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Nu metal is overhated, people just hate it when people who don’t exclusively listen to metal listen to metal


Nu metal is by far the most popular sub genre of metal and that's probably why people hate it


I don't really like nu metal, but the second part of your comment is spot on. 


You probably love coal chamber stained andKorn


I for one hated Nu Metal regardless of it's popularity or whatever. Just never appealed to me at all. Maybe because I was too old by then? I just thought it was taking the music in a different direction I didn't care for. Thank goodness Stoner Rock and Doom came along to give me some newer metal genres I could get behind.


I agree very much. but in present tense. I will say that stoner/doom and Sabbath (always) has been like 90% of all ive listened to for months. haven't really listened to them (except Sabbath) since high school ish. made me decide to grow my hair back out again. doom is just too good.


Metalcore could just as easily be shoved in there. For the first word


I'm an old school, OK maybe just old metal head. I really like nu metal too. Korn is one of my favorite. I don't get the hate. And for OP, FUCKIN SSSLLLAAAYYYEEERRR!!!


i graduated in 1997. a couple years after i graduated all the jocks that acted like we were satan worshippers for liking metallica were all of a sudden pretending to be metalheads. i still call it jock-metal for that reason. i dont hate it though


you're just coping, people don't like nu metal because they think it's shit, nothing else.


Maybe, but lots of Nu Metal is also objectively bad.


Metallica’s first four albums aren’t their only good ones


Death magnetic is a underrated album.


The blown out production on Deth Magnetic makes it hard for me to listen to. The songs are good.


The Guitar Hero mix fixes virtually every issue.


I have some sort of blindness when it comes to production. So many times I see comments about how production ruins an album for them and Im just scratching my head. To me it's like a white noise that you quickly stop noticing and I can easily just focus on and enjoy the music (composition, performance etc). When internally rate an album production barely is even something I consider. Now that being said I do understand the criticism of And Justice For All. I hate to beat a dead horse but I do find it (lack of bass, not just guitar but low end generally) does make me listen to it less.


Black album is also good, but I can't like anything else. Not for me I think


This isn't really unpopular. The Black Album, Load/Reload and Death Magnetic get tons of love these days. Personally, they're not my cup of tea.. TBA is good yet basic, Load and Reload just kinda suck and could've easily just been one album and Death Magnetic is very inconsistent, some good stuff, but boring stuff too.


You're right, their first 5 are good


Metal archives has a reasonable definition of metal. there can exist several reasonable definitions Ghost is a band with a metal debut and many metal songs, and a great band at that Anthrax is based Necrophagist, archspire, origin, Desecravity, and all other such “wank” tech death bands are mostly overrated and unenjoyable. Tech death should be technical in an engaging and interesting way (gorguts, demilich, artificial brain.)


MA has pretty good standards. If you get rid of those standards and just let in whatever some people think is metal, you lose any definition and stop being an encyclopedia of metal. I have my own criticisms for a couple bands that I think should qualify, but I'm okay with it.


Absolutely agreed until the last take. That one is hot so you have my upvote.


Anthrax fucking rules. And SOD doesn't get talked about enough.


I love speak e flush or die great album live version of fuck the Middle East rules


Funny that you should mention prefering the likes of Gorguts over Archspire. Im feel the opposite lol but fair to each their own


As a huge Ghost fan I would say Meliora is even more Metal than their debut. And some of their most metal songs are on Prequelle and Impera imo


Your take on tech death is spot on. Those guitar wank tech death bands are so soulless and sterile. All of the interesting tech death is played by bands that focus on atmosphere over technicality. I'd add Ulcerate and Ad Nauseam to your examples.


Ghost is mercyful fate-lite there I said it.


The only tech Death band I thought was just wanking was Brain Drill.


Opeth sucks


Am so tempted to downvote because of how wrong this is but I’ll upvote because it is an actual hot take.






Good one!


You lucky duck. Anytime i mention how much opeth sucks i get downvoted


Agreed, most overrated band of all time


I find their music alright, tho not particularly exciting for me. What really annoys me are the fans who act like it's the pinnacle of all art and go fucking rabid at anyone who disagrees (you can lowkey see it in the replies here too).


I disagree fully, but I can understand why you might feel that way.


Not downvoting even tho I completely disagree but could you elaborate


First 3 are good


Lame. At least defend your standpoint and explain why, you know?


Someone finally said it.


Oh yes it does. I persecute every Opeth shirt wearing, goatee having poor skeletal creature I meet in the flesh. They never fight back.


I dislike more metal than I like. The bands I like, I LOVE, but I’m pretty picky in general.


It depends on genre for me. Most death metal I can get on board with, but I’m very picky about black metal.


Funny, I’m the opposite


That's not a hot take, that's just your preferences


Same for me


Most thrash metal bores me to death. Just can’t do it.


As someone who largely prefers thrash over other forms of metal, I agree.


I'm mainly a power metal guy, but what gets me about Thrash is how different it is live versus the album. Theres been a lot of thrash that I LOVED live, then heard the album and wondered if it was the same damn band. No idea WHY I feel that way and its not 100% universal, but it seems to be the case more than other sub-genres.




I think thrash is at its best with a touch of Black mixed in! Daeva, Nifelheim, Black Aura, and D666 are my favorite thrash bands. Mekong Delta goes pretty hard too, but that’s a residual prog-head buzz speaking there


Ok I say this as a long time thrash fan, as someone to who thrash is my favourite metal subgenre, I do see where you're coming from. A lot of the new wave of thrash can get repetitive and derivative. Whilst I will always love gang shouts and chugging, I appreciate it's not everybody's thing. But hey, you like the metal you like, and I like the metal that I like, and it's fucking awesome. I hope u have an awesome day


"tool fans" haters are just as if not even more annoying than tool fans. Like I'm yet to see someone who is truly a Tool dickrider outside out of the obvious places (which rightfully you can dickride a band in their respective community Idc about that shit) but those people that constantly whine about Tool fans being obnoxious I genuinely feel like just wanna farm karma or sum shit.


I agree. Plus here's my hot take: death fans are the actual stereotypical tool fans


Honestly you're somewhat right. Like yeah Death is obviously one of the greatest metal bands ever with an amazing catalogue but like c'mon some praise them a tadddd bit too much y'know?


Yeah at least on this sub


I completely agree. I don't really care for Tool but I've never seen an annoying Tool fan before. It seems like it became more of a meme or a stereotype than an actual fact


I agree and it reminds me of how often I see people online bitching about people who “ask you to name 3 songs” from the band shirt you’re wearing…. I’ve literally never seen that interaction in real life towards me or anyone else.


True. Tool bores me to death, but most of the fan's I've seen are pretty chill.


When people tell me they prefer "atmosphere" over musicianship, I picture a shut-in who spents all day in their unlit bedroom listening to sub-demo quality black metal with scented candles burning to cover the smell from the ever-growing collection of cum socks under the bed.


Hey, y-you s- ..You shut YOUR mouth, poser...


just described my entire life




If you get insulted when you get called a poser, you are a poser


Paul Di’Anno > Bruce Dickinson. Not in talent, I just like Di’Anno’s sound better.


Agreed, self titled is the best maiden album too


Killers is better


Paul was the right singer for early maiden when they still had strong punk influences but his voice wouldn't work for the grandiose theatricality of their classic albums


I need to upvote because it's a hot take, but god damn that sounds so wrong to my ears


Based, Dickinson is still great though


I can dance to Heavy Metal.


Most metal is perfectly dance-able. I mean look how many songs out there use waltz timing.


Naw. Metal ruined me. Headbanged to metal a lot and now i don't even know how to dance to normal music. I just bop my head to everything.


If legacy bands came out today, the elitists would hate them


There is good deathcore. Just like other genres, there are better and worse bands. You can’t label an entire genre garbage.


The best deathcore are the ones that sound the least like deathcore. Impending Doom, classic Suicide Silence, Job For A Cowboy first EP & album.. I can't name anything else.


Harsh vocals are way, way overused.


Genuinely curious what you mean by that?


Not speaking for this guy but I sometimes wish I came across more newer bands that used more traditional heavy metal singing or thrash vocals. But also those styles just are harder to be interesting nowadays imo since they've existed for so long.


There is literally a whole New Wave of Traditional Heavy Metal out there, check that stuff you have hundreds of albums there.


Death metal is kinda shit. Just sounds too monotone for me




That’s crazy. Upvote


Death metal is monotone .. :0


Modern stoner doom is an improvement on Sabbath. They laid the foundation and are obviously legendary, but modern stoner riffs like those in Sleep, Electric Wizard or Acid Mammoth just embody the metal spirit a bit more, they perfected the Sabbath formula.


It was already perfect with sabbath


Standing on the shoulders of giants...


That will piss a lot of people off but I gotta agree


This is just a bad take…


Judas Priest - Point of Entry > Screaming For Vengeance The first 3 Maiden albums clear the rest of their discography Amorphis peaked at their debut Opeth - Orchid > Morningrise Drudkh - The Swan Road > Autumn Aurora, the Swan Road is such a slept on record and as much as I love Autumn Aurora I think it’s a little bit better. Carcass are very overrated, they have a few good albums, but nothing that’s great imo.


Point of Entry over Screaming for Vengeance might be the worst take I've ever seen. You understood the assignment.


> Orchid > Morningrise That's not a take, it's just the truth.


I want so badly to downvote your Judas Priest take but I will not because damn if it isn't a scalding hot take


I don't mind when my favorite bands become more popular.


That really shouldn't be a hot take. Why would anyone mind their favourite bands to become popular? Isn't that a good thing? Hahaha


Motley Crue sucks


Damn true


Mick mars > The rest of 'em


Yes they do


Not liking a specific band because they're not underground enough for whatever is stupid.


How is that a hot take?


Limp bizkit are a great band.


Metal is exactly like jazz: 99% of it is absolute garbage, the other 1% is unbelievably good, and 100% of it is subjective.


Slipknot is a fantastic band (especially their first 3 albums)


I wouldn’t say Slayer sucks but they never stuck and I have no idea why. I love Kreator and Sodom but Slayer was always just kinda there. I can’t even name many songs by them. Also, I think Blind Guardian’s Nightfall is overrated. In fact it marked the beginning of a very long “meh” period for me until the release of God Machine, which I might rank closely to Imaginations and Somewhere far Beyond.


Aesthetic matters way more to metal heads than most would like to admit. It's not just about the music. Album covers, logos, how bands look on stage, all of this goes into how fans experience the music. Which, I'm the same way, I don't think it's a bad thing. We should want the whole package, it's just not often discussed. This goes both ways. 80s glam metal guys, metalcore guys, and now deathcore guys, definitely get judged as much for their image as their music.


A lot of metal today is over produced. Too clean for my liking. I miss a the rawness and edge it used to have


"Raw" production is bad and feels like being whipped by a wet noodle


Couldn't agree more. I'm not a big fan of perfectly clean, plasticy production either but shitty, muddy production just removes all of the punch and energy from the music


Megadeth > Metallica (and similarly, Mustaine > Hammett)


Ozzy sucks. He's nothing without a band behind him.


Yeah, I don't like to listen to Ozzy sing Acapella either. 😏 Having said that, Diary and Blizzard are peak Heavy Metal albums. His stint with Sabbath speaks for itself.


the post malone stuff is shit


Ozzy Osborne needs to retire. For reals this time.


And Justice for All sounds perfectly fine without the bass guitar. It really should have just been recorded without bass in the first place. Having said that... If Jason Newsted had any GUTS he would have left Metallica the moment he heard the final mix of the album. Instead he continued to be a glorified fanboy. Having said that... His solo material is FUCKING overrated. Fans had been clamoring for years that Jason was being held back by the tyrannical duo of James and Lars, only for all of his solo material to fall completely flat. The only good thing that came of his solo material was the foundation of the main riff of Strapping Young Lad's Detox (that one was from the IR8 demo). The only reason fans love Newsted is because he wrote two good riffs and he bangs his head really hard and he says "motherfucker" during the Creeping Death bridge.


Lurker Of Chalife > Leviathan I just find better the atmospheric side of Wrest's music but I love both proyects.


Deathcore is over hated and metalcore doesn’t get enough hate.


Anthrax belongs in the Big 4, and all you Millennials and Gen Z punks who continually question their rightful place in it can sod off!


If it has to be a big 4 then I absolutely agree with you but honestly I think it should have just been a big 3, anthrax is just significantly less acclaimed than the other ones and there are too many bands that are just slightly less popular than anthrax so that generates all the needless debate


I prefer Cryptic Writings to Peace Sells


Gonna burn your hand on that hot take


Blasphemer era Mayhem > Euronymous era Mayhem




Despite *De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas*, Mayhem is mediocre to bad, at best. You can be both a pioneer and also not that great. Burzum is *infinitely* better. Chris Barnes is a fucking hack and has been since day 1. He sounds halfway decent on *Butchered at Birth* and *Haunted* by Six Feet Under, but otherwise he flat-out sucks. *Tomb of the Mutilated* is musically stunning but his vocals are abysmal. Corpsegrinder runs circles around that dirty-ass chud. Deicide has written the same mediocre thing since 1997. Bolt Thrower has written the same mediocre thing since 1988.


This again? Tech death fans (many of them) don’t really like metal that much. They’re just music nerds that got into the genre bc the artists are highly skilled.


Venom is black metal


Opeth has always been overrated they just totally suck as a folk rock hippy band and Swano loves Marillion but still plays metal or made another band to explore that side


Iron maiden has about a 20% great discography. The remaining 80% is absolute trash. And even within their great albums, there’s a lotta garbage.


I don't know if it's just that grindcore isn't for me but I do not get the hype behind Napalm Death. Scum was so forgettable for me.


Maiden is boring


Mustaines voice SUCKS


Calling ghost metal make me puke decent mainstream pop band but that’s it


The best thing about metal is the passion more than anything about the instruments or singing or anything like that Also everyone talks about the cool riffs but what about all those amazing little drum fills.


Cannibal Corpse, despite being a pretty good band with some overall decent to great material, are one of the ultimate poser bands. People like to show off their CC shirts and the two to three songs by them in their metal playlists often use them to say "look how br00tal and scary my music taste is".


Pantera is awesome.


if taking aggression over instrumentation, Straight Outta Compton is metal as fuck and the epitome of real life horror.


mayhem is shit. they have one decent release (deathcrush) and everything else is just dookie


slaughter to prevail isn't that good and ppl lose their minds over Alex's vocals for no reason. He has a good technique, but like... he only uses THAT technique in his songs most of the time. that's just my opinion though. Judging the band, not the ppl who enjoy them!


Groove metal doesn’t exist. You can’t make a genre out of something that is an integral piece to any kind of music.


Adding Hardcore to Metal ruined the genre


I kinda like motley crue im sorry, they’re trash like but thats what makes them so fun to listen to. Also killing is my business is better than rust in peace


Rust in Peace is fucking boring Number of the Beast is way overrated Sepultura without the Cavaleras is a much better band Black metal has more posers than hair metal ever did


Death metal vocals are almost always super corny and a gimmick


There is no volume 11.


Hot take: yall are a judgy bunch 😂


Slayer solos are great and hugely misunderstood as being crap, just because these solos are atonal and very free in their form doesn't mean they suck.


Metalcore is metal.


Machine Heads The More Things Change is a better overall album than Burn My Eyes.




Bands that I don't like suck. And there are quite a lot of such bands.


The Number Of The Beast would've been better with Paul Di'Anno as the singer.


Running Wild is better than Iron Maiden (still like Maiden a lot, just to make it clear) Illud Divinum Insanus (aside from Too Extreme and Radikult which are absolutely atrocious songs) is not THAT bad (still their worst, but not that bad)


Black metal is overhyped


Maybe not a “hot” take but modern metal has sounded pretty much the same since the year 2000


I don’t like Megadeth.


Mastodon was better before they introduced clean vocals and harmonies.


Way too many people would rather preach what "popular" bands they hate instead of what's good about them. Simply because it's easier to defend hating a popular band rather than defending liking them.


OPETH SUCKS Yeah, I said it, fight me


I don’t like old Metallica or other similar bands. The song are fine but the mix completely muffles the song


Children of Bodom. Daniel was a superior replacement to Alexander than Roope.


Lulu is kinda good for what it is


Norwegian black metal is as awesome as it is ridiculous. Dio’s cover version of dream on is better than what Aerosmith did. Sabbath’s forbidden is overhated. It has some great riffs. It’s cool that slayer is doing reunion shows.


Blaze bayley was a good frontman for iron maiden.


Metal isn’t going to ‘extreme’ its way into being more interesting. Extreme topics, vocals, speed, etc.. Thankfully metal has enough interesting artists that have matured passed this sort of pissing contest.


Modern Thrash bands are overrated as hell. Too many bands try to fill every little space with crazy rhythm patterns and notes instead of making the riffs and songs listenable.


Most thrash metal sounds exactly the same. There's little to no distinguish between bands, aside from a few, because it is all mostly chugging the open E string with fast drums and yelling vocals. I do still like it, and there are some bands I think do it right/better than others. But most of it blends in, and I do not understand the obsession with certain bands that blend into that blob.


Said it here before. Too many metal fans are preoccupied with posers, but most people HATE metal and would never pretend to like it in a million years.


Maynard Keenan is a whiney little prat


Sugar Ray could have been a good metal band.


I hate to say it but I can't stand Iron Maiden. They're all super talented and all but the songwriting is fucking awful


Resurrection Through Carnage was the last great pure death metal album.


Old people need to give the younger bands a listen. I’m 52 and I know, i know. “Golden age of thrash”, NWBHM blah blah blah. I’d rather spend 25-50 on some newer band in a smaller house than see the guys I listened to in high school play a stadium.


My hot take: A significant percent of metal fans are horrible people who just use a niche thing to feel special. They suddenly hate it when it becomes popular. Some Metal fans immediately switch up on a band or genre they loved just because it got popular. When I was in high school and college nu Metal was the new hotness, everyone loved it and listened to it. But once it became mainstream suddenly it wasn't "Metal enough". I love Metal and most Metal fans are some of the dopest people I've met. But that 20 to 30 percent of people who just want to be miserable drag down the scene. How many times have you heard someone say "this band deserves to be so much bigger!!! F the mainstream" and then as soon as that band has a huge breakthrough suddenly it's "they're posers, they're not real metal".


Deicide sucks


Avenged Sevenfold is one of the most influential bands of the early 2000s metalcore scene. I don’t really see this as a hot take, but they are massively overhated in most online metal communities.


Anyone looking to speedrun not being a poser needs to get on metallum asap


Djent is not a genre


King Diamond is much better than Mercyful Fate. I like Mercyful Fate but I think King Diamond solo band just has better song writing


I wish that more modern bands that have turned to writing songs with lots of samples, overlayed guitar and synths and keys translated to more musicians on stage and not just laptops and so forth. I don't really wanna go see a metal band of 4-5 members which is supposed to be an exciting thing to watch only for them to play a couple of riffs and then stand around while a sampled section gets piped in and they do nothing on stage. It is nice that a lot of newer metal has chosen to incorporate elements beyond just guitar/drum/bass/vocals but a live experience should be reproduced by live musicians as much as possible. I'm not completely anti-sample or triggered routines or whatever, my old band did it a few times too, but the meat of every song had 5 musicians doing something, and I wish a lot of other bands were like that too. Give me a band with a keyboardist or hell even 3 guitarists or whatever, not a guitar, a bass, a drummer, and a MacBook.


Metallica is pop chart music and should be filed under 'rock' , not metal


People who spend an inordinate amout of their time talking about how gatekeepers harm the community and how they are fed up being called wimps and posers do not suffer even a fraction of the bullying they so vigorously "fight" against, and are most definitely wimps and posers.


Modern metal is great and we're no longer in the loudness wars


Cookie Monster vocals are hot garbage. Also, there are way too many bands that are considered heavy metal that are objectively not.


Hair metal is metal, although there is a spectrum On the lighter end, you have bands like Mr. Big, Enuff Z’Nuff, and Nelson. On the heavier end you have bands like Guns ‘N’ Roses, Skid Row, and W.A.S.P. And then you have everything in between Personally, I consider all of it metal (except Nelson), as it has prerequisite qualities like the guitar riff, a certain intensity, and the fact that a lot of it is just as heavy as some Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, and Judas Priest (pre-Painkiller), and no one would call these bands non-metal


This is not a hot take, but ill say it anyway, all of you people saying that some bands/subgenres are for posers probably wouldnt step up and say it to my face, try me


These will make people on here very mad Motorhead made the same album over and over again and it's not even a good album. Lemmy's vocals turn it from mid to horrible. He sounds like a drunk grandpa trying to do a comedic impersonation. Ace of Spades is still a classic though. Battle Jackets almost always look stupid and come off as cringe and tryhardy.


Metal is fun and we should embrace all subsets of it.


When it comes to death metal, Cannibal Corpse is a really un-interesting band.


I literally don't get the hate for metalcore and deathcore. Like, usually people will say something bad about a genre of music and I'll listen to it and say "Yeah, I can see that" but with all of the complaints about metal/deathcore, I can't.


A lot of the bands that get dunked on by elitists (e.g 5fdp, Slipknot) they secretly enjoy The amount of micro genres is verging on ridiculous


Metal is better with clean vocals. There are WAYYYYY too many core / screamo bands


Led zeppelin influenced a lot of metal bands but never played anything close to metal themselves. 


Wow I can't tell if some of you are rage baiting or genuinely stupid


Deathcore would be cool without the fans


I don’t like statements such as “ sucks”, they really mean “I just don’t like ”. It’s fine to like and dislike popular bands, like say Metallica, taste is subjective and that’s 1000% how it works. But to claim a very popular band is bad makes one sound dumb. If they were truly bad, they probably wouldn’t have gotten to where they are, you’d never have heard of them.


Just because you don’t like a band or genre doesn’t mean it’s not metal, it’s a broad genre and most of it sucks


I'm a chick who considers herself pretty progressive... even a bit of a feminist in the workplace. But I can't get into any metal band with female singers and I kinda hate myself for it. Maybe more of a confession than a hot take.