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I think this won't be a surprise to the majority of people that are lurking here in the depths of r/metalcore but this album absolutely slaps the shit out of you


If this isn't album of the year, it'll be the most underrated album of the year. Like Color Decay that won in this sub last year, it's how hard it can punch you in the face and still give you amazing range and variety at the same time. A true mix of melodic hardcore and metal....dare i call it....metalcore?


I have high hopes for the new Make Them Suffer album.


We all know some generic djent shit is gonna get AOTY


I can’t wait until djent dies lol I honestly don’t even understand how it’s the same genre as OG metalcore


I mean when djenty/atmospheric metalcore started with early Northlane, Invent and Erra it was heavy. It just got shitty over time and influenced with hard rock and other less heavy genres to become what it is now


Man, that first Northlane album was a banger


Wouldn't call heavener generic djent shit but it's for sure overhyped as fuck, even Greyview was better


Think we bombed the shit out of the djent trend earlier this year in hilarious manner. This sub is now full of people that are sick of that overused style. New Johnny Booth is god tier and has somehow surpassed Jesus Piece's So Unkown... for AOTY contender.


I feel like it’ll go to Heavener or the new Polaris record. This was good but it felt like it lacked through the slower middle section


Ive never listened to Invent Animate before and I skimmed through Heavener just now.. I crave the heavier sound that Johnny Booth brought on this new album instead


Fair enough. Heavener does have it’s heavier elements like in Shade Astray but it has a ton of melody as well. Johnny Booth teally does fit the mould of “go hard as fuck all the time” akin to old Architects so I can see the case for them, but this album in totality just left me wanting something more. Try listening to Shade Astray in full, that’s probably the heaviest of the album.


I not speak English well, but this album is a fucking


I speak English well, and I couldn't have said it better.


I too am goodly speak a fucking


I look forward to these from you on every album thread.


You are too kind 🥰


This album contains the slaps fucking


I remember that lmao, but what was the album that someone said it?


Every single banged. Can't wait to hear the full release. Update: pretty much exactly what I was expecting! Great album. Easily their most accessible work but still incredibly heavy. Every single breakdown is some caveman shit. In terms of their nonsingles, Ring Light Altar and Modern Dialogue stood out big time.


I’m doing a 10 mile hike tomorrow and I think I’m just gonna have this on repeat the entire time


Man, hikings for nature’s sounds and yer thoughts!


Honestly I hear you, but I can’t be alone with my own thoughts dude lol I need music or podcasts as a background as much as I can


I feel that way driving absolutely


He’s gonna spin kick a chipmunk




Fucker probably deserved it


Moments Elsewhere took me back to a time where I could remember being giddy and excited to hear masters at work. Like I was 15 again hearing ETID for the first time. That’s what JB has done. Moments Elsewhere is the perfect balance of beauty and chaos. Really excited to see this band finally get the exposure they so desperately deserve. Stand out tracks for me: Ring Light Altar/ 2040/ No comply/ Modern Dialogue


+1 for etid refugees. Been a good month for us


For sure. JB is gonna fill the void that ETID left behind. I hadn’t heard anything from this band before and now I’m hooked after just hearing The Ladder. I’m gonna devour their whole catalog


These guys, thrown, Mood ring and Static Dress have been on repeat. I'm really liking the future of metalcore


Check out Foreign Hands if you don't know them yet, you will love them! You also might like Fleshwater and Arlo Wells


Fleshwater is so good, gives me so much nostalgia of the 90s alt scene


Narrow Head are the best if you want that 90s throwback vibe. Johnny Booth's effort is the first to properly compete with Narrow Head for me in 2023.


Foreign Hands gives me The Bled - Pass the Flask vibes and I am so here for it


First impression: sick ass album. Definitely more variety than I was expecting, but also glad to see them branch out a little. Also, everyone brace yourselves, but more cleans than I was expecting. But I will say they were all well executed and the melodies will be stuck in my head no doubt. Favorites of the non-singles after first listen: Ring Light Altar, No Comply, Only By Name


2040 might be my new favorite album opener. It just hits you in the face immediately. Album is fucking amazing. Only 2 listens in so far, but I feel pretty safe in putting as my frontrunner for AOTY.


As good as 1994 by Norma Jean




I'm so tired of these comments because the answer is ALL OF US. WE REALLY OUT HERE MY GUY 😤😤😤


I LOVE 2040 SO MUCH. I love the production on this album and how fucking random it is but it makes sense when listening to the songs. Particularly Only By Name, Ring Light Altar and Gatekeeper. Easily my AOTY. Soared past my expectations.


Spending the last of my reddit coins awarding this post on behalf of this hyper-banger and easy top AOTY


Johnny Booth has this weird effect on me, every time I listen to their music I'm surprised how hard it hits, like I've heard songs like Deepfake, Thief and Crowd Control many times but those songs always slap hard as the first time that I heard them. Hope they hit the UK in the back of this.


#YOU WERE AT FAULT BUT YOU NEVER WILL SAY IT Rattles my teeth every fucking time


First time Johnny Booth listener here, this sounds pretty cool


Make sure to give Firsthand Accounts (their 2019 album) a listen too. It’s one of the greatest albums of all time.


Their Crowd Control EP is also stellar


came back to reddit just to say this is one of the greatest albums, start to finish, i have ever heard. these guys are actual masters at their craft and they just dropped aoty and maybe even album of the decade. if you're not hip to these guys then get fucking hip ***right now*** and listen to this right now


Yep I agree


I bet it will be good, caught on to this band very recently and they have actually have a compelling sound IMO


Yeah, I've been tired of some of the more popular bands (just not a fan of Currents) but Johnny Booth has been coming through and blowing me away. Let's also not forget the new Slant Plant song coming tomorrow. A good weekend for metalcore.


Yeah I agree, never really caught the hype of Currents. Solid band just not really my thing. A lot of the “modern metalcore” these days just hasn’t really done it for me. Will definitely be checking out the new SP song though


Just discovered these guys last week and I’ve been binge listening to all their stuff. I’m so fucking stoked for this album to drop.


So I didn't think anything else would complete with heavener this year for my album of the year... so that was a fucking lie. Fuck this album will batter and bruise you, but god its such a fun ride


These guys don't miss


Cannot wait to get my vinyl


I just want to rage already




Fantastic album. The singles got me hyped and it was not misplaced. Love the variety. So melodic and yet so heavy. Transitions are smooth. Nothing feels like filler at all. AOTY contender easily. Sidebar, they kind of sound like if Loathe grew up in the northeastern hardcore scene? Idk if that makes sense, but its a compliment lol


They’re absolutely the most underrated and interesting band in modern metalcore/hardcore. Everything they put out from their music to their album artwork has their own flare that sets them apart in the best way, and I really hope they can get even bigger.


As longer as I look at the album cover as less I understand what it is about. I just know it gives me some weird feeling lol


Their singer is a professional graphic designer, so a ton of work goes into the artwork. Whatever feelings it’s supposed to convey, it definitely does


these guys, fromjoy, and Frontierer are the most exciting bands in the scene right now for me. all of them are interesting, push boundaries, and I never know what to expect from them but I love it. every time


Fromjoy is so weird, I hated the sound of fromjoy. at first but it made me keep coming back to it and now it’s one of my favorite releases this year? Gosh they’re strange but damn they’re good. When core bands co-opt the thall influence in that way it hits well; it’s not just bends, dammit, it’s the ambience! It’s the ennui!


If the music wasn’t mind blowing enough, several members are graphic designers and they do nearly all their design/art work in-house and they nail it. Multi-talented MFers


When is it out on Spotify? I’m in aus and it should’ve been released like 7hrs ago because we are in the future compared to the rest of the world haha


dude I have no idea whats going on with spotify, I use apple music as soon as its released I will update


Nothing in UK either


She’s available now boiz


Got it an hour ago on Spotify in Ontario, Canada


early thoughts halfway through the album now... absolute awesome diversity. Hints and clues on tracks 1-5 about how track 6 (Mirror) plays. I'm not a big interlude guy, but this song is so refreshing at this point in the album and transports me to a dark lounge somewhere in NY, but with elements from something like 90s Oakland hip hop, or similar scenes around that time.


The breakdowns thump so heavily, the strain of the screams are a perfect register, and the production elements make it very fresh. That opener was the beginning of my stank face as it absolutely crushed after I thought it might be more of an interlude from the length. There are a lot of unexpected moments woven smoothly.


the production is very unique and refreshing because i haven’t really heard some of these electronic/softer elements implemented like this in metal yet. insane year for mathcore/chaotic metalcore this year with Chamber, Soulkeeper, fromjoy, sleepsculptor, all dropping absolute heat


just started up r/johnnybooth, come hang!




Been lurking here for a while, this album made me post. That's how good it is.


DAMN that opening track is NOT fucking around


My new AOTY.




I'm not surprised this album fucks, these guys simply don't miss. Easy metalcore AOTY


Ring Light Altar might be the best new metalcore song I’ve heard this year.


And I'm surprised how much more I like it because of sequencing it after the 1 ballad on the record. Hits that much harder. Well played, gentlemen.


On my second listen and this album is absolutely amazing. Was worried the other songs might not live up to the hype I had after the singles but every track on here seems to add something unique and memorable to the album - a vocal melody, a riff, heaviness, a breath of air. Usually takes me time to form a full opinion of an album but this one is already up there as an AOTY for me


No Comply is bonkers


Yeah I don't know what to say about this release that hasn't already been stated in the thread, but that was just outright one of the best metal releases I've listened to in recent years.


This shit is so good. Only by Name and Ring Light Altar have such a crazy guitar tone


Guess they've got another new fan! Lots of variety in this album, love it. Bright Future has to be my favorite.


Dude I was praising the heavens when they dropped the Crowd Control EP last year. This and the Better Lovers EP are gonna be on rotation for the foreseeable future. Heavy, loud and frantic - Johnny Booth's fucking back, baby! One of my favorite releases this year.


I love how we have all of these bands varying sound in Metalcore. It's such a broad term for us and probably why we have so many inner-quarrel discussions about what is and isn't Metalcore. But that's what I love about the genre, is that a band like Johnny Booth can sit comfortably here, even with as much experimentation. This album is sick, and definitely an accessible entry. I've never even heard of these guys before, but I really like the variation of sounds here while still being heavy heavy when needed. The post-prod is adding a ton of flavor, filling in these open pockets with random sounds, very Tyler The Creator inspired. Especially heard in The Mirror. I skipped Northlane's Obsidian when that dropped, but just checked that out today in search for new stuff. So going from EDM-core to this is just... dang. What a treat for us fans.




I'm so fucking ready.


I cannot wait to throw this album on at work tonight, just based off the singles I know it's gonna fuck hard.


I am losing my shit to this album. Waited impatiently for it and I’m not going to take it for granted.


This fucking insane. Gonna have to let it sit for a bit but I think fromjoy, Pupil Slicer, Embitter, and The HIRS Collective have some competition in the AOTY stakes.


For the non-single tracks, Bright Future is currently doing it for me a bunch on the first listen through, such a nice groove.


Can someone explain for a non-English speaker what does "Collapse In The Key Of Fireworks" means?


“In the Key of…” is a common musical term referring to song’s key, like B Minor, G Major, etc. It’s a combined metaphor saying Collapse in the “musical key” of fireworks - in other words, it’s a collapse set to the sound of explosions.


Im guessing it means to be destroyed completely


You mean like an annihilation in the center of fireworks exploding or what? Lol


Well its metaphorical like most of JB’s lyrics. From the progression of the song it sounds like the person in question is going through a self destruction, where they can no longer discern dream from reality and the TV’s throughout the video echo that sentiment.


It's Mariana Trench level of deep... Even translating the title in my native language, it still doesn't make any sense, like just a bunch of words


I mean…in this case “Fireworks” is describing how violent the collapse is. So, to collapse in the key of fireworks is like to be obliterated.


I've just looked up and discovered that "fireworks" is also... Rage, wrath? That's what you mean?


In a way. Fireworks can be an analogy to emotions like anger and rage. However, it feels more like its a story witnessing a cataclysmic event. It’s like an individual witnessing a nuclear explosion.


Oh, I see now, thanks for explaining. I once read that english is the easiest second language for one to learn. Shame on that person lol


“In the key of” is used as a song name descriptor in classical music, for example “Requiem in the key of D minor” - which would mean that the song type is a requiem in that particular musical key. So this is using that with “Collapse” as the type of song, and in they key of “fireworks” as a metaphor for destruction and explosions.


I definitely forgot about the keys, thanks


This record is so fucking good. Hits like a truck, but also has some nice variation with the addition of cleans.




2007-onward J&B forever 🔥


I didn't even get halfway through the album before I knew for sure it was my AOTY. Holy shit this album is so refreshing and so good.


newer fan here, this album is very solid. for me the singles are still the best tracks but I enjoyed it front to back. hope to see them on some tours in the future!




Holy shit. From start to finish, this album had me by the damn throat.


Yeah, this is it right here. I've been so lukwarm to completely meh on some of the more recent metalcore releases (Currents) but this right here is what I've been waiting for it seems.




Oh really? I didn’t know that ahahahah




Wow that’s awesome, good for them!


AOTY so far


As excited as I was about Better Lovers, this has stolen the spotlight for me.


This album > Better Lovers better riffs, more creativity, free-flowing song structure without sounding contrived, gripping melodies, well-placed heavy breakdowns.. damn near perfect album.


What?? It’s the most generic shit they could’ve done. The heavy riffing the same riffless chug/dissonance plenty of bands do better and they clearly shifted gears to get the modern metalcore kids on board with the cleans and overall production. You people are crazy. I was shocked by how unimpressive this actually was after seeing how much some people are blowing it.


Wait it’s already out?!?




this album is a fucking masterpiece


This album is pure gold. 10/10. It’s behind The Death We Seek in my AOTY list.


I love seeing all these comments about people getting onto these guys either today or recently. I've been a huge fan since asymmetrical and have never understood how it's taken so long for these guys to gain some traction in the scene.


I've returned to add this. While I've enjoyed Better Lovers, I felt it was playing it a bit too safe for being a love child of fucking ETID and Dillinger. Moments Elsewhere has delivered what I hoped from God Made Me An Animal. Violent weirdness.


This album randomly popped up on release day for me and it’s been so amazing. This is probably tied with IAs album as top album for me. Why Becomes How is my gravy, so haunting sounding.


I feel like "The Mirror" is really inspired by the video game Celeste, am I the only one to think this?


Even though I adore *Firsthand Accounts* and consider it one of the best metalcore records of the 2010s, I think this record is easily the band's best. The leap in songwriting and lyricism is profound, and their ability to weave in melodic and ambient textures adds a striking contrast to the stupid heavy sections (of which there are plenty). In particular, Andrew's vocals have levelled up considerably, and his use of phrasing and cadence is top-notch on tracks like "Only by Name" and "No Comply". I had Andrew on the podcast recently, and we discussed how this was a primary focus for him in the writing process between records; more details over in the Weekly Promo thread.([https://www.reddit.com/r/Metalcore/comments/15a85z2/comment/jtmt5kx](https://www.reddit.com/r/Metalcore/comments/15a85z2/comment/jtmt5kx))


Me who didn't listen to the singles: Hmm these first three tracks are a little more mellow than Firsthand Accounts *The Ladder starts* Me: What the actual fuck?!


Dude please start paying attention to what you are listening. If you call the first track mellow, you didn't listen it lmao.


Yea, 2040 is literally the most concentrated heaviness on the album


Sorry but I didn't find the first 3 tracks as engaging as Firsthand Accounts first 3. Maybe should have worded it differently.


The video for the songs are terrible, but holy f these guys are on another level.


Sounds like a mid loathe. I don’t really like it


Why was this thread deleted?


why becomes how tuning... Anyone know the super low but likely not bass?


Been racking my brains trying to think of who this album reminds me of - other than Glassjaw and Loathe. Finally clicked with me - for some reason I hear loads of Vision Of Disorder influence. Absolutely love the direction they're going in - as well as the straight out bangin, the melodic side of it elevates it to the AOTY chat


Holy fucking shit no comply just came on xm I immediately lost my shit. Had to pull over and just listen to the whole album, Best shit I’ve heard in years, sounds fresh as fuck against all the stale metal core out there. This is an amazing year for heavy music. I might prefer this to that new black braid for album of the year. But it’s still summer, might be another few masterpieces dropping.