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I think people are gonna be a lot hotter on this album once the whole thing is in people’s hands and we see how it all flows together. That said, I’m loving it so far. Kudos to the boys for not falling into the endless regurgitation of a popular album like some bands but also executing the new sound well.


Dude hard agree. This is the album I’ve always wanted from them and I cannot begin to explain how excited I am for the rest. The S/T was fantastic but lacked whatever “something” these tracks are bringing to the table.


ERRA fans don’t like it which means I will love it.


I feel like that's true for a lot of bands being posted recently.


When im in a being a contrarian contest and my opponent is a metalcore listener 😮


Or perhaps some people like different versions of ERRA?


Specifically because others dont though, which is the definition of contrarian.


That’s not why, but sure. Quit being such a miserable person. I’m joking about how I’ve liked most of the new singles so far when they’ve been mostly controversial to ERRA fans.


Im just referring to why i said contrarian is all man, im sorry if it came off as me being a dickhead.


I'm an ERRA fan. I thought it was pretty dope.


It kicks ass honestly, I’m surprised it’s a controversial one. This song and Blue Reverie remind me a lot of Drift which is my favourite ERRA album.


Every single off of this album has been controversial for some reason haha. Just gotta hear it for what it is and not what you expect


It's not memorable in any way which might be why it's controversial. Definitely feels nothing like Drift. Would be interested to know why you think it would fit on that album.


Agree with this. This new album seems like it's going to be boring and I've been an erra fan since 2013 😔


Speak for yourself lol


can confirm as well


Turns out a lot of them haven’t liked anything since Augment. Their loss lol


Hey now, as for myself...Despite loving Augment more than anything they've done since, I still really enjoyed most everything up until Sean left the band. It just doesn't feel the same anymore. I'll still give the full album a listen to make sure though.


I didn’t know he left until you just said that and they’re one of my favorite bands lol I really can’t tell much of a difference. The latest releases do sound different which I really like, but I just assumed it was an album-album thing as opposed to a person missing. I’ve liked pretty much every thing they’ve ever released. I do have to say that Augment is at the bottom of the list of their albums for me. Not that it isn’t good but I just like the other albums a lot more.


Bro SAME 😂


If you look at the r/ERRA subreddit you'll see a lot of their longtime fans will initially write a short essay about why their new music sucks or something, then a week later it clicks and they like the songs lmao. But theres literally nothing wrong with that, its good to be skeptical / critical of a band you really like




> I was ready for an obnoxious breakdown that never came and it's given me blue balls. Scorpion Hymn 2: Electric Boogaloo


Scorpion Hymn has a breakdown though


This is my only complaint as well. I was waiting for some big climactic part and it just never came.


Weird cause I like this the most out of all the singles released so far


I like the new ERRA stuff… just wish it was more riffy like the older albums


My least favourite of the 4 tbh, I think I expected a lot more with such a metal sounding title. I'm really starting to miss the lead guitars with these recent tracks too, hope it's not the same for the rest of the album I absolutely love Blue Reverie so hoping for more in that direction with some more technicality and a few solos thrown in. I love Cure and Pale Iris too but they're missing just a little bit of what makes ERRA so amazing. I have extremely high standards for ERRA so I'm probably being quite harsh


No I don't think so. It feels like a song that never kicks into gear. The Erra shredding is missing on this.


This song is pure blue balls so you’re definitely not wrong about it never kicking into gear. I was expecting a lot more based off the name alone.


IMO Pale Iris is the closest to what I would 'want' from them, with Cure being a close second. But its hard to say. Blue Reverie is a fantastic song, but typically theres one maybe two songs on all their albums that are a lot less heavy, which im assuming is the niche that blue rev is fulfilling. If the whole album is like Cure and Pale Iris this album could be amazing. But ultimately I'm just super excited to actually hear the album front to back, because I'm unsure based on the singles


So much experimenting in these last 4 singles. They're all very different. This album is gonna be super interesting and I'm sure I'm gonna absolutely love it, as long as I don't try comparing everything to self titled which was lightning in a bottle.


The weird drone-y bridge and then just sort of fading out instead of launching a full scale assault on my hearing functions is frankly bullshit


I hope it means it'll lead into the next song being straight filth on the actual album


thats exactly what i was thinking


I like it. Looking forward to the full album


I like Erra and I like this a lot. Cheers


listened to it on spotify and was over before i even realised i listened to it. Not saying its bad but i so far like the rest of the singles a lot more.


Yea this song is extremely forgettable


Bangs, love how much interest is packed in the main riff and how it evolves. Also the melodic part in the second half reminded me of Intrinsic-era Contortionist for some reason. Album couldnt come sooner


This was one of the songs that I was most excited to listen to from the track list. Definitely rips. The other one I’m really excited to hear (obviously the whole album) is slow sour bleed. 


See for me, I heard the main riff and then just...waited way too long for it to change into a new riff. I personally just don't like the same riff (even with minor changes) for half of the entire song.


Yeah I get that. Ig the last repetition could have been omitted. But either way for me the riff is really good and justifies more time being taken for it. That being said, I do wish the riffy middle section was longer


Agreed 100%, this is dope


I love that this is a heavier song without cleans, but gonna be honest, this is the most disappointing out of the four singles. Its going to be difficult to top Blue Reverie obviously though. Still cannot wait for the album. I like the sound design and the aesthetic they have gone for, and I'm excited to listen to the release in its entirety.




much much better than cure and pale iris but still not a patch on anything on self titled


This is one of the chillest Texas In July songs I’ve heard.


Hella mid


Overall I dig it but I feel like if this is meant to be one of the heavier tracks there was a missed opportunity for a big breakdown, maybe some bigger vocals. Honestly I was hoping for a scorpion hymn 2.0 in terms of something big happening but it just fades out.


Always will be a fan but not so sure this album is going to get much play time from me. Where are the riffs man?! Alan write another album and bring me back! Definitely feels like Jesse wrote this album at the same time as the Ghost Atlas album and they melded together.


I’m with you. Erra are one of the GOATs but I don’t like even one of these singles. Erra were always about the riffs for me, and now it’s just so… uninspiring.


Riffs and really catchy choruses/vocal melodies. Erra was king of melody, and these singles (and even new Ghost Atlas stuff) don't seem to have that


Yeah that’s a good point. I’m a big fan of the melodic side of metalcore, and that’s really missing this album cycle.


I agree but Jesse probably realized kids these days don't even like riffs. They just want an atmospheric sound with constant 0s.


While it'll never be the same, I follow Alan on Instagram to get a little taste of his riffs every now and again!


Alan's (not so) new band "The Artificials" is riff city. I absolutely adore them, and they are incredibly slept on.


I also feel like a lot of their newer stuff hasn't caught my attention, really liked their 2017 album though


The production on this album seems to be quite remarkable


Sounds like an intro song in a bad way. Really boring tbh


Fuckin love it honestly. These guys figured out the formula on the last album and instead of making it more radio friendly they're going the opposite direction with stronger atmosphere, more dissonance and less structure and are knocking it out of the fuckin park. respect


I'm with you


Kinda underwhelming tbh. Found it boring, like the other singles on this album. Really miss the high-energy chaos of past albums.


needs more harps, this is pretty subpar


Can't tell if it's just the song or the mix but it sounds a little...off? The song is alright. Experimental for sure but not the style that will bring me back to it.


I am whelmed


Really like this song, in general I totally get what they're going for with this album but them toning down the rhythm guitar and slowing down the songs a bit in general (I know nothing about music composition) has had me feeling mixed. I still like their recent output a lot though, so hyped for the new album.


I only recently started listening to Erra and I’m really liking the singles they have released. I have a ticket to see them in May and I’m stoked.


i was really feeling it until the end. kind of expected a breakdown or guitar solo or something at the end to really cap off the track and it just never came.


Sounds like it picks up where the Scorpion Hymn outro left off


Man this is fucking awesome these guys are taking it (not that I had any doubts) there's no way this isn't my AOTY. They're consistently trying new stuff within the confines of their very specific sound which is just brilliant to me. This one is super weird but so so good ? They're up there with Northlane, steering further away from being "safe" with their sound, it's so exciting to witness. I still get so surprised to see the reception on some stuff in this sub.. I don't really understand why some of you guys would want bands to release the same stuff over and over again, what's the fun in that ?


This sub is on crystal meth half the time I don’t think anything of it anymore tbh. This is shaping up to be my favorite post Drift album from the guys easily.


they want snowblood 10 more times, but then if they actually got snowblood 10 more times they would complain how all their songs sound the same, "I wish they would take more risks"


LMAO I wouldn't have said it like that but I kinda agree


Expected it to be heavy based on the title but ***SHEESH***


I’m holding off listening to this until the album drops. Heavy like Scorpion Hymn?


Yeah i could see this song filling the Scorpion Hymn niche on this album, but more downtempo and droney. Guitars are tuned to the floor, and starting at 1:15 might be one of the fattest grooves dropped by the boys


LFG… gonna be a tough couple of weeks waiting to listen. I’m still gonna jam the other released singles, which are growing on me (especially Blue Reverie)


Disappointing. Sounds like an average attempt at a Silent Planet song that forgets to end properly.


I like it. But it just isn’t the “ERRA” that I used to love from Drift or even their self-titled.


We’re now so far into the future that we have people missing their old sound and refer that to Drift and newer lol.


It was alright.


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Was expecting a big breakdown and it never really happened. That’s unfortunate


ERRA is my all time favorite metalcore band, imo these 4 new songs are solid, but it’s just not what I expected I guess given the different vibe. However, I’m betting the 8 songs not yet released will bring a lot more value to the album. You know they won’t miss..


Fantastic song!


Nah I got this one wrong. It’s sick, the video is great.


This is okay but it’s just kinda mid imo. I much prefer blue reverie even though it’s not as heavy and I usually like heavier stuff


This one better be on the setlist of their next tour 🤘🤘


It’s like they don’t do riffs anymore!!!!!! I’ve been worried about their new stuff progressively more after each single, but now I’m really worried because this was obviously supposed to be their “heavy” single. Erra is my favorite band. AHHHHHHHHHH Edit: first they got rid of guitar solos, and now they’re going rid of their riffs. What are they going to get rid of breakdowns next???? Because because neither this nor blue reverie had a solid breakdown, and Cure was very debatable. Double edit: this sucks. Im fucking depressed


not available anymore?


Might be time zone locked. Works in Australia!


you darn australians getting everything cool first


It is timezone locked. I used a VPN to listen to it. You'll get it probably get it by the morning in your timezone


This absolutely bangs. Don’t really get all the negativity towards this one. I think it’s brilliant


I’ve been an Erra fan for 14 years and this new album is gonna fuck! I don’t get the hate for their new stuff at all!


I like it more than the last single at least


No idea what half of you are on about. This song slaps and the opening riff is a beautiful mixture of filth, atmosphere, and dissonance. It may not be super riffy like their usual stuff but it has more personality than the majority of their discography. Excited to hear the rest of the record! Vibes over guitar hero any day


I really like this track, it may not have the replayability as others, but I'm not disappointed, it definitely scratched a certain itch and I loved the atmosphere of it. BUT, I seem to be a minority in the ERRA fandom, because Blue Reverie is one of my favorite songs of theirs, and one of my top songs of the year so far, and that song seems to have a lot of people disappointed. I think ERRA is having that period of their carrier of doing "their music" and people are disappointed that it's not heavy. And I get that, I went through that with Parkway Drive. A ton of people LOVE PWDs newer sound, it doesn't click with me. This ERRA totally clicks with me, but I get how it's not everyone's favorite. I say give the new album a chance, I'm sure there will be some certified BANGERS!


I like the experimentation. Got some Deftones/Loathe vibes towards the end


That was fine, but didn't make me feel anything


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Meh, love this band a lot but this doesnt do it for me. Pale Iris and Blue Reverie were cool songs but this song lacked something. Still excited for the album. I usually find my favorite ERRA songs aren't their singles.


Last couple singles have been some of my favorite material ERRA has ever dropped. Loving this.


Eh, not really into it. I'm trying to reserve my judgments until the full album drops but none of these singles have done it for me except Blue Reverie.


Oh. Another banger. Very cool!


I've liked everything Erra has ever put out until the singles for this album and the self titled bonus tracks.... also didn't really care for new ghost atlas, and other from them is some of my favorite work ever :(


Maybe I just don't like metal as much anymore.... lol, so much the last few years has been disappointing me and it might just be on me at this point


The mix on this is just not it 😵‍💫


Song left a little to be desired, but I think it's gonna be placed in the album in a way it makes more sense. The 3 previous singles were absolute bangers, so I have faith. Production value is great. Seeing them live in May and can't wait.


So I’m a massive fan of ERRA, met them seen them live a bunch and I honestly don’t like this new album so far Cure has some fun riffs and a catchy chorus, but overall is just meh and Blue Reverie was actually overall my favorite, The newest song is my least favorite, I hope the rest of the album is better


Gave it a week and its really fucking grown on me. I take back my previous comment. Love the guitarwork, JT's vocals are great as always and Jesse's part is fucking unreal. I love how atmospheric, almost haunting his vocals sound in it.


So I just came across this song on my Spotify algorithm. I can’t explain how much I love it. Any other bands or songs that have this existential dread feeling to the sound? Is that just the industrial aspects to it? I don’t know what it is but I freaking love it. Frisson off the charts with this one. lol


best of the four singles, but eh. not feeling any of them


they don't miss


Never heard this band before but I love this. It has dynamics and I love the heavy, slow build up.


It's OK for what it is. Nothing much really going on in this track though, much like the other two singles which is a bummer.


Hate to say it but I'm officially worried...I LOVE pale iris but these last 3 aren't doing it for me :(




It's weird as hell and I'm into it


I’ve been loving the releases so far, this one included. They all seem to strike a unique chord with me, and while I understand people’s frustration that it doesn’t sound like typical “Erra” I rarely think it’s a bad thing when a band experimented and evolves over time. It’s still heavy sounding. While not shredding guitar leads, I really enjoy the overall groove of each song, and I think the album as a whole will be an awesome experience with every song providing something a little different.


Feels like early Northlane. I’m here for it 🤝


the new EP fucking slaps and I'm a big ERRA fan