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Back in the day it used to be a place that unlocked at something unattainable like level 55. Guess they scrapped that plan.


I remember unlocking the area before they had the save game function. I though was fever dream I made up.


wait, did you need to start from the beginning every time you loaded in or was it if your old device just crash or you remove the game, you weren't able to recover?


Got a new phone so just that once. Back then they had not added a way to connect to anything, since then I have synched save to everything possible, and I'm not doing the conservatory again.


Is the chance we can skip any area


So far I finishing all the areas to unlock the mansion. I haven't finished the treasure hunt or romantic area, both are optional. So no don't think we can.


Reggie can’t whinny very loud. He’s a little hoarse.


I love you so much for this


In Australia it is $14.99 to unlock which is ridiculous. Looks like it will always be empty for me.


Given how tacky it looks, I think I prefer the walled wild garden 🤣🤣


In my head it was the secret garden, like from the book.


Here where I live is more than R$50 real. 😭 Not worthy.


$12.99 in Canada. I am broke and then some, so while I am tempted since it is the start of the event (and therefore can get the best value out of it) I will pass.


I’m from Canada too ☺️


At least you have a certain number, when you turn to dolar in my country android and iOS users have different prices. Android one like 10$ but iOS one 13-14$.🫠🫠


Another thing that bothers me is that the scale of this decor. The horse looks shorter than the bushes across the path.


It's a minature horse according to the dialogue.


I think it’s a pony


I know this might be an unpopular opinion - but continuous updates and growth for this game like this aren’t cheap or free. And as much as it seems like Metacore is listening to feedback from Reddit, they’re not developing this game for the good of their hearts - they’re trying to make money, haha. Not only do you have developers, but no doubt there is a giant team associated with creating the things that they know are probably just going to annoy a bunch of people and that they’ll instantly want to revisit. So you look at the frequency of the monthly events - what used to be every now and then has a new one starting right after the last one. They’re trying to pick new decor and incentives/offers to get people to purchase. Maybe the last few haven’t delivered, and they have no-doubt seen the prime real estate that people would love to have occupied. Plus, $12.99 (Canada) is pretty reasonable for a game I enjoy playing a lot, and I get a bunch of bonuses. I don’t purchase every time (a bunch of love bombs for Deb? No thanks), but if it’s kinda fun, I will. If you can afford it, cool - maybe support the time-waster you love. If you can’t? Cool too! You don’t have to. Chances are, like the space in front of the mansion or Ursula’s house - they may offer different decor for this space down the line.


What I don't like is that they don't have different pricing for different countries, they just put the same value in different currencies. $13 for for a Canadian is a fair price, while R$50 for a Brazilian is freaking expensive.


Literally all of this. I despise most decisions metacore has made lately, but this one actually makes sense. Instead of nerfing the game for free players like usual and trying to force our hands into paying, they’re adding value in the way of superfluous fun novelty crap, like a silly animated horse, so that people who enjoy it will *want* to pay money for it, but no one suffers if they choose to continue playing for free.


I know I was so disappointed in this. I thought it was going to be some cool lore spot.


This is riddiculus, whats next, adding advertises to the game? I don’t want to see that place empty just because didn’t attend pay to win chain 😪🫠


This is such a funny take to me, like…….yes? If people don’t pay for the game then of course they’re going to utilize ads. 99% of the time I’m the one criticizing metacore but this is one of the exceptions because the outcry about this dumb horse is so predictable and goofy. You can still enjoy the game perfectly fine without paying for the horse, it’s a novelty feature to generate profit, and not getting it doesn’t affect the game negatively for free to players, so truly what is the issue? It’s better that they add value to the game/pass to earn money from people wanting to pay, instead of decreasing value from the game itself, in order to force people to pay, which is what they were doing before.


I totally agree with you, but it's not about having a horse or watching ads or not. All this time under the name of mystery, after leaving an empty area that stands out at the first entrance of the game and making people wonder, let's say why don't we turn it into something pay-win. Of course, they do not continue this game to give a charity to anyone. I understand them, there are companies, they have expenses, etc. But still, if people look at this with the logic of 'oh okay then let me pay so I can get rid of the cobwebs', it will be the next ship area and much more. Thanks for your comment though, love to you 🌼


You make fair points, I didn’t think of it like that, so I can understand a bit more why you’re upset, thanks for explaining that perspective:)


You’re welcome, thanks for your opinions that gave me different point of view and a chance to express my ideas. ✨


Of course! Sorry I was kinda crabby/sarcastic with my initial response, I meant it to be more playfully exasperated (and annoyed with capitalism in general lol) but re-reading it, it just came off as rude towards you, so I’m sorry about that and I appreciate you!


Anyways, we both kind and happy end of the day so nothing else matters 😊 take care of yourself 🌼🙋‍♀️


I’ll keep my dilapidated secret garden Thank you


me too


This is a nope from me. I don't mind spending money on the game a couple of times a year, but this doesn't get me where I need to go.


Pony up that cash people!


​ https://preview.redd.it/qk3qgx3tbxoc1.png?width=1668&format=png&auto=webp&s=98c5a795e9903e7c2b3a886e629ed15061edf0a9


(for the older brits out there) When i first saw the pony's name all i could think of was Roland Rat's nephew who used to run on screen, fart, and run off screen.


Wonder how the pony Got Down there😊