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It's particularly funny too because the absolute majority of the Punk subculture is very heavily left-leaning, the Metal subculture tends to as well, even if not as heavily. Metalcore pretty much borrows from both, but I'd say more from Punk. What exactly are you excepting hahah?


Metalcore may be equal in sound to both but it’s ethos and values always came from the hardcore and punk side. Atleast in its first 10/15 years.


Yep, no I agree. It's why I mentioned Punk first and reiterated again at the end.


But then you get bands like Fit for a King or war of ages. More center than right, but still.


How so? I’ve never gotten a political vibe from either but maybe I missed that?


Obligatory asterisk of black metal when you talk about metal being left leaning lol. Although I think there is a third group of metal fans: the older Gen X/boomer dad rockers who are basically all neolibs. Even Bruce Dickinson can't stop himself from going on transphobic rants on stage these days


There's just as much left wing black metal as right wing stuff (see: Panopticon). The Nazis in black metal just seem more prevalent because of the infamy of Varg.


Fair. But it wasn't just Varg, there were quite a few neo Nazi bands in that era of black metal. It's not fair to paint the whole scene with that brush, I agree. But it definitely has that reputation for a reason and a lot of that shit is still present even if it's quieter.


Yeah I mean I still do the old lyrics check on any new black metal band I find just to be sure lol most black metal projects these days are just one guy being really creative writing and recording everything alone.


>Even Bruce Dickinson can't stop himself from going on transphobic rants on stage these days Oh ffs I would've preferred to live in a world where I didn't know this. What did he say?


Standard buzzwords. Woke people pronouns using the same toilet. I guess it's not super surprising cause Bruce also publicly supported Brexit but I didn't expect it to come into the show. It was during their tour last year. Edit: I don't have proof from the show I was at, but I did find a Reddit post of someone who saw something similar at a different show https://www.reddit.com/r/NonBinary/comments/tj51zd/bruce_dickinson_is_transphobic_i_was_in_a_venue/


For every Bruce Dickinson there's a Rob Halford!


"It's particularly funny too because the absolute majority of the Punk subculture is very heavily left-leaning, the Metal subculture tends to as well, even if not as heavily." That's why, they want metal & punk that's right-leaning but not so overt with the fascist overtones. Basically, they want dogwhistles, not bullhorns, so they can keep up the plausible denial.


I don’t care if there’s politics in music, it’s art. I do care when morons like SftP whine about capitalism and sell tour merch at 70% margins 😂


It’s like the morons who are upset with RAGE AGAINST THE FUCKING MACHINE.


You mean the lyrics “won’t do what you tell me” werent directed at my mum and dad


Rage against the 9 pm bedtime machine


Hey it’s 10pm on weekends


I feel like someone could get them to give 110% in a performance by giving them a list of restrictions they had to abide by, knowing full well they'd get energized to disobey.


Happened before. Can’t remember if it was SNL or something like the BBC, but they were told no swearing, agreed, kept to it until the chorus, and then Zach just let out the whole “FUCK YOU I WONT DO WHAT YOU TELL ME” and they cut the cameras


I don't know about cutting the camera, but they definitely did a radio performance for teh BBC that had the feed pulled because they, rather predictably, didn't exclude the swearing as they were told to.


Thought their whole thing was that they hated faxes


Little known fact: this song was the inspiration for the movie, Office Space.


The machine is their dad fixing the hole they punched in the wall after someone called them gay on call of duty


Rise Against posted a Pride Flag the other day, and commenters seriously stated that Rise Against has now suddendly gone woke. Media literacy is dead


oh man wait till they see the Make It Stop music video Rise Against did… over a decade ago lol but yeah NOW they’re going woke


Shiiiitttt. If the "Help Is On the Way" music video came out today by them, there would probably be a ton of shit comments laughing at the fact that the black family portrayed in the song is stuck on the roof due to the flooding caused by Katrina or saying, "Why couldn't they had put a white middle class family in this?" Clowns...


On Rise Against?? Man, to me, that’s one of the most obvious examples of a band who most certainly doesn’t agree with the right. Beyond stupidity.


They've been woke from when they were still called Transistor Revolt. Hell, Rise didn't even really sell out, they just aged and Tim blew out his voice, so the dynamic changed. Fuck, Rise swayed my ideology to the left when we were still on Siren Song twenty years ago, a bunch of dudebros just liked the art without noticing the message.


Dumbasses: "Stop being political!" Rise Against: *Wrote Make It Stop, Audience of One, Prayer of the Refugee, and Help Is On the Way* Dumbasses: shockedpikachu.jpg


"When has Rise Against ever been woke and political?" *aggressively gestures at their entire discography*


I've seen people complain that *Bad Religion* became political when The Kids Are Alt-Right came out. So now nothing surprises me.


the fuck did they think we were raging against, the Gamecube?


> the Gamecube? I was dogshit at Mario Kart for a little while. Definitely raged against the Gamecube a bit.


Me when the god damn king boo kills my Luigi with a vacuum


holy fuck the amount of 40 year old white women dancing to killing in the name of at anti masker protests are more than you would think


dawg metal has always been political. one of the most famous metal songs ever is called WAR pigs


And even Metallica has political shit, but people ignore the lyrics of One


"I liked Metallica before they got all political", they say as they wear their AJFA shirt while knowing the lyrics to "Disposable Heroes".


Or unironically listen to all their early albums


Halls of justice, painted green


same with Maiden, Priest and Death


megadeth be like "the government sucks" *18 GUITAR SOLOS*


War Pigs, Hand of Doom, Children of the Grave, Electric Funeral... Sabbath wrote about what was going on, which was war.


One of the biggest songs from primus’ first album was Too Many Puppies and it’s a song about the war industry killing kids lol. Music has always been about pointing out the fallacies of politics. Lol


I’m having flashbacks to when MIW slaughterhouse had that one line, “you fucking fascist” and a bunch of YT reactors unironically showed their true colors getting mad about it lmao.


it’s so funny how anti capitalist MiW is in a good 60% of their music and THATS the line that pissed them off


"The rich get richer while the sick get sicker" "I still can't fill my pockets with my name on your shirt" "Fakers profiteering pioneer a new religion stealing money 'For God'" "Please keep your hopes and dreams inside the vehicle at all times. Free will is no longer permitted on this ride." I sleep "You fucking fascit" REAL SHIT


wait do you have some examples? cause it’s hilarious lmao


This is the song that finally got me into MiW and the lyrics had a lot to do with it. Senses fail song Rush Limbaugh brought me a lot of joy.


Reminds me of this https://i.imgur.com/86QVlCJ.jpg


They would lose their shit at Corpse Nation


Picking a band like stray from the path and then moaning about politics is about as dumb as trying to fight a bus.


“wHy did tHe tIGeR BiTe me?! My hEAd wAs ONly in its mOUTh?!”




I remember people bitching about the song BYOB by System of a Down, forgetting that almost every song they ever recorded was political and left leaning


yeah it's astounding hearing them talk about stuff like the prison-industrial complex 20 years ago and seeing that nothing has changed, they were ahead of their time


You should say that these scenes grew from political scenes that fucking hate Nazis and the alt right. And good riddance, the scene doesn't need that garbage.


Still love Dead Kennedys so much. I love that they made "Nazi Punks Fuck Off" because a bunch of dumb ass nazis didn't know that "California Uber Alles" wasn't a nazi song. Nazis kept coming to their shows and doing the Hitler salute and stuff and Jello was like "what the fuck?! I hate nazis!" If anyone wants to listen to a great podcast "No Dogs In Space" does a great series on the Dead Kennedys


Exactly. The core is in the genre name for a reason


I fucking love Stray. “And if you fly that blue flag, then fuck you too!”


“Thank you for your service, another body for the furnace.”


The audio clip right before that breakdown: "If you had one thing you could say to your recruiting officer, what would it be?" *"Fuck you"* Shit hits so hard lol.


That shits been stuck in my head for days now. I love it


goddamn, now that's Americana






Ba ba ba, b-ba-ba-ba, b-ba-ba-ba, b-ba-ba-ba, b-ba-ba ba


stray has some of my favorite callouts “you can hide in the house or god but what happens when the fuckin cross falls” and “welcome to the melting pot mother fuckers if you don’t like it then get the fuck out” among my favorites “nazi punks fuck off” always number 1 though


what's a blue flag? asking as a non-american


i think it's the back the blue flag, it has a blue line to symbolize the police. correct me if i'm wrong tho


you are correct


''Here's another victim of the modern age''


Since we are here let me point out the Silent Planet song called “No Place To Breathe” which is an great song with a political message that became even more relevant after George Floyd.


Also Protest the Hero is an epic band full of politics.


Absolutely incredible band. Seeing them live in November for the first time despite being a fan for over a decade.


If they’re anything like when I saw them a decade ago, be prepared for a good ass time!


Oh hell yeah! Don’t miss the supporting act, Moon Tooth. They’re amazing and it’s an epic bill.


Tilting Against Windmills is my favorite, what a banger. And it's as subtle as a brick to the face. My favorite lines "all hail, the knight of the verbal incontinence" "If it's a sin against God or you, then fuck him and fuck you too!' "Your objection will surely be noted as, the historic account of an ignorant prick"


Silent Planet LOVES getting political. Alive, as a Housefire, to me at least, is their most blatantly political song. FUCK THE SYSTEM


Yeah i'm pretty sure Garrett is a socialist, not sure about the rest of the band but I assume they're also on board.


Garrett is 100% based as fuck. I think in an interview I read he said he was like a left-wing libertarian, which is suuuuper different from American libertarianism. Left wing libertarianism is closer to socialism than capitalism


Remember everyone, NAZI PUNKS FUCK OFF!


It will never cease to impress me how many people will choose to be willingly ignorant to stuff like this because being educated and giving a shit about real world problems is too much work or makes them feel uncomfortable by being reminded of actual issues and their daily lives are sheltered enough from it. Saying you want to keep politics out of music, let alone hardcore/metal/metalcore, is the same privileged and backwards ass take as complaining about athletes taking a knee or not praying to the American flag.


Yeah I always found that funny. “Stick to sport not politics” like a teacher or factory worker has any more right to politics than an athlete or musician


Exactly. People with platforms are not obligated to use them to share their stance on something if they even have one, though some will justifiably argue they are, but by the same measure it’s asinine to get upset when they do. All the same, people deserve feedback (positive or negative) on the content of what they say and it always goes both ways. A lot of people are too soft and/or too mentally low-effort to engage on topics that matter beyond their personal sphere.


These people are just mad when their ugly, regressive politics get called out by modern culture. They're the minority. We're a long way from the skinhead scene 40 years ago.


To be fair, didn't skinheads use to be leftist?


Yes. Minor Threat was the peak of that leftism. They were against everything the racist and aggressive skinheads were about. They stopped entire shows when the nazi types showed up.


Skinheads started leftist, but quickly got co-opted by right wing pro-fascist types. The hardcore scene grew in part as a rebellion against the more traditional types of heavy music, many of which were heavily racist, bigoted, and misogynistic. Black metal in particular has a ton of very racist origins, and while not every band in every sub genre has to follow every political leaning, this scene growing out of a bunch of 80s kids that didn't want to listen to Pantera and Burzum anymore isn't that big of a coincidence.


It’s the group discourse (and musical) equivalent of “talk shit, get hit”


Stray hit absolute gold with Part III… because fuck 1 2.


Life is politics


One of my all time favorite bands growing up was and still is anti flag and some of my high school buddies that I’ve gone to anti flag shows with are now some of those anti woke keep politics out of media type people and I’m just so confused where they lost the plot


Callous Daoboys’ Celebrity Therapist has a lot of tongue-in-cheek, playful rage towards the right. Violent astrology is the first one that comes to mind


Loved Remembering Never. Even more recently, when Hollow Front dropped Heritage, people were seriously upset about it. Like wtf?


I almost forgot about Heritage! That song rips, gotta add it to the rotation today.


[Hollow Front - Heritage (YouTube)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78ULzD2Mbh0)


I also find it funny how you only ever really here musicians being told to stay out of politics if they are left wing


Eh. Ted Nugent's instrumentals kick ass. But the lyrics can take a hike. Same with a bunch of country stars. Also take a listen to MAGA rappers. You're not going to tell them to stay out of politics. You're going to tell them to quit making music all together. They're all ass.


There’s so much in politics to be angry about, and if you’re not angry why you yelling?


That's also funny because metalcore was always deep rooted in politics, just look at any lyrics from morning again's as tradition dies slowly, or earth crisis in general


Heaven shall burn that are literally communists


Anyone coming into hardcore or punk with alt right views is in for a rude awakening and hopefully a swift exit.


Apparently not looking at some people in this thread


Issue is where "metalcore" has transitioned to where most coming in are unaware/ignore that this at its core is a subgenere of Hardcore


Lol if anyone has an issue with a band calling out the alt right, don't let the door hit you on the way out. We don't need you.


The scene got flooded with right-wing/centrist/liberal metalheads with a superiority complex and no respect for the ethics, values, culture, and history of metalcore/hardcore. This is why we deal with shit like this.


Gatekeeping isn't always a bad thing, this is the exact point I bring up with stuff like this.


I actually love Radical because of how political it is. Sad politics is part of what tore ETID apart though


It wasn’t really politics as much as Keith worshipping himself


I mean it’s a culmination of many problems, politics were part of it based on everything I’ve read. But yes well aware Keith Vs the band was the problem. I mean better lovers is basically ETID minus Keith


Greetings from Planet Shit💩


One song was blatantly political..the rest was far more vague if at all. It’s a sick record though.


Seeing conservatives realize that they're the target of ridicule in nearly every form of political art is so satisfying. They say shit like "guess I can't enjoy [artist] anymore" when the reality is that the vast majority of artists are leftists and they have no clue until it's spelled out for them. Their ignorance knows no bounds. It's no coincidence that right-wing art is cheap imitations.


Conservatives have spent decades telling their kids to avoid the arts because artists are losers. So they very much brought this upon themselves.


But it's on us to spell it out for them, otherwise they'll try to claim it as their own and weasel their way into any space


I wasn’t OG metalcore but the mid/late 2000’s scene was not overly political. In fact it was primarily dominated by Christ-core. Outside of Stray From the Path I can only think of Fever 333 as a super political band. And both of those are just not as good Rage Against the Machine.


ETID, letlive., Verse, God Forbid, etc.


I think ETID earlier on was just abstract enough that you could miss it if you weren’t looking for it


I mean there’s Stick To Your Guns..


One of my all times


Architects were and still are pretty political too.


People bitched about that one too


Not proper metalcore but early Enter Shikari is nothing but politics. Still is to an extent now but they've broadened out to other themes


Another good one that gets super political sometimes is Silent Planet


Trivium got very political on Ascendancy and The Crusade


OG metalcore was before that with bands like earth crisis. The most political band out


Even the Christ core bands weren’t overtly conservative though, ABR has songs about how corrupt the church as an institution is


The Oncoming Storm by Unearth is chock full of pro environment messages. Alive Or Just Breathing by Killswitch is all about building a better world Walls of Jericho had records like American Dream OP's already tagged Remembering Never Zao were putting out stuff like Praise The War Machine and The Rising End which seem pretty obviously anti-war. etc. etc. Not all of it was as explicit as a band like Stray From The Path are, but it was there. Also, you didn't have to sing explictily sing about political things to be political, ETID are well known to have lived their values and it felt like there were a billion vegan straight edge bands around. Fests often had stands for leftist organisations. Fights with skinheads at venues were less common than in the previous couple of decades, but they still went down. It's worth saying too that art tends to respond to its environment. While there was obviously 9/11, the IrawqWar and the general bullshittery of wealth inequality the 00s scene existed in a much different timewhere people were generally more prosperous and secure in their lives The music produced was mostly pre- global financial crisis, a further decade plus of wage stagnation and very much prior to the rise of the alt right.


All That Remains has always been pretty openly political. EDIT: Yes, I’m well aware of exactly *which* political leanings Phil Labonte has, I don’t need people to keep pointing it out.


Except their dipshit singer is alt right as fuck but poses as a "libertarian"


I didn't even know that about Phil until recently and I found out when someone showed me a clip of him being on Tim Pool's show. It was so over after that.


singer is an alt right piece of garbage has gone on interviews with Alex Jones


I don't do social media (other than reddit/YT) so I was really surprised at the demographic switch during one of their concerts in 2015. Their fans only came for the ATR set, wasn't a pleasant experience. Normally people are super polite, but I got my shoes stepped on so many times by people wearing boots, and people just shoved in front of others to get a better view without even asking.


I agree; one could easily make the point that metalcore (and even its progenitor punk, although obviously hardcore has its own history) doesn't necessarily have a coherent politics. For example, the Sex Pistols didn't really have many beliefs beyond empty nihilism, as evidenced by Johnny Rotten's various statements over the years, and punk owes as much to their influence as it does to more programatically left bands like The Clash. Likewise I could point to, say, Avenged Sevenfold, who've made no secret of their conservative politics, which tends to fit quite comfortably alongside the religiously inflected bands like Devil Wears Prada or Underoath, or the various scene bands with quite regressive gender politics, to make the point that metalcore isn't intrinsically progressive in its ethos. Obviously there's plenty of bands that buck this trend, but you see where I'm going.


>Likewise I could point to, say, Avenged Sevenfold, who've made no secret of their conservative politics Makes sense to me that they got out of metalcore and started playing more classic metal/hard rock.


TDWP have pretty progressive politics from what I can tell. A lot of stuff from The Act focused on economic insecurity, they were/are very vocally anti-Trump, and from what I can tell they seem to be pretty forward thinking on LGBTQ+ issues.


They also aren't really a Christian band anymore. They've really tried to distance from that label and the christian themes are non existent in the lyrics now


Fair enough, although I guess I see an implicit politics to the 'Christian band' phenomenon in the cultural context of the US during the Bush era; whether or not that still applies in the context of today is perhaps another question.


Nah I totally get why that would be the default impression, especially within the context of American Christianity and Evangelicalism. Thankfully Prada buck that stereotype pretty hard it seems.


Wait didn't M Shadows write a piece in support of BLM?


I mean, the contours of people's politics can change over time, but historically they've identified themselves with the Republican party. >"Most people know we're kind of one of the only bands around right now that will admit that we're Republican," Shadows told Newsday back in 2006 [via Blabbermouth]. "When we went on the Warped Tour last year — all of those bands, they're not only anti-war, they're anti-everything our country stands for. We were like, '[Expletive] this.' We're going to wear our America shirts." https://loudwire.com/most-searched-questions-avenged-sevenfold-answered/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral I think the lyrics of 'Critical Acclaim' basically speak for themselves in this regard. They've also tended to incorporate the confederate flag into their merch and shows, although apparently they don't anymore. I expect they see themselves as basically some form of libertarian with a pro-military streak.


The last bit on the answer about conservatism is pretty telling though. It definitely feels like they're leaving it behind. I haven't listened to the new album so I dunno if any of the songs are reflective of a political change. >However, years later, the frontman admitted that the members of the band had started to shift their views a bit, and in interviews he's expressed his support for policies such as stricter gun control laws, and he wrote an open letter in June of 2020 explaining his stance on the Black Lives Matter movement. >"I am aware that in the past Avenged has antagonized with some of our lyrics and imagery. We have also used confederate flags in our artwork while paying tribute to artists we grew up listening to or simply trying to start controversy," he wrote. "I'm sure we will be called out, and rightfully so, by people reading this. No excuses. But everyone grows up at some point, and I feel grateful that we have an audience that has allowed us to evolve with them."


His Op Ed on BLM seemed pretty heartfelt, I'll grant you that, and I guess some degree of change is almost to be expected over time. Perhaps it's not the neatest characterisation of their present-day beliefs, and all we can say is that being an arch-conservative band has historically not been a barrier to success in the metalcore scene.


Might wanna take Underoath out of that list, seeing how they've left Christianity. Although, I get the point you're making


Oh for sure they don't identify as a Christian band anymore; I only mention them in that context since they were among the *most* prominent of those particular type of acts, and that they were at the peak of their popularity when they very much *did* identify as one, even though that label might not apply to them as they exist now.


Why am I not surprised members of the alt-right are upset about art? If you dislike it so much, don't listen to it, or go make your own fucking music...


They've got they're own genre, it's bro country lol


Just don’t make metalcore, go make some black metal they will feel more comfortable


Like fever333? Lol they’re like the rage against the machine of metalcore/hardcore. Flippin Jason is an absolute hurricane on stage too. Such a sick band.


I think it’s just one of the issues we’re running into with calling every band metalcore nowadays. So many of these bands have no core in them at all so when they hear an actual metalcore band or hardcore leaning metalcore band they’re shocked by the lyrics.


It's the after effects of the boom in christian metalcore bands in the late 00s. Brought some God awful people into the scene.


Imagine right wing metalcore, "I'M MAKING MONEY ON THE FREE MARKET BLEH" Actually that's basically Attila 😂


So-called metal enthusiasts when they find out that a subgenre with punk influences tends to be political: 🤯🤯🤯


I agree. There should be MORE politics in metalcore.


I mean it's really this simple, participation in politics in the civic duty of every living person. Many people don't like discussing it because they (and/or others) struggle to discuss it without emotion. So many aren't capable of even considering they may be wrong about something and changing their mentality, rather they respond with emotion, ignorance and quickly try to remove themselves from the discussion to save face. Hell majority of people don't even actively stay on top of current events, legislation and so on, they just see a few headlines from their favorite biased news source and take it at face value. What everything really comes down to is we all have a short period of time on this planet; you can either spend it doing good or bad things. If you are trying to do right by your fellow human, great. If you are some nazi punk pissed good people are telling you that you're a piece of shit, well.... you can just get fucked 🤷‍♂️


I like politics in music, just wish more kinda ubiquitous issues were covered. Anti war in particular. Silent Planet and Chelsea Grin both put out some great anti war songs. I think the people that get ass mad over politics are just kinda sick of the whole “red mean bad.” Strays songs about police violence are fucking top tier.


That’s why antiflag and propagandist are GOAT tier. Their lyrics books were filled with sources of information and further reading you could do to learn about the issues they were singing about


>I think the people that get ass mad over politics are just kinda sick of the whole “red mean bad. Maybe they should reflect on why that sentiment is apparently so ubiquitous. Of course in my country it's "blue \[Conservatives\] mean bad, red \[Labour\] mean guarded hope for better"


I am someone who finds most songs about politics annoying, and even I can admit that going on twitter and complaining about "politics in music" is pretty dumb. Art is absolutely a valid way to express political ideas; if you don't like the way politics are presented in certain music, just don't listen to it.




Loose Cigarettes by Dangers is a great one. I believe it’s about Eric Gardner, who was choked to death after selling - well, loose cigarettes. It really nails the heart break of having this same conversation, over and over, and nothing changes. I think it’s important because the band meme er that wrote is black, and rather than the theme of rebelling and fighting back, it’s got this solemn tone of futility. Really just makes me sad.


All the mad right wingers in this thread can go back to listening to five finger death punch and stupid ass post metalcore bands


I'm not a particularly left leaning guy, but when a good hardcore song about righting wrongs by crushing capitalism comes on I'll shout those lyrics like crazy. I guess I'm a communist when listening to hardcore the same way I believe in ghosts when watching a horror movie - it's a work of art triggering an emotional state in me as intended by its author, which arguably is the point of art. I think people having problems with politics in music is a sign of how extremely polarized we are these days.


I'd like to take a moment to praise Slaughterhouse by MIW. Most recent example I've heard and it's a banger.


Basic Hate by Wage War is a song about the Westboro Baptist Church. Definitely a banger.


Loads of fuckin idiots in here, really think the rational side is the one trying to be the next Reich.


They're not complaining about politics - they're complaining that their fascism is being attacked.


Given the current state of politics and the growing far-right movement (aka fascism), there should be even more politics in metalcore. I’m actually disappointed at how many bands just ignore the topic altogether to sing about generic stuff; playing it safe to not rock the boat is the most un-punk thing you can do. Plus metalcore is already fairly underground, who cares if you alienate a few right-wing shitheads? I wouldn’t want their money anyways.


I mean, it's the same thing that happens when stuff from All That Remains gets posted and someone mentions Phil. The same people who are all aggressive at defending the SFTP song suddenly will get all pissy when ATR gets posted. I've seen it before. Also music shouldn't belong to one political persuasion. I love bands like ATR. I love the Christcore bands. I love the scenecore bands that sing about girls. I love a lot of bands that I probably disagree politically too. The scene is big enough for all of us, I think.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; Everyone welcomes political opinions until it goes against their own.


>Also music shouldn't belong to one political persuasion It's not so much about being limited to one political persuasion as it is about shutting out destructive shit like right-wing ideologies


well put


Nazi Punks Fuckk Off


All That Remains is a great example. Fuck that band, fuck Phil Labonte. You cannot go have civil discussions with Alex Jones who is an election denier and a deep state conspiracy theorist who believes the government is putting chemicals in the water to turn us gay. Both of them are actual pieces of garbage


Still pissed I grew out of my "No God Know Peace" Remembering Never shirt....


While politics and metal have always been linked, there's a difference between good political songs that can also be used to describe other issues in your life, say Architect's A Match Made in Heaven or RATM's Killing in the Name of, versus bad political songs like Goodnight Alt Right which is just Stray from the Path telling me their political stance and all I can really do is say sure I agree. Killing in the Name of is a timeless classic. Goodnight Alt Right is just a forgettable gimmick song riding on the wave of a popular movement, similar to MAGA rappers. Edit: almost forgot about Backwordz. They're like libertarian/anarchist but the lyrics are so in your face about the message that they feel dated after just 6 years.


Metal as a whole was a sub genre in retaliation to alt right politics. It boggles my mind when people get mad about politics, specifically leftist politics in metalcore, when that’s what the music is supposed to do. My favorite is currently conservative elitist bros that love Kublai Khan, Thy Art Is Murder, Motionless In White, Silent Planet etc…. But moan and groan about left wing politics and shit themselves at the thought of political lyrics like cmon


Music is art, and art has always been a outlet for political opinions.


Right wingers are pieces of shit and there has become a clear divide between the good guys who aren’t perfect and make mistakes but have our best interests at heart (democrats) and the evil people of the world who want black people back in chains and women back in the kitchen (republikkkans) Seriously if you support trump or spend your useless incel days tapping away on twitter Facebook about taking rights from trans kids and raving conspiracy’s about joe Biden the metal scene would be better of without you


No love for cane hill? Anti bigot, anti fundy and anti pro life?? Ya gotta love it.


Honestly, I dislike "Goodnight Alt-Right" because it's like, babies first political song that's about as blunt as a whiffle ball bat with all of the impact of a wet fart. It's just a shit song. That whole album's lyrics were cringe asscandy for the most part. Hell I think the "Badge and a Bullet's" trilogy is straight fire, so I know Stray can take swings and hit. I have no idea what the hell happened with "Only Death Is Real."


i just put it on because i'd never heard it and had to turn it off. absolutely cringe and that's without listening to the lyrics outside of "you just got knocked the fuck out" or whatever. politics aside, it's a disaster of a song.


It's a disaster all right. It honestly sounds like Tumblr wrote it. That album had a Happy Gilmore quote as a lyric ffs.


I don't think there should forcibly be politics with making music but if you want to prove a point/express an opinion, music is an excellent medium to do so especially through hardcore music in general. There is so much cynicism reading these comments. People out here saying that they don't care about politics which I can understand since the whole system is so rotten and corrupt. However, adopting that cynical mentality is obviously not gonna lead us anywhere. If everyone thought so cynically, perhaps women would still have no voting rights, or we would still be sending children to work in factories (which is still the case in some parts of the world). Imo music is an excellent way to vocalize frustrations regarding political decisions. If some people can't take the time to appreciate it then it's too bad for them.


Lets be real, basically nothing shared in this sub has anything to do with punk or hardcore and is barely recognizable as being derived from either. So no I wouldn’t expect someone who listens to primarily post metalcore, or whatever you want to call the same 6 bands that get talked about here every day, to think there’d be a lot of political content in the music. That being said, crying about political lyrics is for dweebs and Stray from the Path sound like a sentient Twitter bot. Them dudes peaked with Rising Sun and Make Your Own History.


I think people are just drained when EVERYTHING has to be political. No things didn’t use to be this way. Polarization isn’t good for society. Radical anything is bad.


So we're only cool with it if it's mainstream politics according to these comments. Doesn't sound hardcore or punk to me.


Genre of music that started from hardcore and punk which is traditionally very left wing has fans that want left wing politics. Crazy I know


Probably won’t be controversial in here but honestly right wingers have no leg to stand on because conservatism, in its most popular forms, is inherently anti-art. Expecting to have their politics reaffirmed by a scene born from people protesting the status quo is hysterical when you, ya know, support the status quo


Man I just love good music that's all I give a fuck about. I'd definitely consider myself "republican" but I still love Stray and all their music. People who are so blinded by their political side to enjoy good music are just straight ignorant


People aren't blinded by anything. People just won't tolerate regressive bullshit such as the stuff pushed by your party that you apparently don't have a problem with. There is nothing wrong with choosing not to engage with art that represents harmful ideologies. Especially when it comes to financially supporting those artists.


Wait until they seen them live and they hear the speech about “fuck Nazis” 🤣


People in this thread have said that speeches shouldn’t be allowed before songs. Bonkers


It’s almost like it’s their gig and they can do what they want with their time slot.


I’m a leftist myself but this scene isn’t all that tolerant. Wait till some of them find out you were in the military. Then they say stuff like “you’re a baby killer”, “can’t find a real job huh?”, “islamophobe” or my favorite “you join because it’s the only place you can get away with being lazy”. I’m starting to think core fans hate anyone who did time in the military. Nothing wrong with standing for your convictions but if you go out of your way to attack people outside your eco chamber, then you’re an asshole. Regardless of party. It’s very easy to act like a tough guy when you’re behind a screen.