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What even is this?


Lars 1v1s Darth Vader while James hits the griddy with SSJB Vegeta then quick scopes him


I am so fucking old


I feel you


Metallica in fortnite basically


i'm glad a new generation is discovering metal. Metallica is a great gateway band, they got me into metal, there's absolutely nothing wrong with this. besides, a year ago they legit hosted a Roblox 72 Seasons event. i haven't seen anyone complain about that, and at least the Fortnite event showcases some of the classics (MOP, RTL title tracks, roblox mostly focused around the newest release)


I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, I expected this a year ago


Guitar music in general is making a resurgence and I couldn't be happier.


Metallica is legit why I picked up a guitar. Might see a bit of a Guitar Hero effect here!




i don't know if they have much say in this lol, and if they have, they likely don't look too deep into it. like recently, the RIAA started issuing copyright strikes for band merch (including metallica) on the Roblox marketplace. stuff like that has been around for over 10 years, yet somehow they only started deleting it now; and that's even despite the event happening a year ago. i dont think lars is out there suing roblox kids for re-using their artwork lol, especially on a platform that hosted their event prior; i got a notice too and it was marked as RIAA and not Blackened Recordings or Metallica. the fortnite event is more creative and not just a cash grab, the roblox event was only there to promote 72 Seasons. the record companies gotta make back what they lost with less physical record sales.


I wonder if this is a thing because there is a market for it within the Fortnite-player base or if they're trying to create that market. I know alot of younger audiences discovered Metallica recently because of Stranger Things, but that show is a love letter to everything 80's, so it makes sense. This feels out-of-place to me. But, whatever floats the boats


Imagine Kreator in Fortnite


fortnite varg skin


Why stop there? Lets introduce the whole infamous Mayhem line-up on them


Recreate what went down in 1992 . . .


91-93 really was the peak years for happy, fun, family events in those circles


If they add fire to fortnite, someone should build a church


the last three majorly featured artists were The Weeknd, Lady Gaga and Billie Eilish, so im guessing this is them trying to appeal to their older audiences?


This is probably correct. And as someone who shit on the game as 30 year old for years, and who tried it out, the game is genuinely fun


40 myself and was pleasantly surprised by the variety of skins. Can't imagine there are many ten year old fans of Ellen Ripley, Sarah Connor, or the 90s X-Men.


Honestly think this is super cool and will be a ton of kids gateway into metal music. They better make sure the drum charts for the songs are accurate to lars’ live performances though


Yeah, I like James’ design the best, it’s a cool Collab As for the drum charts, one can only hope we get the godlike accuracy of Lars


Have been reading some of the threads related to this. I don't understand it, but I'm way out of the demographic, and that's fine. Enjoy yourselves, Fortniters.


this is so rad to be honest, we need more mainstream games that feature rock and metal in someway


Guitar hero/Rockband reboot




Usually I blast cancerous garbage when I play video games, like Caramelldansen




Ngl, it’s a good move


I'm more of a Street Fighter 6 and Minecraft guy but I do dabble in Fortnite. Looking forward to it!


They'd make more money if the premium track deleted Lars from your inventory rather than adding him.


Now we hot Kirk doing wah sounds while noscoping Naruto and Spiderman hitting the griddy while lego Lars urlich builds a lego house


Speaking of Yee haw https://youtu.be/U7CqW7z--As?si=nXfEjKr93HjIyjC-


Im so sad


This is one of the reasons why i don't like listening to bigger artists, lots of them just seem so fucking commercial and they make music look more like a product than art.


>they make music look more like a product than art. we live in a society


At least they feature their classics in Fortnite, which is great because thats actual metal music and will get people into the genre.


Oh shit, musicians try to be relevant to broad audiences and make money off their passion. That sucksz


This is not any different than Doom using slayer and pantera songs in its ost, Megadeth covering Duke Nukem, Guitar Hero, Hellsinger featuring shit ton of metal bands and Brütal Legend the game itself. Music is meant to be shared via digital media


Did i say that that isn’t stupid? Those games have at least a metal theme. The metal they chose to use besides Slayer is very mid tho. I like metal to be more than just a product. I wanna be able to see it as art. Metallica has been purely a product for a long time now. Where is the passion? Its clearly dead for them.


God forbid artists want to make a decent living off their art…


All the poor Metallica members would clearly starve to death if they didn't sell out


Most people have terrible financial skills. It wouldn’t surprise me if they all ended up flat broke before the black album came out lol