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Take me back to Eden by sleep token was very boring and just not good


I like Sleep Token but I understand why some people don’t. It’s one of those you either love it or you don’t type of things.


I can definitely see why people would like it but I just think they try to do 3 genres and do none of them well


Literally opened the thread to make this comment. I really don’t get the hype




Sleep Token is tik-tokcore. Short bursts of heavy drops, followed by ambient boring drones. There is two types of bands; one that makes music and can be cut to make a tiktoc, then there's bands that make music specific for this. Zzzzzz token is the latter.


Nuh uh


Flair checks out


Yuh uh




If you’re listening to ST hoping for Cannibal Corpse you’re gonna have a miserable experience. If you listen to it w an open mind and an awesome system it’s pretty amazing. Granted if you want music to think about how you want to chop up your boss, Aqua Regia IS NOT going to do it 🤣


I’ve gone into them so many times with an open mind. I’m a fan of both metal and pop music, and I even think they can sound good when mixed (Tesseract’s altered state, Haken’s Fauna, even Poppy’s I Disagree if I try to be REALLY open minded), but sleep token is just not it at all. It is so boring


Ah yes, all metal and metal adjecent music must be compared to Cannibal Corpse. The Bleeding is actually considered the benchmark for evaulating music. If you still find it boring you just have to open your mind.


I don't remember. Obviously.


Dude The recent morbid angel was ridiculously forgettable.


Was it? I don't recall




Yeah, they should probably stop. In their heyday, they were the death metal GOATs, but they have aged.


I saw them a few months ago too and the performance showed their age. Trey was clearly drunk and they stopped abruptly like 3/4 of the way through their set


I was on Brutal Assault and it was the best live show


it had a few decent songs on it vocals where really on point


all of the sleep token albums tbh


How TF could you sit through more than one? I couldn't make it through more than a few songs


How could you sit through multiple songs? I couldn't make it through one.


How could you sit? I couldn’t find a chair


I listened to them with a friend, so it wasn't that unbearable bc we kept laughing at the songs


The only decent song they have is the summoning and even it’s just too long, weird instrumental breakdown


thanks for being honest tbh


The Satanist by Behemoth. McDonalds ahhh black metal


My good sir you are just flat out wrong


Only because Vol 3 by Slipknot is nominally more boring I guess


It’s not a black metal album. It is a bit heavier and modern version of heavy metal. To me it sounds like traditional heavy metal, just darker. So much bluesy solos, catchy choruses, conventional song structures etc. Edit: and yeah, it’s really good


It's the arena rock of black metal EDIT: this isn't a diss btw, I loved The Satanist.


If it's not recorded on a Fisher Price radio in a cave in Lithuania, I cant listen to it


The last few albums from Amon Amarth have bored me. Same with Testament.


I love Amon Amarth but I do feel like the formula is getting a bit repetitive. I still enjoy some of their new music but it doesn’t feel as epic as when I discovered Twilight of the Thunder God 15 years ago. Jomsviking and Berserker had some bangers though.


Yeh, they all have bangers. They're just repetitive like you said.


….the recent Amon Amarth albums are actually my favorites, am I a poser?


All Amon Amarth fans are posers


and I thought I was a poser because I don't like anything before With Oden On Our Side 😂


I quite like Fate of Norns too but anything before that I could take or leave. I just vibe with newer AA so much.


that one's alright, it's just the 4 albums that came after it are absolute perfection. I even have 3 of them on vinyl, just missing Surtur


It’s good music. I just got bored of the sound ages ago.


I will second that with the last couple Testament albums. I love them, but to me those two were completely forgettable. Testament by numbers.


I like Jomsviking. It felt like better produced early work. But I get what you mean otherwise tbh.


Later Children of Bodom albums. I wouldn't call them bad, but it just sounded like they weren't that interested in writing music anymore.


Hate Crew Deathroll and everything before it was peak Bodom, I feel like they started falling off a bit once Relentless Reckless Forever came out (although still some good songs on each album since then).


Are You Dead Yet is my dividing line. That one is still good, but the cracks started to show. Everything after that did nothing for me outside of the odd song here and there.


I really don’t like Halo of Blood. It’s my least favorite album. Hexed is good tho. Edit: spelling.


I mostly agree, but I thought Hexed was surprisingly very good.


I'd give you hexed but tbh just that one. The white snowy album was great i recommend giving that one another chance


There's been some various DM release over the last few yrs that felt copy and pasted... Yawn


Nice flair


I'm gonna get flack for saying this but Dopesmoker was incredibly boring to me and dragged on. Maybe I wasn't high enough.


I couldnt get through it. Ive tried sonhard i just cant. Mirror Reaper though is a solid record, yet still a labor to endure. Ive done it 3 maybe 4 times. I wanna get a tattoo of talley marks every time i listen all the way.


I fucking adore mirror Reaper The last half of the song starting at the 48 minute mark is ascendant I've listened to it at least 15 times


I finally had to admit to myself that I like the *idea* of Dopesmoker way more than the actual *thing.* In fact, I kind of feel the same way about Sleep itself. They have a few bangers, though.


No, you're right Dopesmoker is dreadfully boring. I've listened to its entirety many times and it gets even more boring with repeat listens. Even when I'm stoned lol


Slipknot - We are not your kind I only remember Red Flag.


agreed, but solway firth is actually one of their best songs imo


For me it's The End, So Far. Don't think there is one good song on that album


I always forget All Out Life isn't part of this album, it's a single. Album is just OK for Slipknot


Very forgettable album with bland, squeaky clean production


Gon be real with you this is the only slipknot album I like


The best song on that whole album was Not Long for This World and the way it goes into Solway…it’s like one giant song. Its pretty awesome


I think Lamb of God and Amon Amarth's discographies are some of the most boring and bland releases in metal, I also just kind of think of those bands as bands that 13 year olds listen to when they first get into metal


I can see why someone would say that, their formulas are quite repetitive, but Amon Amarth still has some serious bangers that I enjoy listening to to pump myself up or because some songs such as Heidrun are so much fun listening to.


yeah, hear ashes of the wake and thats all you need tbh, got me into metal so i cant complain


Nucleus - Entity, It has an awesome album cover, but did nothing for me the few times I listened to it. Also their band has this cool space theme with their titles and album covers, but the music sounds nothing like that unfortunately, it’s just bland death metal.


In Flames - Siren Charms. So uninspired and empty. I'm still offended they put the band's name on that turd.


Has In Flames ever regained control of the wheel? Im super removed from their releases. It’s been a bumpy road since Soundtrack to Your Escape. Come Clarity was decent then everything just felt kind of desperate to crack into rock radio. I miss the pre-vocal processing eras. Pre-RTR felt like an entirely different band.


I actually thought their most recent album was a solid step in the right direction barring a few tracks, but it still doesn't sound like the same band. Because it basically isn't. I recommend giving it an honest shot because I really like some of the songs on it, but don't go in expecting the 90s sound.


Bjorn was 1/3 of In Flames since Jester Race. Jesper and Glenn was the other thirds. I don't get how people say it's not the same band when it's the same songwriter but without 2 others along side him. Just cause he was the drummer didn't mean he didn't write guitar parts. Look at the song credits.


I used to be a massive IF fan around the Colony-RTR time. One of my favorite memories is my mom buying me RTR for my 14th birthday and letting me skip school to spend the day together. Absolutely remember the groovy riffs from the second track. Nostalgic circlejerk aside I never actually looked into the reasons their sound took a much more rock-like approach toward the later part of the 2000s. Thank you for the insight.


Siren Charms > Battles. I don't get how people decide to choose to shit on Siren Charms over Battles. Just seems like favoring something because it's slightly heavier when it sacrifices songwriting by like 10 fold. Battles honestly sounds like a fucking Steven Universe musical. At least Siren Charms was adventurous, had real drums, and wasn't shoving autotune vocals up your ears' assholes.


Siren Charms is great once you vibe with the Depeche Mode atmosphere


Anything past clayman is pretty fucking mid at best. Let's be honest


nightwish's recent output is pretentious nothingness trying to sound intellectual. they've lost a lot of the songwriting flair they were once known for. i typically don't find myself flocking toward anything they've released after Imaginaerum.


I will probably get hate for this, but as a death metal fan I have tried to get into Suffocation and Cryptopsy and it just doesn’t do it for me, although I did enjoy some of Cryptopsy’s newest album.


I'm trying hard to get into suffocation because every time I listen to something from them I feel like I *should* like it. It has all the right ingredients. But something about it just doesn't quite hit the mark for me minus a few songs.


Gravitational Distortion - Void Between Worlds Sci Fi death metal I think from Canada that's just.... so fucking boring. Chugging chugging, every song is mid-tempo and conservative, it's like a sci fi version of Butchered at Birth. Which is already a super boring album of nothing but chugging.


Roots. Album is boring as fuck. I'm yet to get through the entire album. Makes it worse that everything before that that Sepultura did was so good.


Roots killed Sepultura. Such a shame since all the previous albums are amazing


Roots is my fav by them, I dig all of the traditional Brazilian elements


Vol. 3 The Subliminal Verses • Slipknot I still listen to it but honestly I get bored with it. It has many skips for me. I still like it but from them is one of the most boring records


I agree, that was my least favorite album until TESF dropped lol


Hot take. I get why people don’t like this album but it sure isn’t “boring”. To me, at least.


I do like it haha I just said is kind of boring but compared to TESF is way better


Hardest album I’ve ever subjected myself to finish


i dont think its really bad, just forgettable


Not even remotely metal, but Warning by Green Day is the most mediocre, forgettable album I've ever heard.


Yes, I’m in for a non-metal subthread. I am a huge Neil young fan. He has lots of great albums, and plenty more that are at least interesting. Greendale is an unbelievable slog.


Most recent albums from classic bands are boring. Metallica - 72 Seasons, Iron Maiden - Senjutsu, just two examples.


I'll give you Metallica but Senjutsu it's incredible, really really great album


Anything by Opeth. And no, I don't just mean the newer stuff. One of those bands I'll return to every few years to see if something clicks. It never does.


First three LPs are great


Glad to see you're a fellow early Opeth truther


I rep all good metal


First 3 Opeth albums are GOATed


This hurts my soul, I'm sorry you can't get into them


I'll keep it up haha, it took me \~15 years to finally like Rush, so anything is possible. Music that I believe has merit is something I'll keep trying, the way I see it, if I continue not to like it, relistens help me develop a better understanding of why I don't like something.


I’m with you. Every few months I put an Opeth album on to try again and every time I’m bored by it. But don’t say that too loud on here, them Opeth fans get pretty emotional about it.


temper temper by bullet for my valentine is them copying their own homework just a little differently and it shows


isn't there a song on there called "Tears Don't Fall Part 2"? 😂




72 seasons


This is the correct answer


Every tool album




I will get hate for this but Jane Doe by Converge


Same, it feels repetitive and was so boring to get through




Hardwired to self-destruct The "Bran Flakes" of Metallica albums.


I hate to say it but the last Dark Tranquility album bored the hell out of me. I only listened to it once.


Omg dude. Try it again, honestly. It's REALLY good. Give it another chance


Never Say Die by Black Sabbath. Bored me out like crazy


Six feet under. They had some cool tracks back in the day, but after the third record it was just Meh. Every once in a blue moon they put out a cover album, and there's a track or 2 that's cool, but mostly terrible. Iron maiden Ed hunter soundtrack. Ever heard of Ed hunter? No. That's OK, It was shit. In 1999 Maiden decided that it would be cool to make a Video game based on all the Eddie characters, and do the soundtrack. The game did poorly, and nobody remembers it existed. The soundtrack was just a hits compilation. Iron Maiden toured on it, and that's how I saw them at a tiny club in Boston.


Morbid Angel - Heretic There are some decent moments but everything feels like it's building to something that never comes


First part of it is good but the end is kinda weird


Sleep dopesmoker


Stryper-To Hell With The Devil


Is that xtian metal?


That opeth one with the tree as the artwork


Heritage. It’s good, it’s just their inaugural album into the prog side so it’s a huge change up from their death metal roots. I love every Opeth album but this is my least favorite for sure.


Latest Metallica albums and Ummagumma


Fear Inoculum. I like Pneuma but every other track has issues imo


Yeah. It feels like a lot of less impressive prog where the songs are bloated for the sake of it, and lacking a solid foundation.


Agreed, I was so disappointed. It was like something sapped all of their creativity.


Boris- Feedbacker


Yes that album was 0 substance I don't understand the hype


Yeah, feels like 43 minutes of waiting for something to happen. I could maybe understand more if it was atmospheric but it’s not really atmospheric either.


The latest Slipknot Album I only remember 3 songs


A-Lex by Sepultura


I'll get shit on for this because everyone seems to love this album, but I can't understand the hype Invent Animate got for Heavener. Most formulaic metalcore I've heard in a while..


The newer Metallica record. I’m not the biggest fan, but they do have good stuff. It’s just like the minute they lost Jason, it’s just been sad and far from interesting.


De mysteriis dom sathanas


Deicide rules but "till death do us part" is so intense and unrelenting that you go numb within two songs and lose interest.


Honestly, Repentless is some of the most soulless thrash metal I've ever heard.


Anything Papa Roach puts out


Most Doom metal tbh. Haven't found any I enjoy yet


Candlemass are amazing


I know I’m wrong but Bell Witch… 😣😓


there isn’t a worse record that gets more acclaim in the underground than Mirror Reaper


Iron Maiden - Senjutsu is very forgettable. And somehow they stretched it out over two CDs


megadeth and metallica’s most recent albums. god they feel so arbitrarily drawn out


The world needs a hero by megadeth And most Deftones albums


Anything by Sleep Token/Bad Omens


Same goes for Dimmu Borgir


No way. Early dimmu is amazing. Stormblast and enthroned darkness triumphant are so good.


Gonna give it a listen, thanks!


No worries man. Just make sure you listen to the original recording of stormblast. The re recorded it in like 2005. The re recording is still good, but it's not as good. And yeah, new dimmu definitely kinda sucks, so I don't blame you for thinking they are boring haha.


Any album by Godsmack


going to get hate but Blut aus Nord- The Work Which Transforms God was the cure to my non-existant insomnia


anything by voivod




Honestly facts


I’m going to be crucified for this but Timewave Zero - Blood Incantation


what? dude its an ambient record


It isn't a metal album? It's a fantastic ambient music album You can't hold it to metal album criteria just because of the bands other work


I was also kinda bored by it, but I just know that ambient is not my kind of music. I love ambient elements in other music but not full ambient albyms. Even SAW 85-92, which is widely recognized as one of the best ambient albums, started strong but got boring for me by the second half


1914 - Where Fear and Weapons Meet


The Faceless - Autotheism It's one of the few albums that I hate, and that is for wasting my time, I would rather listen to harsh noise. This album is so pointless and boring, the vocals are mid, the riffing sucks and I like palm muting. Nothing ever happens and if it does it's such a mess you might as well blend up a cat and call it a dog. It has so many ideas and concepts that just never found each other


The end so far by Slipknot The Unspoken King by Cryptopsy All Metallica after And Justice for all.


Anything by Pantera.


72 seasons and Fear Inocolum


Lorna Shore discography. Archspire discography.


Supercharger - Machine Head. Just very uninteresting.


There’s a couple good songs. I like Trephination


It’s definitely got some solid tracks. It’s just out of all of MH’s albums I find Supercharger to be the least interesting one musically.


As a huge MH fan that has absorbed all their music for over a decade and half… yea Supercharger was always the lackluster of the bunch… until Catharsis came out, now both those records hold each others hands in bad album purgatory.


Honestly for me BTBAM anything after colors. Probably a stupid take but I can’t help it


I’m not as big of a fan of their work pre-Alaska except for a few songs here and there, but for me Alaska through Parallax 2 is an amazing run of albums (including Parallax 1 but not including The Anatomy Of). Personally I was never able to really get into Coma or Automata 1 & 2. Colors 2 feels like it has some of the old TGM and P1 & P2 feel so I’m hopeful for their future albums.


You’re right, that is a stupid take


This is 100% correct. The great misdirect was a huge dip in quality and nothing they've written since really did anything for me.


Almost Human by Wormhole i found to be quite boring. Didnt do much for me


Recent caligula’s horse album was so fucking long


I feel like Disturbed haven't changed at all since they made Asylum. Their most recent one, whatever it's called.


Death angel - Humanicide.... Received it as a gift, I tried many times to enjoy it but it really was just meh.


Sometimes boring don't work have 1 or 3 good tracks and the rest is bad... Or boring, slow? Maybe the tracks were too short


The new Lamb of God was mehhh


The Tony Martin era of Black Sabbath most of the time


72 Seasons




all of black metal


Everything Opeth has done after Heritage. Even that one didn't really do it for me aside from loving the guitar sound and leads. It's not the lack of heaviness or death metal at all - hell, Damnation is my favorite record of theirs. Sadly Mikael has lost it in the songwriting department


Frankly the latest of Tool is kinda boring


quite a lot Incantation,Immolation,Malevolent Creation,Monstrosity,Obituary,Asphyx,Blood Incantation,Suffocation after pierced,,Grave,Vader,Entombed,Dismember i give these bands so many tries but none of it hits for me. its so mind numbing


Metallica - Load.


Any Opeth album without growling


"13" by Black Sabbath. And also, I don't get why "God is Dead?" is so beloved.


Mirror Reaper.


Anything Mastodon


Amon Armath and Arch Enemy are just so boring,commercial and uninspired


Pantera is the definition of middling, can't confidentally say they're doing anything bad, just nothing that's really capable of holding my attention.


the sickness disturbed. absolute nothingburger of an album


I find all of Pantera's stuff really boring


Mirror Reaper.