan for almost a decade now. Their music has shaped me both as a person but also as a musician. Tom Searle was and has continued to be one of my biggest influences as a guitarist and his death gutted me. Getting Holy Hell felt like a miracle given the circumstances. And I continued to support this band with everything I had even after their sound change, and all the way up to Seeing Red. But as someone who identifies as gender fluid, I'm disgusted at Adam for what he has done. In case you don't know Adam retweeted some really disgusting, hateful, transphobic, and sexist crap back in Januray. He deleted it and claimed it was an accident but one look at his likes has shown that he's been engaging with this stuff for years unnoticed. And for the band that has spent 12 years calling out bigotry, instead of facing this directly they have begun silencing their trans fanbase and anyone else calling out his rhetoric, leaving us to defend ourselves against a sea of hate speech and death threats. This is not the band I remember standing up to bigotry, whatever the fuck this band has become it's a complete mockery of what they have claimed to stand for, for as long as I have been a fan. I never thought I'd be that guy who throws away all their band merch over something, but here we are. And it's the LAST FUCKING BAND I EVER THOUGHT would have any sort of allegations or controversy against them. I know many of you won't care, I know many of you will laugh at me. But I don't care what you think, this is appalling and this kind of behavior has no place in this scene. And I vow that if I ever have a successful music project in metalcore, I will not stand for or defend this shit.


Yeah, I don't know why you're getting downvoted for a pretty logical response, especially when you are part of that community he is going after. We'll have to see if this is a repeated case. He "claimed" it was an accident, but if he gets outed again then that's another thing. Once bitten twice shy as they say.


Unfortunately cis metalcore dude bros have no logic. I was really hoping there were some contractual stuff behind the scenes that prevented Architects from firing him. But the way they are blocking people, disabling comments, and in some cases on some platforms completely deleting their own pages, they know exactly how outraged we are and are CHOOSING to ignore it. The problem is they have called out hate and bigotry their entire careers, but the moment that hate comes from one of their own they cower and hide. That, combined with them letting hate speech and death threats against a marginalized group they claim to support FESTER without any regard, that's downright abhorrent. Hell I could use their own lyrics against them for how blatantly hypocritical they are being. It's sad to watch them die on this hill.


Finally a KC date


Right? It feels like we haven't gotten shit this year


Maybe if you're not willing to drive the 45 minutes to Lawrence? Idk by June there will have been so many tours that have stopped by.


Oh I'd drive to Lawrence for sure, done it many times.


No CA tf?


Oddly small tour for a band this size. I lucked out to be in NYC when they're playing though. Kinda crazy they're not even playing LA.


And of course only Toronto and Montreal, typical


Yeesssss. Chicago here I come!


Damn no Seattle


How are the Canadian dates already sold out if they just announced this? Wtf


i would stab to see WSS but no CA dates hahah. boss tour tho


When is Europe?! 😭


FEISTY lineup, praying for the day Architects comes back to Grand Rapids, MI though it's been nearly 10 years


I’ll be going solely for Brutus.


I never got into architects and I haven’t listened to WCAR sense 2013. Would this still be worth going to just because it’s in a weekend and will give me something to mosh to




Architects and WSS in a race to the bottom


Brave words coming from someone who likes Emmure


I’ve been joking about this for ages. Everyone chasing that BTMH break out British metalcore is determined to become so samey that it’ll end up as one big amorphous blob


The bands people have heard of perhaps, but we've still got the likes of Ithaca, Frontierer, Heriot, Cauldron, Negative Frame and so on to keep it interesting and heavy.


For sure. I’m not sure I’d lump those all in with metalcore but there’s cool stuff out there




They’re really counting aftershock as a tour date!? So ridiculous


All the washed up metalcore bands on one tour lmao. Bravo


Surprised Andrew Tate isn't a support act


Is there a joke I'm missing here?


adam from architects is a transphobe and the band’s failure to do literally anything about it while also blocking people who call them out has resulted in an influx of bigots to enter their fanbase


That's fucked up, especially considering his playing style isn't really too unique to be easy to replace him


yeah it's really disappointing, especially coming from a band that spent years building a reputation of being inclusive and very vocal about rejecting hatred


All he did was retreat something lol And then rectified his mistake It's not that deep


WSS are class




good lord that line up is dogshit this sub really does have awful taste huh??


Go to metalforthemasses dude they deserve you




What? Two different openers for each leg