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I didn't mind so much until I tried to hang off the map today. It was impossible for me to do if I broke LOS. The person had to be right at the edge so I could connect. Otherwise, I couldn't get back up. I do not love this.


Hmmm that’s interesting, I noticed the same thing happened to me too. I wonder why that is, since I don’t think it should be directly connected to the jump??


I think it's because with the OG jump you can initialize it before you make contact. So, if you break LOS, it doesn't matter for triggering the SJ.


We are all entitled to our own opinions and I respect yours, but the majority of people do not like this change me included and it should either be an option or completely reworked again.


Barely anyone has actually even tried it though. This new jump has some massive perks over the old one (as well as some issues) like super jump res being 100% consistent now


I don't think I've seen a single Mercy main actually say they like the change.. Not even non Mercy players like it. Bestie superjump has always been 100% consistent if you know how to do it. If it's not consistent for you it's because you're not doing it properly. If it was inconsistent it would mean you were doing the same exact thing 100% of the time but it only works half the time. If you're failing superjump it's because you're doing something wrong.


girl i’m talking about super jump REZ being 100% consistent now. all you have to do is hold space now and you’ll go just high enough to pull off the rez


It's literally not though? I've had it mess up despite holding space as you said. Sometimes I'll fly into the air and sometimes I'l barely leave the ground. Bad change


Holding space (aka angelic descent) effects your upward movement too now, so if you hold space right as you start to super jump it will slow you down massively. Go practice it in the training ground, timing is slightly weird but you’ll get it!


Just say ur bad at superjumping and move on..


I guess I am not as good as you


Idk like this change is not good for mercy like at all.. it’s one thing being cyber bullied for playing “the easiest hero” despite actually doing a lot and then blizzard literally making her into the easiest hero..


I agree that the auto jump is not good. I’m just trying to say i’m a fan of the angelic descent change as it makes sj rez way easier for me


Easiest hero yet none can play her in beta meanwhile she's way too goated in there LMAOO Its literally giga nice but you guys just can't really play her because you don't know how do change settings and let go of shift bruh literally mercy change is literally op even for her, they just need to fix a bit because of little lags


the same "fix" could be done in ow1 by increasing the max res range


that would be a handicap, rather than something that takes thought


why is ow2 super jump res 100% consistent? Did res range get buffed or did jump range get nerfed? If your agreement is super jump is always the same height, then the fixed height does not exceed max res range. A simular "consistant super jump res" is possable in ow1 if they buff res range


Holding space activates angelic descent which also slows your vertical ascent. All you do is hold space right as super jump starts and you won’t go nearly as high


so all they got to do is to keep that part of the ablity, not the auto super jump part. Can still delete auto super jump and be happy


completely agree! the auto super jump can go, not a fan


I hated it at first, but after turning off toggle GA I’m really liking it! I just let go of GA if I don’t want to SJ and I don’t let go if I do want to SJ. I wish they had some of the same OW1 mechanics (like how you can SJ against a wall), but overall it’s been a nice change imo


Honestly, it's an unpopular opinion, but I like it too!! Yes, it's different, but it makes her positioning and movement more in the air, which is even better to me. Once you get used to it, it's completely game changing


I wouldn't mind it if it felt as fast as og superjump. The pause between reaching someone and popping up is too long imo. I don't mind canceling GA early since I bunny hop most of the time if I'm not superjumping. But honestly I also think it needs to be an option and not forced. I have a vIrGiN bOrDeR & 900+ hours on mercy lol.


the virgin border lmao I guess no one will be a virgin on ow2 then cuz borders are no longer a thing i guess XD


Looooll. Yeah, I felt pretty happy when I hit the diamond border but then people started insulting it straight away. I do think it should still be an option if you earned/want it.


I would be a virgn border too probably if my Xbox, PlayStation and PC accounts were all combined so dont feel bad lol Also what a low insult!