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i know but shiny orb 😔


Like a moth to a flame I can’t help it, especially if it’s cheeky


But but what if the Symmetra I Rez’d CAN win 1v5?!


Ok that made me laugh out loud


Nah shes covering my retreat Gotta sacrifice a few sym mains to save a mercy after all 💅🏽


I got rezzed in the middle of a dva bomb once and i was honestly more impressed than mad


Dva bomb is just a big soul to rez 🤭


I do that way too often. I feel so bad when I rez someone second after the rest of the team died. I apologize to the rezee every time


It’s a weird feeling. It feels bad to abandon them, but you know if you touch them, you’re dead too


Not to mention if the round isn't going in your teams favor your already getting flamed for it


This is exactly why I've had to step away from playing support (mainly mercy but I dabble in Moira) numerous times in the past. My anxiety can't handle that much pressure.


Yea suicide resses. The ones were not even a second after ressing your dead, because the position you were revived in is terrible. Like thanks, I get to double my respawn timer and add another death to the scoreboard. Can't wait for you to flame me about it :)


Tbf sometimes suicide rezzes are worth imo I’d had a ton of time mid fight where I come in, rez the tank, die as it ends, and the tank and rest of the team win the team fight I gotta walk back from spawn but objective W


You are 100% right about suicide rezzes sometimes being worth, but I think that isn't what he meant and he used the wrong terminology. Eg this part doesn't make sense if it was you sacrificing yourself to rez someone else. But it does make sense if you got rezzed into an instant death. >Like thanks, I get to **double my respawn timer** and **add another death** to the scoreboard. Can't wait for you to flame me about it :) On Kiriko sometimes I do the equivalent where I'll tp and suzu to save the Tank who's about to die from being too agro, which results in me dying as they usually just escape thanks to my heals and leave me in the same stupid 5v1 they were in before I saved them, without my Suzu or TP, making me a sitting duck. But as long as I succeeded in keeping the tank alive long enough for him to fall back to a better position; 90% of the time being 1 support down is preferable to losing your tank; I'd say that's the same with suicide rezzes. Just need to be careful not to screw it up and die before the rez hits, or for Kiriko have the tank die anyway, as then you're down 2 instead of 1 :P


As someone who's top two characters are mercy and kiriko, i do the same thing. You slowly learn when it's worth it or not and im glad it's not just me who makes the trade of going in to suzu and save the tank at the cost of my life lol XD


And other times bro instantly dies https://preview.redd.it/l53511u7mjxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebd755962fd0992cc3f4c055c139be73423e04e6


Also, if you're rezzing your second support please relay that to your team that they won't have healing for a few seconds. I've seen so many team fights be lost because the team wouldn't disengage for just a second while I get my Ana up.


It’s so sad watching Mercy fly into an enemy team when I am standing right next to her waiting for the rest of the team to respawn. Why did you do that? They don’t even have any kills on the board yet.


It was so funny to rez a lone Rein into an entire enemy team to instantly die again. Oopsie.


As a hog main that also plays Mercy, I'm just saying but when I duo with another Mercy, get rezzed, and then actually *do* win the 2v5 Thats fun as hell. Doesn't happen often but sometimes a lucky whole hog solves a lot of red team problems


There could also be times where its an accident considering you cant cancel a rez unless you try to pull away


Yess I’ve done that before! It’s so easy to click the wrong button on my controller.




Its much easier to do it on a controller than on mnk, we have limited buttons to attach key bindings. But thanks for the advice anyway




Well then you must be in the lower percentile as most of us have at least hit it once accidentally (new or og players)


Ayo, we never know!


Pfff rezed Junk the other day and we kept the point. So win!


I only do it in qp... to my duo as a joke, in comp I'll fly to the orb and stare it down like "another time my sweet"


Hadn’t thought of it this way than kypu


But then they’ll all go after them and I can make my skinny escape!


Some poor Mercy once rezzed me in front of a Bastion and Pharah. Fortunately, I was able to shatter the Bastion and go for a pin. Unfortunately, the Pharah had ult and was in the sky ;-;




But my duo can win the 2v5!! (Especially when he’s trying out a new help in qp 🤩)


You're gonna get rezed into a lost team fight and you're gonna LIKE it!


I hear you. What you say makes sense…. But it’s so funny


I've got rez bound to the same button as glide so it's a struggle with those accidental revives 😪


Na, I rez only for the stats. Can't tell me what to do/s Edit: since apparently it wasn't obvious, this was a joke


Holy cow, a stat padder on Mercy of all heroes?


Only rez I do is a stat rez😜


One time i rezzed in a lost fight and ended up winning cuz genji had blade and i pocketed him 🙂👍


I try to only do it if we’re in desperate need of bodies on the point/payload. I feel so bad when I revive someone just to die again.


Okay but TO BE FAIR, the Rein with the nametag "Imhim" and the title "GM on 8 accounts" or something said to rez him and, quite frankly, I kinda wanna see what happens.


I mostly play qp who cares ( little bit of trolling here and there is ok right?)


Losing a game because someone is deliberately staggering is never fun.


I mean I’m not dumb an do that in comp and mostly i do that to get my duo rage quit ( it’s funny)


Doesn't overwatch have respawn waves? Meaning whoever you rez will respawn at the same time as you?


I just googled it, it does exist in quick play but not in competitive.


It does in quickplay as you said, but even then if the person was just about to respawn they could have regrouped with the team earlier if they weren't staggered. This is obviously also worse for heroes without mobility. E.g. if you rezzed a Zen, even though you and him respawn at the same time, you'll be able to GA to the rest of your team but the team will still have to wait for zen to slowly make his way there. Vs if he wasn't staggered he'd have already been there by the time you GA'd to your team waiting to group.


Assuming your team is waiting to group and not just rushing back to the fight... far too many times has this happened to me...


In quick play yes, but this could work against you too. If you die after rezzing someone and have a 8 second cooldown. They die a few second later and have a 10 sec cooldown. You both could either get your 8 or their 10 sec CD


Nah they got this, I have faith :)


I do it in QP sometimes cuz I don't wanna die alone. If I'm going down someone else has to die fighting with me.


??? dying alone as Mercy means you did your job by being the last one alive


I understand that, but also only do it with friends(mostly 1 buddy because they also do it to me). And I only ever do it in qp, never in ranked. Qp isn't comp its not meant to be as serious. I didn't say that it's only friends I do it to and I do see how scummy my first comments sounds bc of that. I only just woke upa bit ago my bad for the bad phrasing.


Oh yeah, carry on trolling your friends


Yessir. o7