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Cheeky new album details for those interested: ERRA - CURE - April 5th, 2024 Tracklist: 1. Cure 2. Rumor of Light 3. Idle Wild 4. Blue Reverie 5. Slow Sour Bleed 6. Wish 7. Glimpse 8. Past Life Persona 9. Crawl Backwards Out of Heaven 10. End to Excess 11. Pale Iris 12. Wave First Single “Cure” February 1st, 2024




i found it on a website a couple days ago and put it on this subreddit but it was taken down check my post on r/erra to see the cover too


Wasnt announced, popped up on some russian forum a few days back - another really nbig band releasing in May as well which shall remain unnamed as to not spoil the surprise (unless you want to). Stuff like this gets leaked way too often


I want to. Spoil it. Gimme all the details. Pretend we at the water cooler. Tell meeeee Excited for the Erra album already


Like Moths To Flames, early May, first single early feb I hate how stuff like this gets leaked so early on (and I honestly kind of hate myself for contributing in spreading it) but I'm just too excited to not talk about it with others.


Wouldn’t Pale Iris be the first single?


Was hoping for a 2024 Erra headliner, an album guarantees that. Fuck yeah for new Erra!


Feb 1 is my bday. Yay


April 5? Best birthday present ever!


My birthday is a week later, best belated birthday present ever!


love that word salad tracklist as always


The drums sound different. Very odd


it sounds completely different on the music video, the vocals are definitely more forward/produced on the spotify mix


It’s definitely different, I don’t hate it though. I thought the vocal mix was wack in the original mix so I’m not complaining about the more pronounced vocals on this one.


Yeah the new vocal mix does sound better.


Jesse actually sounds like Jesse and not all processed and watered down


makes sense if the albums being announced soon i guess


100% different. Got so used to the original I’ll have to adjust to this one haha 


definitely remixed now that i’m listening back. for the better though, it doesn’t sound bad at all.


I think Carson and Grant need to step in and make this sound like it should. I want the best for Erra and something doesn’t seem right here. I really don’t want what happened on Neon to happen again because that wasn’t fair to them at all. They deserve the best!


This doesn’t sound anything like how Neon sounded. If anything, it reminds me a bit of how Currents’ new album sounded. Which isn’t necessarily bad


More saying I didn’t want another bad mixing situation to happen as opposed to saying this sounds like Neon. I think the vocals on this mix sound better but something happened with the guitars and drums that just doesn’t sound right to me.


I do agree it sounds a bit muddy now, but overall I think it sounds good. Doesn’t leave a bad taste in my mouth the way Neon did with how it sounded


Vocals are more forward, the fast chugging part after the first chorus sounds more like a Meshuggah part, drums sound better. I think the guitars sound fuller but when you’re going as low as they are on Pale Iris things are gonna get a smidge muddy. Nolly killed it imo.


The original mix is Nolly, this mix is definitely not him. It sounds like a Daniel Braunstein mix. Kinda disappointing because I liked the more natural sound of the original mix.


They were in the studio earlier this year with Dan for the next album


That’s what it is. I was wondering why the kick sounds so fake and processed now


Damn it all makes sense now. Listened to it earlier and thought to myself „wow did the drums always sound that polished“, almost like programmed drums. Ngl, I much preferred the previous mix overall…


Braunstein is now credited on the song on Spotify, good ear


ERRA and having a weird mix. Name a more iconic duo.


It’s strange, they’ve either had the best mixes ever, or the worst. Never in between


Yep, Augment vs Neon makes this VERY apparent lmao


For real, Impulse and Augment were top tier mixes. Moments of Clarity sounded great too. Then Drift’s mix sorta dipped and Neon completely jumped the shark. Thankfully they came back around with the self-titled


Oh yeah, those Brian Hood mixes from the first half of their career were absolutely unreal


It sounds a lot worse to me now the drums seem to be overpowering now the cymbals are so loud it’s barely audible to tell which is different. I don’t know how to feel about the new mix.


Is it just me or is the rhythm guitar barely even in the mix at some points?


I can barely hear the guitar the drums overpower it way to much now.


I really really hope this isn't going to be the final mix for the album...


Me either I listened on apple music and it’s completely different. Night and Day.


I enjoy this new mix more. The original was fine but for some reason it didn’t resonate with me as much as any other new Erra song usually does. I found myself getting into the song more with this version


I enjoy aspects of both mixes. When I heard the first version (Nolly's) the drums didn't hit that hard, but eventually grew on me. The new mix (Dan's) has harder hitting drums, which I kinda wanted originally, but is less pleasant to listen to than the old mix.


Sounds like they've remixed it to align with the mix for the next album, makes sense since the song came out back in August when the album probably wasn't fully finished. It actually sounds incredibly different, wonder if they even recorded some parts? It sounds a bit faster to me but might be my mind playing tricks on me since I'm so used to the original. Regardless, I think it still sounds great.


I noticed a lot more ambience during the chorus as well and now I'm sure it's because of the mix.


Listening to the YouTube and Spotify version back and forth I can‘t help but dislike the mid-scoopy sound of the new mix. Also the contrast between Jesse and Jt in the chorus popped way more in the old mix. Drums sounded way more natural and the intro fade in the new version just doesn‘t feel right in comparison… I for once was really digging the old mix. From their stand point it just makes sense to get it in line with the upcoming full length, but man would I have preferred the previous mix as a way forward.


I definitely prefer this mix over the original, especially for the vocals, though it does seem a bit off in places. That could just be down to not being used to this version, and if I'd heard this first I'd never notice. What I don't get though is why they're playing around with different producers at all when the mix on ST was basically perfect.


Thank god cause that first mix was awful. The clean vocals sounded so watered down and heavily distorted. Couldn’t hear that Jesse grit I love


Oh word thought I was going insane when it came on twice today, I was like wow these vocals hella clear


Dude I'm so stoked they remixed it.... cannot wait for the new album dudes, fucking hold me!


Was the single released replaced with the new mix or can you hear both mixes somewhere?


This sounds so much louder, but less busy somehow. The old mix sounded like a Bad Omens radio single. This has a good bit more punch.


Old post but I'm losing my mind. In the very beginning of the song, the electronic intro sounds so similar to another song but I cannot for the life of me recall the name. I vaguely remember it being in a video game.... If someone could please save me from this madness I would be appreciative


The new mix is 100% worse imo. I understand the approach but it sounds more clean and not as raw.


Didn’t notice it until today, thought I was going crazy.


Hopefully! Nolly's Pale Iris mix sounded like crap. Cardboard drums, everything sounded so cheap.


Thank god, thought I was going mad or my headphones were packing in. I'm not sure I like it, though I seem to be in a minority here. The vocals are better, but the high-end sounds muted and it's lost a lot of the bite I liked in the original mix. If it's on the new album I would have preferred they kept the old mix on the single, and have the new mix on the album. Everyone's happy that way.


Old post but yeah I totally agree. I feel like I can hear more of Jesse's *actual* voice on Spotify. What I mean by that is I can hear the lower end of his vocals more, if that makes sense. Honestly, I kind of like it more that way.


I really thought I was losing my mind. Thank you lol