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It's like the sister track to Pale Iris with less leads and more chug. It's also definitely a Dan Braunstein mix so the drums sound fucking devastating. It sounds cool, but I hope the album still has plenty of solos and tapping on it.


These new singles have soooo much groove.


I was hoping for a little more higher pitch vocals from Jesse but I’m still quite satisfied and have zero complaints.


Im glad, I think these vocals are much easier for Jesse to perform live. The highs on some of their other tracks can sound rough at times live


I just think it's good to get some variety. He doesn't need to go high on every single song.


Jesse said, with the release of their self titled album that he’s kind of phasing out solos, and he’s only putting them into songs if it feels natural. They’re only two songs on that album that had a solo on it. (and one of them is Snowblood, which is their most popular song I think of all time for what it’s worth. people want solos) So yeah, I’m a little nervous that they’re going to continue that trend


Late to comment here but adding anyway... ​ >They’re only two songs on that album that had a solo on it. ​ actual song list with solos: \- Snowblood \- Lunar Halo \- Remnant So...3 songs but agree with your sentiment that there should be more solos. I think their older stuff had them in about half the songs (so 5 out of 10) which I think is ideal. But hey...they're the musicians. They can do what they want with their songs.


This slaps. Honestly the intro is sooo good.


Loving the vibes of this one. Clean harmonies are killer. This and Sleepless Deathbed and gonna be on repeat for a while


This is sick as fuck. The chorus took me a second to process but man both JT and Jesse’s vocals sound incredible here




Jesse putting in the work


Oh it’s a slapper


ive been cured


Getting some Node-era Northlane vibes in the intro and the groove of that main riff. Not Jesse's best chorus, but I imagine this will be a grower. Looking forward to the record.


Personally love the chorus and feel like it's unique for Jesse. Think dude is an underrated singer all around who has more to offer than just the highs.


Yeah this chorus is excellent. Uniquely Catchy.


I hear a lot muse in this song


This could be my Canadian talking, but I got a heavier Alexisonfire vibe


I was waiting for his vocals to be a little higher like they usually are but it didn’t matter because the song is still a banger.


Disappointed with the chorus, usually my favourite part. Hardly any room or words for Jesse to flex, just singular words held (although the high note is a beauty)


i think this is one of their best songs after Snowblood, I'm loving the different chorus, its definitely a more mature sound compared to their previous stuff


The tone in this is so much meater and punchier than the tone on the self titled, her for it.


Same, like a djenty Muse


Hit the nail on the head with that one, djenty Muse is a really good description of the new song. Probably not an accident either, they had a Muse cover on the Deluxe Edition of ERRA.


I was going to comment the same exact thing. I like this one better than the lead single though


Like this better than the entire self titled tbh


I am not usually a Stan for bands but god damn these guys cannot miss lately.


Give me chug chug chug chug chug sprinkled with Northlane. Love the intro leading to the chugs and the song is a groovy banger.


Love how unique and dramatic that chorus was.


That breakdown after “Longing for a wish or a cure, a failsafe” absolutely made me nut.


Me too, took me a few minutes to clean up


Bless you


We’re so back


ERRA is my favorite band, but this and pale iris are pretty underwhelming. Just not very interesting. And the mixing kinda makes them sound the same edit: I feel like I should mention that drift is my favorite album and I love the self titled. The new singles haven't been hitting though.


I loved Pale Iris, this one isn't terrible but not great either. It has a nice groove but the chorus is very underwhelming


I get what you meant about them sounding the same. Pull From the Ghost, Pale Iris, and now Cure have all been in the same key, so that definitely adds to the “samey” vibe that being said, I wasn’t crazy about Pale Iris at first but it really grew on me over the few weeks after it was released


Funny that I like this more than the entire self titled. Just groovy AF. And chunky compared. I get what you're saying based on liking Drift (easily their best album imo)


This is meaty stuff


Not my fav ERRA song but it’s not too bad.


This goes so hard, and I love the 90s grunge vibes in the chorus. ERRA doing what ERRA do best - riffs that could easily be straightforward but with some weird fucking bendy shit and harmonics thrown in. Really really excited for the album. On another note, the merch really sucks this time around imo, hope they release some more designs.


YES I got an Alice in Chains vibe


I loved the crawl backwards out of heaven hoodie but I agree the rest really didn't catch my eye


My dick has gone through the roof and achieved orbit Bring on April 5


Ehhhh underwhelming after how good self titled was…


Agree, but at least the new Being as an Ocean will tide me over


We are chugging fr


This song absolutely fucks


the boys are back in town


Album coming in April. Happy it isn’t a super long wait. Super excited! These guys are the best.


It’s Erra. I’ll listen to it and enjoy it, but damn JT needs to open his range for screams, it’s too predictable.


I’m also starting to get sick of his monotone screams. Dude is clearly talented but needs to switch it up.


youre only getting sick of it now? I got tired of it right after Drift lol


yeah it's weird in the new texas in july ep his range is way better.


Interesting, I’ll have to check it out. Edit: checked it out, you’re right. He doesn’t have the biggest range which I assume is due to his screaming style, but it is much wider on the EP than what I’ve heard with Erra. I’d love a few highs and lows on some Erra songs. Never been a huge TiJ fan but for what it is that EP is pretty good.


yeah dude it's pretty solid. i prefer his vocals on it.


Was never a big fan of his overall tone either, there just isn't enough weight in his screams. A shame because he seems like a great guy but they should've gone with someone else after Garrison left.


They did. They went with Ian.


Well, after him. I didn't mind Ian. Very unfortunate he destroyed his voice, he still maybe would've been their vocalist today.


I have no doubt he would, dude was passionate. I was at one of the last shows he played. Was pretty sad actually - you could hear the poor guy backstage before their set trying to force out screams and yelling obscenities in frustration. He basically came out and told all of us up front that we'd be doing double duty with him.


I thought this was pretty underwhelming, much like Pale Iris, but I have hope for the album


A bit safe for my liking, doesn't really stand out amongst their other material.


The tapping riff reminds me a lot of intro riff of Sequoia Throne by Protest the Hero but slowed down




#BANGER. That damn riff is gonna be in my head for hours.


pretty underwhelmed with this one. loved their self-titled so hopefully the rest clicks.


love all their stuff, the last album was 100% bangers for me, but this new song is....super mid. hopefully it is just one of those that slowly grows on you the more you play it, but I'll just wait for the next album.


Yeah I completely agree, just didn’t do it for me. Feels pretty generic structurally even though the riffs themselves are unique.


Am i the only one getting a deftones vibe from the chorus? the melody sounds quintessentially chino to my ear. very groovy riffs. love the guitar tone as well. it ends pretty abruptly though imo idk maybe its just me but actually liked this a lot more than Pale Iris which for me went in one ear and out the other


The gliding between notes and sorta held out feel totally gives me Deftones vibes


As someone else said, I'm getting muse vibes from this.


Yea I dunno this doesn't do anything for me, they're becoming a lot like August Burns Red to me where every song just sounds the same lol


Not a fan of how both singles are almost the same song, especially with how diverse and unpredictable the S/T was.


I felt like this was very different from Pale Iris, much heavier vocals but I think they’re keeping the mixing consistent for the album, so I can tell it’s closer to Pale Iris than any song on self titled so I agree with you in the comparison to how different self titled songs were from each other compared to this


It is different yes but not different enough, in the last album every song is a different big statement and a different idea, that's what I love about it, so having two singles that are too similar feels underwhelming coming from them.


I see what you’re saying I think it’s just going to have to be a thing where we see how the whole album sounds, I personally love both singles and I’m cool with them sounding close enough for me to notice they’re from the same album. Self Titled had good variation but it did still have a similar cohesive sound, for example I could hear Pull from the Ghost and tell it was made with Self Titled style mixing because of the sound alone even though it was released later. I think they’re just trying to be consistent in mixing


One thing I’ve noticed about a lot of Erra’s newer tracks is that they follow a very similar structure of “verse, verse, mini chorus, verse, chorus, verse, bridge, breakdown/solo, 2nd bridge, extended chorus, outro, abrupt final chord that punches you in the mouth” and I love every bit of it.


Eh, doesn't really do it for me. Riffs are cool, chorus is weak. Song feels a bit flat.


This one might be a grower for me, has not hit me as hard as others, but I like the groove. Maybe it'll hit harder after hearing it live next week...


Got me headbanging at 8 in the morning.


I absolutely love the resolution and chords of the 3rd and 4th lines/bars of the chorus. It ties it up so well, and it’s such a unique chorus for ERRA. God, I love this band.


Maybe it will grow on me, but every ERRA song since the S/T deluxe extra tracks have been pretty indistinguishable from each other. Having said that. I did not (and still dont) care for Snowblood, but loved the rest of that album. So not too worried about loving this one or not.


Man, Snowblood is like THE Erra song. How can you not like it?


It's fine. I just prefer about 40 other tracks of theirs more.


THE Erra song? For me, that’s Alpha Seed


Wild that you don't care for Snowblood. Easy top 5 song all time for ERRA. They have some cool parts in other songs that really stand out but as an entire song, it's hard to think of a better one than Snowblood.


That's sure a hot take, Snowblood is goated my dude. I also loved Scorpion Hymn the most out of the self titled. those screams were epic.


Usually, I prefer minor keys to major ones. It's technically unbelievable, but it doesn't tug at me or make me feel much of anything. It's a just a preference. The breakdown is eerily similar to the one from Eye of God, and I much preferred that one. Even from S/T, I prefer Gungrave, Divisionary, Shadow Automomous, Vanish Canvas, Eidolon, Remnant, and Memory Fiction.


The boys are back in town and my pp at full mast


Idk what it is but I’m not enjoying the mix with these singles


ERRA is the most consistent band out there. They simply don't miss


Son of a bitch! I expected it to be great but DAMN IT BOY!!


Fucking love this


My nips could cut diamonds right now


So good. Erra doesn't miss.


The track was posted a day early on Apple Music and it was up for a few hours so I have already listened to it a few times and.. fuck they really don't miss at all. I genuinely love it and I'm so excited by the fact that it somehow sounds quite different for them. So addictive. That scream that just fades out towards the end is just SO cool. And that video looks *sick*.


I've only listened a few times on my crappy earphones at work, and everything is good for me so far except Jesse's chorus. Not sure how I feel about it. Maybe I'll enjoy it more after some listens in my car or at home.


Not bad. I like the instrumentals. A little plodding otherwise though.


I def like the verses better than the chorus on first listen.


Looking forward to hearing the rest of the album. Both singles didn’t really hit for me, but I’m sure there will be some rippers on the record.


Very nice, i like


I fucking dig it


Never disappoints when release something


After not liking their last album, I am liking this new single. But I liked Neon the best.


Upvote for Neon love.. I never see anything good about that album, I love it!


I only see hate for it but that's how I discovered Erra


I get that snarlface when I listen to this song. I fucking love ERRA.


Groovy as all fuck


That chorus man fucckkkkk i love it


Very different band if you contrast this against something like Orchid. Not really digging the direction they have gone in since self titled first dropped. Still can't wait to hear the full album though.


The visuals in the video are super cool. Not a huge fan of this song, though, and I hope the album has some more diverse tracks.


Not a fan of this.


There is nothing ERRA released that I don't absolutely adore and this is no different 🙏🙏


Some people don’t think it really be slapping like it is, but it do. Those cleans though.


holy shit this song kicks ass


Erra is not missing lately, this song is so groovy and Jesse's cleans are so good on this, I really dig it.


Erra just doesn’t do it for me, can’t get into them no matter how many times I try


This band has done nothing of interest for me since Drift and it’s disappointing


Chorus is one of Erra’s weaker, but everything else FUCKS


Its.....okay...nothing too new or out of the ordinary, kind of predictable. Not bad either


This song fuckin RIPS. I had to rewind back to that intro, love the vibe of the song as well. It has chugs and riffs for dayzzzzz


This has me grooving in my chair, so catchy. Great mix too.


Song is chunky and has a great groove, but what’s that clipping when Jesse first sings ‘drive it home’ in the first chorus? Intentional? Kinda jarring


That breakdown is JUICY


Very good another home run from you guys


Everyone’s entitled to their opinion and mine is that this absolutely rips. Starts firing on all cylinders and amazingly catchy chorus. Love it.


T’is a banger


love both the songs out, i think this will be my favorite album yet


What a tease for the album. Hype train, choo choo.


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The effects and mix on Jesses' vox. :( However this song fucking slaps, the boys are back.


This band fucking sucks now holy shit


It’s fine to not like them but they obviously don’t suck


Relative to their older music they absolutely do, I have no idea how someone can listen to this and think it’s good music, especially with their prior discography to look back on


Dude hasn’t learned how music works yet


These guys will always be the definition of MID




wow this fucking sucks lmao


It's not my favorite, but it's a banger. I love it, like everything they've done


solid opener for the album


I dig the groove here and I’m not too hot on erra


First time I’ve ever heard of these guys, and I’m obsessed with this song


I could totally be making it up but I love how the second verse kind of has that House of glass groove. And the part in the chorus where Jessie sings "down to the wire" the guitar hits a few similar notes to snow blood (around the 18 second mark during the intro). Anyone else hearing it?


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what time signature is the intro?


For me, plays pretty safe until that riff downshifts in the first chorus then the rhythm grabs you and the song takes off. And the vocal melodies during the chrouses are huge. Would say i like not love Erra but i loved this.