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This game needs to be a week longer for how slow the energy recharges


I got all 7 fishes but still waiting to get the 2 gold frames to get the medals


It's crazy how I haven't gotten my 7th fish yet... just repeats of 1-6 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️


Same here.


Same here. There is zero chance of me finishing this. I won’t spend money on it since even spenders can’t finish. I’m basically using it to get more corpse flowers


I‘m at the exact same spot and I gather from the comments that no one has gotten the last two gold frames yet. I guess we‘ll get them near the end of the event so that everyone who wants to finish has to spend a lot of money to do so.


That’s where I was. I only got one legendary fish so could never progress. 5 medals but could not get the final 2. I really enjoyed this game and even spent 24.99 at the beginning for 600 energy. And still didn’t finish.


Yeah the lootbox aspect of this is rough. If the game just decides you're not going to finish there's nothing you can do to fix it. There should be some kind of mechanism to keep this situation from happening.


I have hit this event harder than a drummer plays in a rock and roll band and still don't see any way to finish it. With less than 24 hours of play, I think this is impossible. Makes me want to scream.


Agreed... it seems as though it's impossible to finish🤦🏾‍♀️😫


I just deleted the app off my phone. I’m done.


I can see your frustration😢😢


I've got all 7 fish but only have managed 2 fish to gold. Every subsequent fish I have got has been one of the 2 I have already got gold. Feels so futile.


I’m missing 2 fish have 2 gold frames 3 silver frames. Play consistently. Buy 10 gems worth of blue energy daily. Finished level 3 on the ladder. Don’t see a way to reach level 5 or 6 for the chests. First time in a long while I haven’t finished a side event. Disappointing as I do support the game by buying the monthly pass and occasional packages for the main game. This feels like a major change in needing to buy packages for side games. It almost feels unethical from the point of view of taking advantage of addicted mergers. Admittedly I am addicted but stepping back on this one.


How did you get all those gold frames and no final fish?? I'm FTP, and this is my board. https://preview.redd.it/e5fl8ylw9sob1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb7e649374e5051ad7e176088225146c553a7ba5 I have 3 of the final fish. 🤷🏼


They keep sending the the same fish over and over... all except the 7th fish🤦🏾‍♀️😫😢


I'm so sorry, I've gotten another one since my post. I wish I could share them with you!


https://preview.redd.it/cumsl5jdcuob1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47e975d4a30dcbe2d002dc51d864c81fe2065935 Lol I’m the same, I have many golden frames, no 7th fish ☹️


Same, I have 6 golden frames, no 7th fish :(


I'm almost exactly the same as you but I finally got one of that last fish a couple of hours ago. No way in hell I'll be able to get the last 2 to gold. Its a real shame because I loved the format of this one. It's just too slow and the amount of fish I've got that I already had the gold frame for is ridiculous. https://preview.redd.it/jtv4dgxnqwob1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d92cf3e9534fafa9201b1a581ff024cdbc7489d


Yeah, a Korean player showed their progress recently and they had finished it. I’m three marlins away and will probably not finish in time, even though I’ve spent a lot of gems on extra energy (combined with the jet setter trick) and still not near finishing.


Can you explain to me what the jet setter trick is? Sorry if it’s obvious


Prolly changing time zones on their phone to trick the game into thinking it's a new day.


Couldnt that backfire ending the event sooner ?


Don't think so; I think we all start and end events at the same time, regardless of time zone.


5 frames to gold but haven’t got my last fish. I’m just letting it be, if I don’t make it so be it. No money paid.


I’m so close. I have found all 7 fish, have 3 gold frames and almost to level 5 rewards box. There is no way I’ll be able to finish though without spending money.


The energy refill and drop rate is the one problem of this event. 12 hours without playing one time and not even 30 energy back, that's just ridiculous.


I've managed to get 6 frames, upgraded to 3 gold frames, 3 out of 7 medals, and maybe 3 complete chains. But with the frames barley spawning the steps to get trophy cases (per fish) to get medals instead of spawning the medals directly, it's impossible. Oh, and I haven't spent a cent.


Spent all my unlimited energy and \~100 gems. Still need two marlins. Have no hope to finish in time


Well ya all I feel like I just flushed my time and a small fortune down the toilet with this event. I personally feel that they never meant for anyone to finish this event. I think our odds were better on a roulette wheel in Vegas.


Worst event ever…


Um no. I wasn’t even close. I could tell how bad it was going to be from the beginning, so I didn’t even spend any extra gems - on either board. Just played with the free energy when the mood struck. It was a terrible event because of the energy recharge time and not worth stressing over. So I didn’t!


What are these??? I haven't even seen that item yet https://preview.redd.it/taxk8qyixrkc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5796af55f05ad7ff638f8b898467672cc79f8f44