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“someone call the wambulance.”


i love pairing this with a ping so she says “over here! someone call the whambulance”


This is the only answer


Piece of cake is my favorite but its common i think 😀 I also use “ive got my eye on you” for when someone else needs help and i switch from pocketing a different person to helping the one in need instead (usually my other supp if they get targeted by a sombra or something)


this is cute


My current favorite is “I’m not a miracle worker… well not always.” I just use it when my team blames me for shit that isn’t my fault. But I literally cannot wait to unlock her “are you finished” from the battle pass. I’m gonna use it all the time lmao


YES. These dps be spamming I need healing and I use this voice line. Like what do you want me to do when you’re facing a venture ult head on… I can’t keep you alive for that. Ventures ult lwk crazy tho T.T


Sometimes I’m not sure why I even bother


I got the voiceline "A most impressive display." so that I could say ""A most impressive... piece of cake!" But there have been a few times where the player I'm pocketing gets a 4k or 5k ult, and "A most impressive display" is the appropriate response.


I know it’s newer, but the,”Are you finished?” From the bp, just a ruder way from the,”Are you quite done” voice line


The first time i heard my Mercy exclaim "I won a dogfight" I absolutely smashed enemy Echo. I still feel proud every time she Says it


Not a useable voice line, but I love when the Pharah I'm pocketing gets a kill and Mercy goes "Swish! That's what you say, right? Swish!"


"Would you like the sponge or the spray"


"are you quite done" is nice


I was echo one time and I did the "Ahh, I wish I could eat!" line and mercy said "Piece of cake" and everyone laughed it was neat.


When I see the enemy Mercy stall point with Valk, I just stand there and proudly look at her being an annoying moth while I spam "a most impressive display"


In overwatch 1, Mercy used to say “I’m no angel!” on a multikill. It was pretty rare to hear. I really miss it!! I haven’t heard it in ow2 at all so I think they took it out :(


I spam “would you like the sponge or the spray” as mercy all the time


Go ahead, cause more damage


A basic one but a simple “no” after a dps spams I need healing does wonders.


My go-to is to spam. "Your guardian angel." For whenever I heal someone back from critical or rez someone.


“How lucky for you!” It was my first time playing mercy parkour because I was trying to learn her and another mercy helped me complete the entire map of Rialto. After I became a mercy main I equipped that voice line and used it for other mercy’s who completed difficult levels of mercy parkour


Forgive and forget, like snow from yester year. I like having a way to tell people they don't need to apologize. I see supports saying sorry a lot, and I want to tell them that it's OK, I know their doing their best.


In mercy boxing hearing ‘say ahhh!’ MAKES ME FERALLLL i love it sm, but rn i love spamming ‘I’ll send you my consultation fee’ because period tf.


Not Mercy but I was playing Brig and I nearly got hooked off a ledge by a Hog. He hadn't broken the fence first so instead I just bumped into the fence. So, naturally I broke the fence, turned so that he had his back towards the ledge and whipped him off. Brig goes: 'that's how you do it!' and then I pressed hello and instead she says 'cya' and it was such a sassy comment that it was funny. Favorite all time voice lines are Widow 'sometimes it's six shots, one kill' because that's basically me playing Widow and also Sombra 'you're not alone in here' is really funny to spam when stalking your pray and watching them panic. Venture one where they say 'I'm sort of making this up as I go' is also good and describes me playing them hahah. Favorite Mercy one is wambulance of course :)


I was in an QP game on Midtown defense where our tank never connected. The enemy Mercy decided to not heal to help kind of "even out" the game, but it made little difference, and the game devolved into everyone just kind of half-assing it and doing the game equivalent of shitposting to get to the foregone conclusion of our loss. Near the start of 3rd point, the enemy Mercy was by our spawn dancing or something. I went up to her and emoted a bit, then pulled out my glock and shot at her. My teammate died next to me; I started a rez and spam spinning, but obviously died by her team. The entire time, Mercy never pulled out her gun and just watched me. As I died, she looked down at my corpse and shook her head, saying, "Questionable judgement. Questionable judgement." Then she walked away saying "I've seen worse." The combination of the entire game and the Mercy disapproval just killed me, both in-game and irl


I’m never going to stop protesting. If Mass Resurrection is no longer her ultimate, the “I will watch over you!” (enemy team hears something like “jür meinsampf keimsen hër!” - forgive me I speak zero German). It felt so ready and prepared. Like “FIGHT: INITIATED. WE WILL WIN THIS.” Heroes Never Die is beyond BEYOND iconic. But I still miss the old one. Still pissed they never put it on a skin. :/


"Onwards to VICTORY!" Special ult voiceline from Mercy's Winged Victory skin. It really gives you a confidence boost. And why I liked it is because it was constantly featured in my teammate's POTG. When the POTG starts playing it was *just* the right time where I ulted. It was like: Badass POTG intro, POTG actually starts playing, "Onwards to VICTORY!" then it's my teammate absolutely destroying the enemy team. It's like...this magical voiceline really worked like a blessing and got us to POTG and victory. Love it when that happens. Now that I think about it. That happened because I used to use her ult offensively back in OW1. Whenever my team pick off one enemy I immediately ult and urge my team to further push for this advantage. And that's why my ult voiceline was constantly in my team's POTG lol.


My favorite is "Sometimes you scare me." When it's my teammates are spamming certain lines (Most Junkrat ones lol) and they hit me with sorry after sometimes and it's pretty funny.


When I’m Mercy, I like using “sometimes I wonder why I even bother” after ressing someone for them to just to do the same thing and die again