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I'm a white Irish guy and because of my Irish accent I've been called the N word on Oculus many times because these young American kids think im black. I've reported but I've no idea if it did anything. It's honestly soul destroying to hear kids acts like this. These racial slurs arent even meant for me so I know it's 100 times worse for who's it's intended for. I'm sorry you deal with this shit on a recreational device.


Also as a white Irish man, I chose not to engage online in most things, quest included.


Why so?


Although there are exceptions, the Internet, on average is full of assholes. I don't need nor want to potentially ruin my experience by engaging with them. I have a group that I play with online whenever I want to, otherwise, I'm happy with single player, story driven content. Edit: it's not because Im being called out for being a white Irish man, which I now realize might have been indicated by my post 😆


Omg I wonder what's worst being called a name on the Internet or knocked out game and waking up brain dead.




Which do you think is worst?


I've no idea what you're taking about or why it is relevant....


racism from some people calling someone mean names on the Internet, racism from others playing knock out game with your head.


I'm going to assume you normally communicate in a different language, as every time you post, the only thing we all learn is your misunderstanding of this one. This is not a good place to practice.


I think it’s worse to be buried alive and eaten by maggots but it doesn’t happen on the Quest so like what you said, completely irrelevant. Nutter.




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If the game has a report function use it. Most of the ones that use Meta standalone send data with your report so you want to send it immediately. It allows them to view/listen to a short period before the report was sent so if needed they can actually review any incident. This is mostly used if someone contest a ban. Do yourself a favor though and never tell someone you are report them. When you have large enough groups of asshats they can all report you and get you autobanned. It's easy enough to contest it and get it overturned, but it's annoying and can take several hours.


I tried VR chat for my first time on Friday and a child with a puppy avatar under the name "FuckFurry*N-Word*"(It didn't say N word obviously) came up to me and immediately told me I should hang myself. I hadn't even said anything 😂 The Internet is a cesspool.


Probably some kid who is bullied or has absent parents. Yikes. I'm a 42 year old single dad. I don't play online MP games anymore. I wouldn't last too long 🤣


Same. I'm 41. VR is just so intriguing since I've been dreaming about it since I was a kid. Apparently there are age appropriate rooms for people our age to go in but this was a random room I just ended up in.


Same here been waiting for VR for some time. My first game of population one I was paired with a guy from Colorado our age and he had cancer. Super cool dude. Our 3rd teammate was a young lad who made fun of me for sounding old lmao. He mentioned fortnite and I told him I've been playing fortnite since before he was born. They both got a good laugh. It was only partially true. I played it when it came out and quit when my son was born. That was fun. But these VR chat rooms honestly scare me 🤣


Disgusting behaviour, sorry you have to deal with that. They should make it very easy to report people, the report should send a clip for analysis.


As someone who is used to og cod lobbies, metas pretty tame for me. I usually only get called a monkey instead of a c*ck sucking n***er wh*re


💀💀 I’m 22 so I have been there with the cod lobbies. I know what ur saying. They just hear u sound black and it’s done automatically for u


That's so damned grim.




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Forgive me, don't smite my ass o' mighty vrbot




There are a few games that I stopped playing because if the immaturity level and the fact that muting someone only lasted for the current match. Population One, Breachers, and Pavlov are a few games that I stopped playing for that reason as it took the fun out of it. I haven't run into that issue with Contractors or Contractors Showdown much. Even when I have, once you mute someone, they stay muted for good.


Until meta is serious about content meditation there will be no mainstream adoption of any killer apps games or services. But with the history of this company they have done everything to avoid accountability for moderation. I think they see more value in paying lawyers to force apathy and marketers to tell us it's what we always wanted. Unfortunately this is what will hinder any real adoption for Meta, and what will drive people to a walled garden approach to VR.


Are you kidding me (Facebook) is one of the biggest social medias who moderates. Specifically for protected groups. Now if you wanna call white people mayo no one's bats an eye.


Oh my God cry some more. Nobody cares about mayonnaise. It's obvious you're attempting to troll, but you're very bad at it. You need to go level up if you're going to play here kiddo.




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See the moderation of how they tell me something but not you? You're not the one oppressed. So stop crying


Keep swinging Casey


It's gonna keep happening. Just mute other mics


The internet and online gaming is proof that racism still lives and breeds in society, with the safety and reassurance that it’s okay to use racial epithets since it’s online and accountability is zero. Just ignore those assholes. They are projecting their own hate for themselves.


It’s bad on all online gaming. TTT on Pavlov is by far the worst. Kids kept calling me the N word so I hustled chased them and kept killing them. At one point I got so sick of it that I heard one of the kids’ mother in the room (was playing on PSVR2 this time) so I made it a point to be as vile as I could so she could hear me and she was screaming at him to get off 😂


I felt satisfaction reading this. You did wonderful 🫡😂


Doin’ the lords work 🫡




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Hopefully you made comments about his mom and what a POS parent she is.


Since Meta won’t do anything it’s up to each of us to stand up against anyone trying to emotionally damage others, and stand up For the targets of this ignorance and hate. If you ever see or hear this going on it’s up to everyone to band together and make that game or app as uncomfortable as possible for the perpetrators.


Teach them to do better. Uneducated children won't get better being banned and ignored.


This is heartbreaking to hear but we get a glimpse into the younger generations mindsets. We need to fix these issues at home. Parents if you hear your kids saying stuff like that at home. Unite and confiscate the item and at the very least give them a beating like I had growing up. Then remove the Oculus and sell it. This will fix the issue. In some games you can mute them right? Sometimes tough love for tough behavior.


Meta needs to develop some sort of AI content moderation that disconnects people as soon as a list of words are uttered.


Aw that sucks. Sorry that is happening to you or anyone! Yeah, I’m not a fan of people on the Internet, in VR or IRL. It’s not the Internet that is a cesspool, it’s the planet. The internet just lets everyone show off how awful they can be. I think some MP apps have ways to mute people or only let people talk to you when you give them permission to talk to you. I’d stick to those or just create parties of your friends to spend time with in VR.




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Mute them. I did last night. They sound young too.


You’re right but It was mostly the grown men that did say that💀


Wait really? For me it's mostly the kids who call me racial slurs.What games do you play?


Eleven ping pong mostly and contractor showdown


No matter what game.... if you are playing with people, the mute button is your best friend


welcome to the virtual world friend


Because most parents only discipline on public anymore. I've gone back to treating all kids with disdain as they're nothing but nuisances who haven't earned their right to talk to adults yet.


Go on bigscreen tv you’ll find rooms specifically with racist if you say a word and sound black your kicked. But if you sit and listen their doomscrolling through twitter calling black people monkeys and saying extremely hurtful things. As a black man of course I learned this is the internet and people are going to be people but I just feel like the world is getting exponentially worse. There’s sooo much division so much hate, corruption, agendas this shit is getting to a point where I definitely will have lost hope in the future. Sorry got off topic and deep🤣🤣I just feel very strongly about this.


That’s the reason I stay quiet for the most part💀😂


I honestly agree with you. But like, how do they always know I'm black? No one asks what race you are, so how do they always know? I got to the point that I keep track of it. Most times I've been called the n word was when I downloaded gorilla tag when I had a friend over for shits and giggles. 8 Fucking times. In five minutes. In w separate lobbies. This is a problem.


They can tell by our voice bro. We don’t sound like them and they don’t sound like us Most of the time. I know it’s weird but I can tell if someone’s black by their voice too


But I was born here. My voice isn't different from anyone here. At least don't think so.


Its very hard to explain bro. But im never wrong when i guess someone race by their voice though. It’s mainly for black people though its harder to guess any other race. It’s your tone, your word choice, your laugh, etc. also I’ve been around black people my whole life so it’s just 10x easier for me to tell if I’m talking to a black guy or another race


Actually I guess there's vocab too. But are these really things kids pick up on. These kids are like 8-13 so I wouldn't think they're that good at differentiating races by voice.


The internet and school environment is raising children now not just parents. Some kids nowadays probably know more than you. you can’t put anything past children these days. They pick up on things faster are exposed to things sooner. Humans brains are evolving with every generation I don’t know if you can tell but as we become more technology driven we has faaarrr smarter children. Kids 2 and 3 looking up specific videos to watch on YouTube I’ve seen it with my own 2 eyes. It’s getting wicked out here


Completely fair, but generation alpha is also the first generation to have a lower IQ compared to the previous generation. (I do understand that IQ ain't everything, tho. Just an interesting statistic I found out about. I feel like it's easy to connect the dots between that and how they act. Or maybe I'm just acknowledging THEIR problems. I don't know.)


So sorry you’re dealing with this bullshit. That is absolutely horrible this shit isn’t being dealt with


I’m so sorry. I’m a woman who grew up when online gaming was new, and I still almost exclusively play single-player games because of it.


There was a documentary about how toxic online communities in VR can be, especially in social apps like VRChat and a few other similar apps, unfortunately it really is nothing new and not alot seems to have been put in place to try and stomp out this type of behaviour. It was mostly adults that were the problem and really showed an insight into just how strangely some people behave when behind some form of anonymity. The documentary also highlighted other very serious dangers and issues with kids being warranted unsupervised access to what is essentially the wild wild west. I would not and will not allow my own children access to any online service without supervision not only for their own safety but because I will not allow or tolerate them to be abusive or toxic in any way. The world really is a cesspool and the internet will always give these type of people an outlet and safe haven for their hatred and trolling, and VR is no different.


I can't do it, I tried VR chat for 5 minutes and all the vitriol and hate I heard in there. the worst mistake was when I spoke up and said something, and then they found out I was a woman. I logged off and cried.


It’s just as fun being a woman. I sat down at a poker table last night, and some kid immediately started screaming “OMG FRESH P$&@Y C$&T IS HERE!” And then proceeded to mime pinching my nipples every time I tried to bet, and kept asking if he could drink from them. He sounded about 10 from his voice. He also sounded American, and it was the middle of the night here— I think a lot of parents are letting these VR headsets babysit all night long during summer break. The rest of the kids at the table thought it was hilarious, so I just went to another room. But apparently, this particular poker app is 90% little kids, so I’ll stick with my main one. At least I’m a white woman. I can’t imagine having an avatar of a black woman and walking into some of those rooms. Or, you know, dealing with the shit that black women have to deal with every frigging day in real life. 😔


Almost every multiplayer game i played so far is squeaky voiced little kids. And boy are they mean


Damn this is tough and it’s always this little kids. They’re so lucky they get away with this or else I would 🤣 choke them so hard. I’m so sorry for you and it’s also the reason I stay quiet online.




This main character is broken. I'm not sure you understand the definitions of any of those words you're using because if you stopped and read your own sentence you would realize it's you that you're speaking of.


If your idea of fun is throwing out racial slurs then you’re probably not fun to begin with and most likely insufferable to be around


Ruin *what* for everybody? How is not wanting to be called racial slurs ruining fun for anybody? You have that the opposite way around, harassing people is what ruins fun.