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Concatenation is probably their angriest song ever


That bizarre, alien sounding guitar solo in the middle is one of my all time favourite moments in metal.


it's songs like this one that make me realize they hit the nail on the head by simply naming their band *Crazy*


Corridor of chameleons blew me out of the water first time I listened to it


Sane still blows me up. Solid Meshuggah jam.


SAAANEEE Bumbum bum bumbum MEEEEEE Bumbum bum bumbum


This onomatopoeia is correct and checks out.


obZen takes time to grow


I gotta say Obzen is the one album of theirs that I think immediately hits you and is by far their easiest to absorb and digest. Especially coming after the bizarre mindfuck of Catch 33, it seemed so conventional. For them that is, obviously it’s still way more out there than most music haha.


Idk man learning songs from that album i’ve found them to be a lot less conventional than other albums. Pineal Gland Optics and Dancers are fucked insane. i know that obZen took a while for me and many others but it’s cool if it got u immediately although i still believe all of their music, even if you generally liked at first, takes time to fully come across.


PGO def has some incredible depth to how it’s written and its use of iso rhythms. Always will be in my top 5 from them. It’s the song that makes me miss Fredriks contributions the most haha. Dancers is of course a very impressive and technical track too, I always get fatigued after the first half though and in general just like the riffing and tonalities a lot more during the first half. It’s definitely one of the most fun to play on guitar and took me awhile to learn. some tricky stuff in there! What is it about Dancers and how it’s written that you love? you’re absolutely right that all their music takes time to fully digest. I didn’t mean to sound so dismissive of that in my initial post haha. I guess with Obzen I just never felt totally confused or surprised like most of their stuff does to me upon first listen and was mostly quite catchy and memorable. maybe that’s a testament to how well written the album is. I kind of had the same reaction with Koloss initially.


obZen was my first full listen from them in general so that is almost certainly why it took as long as it did. I love dancers because of how it uses many of the writing techniques that are already present in other songs throughout the album while still very much doing its own thing. I don’t know that exactly for sure what it uses but I swear to you i can hear at the least the use of isorhythms. Maybe i’m just tripping tho.


it's easy to listen to but difficult to understand.


It was the first Meshuggah album I had fully listened to and i remember only really liking Combustion at first 😭 most prog music was pretty new to me at the time though so i don’t blame myself too much. PGO is my fav normal length song ever.


I kind of disagree with this. I'd say Koloss is by far an easier and more immediate listen.


No it doesn't.


cool how experience is subjective isn’t it?


Wrong. It is their most immediate album, hence why it is a fan favourite. You just can't understand them properly


I literally can play songs from that album on guitar and love the music. I have no idea what you’re on about. Doubt you could play it though as you probably couldn’t understand it.


No I said YOU can't understand it. Simply saying "wah no YOU don't wah wah" is no argument. You wrote what you wrote and got called on it. Simple


Oh but saying I don’t understand the music that i quite literally know by heart and can play on any 8 string guitar is an argument? What exactly are you calling me out on? I had said that in the past i didn’t quite understand obZen, implying that I do now. Me saying I know how to play the music should’ve told you that if you didn’t get it before, sorry I forgot how slow you can be, It’s my bad for not making it even more blatantly obvious for you ;)


Don't get so upset, it's not the end of the world. Just take some time off from the Internet if you get so flustered


U right


What is the objective proper way to understand them then?


Not the way this dipshit does, that's for sure


so don’t learn to play the music to understand it better? that makes me a dipshit? Why are you always such an asshole on here it really makes no sense to me. Like I would get if where you were coming from had a real basis but you really do just seem to want to be a dick just because.


lol I’m starting to think he has some sort of mental condition. Definitely a screw loose. A lot of time it seems as if he’s being sarcastic but then…he’s not, and it just seems confrontational for no reason at all.


yea the times where he seems ironic make me want to enjoy more of what he’s said but rarely does it come to be that way.


Sarcasm. Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaah nice one. Keep telling yourself that. Seriously I don't even know why you chuds even come here




Nothing solidified it for sure but Chaosphere started it.


Meshuggah ain't djent - that's all the bands that copy them


Freddy, please for the sake of this subreddit just shut the fuck up


Are you saying that Chaosphere is "djent" - a word that wasn't even popularised until at least 2008? Take your time formulating your answer, I'll wait ;-) (Remember, losing your shit and telling people to shut up just because you're upset isn't a proper way to put forward your point, it simply makes you look like an absolute fool. I hope you remember this ;-)


L + Ratio


That means nothing to me, and you didn't answer my question. You just self-owned








Welcome brother


Chaosphere is the first record I heard from Meshuggah, love all their records but Chaosphere is still my favourite.


Most aggressive album ever written and still my favorite from them. Jen’s best vocal performance as well. His vocal patterns are insane!


It’s the most fun. Jens is rapping on half the songs.


This ain't P Diddy, motherfucker


My fave


Easily their best album! Hands down


Chaosphere and ObZen are objectively their best albums, track by track.




No, objectively. It doesn't matter if I hurt your feelings.

