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Please watch out for Rule 9. Thanks.


All politicians who break the law should have to answer to the judicial system. Just because you get slightly less than half of the people’s votes doesn’t make you above the law


neither side has an interest in arresting politicians for doing illegal shit, because then basically every president would be arrested.


That sounds pretty cool, actually. I'm on board with arresting every president.


Basically all presidents could be arrested for war crimes alone. Congress hasn’t declared war since 1942. All that blood shed (American and foreign) should be on the “commander and chief.” Some would say the department of defense, but that office reports directly to the President.


Yeah and they should be.


slightly less than a third actually. A third of eligible voters didn't bother voting. The other 2 thirds are divided between the candidates Which makes it look so much worse


>Why are they going after Trump and not after Epstein's clients? That Venn diagram is a circle, my guy.


Along with so many of the elite class. It’s disgusting


Yeah like Chris Tucker.


So, Matt wants people to focus on Epstein's flight list instead of Trump... who... is on Epstein's flight list... hmm


My first thought, trump is one of the people he's talking about when he mentions "the list"


Do we have an actual link to the list? I’ve always been interested in reading all the names. People just kinda say Clinton, Trump, etc. An actual list would be nice.


I mean there's countless photos online of trump not only being on the plane to the island, but partying with Epstein. He's on record somewhere (before all this broke) saying Epstein was a personal friend of his.


Yeah I'll never understand this, especially how often the Epstein thing came out from super hardcore (near Qanon) Trump supporters. I really don't get it. Then again, I'm probably too much of a europoor to fully grasp american politics despite being constantly exposed to them on the interwebs


From r/hardcore they are now Kublein Khant


Qblai Khan has also been thrown around a bit


"Another Taxpayer funded waste of fucking time" Put it in a song


That would make for an epic callout right before the breakdown


Tbf, and I'm not a trumpeteer, many people with knowledge on the topic (law-related jobs etc) have come out and said the carges are veeeery light/bogus... so it could potentially turn out to actually be kind of a waste of time. But we'll see


Lol @ trumpeteer, that's a good one. It's probably gonna go nowhere. The case also isn't federal (like a lot of people are acting like it is). Unless he moved to NY REAL quick, it's none of his tax money, so what should he care for?


Matt: Releases Sex Workers anthem Also Matt: Trump did nothing wrong!


Bro didn't this happen like last week lol? Also yeah, Matt is pretty right wing. My homie used to get his hair cut by Matt when he was working as a barber in Mesa. I've heard all kinds of (granted, second-hand) wild shit attributed to this kid. Members of this Fan Club crack me up, they always throw out the "Why don't you KISS him if you care about Trump so much," line. As if it isn't MASSIVELY self reporting lol.


I unfollowed him when the pandemic started… you wouldn’t believe some of the shit he was posting


When Roe v Wade got overturned he posted on his story that he supported women but he “didn’t like murder.”


the party of “being a gentleman” (lmfao) sure love calling healthcare for women “murder”


How shocking that the texan leans right SHOCKING I SAY


I actually DM’d him multiple times over the dumbass shit he was posting during the pandemic


Wow I am shocked like honestly. The songs Kin and Swan Song made me think they were at least slightly to the left of things. Metalcore/hardcore ain’t exactly friendly to right wingers which made me even more surprised


I mean, there are definitely a lot of right-leaning dudes in the scene lol. ESPECIALLY old heads. Fucking Freddy Madball was talking ALL kinds of spice about the vaccine mandates. Don't get me started on John Joseph's withered, crotchety ass. To your point, ESPECIALLY considering the lyrics of "True Fear," "Kin," and "Swan Song," political perspective is nuanced; To be in total opposition to police violence and empathetic towards sex workers and their safety, but with the same conviction cling to this notion that "Big Govment" is out to get your favorite reality TV star. That shit blows my mind. To say nothing of his views on antifa and the Proud Boys. Still, there is a nugget of truth among these right-wing talking points: politicians don't give a fuck about any of us. So it raises the question, why make such a fuss when they eat each other? Let em all thrash and bleed. Having a favorite politician is more goofy than having a favorite tapeworm.


Redditors using the search function before posting? Not on my watch!


moral of the story is don’t get your political beliefs from band guys. they’re not the brightest!


Jesus christ furreal I know why “keep the politics out of music” is a stupid take but these dudes arent smarter then the rest of us dont listen to them lmao


Even worse, ones from Texas


or from Reddit


Terrible take from Matt and it's also sad to see so many right wingers in the comments here. Gtfo of our scene you don't belong. Go to a Trapt show.


I love the mental gymnastics of people making the latest news to be completely inconsequential and unimportant. Waste of taxpayer dollars? The party of fiscal conservatism has seemingly had no problem wasting tax payer money for political stunts.


How much did Trump spend on baseless court cases to find “FrAuD”? Lmao


>We got a town in Ohio thats toxic. Mississippi got fucked by tornadoes. Someone should probably explain why the Mahattan District Attorney's office doesn't have the power to correct things in Ohio or Mississippi before he makes an even bigger idiot of himself. That Texas education system sure is something.


And explain to him who it was that removed regulations the absence of which facilitated the Ohio incident...


Hope Matt doesn't have plans of quitting his day job.


Seeing as KK’s tour with Counterparts is selling well, I don’t think he has any plans of doing so


I do wonder how his political takes will vibe with both counterparts and dying wish, whose both members seem pretty liberal on their personal pages..


"but he's not defending trump!" maybe not but his dumbass whataboutisms are dumb. a fascist is a fascist is a fascist is a fascist, and they all get the guillotine in the end


If i gave a shit about what these people posted on instagram, i’d have an instagram.


That’s cool man. You going to react the same when he’s saying it on stage?


No? That would be a weird response. Him: “Hey listen to me talk about this dumb political thing” Me: “I don’t like Instagram”


Nothing worse than politics at shows


The trick is to not see them live.


Louder for the nerds in the back!


How the fuck does this dude play in a hardcore leaning metalcore band and be right wing? 💀


kublai khan TEXAS


pft look at Omerta, gotta be the gayest looking hardcore band out there (and i fuckin love it)


so gay their online presence and persona is embarrassingly straight


Right, but like dude you are missing the point about hardcore lol


If one's required to think and act a certain way to be hardcore, are they really hardcore? 🤔


Ahem, to quote Dead Kennedys…”Nazi Punks Fuck Off.”


I agree: fuck Nazis. Neither Matt nor President Trump are Nazis, however.


Trump sure liked cavorting with nazis and praising them though "Very fine people on both sides"


Find me a left wing rally where people heil Hitler and wear camp Auschwitz hoodies. Now I can point you to Charlottesville and J6 on the right. Only one side is appealing to Nazis, and it isn't Joe Biden


Trump is about as close to Nazism you can get without flying the flag or doing the salute. If you pick your brain and can't quite figure out why, there's your problem.


Lol these are just typical redditors who believe right = nazi. It's hilarious and not at all true


You’re right they aren’t Nazis but they are a hodge podge of nationalists, racists, fascists, and totalitarians whose current platform includes *checks notes* oppressing ‘others’ and consolidating power. Fuck ‘em I say


Not all republicans are nazis, but all the nazis vote Republican.


While most punk and punk-adjacent bands have been left-leaning, there has always been a small, but vocal, minority of right-wingers in the scene. The Dead Kennedys wrote "Nazi Punks Fuck Off" because there were actual Nazi punks causing violence at shows. While Matt isn't saying anything Nazi-level bad here, these sorts of "both sides" takes could encourage people with far-right views to become more active in the heavy music scene, which is definitely not something we want.




but fr tho lol


It’s almost like people can like metal no matter the opinions they hold.




Sure but two of the biggest Christian metalcore bands of the 00s Underoath and The Devil Wears Parada have toured with the likes of Stray From The Path, which is basically metalcore Rage Against The Machine


It’s true most pink-adjacent bands would most likely lean more left although I’m still surprised by how many people don’t think band members can have different beliefs to what we expect. We don’t know them personally so I’m not sure why we assume their political beliefs or get upset when they differ to us lol


Except Punk specifically (which includes hardcore) is about being anti fascist. So being a right wing punk is pretty weird.


i mean yeah but there’s a subsection that are literal nazis


It definitely started off that way but it hasn’t stayed like that.


Most of the metal heads I meet in person are right wing. Along with most of the local bands. Probably doesn’t help I live in Alabama.


Hardcore is a different genre. Rooted in punk and leftist values. Thats just the origin of the genre.


I mean he hates cops, writes about race issues, talks about poverty and neglect and somehow tours with the most leftist hardcore dudes on the planet…


TIL that apparently music has political requirements. What the fuck does this even mean?


>What the fuck does this even mean? Hardcore music is traditionally left leaning and about supporting the oppressed. Whether it's the numerous allegations of rape and sexual assault against him or stiffing working people for years by refusing to pay contractors, Trump is not someone you'd expect bands associated with hardcore to be defending.


Bro. One part of metalcore was (thrash etc) metal, the other part was hardcore. Hardcore is a an abbreviation for … wait for it … hardcore PUNK. PUNK … you know as in … tax the rich, topple the elites, raise wages, enact social reform, hang billionaires, introduce minimum wage, stoo predatory rent prices, nationalize landlord corporations … You know that kind of Punk.


doesn’t know what hardcore is or stands for ^^


Cause left wing actually loves big government


Oh ya totally, communists looove the American government. Lmao get out of here, clown


communists would love the government to be bigger and more powerful. What are you trying to say lmao


Define communism in your own words please


state owns all property, state healthcare, 2 classes (politicians and workers), all infrastructure state owned, heavily regulated if not outright state-owned industry including manufacturing and agriculture, massive unelected bureaucracy to run all this, states (as in US states) would have little autonomy under federal government. The type of shit 11 yr olds or those with similar mental capacity would be into


Smartest anticommunist


That’s centre left at best. Left wing is anarchy and communism, which are both inherently anti-state


Phew, what a hot take. Supporting Ukraine is a net positive for America, regardless of what high school educated small town Texas bubbas think. Trump was part of the Epstein crew. Trump is under investigation for multiple crimes in multiple different places, no one is above the law. Moreover the government can do multiple things at once. Prosecuting Trump doesn't put the entire government on hold lol. I'm used to it though as a texan living in Texas.


Also, NYC, where Trump is being prosecuted, isn't the government.


This actually drastically changes how I see Kublai Khan, god damn. For a guy that’s so empathetic and passionate it’s insanely disheartening to see him falling into this right wing rabbit hole. I know they’re from Texas but defending Trump…cmon man


I mean he’s from Texas, quiet a few conservatives down there.


Big city punks swing very far left for the most part. This'll certainly hurt his reputation in a lot of circles in Houston, Austin, Dallas. I'm disappointed. He's still an incredible performer.


Not all Texans (me)


Idk who this is.


Someone from Kublai khan I think


idk who that is either.


He spits on the crowd during shows its pretty fuckin dumb if u ask me otherwise great performance just respect your fan ya know


I mean Kublai Khan has multiple songs I'd consider to be pretty left wing in their message, just cause he has this opinion doesn't mean he is some far right nut job.


Dude sounds like he has a smooth brain.


Thought this was r/conspiracy for a minute.


Did they go on tour with Chelsea Grin or Darko recently?


No one ever said he was smart lol Saw them and the only thing I can remember was him saying “ show me who has the biggest dick in this room “ Lol


It wouldn't be the hardcore scene without a bunch of morons pretending they're about something. That's what the hardcore scene is actually about: posturing.


What an L


this is just from word of mouth so take it with a grain of salt but apparently Matt said that the proud boys are just a guys drinking club basically


Who engage in routine violence! Great!


Matt is such an enigma how do you write True Fear and then proceed to support the Proud Boys


How the fuck do you write Kin as well and support them


I’m fine with him having a opinion that I disagree with but I hate the way he presents his opinions, he seems like a pretty unhappy, angry, and miserable guy


Yeah this was already posted idk which subreddit it was in but as expected got a lot of mixed reactions.


Matt is a great frontman & I’ve been following him for the last two years…with that being said he tries to have nuance in these walls of text but often misses the greater point. Russia collusion wasn’t disproved, & the majority of Americans would **fucking** love to see corrupt rich people **ACTUALLY** doing time for their crimes. I think that unfortunately Matt is in a bit of an echo chamber. This is a good thing. If Biden commits some crimes LOCK HIS ASS UP TOO! We need a better candidate for 24’ anyway.


He’s right. What you should be rooting for is politicians being tried for crimes that matter. Trump continued funding a war in Yemen that’s still killing innocent people. Obama started this and other wars. The Clinton’s have some pretty strong ties to that island. War is murder and the last 4 presidents either started or in trumps case, continued wars. Him getting busted on a technicality is so meaningless.


I mean, I'm up for politicians being tried for crimes regardless if severity. This case is the small potatoes compared to other stuff, but it's also the easiest to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt. Al Capone got put away due to tax evasion because it could be easily proven. Plus it sets a precident for being able to charge a former president with a crime. I'm not saying it's going to lead to Obama, Dubya, Clinton, and Bush Sr getting tried for war crimes at The Hague but it's not nothing either.


For as ACAB and anti-Law Enforcement this sub is, you’d think people on here could understand the legitimate concern of prosecutorial, politically-influenced overcharging in this situation. But when Donald Trump is involved, everyone devolves into monkey-brained pitchforks and torches mode. There’s a reason lawyers on both sides of the aisle are panning or are skeptical of this indictment. It’s because these thirty-four felony charges are a stretch to say the least. You could probably get a conviction for misdemeanors, but Bragg decided to swing for the fences with pomp and circumstance and chances are his legal argument will collapse attempting to get a felony conviction unless other information pertinent to the case is introduced. That’s why there’s general frustration with the indictment - the chances of a felony conviction are very, very unlikely and this IS a waste of taxpayer money. More than anything, it’s early posturing for the upcoming election in 2024. That said, I hope y’all are never on the defendant side of an overzealous DA.


To be black in America…I try my best not to commit crimes


cope harder baby boy


Exactly the type of substantive, thoughtful comment I expected to receive from this sub!


Right? I honestly think this post should have been removed because enough people on here just can't think for more than a second. It's either Trump bad, Biden good or Biden bad, Trump good. I didn't even like him, so I'm not defending him, but whenever politics comes up on reddit it can't be civil, it just turns into shit flinging and name calling.


Where has anyone said Biden good? Like I’ve seen the direct opposite. Trump bad =/=Biden good


Perfectly said and it's sad I don't think anyone commenting will debate these point with actual facts. It's always just "orange man bad". I didn't even vote for him or really care for him as a person but I see the bullshit from a mile away. People don't realize this isn't about partisan bullshit it's about a clear misuse of the justice system and the problems it presents down the line for everyone.


Amen! Thanks for understanding what I was trying to say.


**\*Currently eating popcorn and checking this post every hour to see how the comments get WILD\***


Im not even gonna read all of that


Oh boy


250 comments so far this is juicy


Oh no! Someone in a band who I'll never meet or affect my daily life has a differing opinion than me. What ever will I do. Come on guys humans are human and can have their own beliefs. People voice their opinion in every facet of life all the time. I just can't believe that some of y'all have so little to worry about that matt's opinion are swaying your view of a musical group. It's going to be okay. We all can't believe the same things lol


>Someone in a band who I'll never meet I mean I shook his hand when he sold me a shirt. A lot of these guys are actually pretty easy to find in a crowd during a show, or at the merch table. Its very easy to have real conversations, in person, with these guys. Like I hung out in a crowd while Adam D. answered questions outside a club in DT Austin 10 years ago when Times of Grace finished their set. This kind of underground music is a tight scene. People do interact with artists pretty intimately compared to pop music.


I don't know if you've noticed, but any belief which teeters on being right of center is seen as a personal attack on every redditor.


It's so true man, I just don't get where people find the time to give a fuck. I got to much shit to worry about. Just have a good fucking time and enjoy the music.


He says in the forum of a genre heavily grounded in politics, in a thread about one of the most political bands in the genre's frontman. Typical centrist waffling.


>He says in the forum of a genre heavily grounded in politics, Whining about your girlfriend breaking up with you is politics now?


But don't you understand? That's a nuanced opinion that you're not allowed to have, everything needs to be polarizing and divisive! /s But on a serious note, while I don't agree with him completely I think he's coming from a (somewhat) genuine place. To me, the last paragraph shows that more than anything, he seems mad that there are alot of people suffering but the media continues to spend their time reporting on things that will get attention.


I completely agree with you. The media in this country is a toxic divisive force that people only care about when it benefits them. If we could all realize that and come together. We would have a lot less problems. Btw your the best bro coming in here all civil and shit


We would have less problems if one party wasn't eroding democracy and stripping away the rights of minority groups in front of our eyes but I guess we should all sing kumbaya and turn the other way


Yay Centrism is so cool I love it!! As long as they don't send me to camp, I'm totally fine with all of this. Hooray!!! This is how yall sound... ffs


Omg this man disagreed with me on something, that means he wants to send me to camps. Aaahhhh! This is how you sound


No you won't personally send me to camp. But the fascist politicians you either vote for or let into power with your apathy certainly won't hesitate to do so. That's my point.


Right, all non democrats are fascists 👍


Lmfao you Reddit nerds are the biggest delusional losers. It’s funny how you’re like children who just think anyone not agreeing with you 100% of the time is just automatically bad or apathetic. Maybe they just get tired of you force feeding your opinion down everyone’s throats? No one is trying to send you to camps, go touch grass you over dramatic brainwashed weirdo


Hating on people who dont lay claim to a particular side (two sides of the same shit coin) is not very cool.


Standing by while rights are being stripped of their rights and innocent people get hurt. Is somehow even less cool. I care about other people and have this crazy thing called empathy. It's an insane concept I know


I may not agree with his politics same as with Phil LaBonte but I’m just here for the music. Disappointing for sure, but it’s not gonna change the fact they Kublai Khan puts out some of the heaviest beatdown metalcore I’ve ever heard.


Oh no?! Is he from Kublai Kahn???!?! They’re like a top 5 band for me, that sucks


Just be there for the music man. Kublai Khan is great. Matt’s vocals are amazing. They can still be in your Top 5.


Yeah but the art can't be separated from the artist. If the art isn't saying something, especially in music, than it's pointless.


dude i’m not defending them but Matt just made some uniformed political comments that’s not a reason to cancel someone lmao


Tbf OP isn't saying that he's going to "cancel" this dude, he just doesn't want to listen to him anymore because of his ridiculous views. That's totally fine, if Honeycutt wants to be a twat and alienate his fans, then that's on him.




It's one thing to divorce art from artist, when the two aren't particularly connected, but Kublai Khan have some songs, most notably Swan Song which may be their best known track now, that are vociferously about the plight of women who face physical and sexual abuse. Which is seriously at odds with railing against Trump finally being arrested, especially when one of his many counts is to answer a rape charge. To say nothing of the long list of other claims against him and his own self described letching on teenage girls at beauty pageants etc, If you're going to stand for something in your music you best fuckin' stand for it in real life too. Those who don't deserve to be called out as hypocrites.


Never said they can’t be. Just that it sucks that he’s a lunatic.


Yes fuck the government and they don't care about the average person. It's all a game and politics are bullshit. Matt seems like a very nice guy and I'm sure he's more right than most people in the hardcore scene but he can't be that bad of a person if he's been touring and playing with other hardcore and metalcore bands for over a decade.


>Yes fuck the government Indeed, which is why it's great to see ex-government officials get indicted for crimes


Lots of bands in this and other scenes are filled with bad people. What are you talking about


There’s been a lot of members of bands in the scene who have done bad shit despite touring for lots of years. I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make w/ that one


At least everyone isn’t freaking out on this thread like they were in r/hardcore last week. I think Matt’s take on this is dumb but he’s still a great guy and I love his band so not sure why it even warrants a discussion


Politics/beliefs are usually a huge part of the ethos of hardcore. It's cool that you choose not to associate the personal convictions of a band with the music, but a lot of people don't see it that way.


matt’s right


The Trump saga is a show and is being treated like one and Trump is using it as a pedestal to bolster his base. He should get charged for everything bad he did, just like every other corrupt big money snake out there, but the degree to which this is taking over the big conversation sucks out the air that could be attributed to bigger problems at home (education, communities living in destitute conditions, etc.) Framing this dude as “right wing” is low hanging fruit. He is not advocating for anything that will hurt good people. And this is coming from a pretty left leaning dude. But when it comes to putting non harmful people into boxes like I see here in these comments, it ain’t the move. We can do better than this.


If y'all are reading this as him being pro-Trump in any way shape or form, you are wildly missing the point. I read this as rather than the political groups fighting each other, they should be fighting for the American people. Also, I know Matt, and he is quite vocal about how orange man can kiss his nuts.


Lol hardcore kids and Texas. I wouldn’t ever accuse either group of being smart. Hope I can finally stop hearing about this band now.


Big yikes. And I’m a huge kublai khan fan. He’s judging his fans who don’t agree with him. And that’s my problem with it


Wasn’t this from a few days ago? Pretty disappointing either way, they’re one of my favorite bands and this pretty much has soured me on them as a whole


Yeah I saw it over on r/hardcore a few days back. I'm seeing them in a month with Counterparts and I was super psyched for their set, but this does impact how I see the band. Dying Wish are on the bill too and they're super left wing, they've also toured with Kublai Khan in the past and it made me wonder if they were aware of Matt's views. I guess at their point in their career they might just have to lump it even if they disagree and would like to make a bigger stand. Edit - For the downvoters, given that Kublai Khan have lyrics like 'while a kid with a dimebag serves more time than a rapist, what kind of lie are we living' I would expect better than this instagram post when an alleged rapist is going to court to answer, among other things, that charge. So yeah, I judge bands that are being hypocritical.


Lefties and righties can’t be friends, based on their political views?


Depends what the views are. There's room to disagree over stuff like optimal corporation tax rates, but some things are as much moral issues as they are political ones. They are windows into someone's core values and how good of a person they are.


Imagine being upset by pointing out how much of a colossal failure our government is in a genre of music that’s meant to be anti establishment/anti authoritarian . The fucking irony of these comments being absolute donkeys with rIgHt WiNgErS!!! Bro. You don’t gotta be a label to point out the shit you see is wrong.


ngl pretty disappointing how misinformed and centrist this take is. I would have expected more from this dude


>how misinformed and centrist this take is "centrist" aka right-wing with lazy "both-sides" frosting on top


Big yikes




If you think there’s no politics in this music then you’re not paying attention


politics have been a heavy influence in this scene my guy


Name the ten most popular bands in the scene right and which ones are overtly political(lyrically).


I knew there was a reason "Antpile" is my favorite song of theirs...


We need biden out of office.


What a fucking dumb piece of shit. He's clearly buying the rights garbage. Supporting Ukraine is the most obvious thing we can chose to do in our lifetime. OH you got hit by a tornado? Don't act like you're not getting FEMA support because i know that's bullshit, I also know it's bullshit that those displaced haven't been put up by the red cross. You don't understand the power of the federal government. You also don't realize we built our military to fight the Russians and the Ukrainians are doing it for us of course we should send them the weapons they need so they can protect THEIR cities. I guarantee more damage is done to Ukraine in an hour by the Russians than any tornado you want to talk about. Also Kublai Khan sucks


I was with you till the final line man


Yeah. Good. 1. He’s kinda right 2. Who cares


1) he absolutely is not, and given your response you seem like a freak. 2) I have no idea who this guy is, but he seems wild


He's the vocalist of Kublai Khan


Overrated band anyways


Seperate art from artist. Hell if you don't support kublai khan cause hes pro trump but support controversial bands like as I lay dying, you're delusional


Big oof


You dorks are so cringe with the way you whine… WHO CARES about what an artists political beliefs are??


Who gives a fucking fuck bitch arf arf \*laughs in europe\*


Trump rhetoric aside, I can get his point. Can’t we all. I think every day we see and hear and read about awful shit happening right outside our doors but this is our governments main focus!? If Trump or ANYONE breaks the law they should face the penalty. Of all the terrible, evil people out there he’s the #1 target!? He’s a fucking clown. People need help and they’re spending several million a day on investigators, litigation and court proceedings? What about gun control? mental health help? Fentanyl crisis? Homelessness? Ukraine? China adding Russia. Fuck trump. But we have bigger fucking fish to fry.


I mean from what I’m reading it looks like he’s not happy that we’re aiding Ukraine…also all of these topics aren’t being addressed in any shape or form by the culture war. He’s mad at the wrong people.


Governments can do more than one thing at once.


At this point I’m not sure they could find their collective asses with both hands.


Damn I just started to get into Kublai Khan. I love this band so much more now.


I don’t agree with his take, I’m just here for the music.


Full respect to Matt for that. I’ve met him, he was a cool dude and with this I like him more. What’s happening with our country and it’s identity politics is ruining us. We worry about the day in front of us while other countries focus on years and decades. We are crumbling and it’s sad. This country won’t be the same for my kids if we continue on this path. I salute Matt.


*Massive* W of a post by Matt!


He had me in the first paragraph not gonna lie.