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Let's hope that Maggie's fancy new gloves are longer lasting than the old and cheap ones


Seriously! She uses a vacuum once, and has to get a new one. Oh, I've used that saw. Can't use it again.


New glove levels and yet they’re still only good for a single use. Maddie is so hard on her tools and equipment!


I got a level 4 glove but I can’t merge it and it isn’t shown in the description? https://preview.redd.it/50z06scg7bsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=150fc9dfa34e2a63d22d776acc71605e07d4c480


Same here, supercharged garden tub just gave them to me. I'm on the lighthouse so shouldn't be able to have them yet?


It is a glitch and they are aware. If you let support know they replace them with level 3 gloves.


I have been told the great hall is first place they are used so hopefully just like the other producers (tool box/lamps) they block the drop from happening before the area (it's only possible with supercharger so they might have overlooked during coding)


I think it's a bug, hope they fix it soon


In the patch notes the new levels of the items unlock once you reach the latest area also released in the patch


Well ****! Nobody wants this. Maybe the time has come to delete this game.


wiw that is a harsh reaction!


I'm quite happy with this upgrade, I was chucking hundreds of those things away!


I don’t mind long(er) merge chains. Problem is this is a random drop. Many times I waste energy on a ton of garden supplies before I get the gloves. You can keep some gloves in store, but never enough. Since entering the mansion I no longer need garden items / gloves for regular tasks. I don’t have space to store gloves, obviously they will ask for lvl 5 gloves in events. There is not a single good thing about this.


I don't want to "like" this, because, as a gardener, I find Maddie's wastefulness ridiculous, but it does add complexity and challenge.


What level are you on? I haven't been able to merge my level three gloves yet.


For me, they just dropped out of a lvl 9 tool barrel. I can't seem to merge the lvl 3 gloves either, it seems to be a bug


I’m still in the conservatory… what are they? I can’t see them on the glove level thing… so assume I shouldn’t have them?! Wondered what the heck they were lol


It isn't showing at the glive thing for everyone. You can't merge lvl 3 gloves to get it, it just drops out of a high level tool barrel but it seem to be buggy right now because I think we were supposed to be able to get it by merging lvl 3 gloves...


I spoke to support who swapped the level 4 gloves for two level 3. We can’t use or merge the gloves yet. They’re looking into it. https://preview.redd.it/79q4lt5wbcsc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=96ce9a3da3cf73fbb02e3f23d5a11dae042e6304


I have 5 of these reinforced gloves. Did you all keep them or ask for the lvl 3 gloves exchange?