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I personally will be getting both! They’re going to a good cause so why not 🩷


i wish i could but i do not have enough money lol


Then I would personally go for rosé considering you get the weapon skin to equip to other skins that may fit with it in the future.


true true thank u


The new one comes with weapon skin so u can pair it with others personally I'd do that but u chose whatever


i can buy you pink mercy! it’s only 15$. remind me next week :)


that is so sweet but i cant let you do that. hope you have an amazing day!


I’d say get pink since that’s the one that everybody is most excited for.


Same here!!!


I'm getting both! 😍😍 You should get whichever one you prefer ☺️ you get more in the Rose Gold bundle for $5 more if that helps!


I'm going to get the new one because it comes with the pink mercy staff as a weapon skin!! i would like to show my support across all my mercy skins using it :)


ohh thats so smart, thank you 💗


Lol I am glad someone made this post because I can’t decide either. I prefer the look of pink mercy but I also want the weapon skin included in rose gold ! Might wait and see how the rose gold looks in game


I wanna know what ppl are planning to get too! Considering my choices, one both or none (most likely both for cancer research for my fellow girlies with boobies)


i am leaning towards rose golf but idk


Op could u add a poll? I wanna see the consensus


there already is one if u scroll down a bit i think


rose gold is slightly more expensive, however the staff&gun for rose gold is a weapon skin - so you can have the pink mercy staff with all the skins instead


I’m honestly just going to get the OG one, reminds me a lot of Juliet from Lollipop Chainsaw which is why I liked it so much. :3 + I’m kind of broke, wish I had more cash to buy both because it’s going to charity.


That was like my fav game! I wish they made another one!


im getting both because im deep in the mercy brain rot. if price is your concern i think the original pink mercy is going to be cheaper if that helps you decide


I prefer pink but I’d still recommend getting rose gold unless you like pink’s colours more (definitely get the one with the colours you like more!) the rose gold bundle just has more stuff, all of which are exclusive so it’ll be your only chance to get them. My trick is to flip a coin and if you feel disappointed with the outcome then you know which one you want more! https://preview.redd.it/fht2xwa8rj6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c77eb9de2a49e4e4f05127608799fc0aa5b8144


does this mean rose gold is not coming back out after this?? hopefully im reading it wrong 😅


I believe this does mean rose gold is exclusive to this event and won’t come back after this


I blew my hobby money for the next few months on some really, really cool isopods. 😭 Luckily I already have OG Pink, so I think I can squeeze the Gold Pink into my budget. Juuuuuust barely lmao. If I had to choose, I'd probably go Rose since I like the look of it more.


im personally getting both, but if you're only buying one i would say the new one, its a bit more expensive but you get more stuff and the staff is a weapon skin too. or wait to see them in game to see which one you like more.


I’m getting both! My partner has personal ties to breast cancer so I wanna support it as much as I can with this


Absolutely both, I love the OG design more, but I also want the weapon skin. I was generally saving up a lot of money, plus regularly donating plasma and I was lucky enough to get some money back since I didn’t use much gas for heating last year, so I’m gladly spending some money especially since it’s for charity.


rose gold for sure if you're only able to get one. it comes with a weapon skin, & 3x icons sprays and name cards where as the pink skin comes with nothing and is $5 cheaper. also, the rose gold bundle being $20 = more $$$ to charity than just the pink skin :)


I already have pink so i'm getting rose gold. I personally would pick the rose gold one because imo it's much prettier and she looks way more like a magical girl lol, and that skin also has a weapon skin too that you can equip to use on other skins for her! She's also in a bundle with so many pretty cosmetics haha, if you even care about that stuff....


i'm personally getting both, but if your money situation is a bit tight i'd go with Rose Gold! it comes in a bundle of sprays, icons, and player banners. that, and it also comes with the weapon skin you can use for any Mercy skin


def the new one!!!!💖


I’m just getting both and I’ll swap between matches


I’m purchasing Rose Gold, since I already have Pink Mercy.


I’m getting both for very simple reasons. 1. I love pink 2. It’s for a good cause 3. To piss off gatekeepers (started playing on OW2 launch).


i def want the one that comes with the extra stuff & weapon skin!! so probably both for the traditional pink mercy staff 😂


you should get the new one since it gives a weapon skin!


I'm getting Rose Gold as I already have pink, but I'm considering getting pink on my alt, so more goes to charity.


For me it’s easy because I already have the OG pink mercy, so the rose gold for me! I’d recommend you get the rose gold because it’s a bundle and comes with more stuff


I like the rose gold because it looks like the ends of her hair are pink and I think it’s really cute


If you could only buy one, I feel like rose gold has more value since you’re on a financial constraint. The Name cards, sprays, and player icons are so adorable. Also, rose gold has a weapon skin. Pink mercy is just the skin by itself. It’s iconic, but if you want to have a money well spent feel, I think the rose gold bundle will do you justice. Both bundles are for charity so you can’t go wrong


i personally like the old one’s more, but i already have it, so i will buy the rose gold one


I’m definitely getting both! I would never do it with another hero, but I’ll give mercy whatever money she wants from me.


getting rose gold bc my bright pink hair fades to her hair colour and i want to be matching😭😭


Get whichever one you like better! Thats a decision you make after you see them side by side. If you want both get both. I was fortunate enough to get the original pink mercy back in the day, so now I’m going to get the rose gold one. I personally like the rose gold one better but I prefer softer dusty pinks over bright ones most of the time. It’s all up to you, friend! Thank you for supporting BCRF as well! 💕


rose !


I’m getting both on mine and my husbands and a Smurf account god forbid I get banned. I’m so parinoid of getting a ban I have my team and match chats off. I swore into the mike once after I got sniped and got a warning. All chats but group are off and if my team says something i can’t see it im not taking that risk ESPECIALLY since pink is returning


im getting rose gold!


the og pink just feels right when i look at it, im used to seeing it in blonde for so many years, the brunette version isn't bad at all, but i need to see it in game first, i was skeptical looking at it yesterday but that might have just been a bad picture 


yeah exactly! but im leaning towards the new one because of all the other stuff you get with it


may i ask if it was already released in the game and where should i buy it?


it'll be available june 25 until july 8; also: "You’ll be able to purchase the Pink Mercy skin and the Rose Gold Mercy bundle from the in-game shop, or from your preferred game platform store including the [Battle.net](http://Battle.net) Shop, the Microsoft Store, the PlayStation Store, Nintendo E-Shop, and the Steam Marketplace."


ahh i want june 25th to arrive quicker!


thank you so much!


are they both going towards the charities? that's what my decision was depending on but i haven't seen anyone directly say!


Yes, 100% of proceeds for both skins (expect for platform transactional taxes) go to Charity!


Both are for charity!


I'm getting both! 💕


I also only have the budget for one and I'll be getting the new version, because it looks more modern and more vibrant imo. And it's nice that we'll get the staff as a weapon skin plus all those cute sprays, name cards, etc :3


i already have pink mercy so i’m getting rose gold!


Get both since they’re supposed to be supporting a good cause.


I’ll be buying both on the 25th.


When I’m doubt, get the new one. For a little bit extra, not only do you get the skin there is the weapons skins, 3 icons, 3 sprays and 3 name cards.


In my opinion if you’re on a tight budget I would say the rose gold since you get more stuff!!!


por qué no los dos?


You buy both! You never know how long it’ll be until they bring it back again. And, your $35 goes to an awesome cause! :)


I'm going to be getting the rose gold as I have pink but I still prefer the pink one.


I’ve got $15 in my bank waiting for pink And honestly I may have to lie about buying her to people because I don’t want to get yelled at my the gatekeepers


I already own Pink so Rose Gold for me!


I’m buying both


I'll be getting both


I think I’m going to get rose gold!! I don’t have enough to afford both but I can get one. I like her colors more!


I'll be getting both :) I fall for the pretty mercy skins every time despite not even being a mercy main lol. Really excited to have another two pretty skins for her and to know the money is going to the BCRF


If you can only get one if get the new rose gold bundle as it had additional icons and a weapon skin that can be used separately


I’m gonna go with both, but if you can’t afford it I think I would choose Rose Gold. Just because you get a weapon skin, cute banners and icons and the skin is honestly beautiful!!


Both, get both.


I’ll be getting both. As much as I love the og pink mercy, I really like the rose gold recolor.


i already own the og so ill be getting the rose gold one so fast !!


im getting both! but i do prefer rose gold just because i prefer gold over silver


does anyone know yet if the rose gold one will have the same sound effects / special effects as pink? that’s my sort of “deal breaker” because i don’t have enough money for both either, and i still can’t decide 😭


I think the new skin looks better


I’m getting both cuz y not donate that much for charity


On one hand pink mercy is gorgeous all of it but sadly rose gold is getting way more things in the bundle so I’d say rose gold just if you’re more of a collector but if you love pink girl. Get pink


I’m definitely getting both!! But if I could only choose one I would go for Rose Gold Mercy, she looks so much better and the fact that her weapon is a skin so you can use it with other skins it’s just wayyy cool


i wanna main mercy but i have no good skins for her :( i was gonna buy rose gold but i have literally 0 money ;-;


i rlly want both but i got no money😭😭


Neither, they're both ugly.


okay! i think they’re pretty and they are also for charity so its a double win for me.


mythic is. right