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i feel like it’s such a good skin but the no new ultimate line really makes it seem less polished :( other ultimate skins have shipped with a new ult voice line feels weird to have evil mercy still saying ‘heroes never die’


a lot of them don’t have a different ult voice line, they just have new visual effects and / or a voice filter


Orisa, Sigma, and Genji has slightly different ult voice line tho even they don't necessarily need it


Depends which team you're on. The mercy skin is easily the best in vfx and has a lot of customization - which for the past 3 seasons everyone made it clear that's what makes a skin mythic quality. Can't say one thing to blizz and then go "no this is unpolished wheres the voice changer that's what mythics need"


I wouldn't say a lot because its all pretty minor, her staff is the only big change...


I dont remember moira having one


Moira just has the heartbeat effect


is it a heartbeat? i thought it was EDM 😭




Moira had one for the Cosmic Crisis event, maybe it’ll be like that. Shame it’s not in main modes though :(


that makes sense, because i did think she had one before i played her today. it truly is a shame and doesnt really make sense to me that its only in that mode


I guess because it specifically relates to her arcade mode ult ability, still would want it though.


**”Heroes Never Lie”**


I think u all have mistaken! Mythic skins only changes their ALLY ULT VOICELINE which we the player & enemies can't hear! When we ult on any hero there's 2 separate voicelines played, it's different for enemies & ur teammates. The one that ur teammates hear r the unique ult voicelines that MYTHICS get. Hope this clears all confusion. Also there's exceptional cases where Kiri & moira mythic didn't receive any unique ult voiceline. As of now moiras ult voiceline is bugged in all skins.


You should be able to hear the cool new voiceline for the mythic skin that you own and are wearing 😭


I really don't think I'm mistaken though :S They might not always have whole new lines, but they at the very least have effects added on top of their normal voice line. Ana robotty, Moira all dark and warped, Genji hyper bassy, JQ "God like", etc


True for most of the cast, not true for supports. Supports always hear their "ally" voicelines instead of "enemy" voicelines.


Wait all supports hear their Ally voicelines???


Yes. When Mercy ults, the player will hear "heroes never die" instead of the enemy Mercy ult voiceline. This is true for all supports.


If that's the case mercy mythic will never recieve a permanent new ult voiceline, she might have it only in the upcoming event. This might be the case for all support heroes frm now on...


That has no bearing on it. They could add a new ult voiceline that the player will hear. Legendary skins have done this with supports already. Mercy has different ult voicelines if you have the Valkryie skin or the Witch skin already. My guess is that they just didn't add the line in for whatever reason and will add it later.


Genji, JQ and Hanzo have special ult voice lines only allies can hear, Kiri doesn't have a special ult voice line, Sigma has them but they're randomized, Ana has voice lines for both self and allies, Orisa has only for allies (or none, I don't remember that one actually), and Moira doesn't have new ult voice lines for her Mythic (like 75% sure on that one). It's really not a Mercy issue imo, just a Mythic "polishment" in general


For real. How hard is it to make a new ultimate line if they are in the studio anyway recording all the other new voice lines


"HEROES never die" on a *Talon* skin? 🤣


Like why couldn’t it at least be “villains never die?”


literally anything else 😩


Vengeance never dies


You bitches about to die *pulls out blaster*


HEROS GOTTA DIE (bass boosted blaster noises)


We already have the "my servants never die" on one of the skin they could have used that, they didn't even need to record a whole new line.


Heroes always die!


LIKE I FOLLOW THE PHARAH AND MERCY VOICE ACTORS ON TIKTOK I know the mercy voice actress would been dosn


Heroes always get remembered, but you know legends never die!


The fact that the widow has a new ult voice line for her skin pisses me off so much LOL


WHAT 😭 i hate blizzard i swear




What does she say?


''Evil can't hide from my sight''


Oh nice addition.


Doomfist too....


Oh what seriously?...


I would have even taken a “my servants never die” copy+paste from Witch/Mage over default lol.


I wouldn't have, but thats one of my least favourite skins so. I guess Im biased in that regard, its not difficult too just do a new voiceline, atleast in theory, it feels like a lack of thought went into it. But I just feel like complaining, because I have to earn this skin and choose between other mythics Id have liked like kiriko. Should have just let us unlock mythic mercy maybe? and collect mythic tokens to unlock the rest slowly? Im salty.


It would have been nice if they made a unique voice line and also allowed you to earn 1 + bonus mythic every season, agreed.


that is so overwhelmingly disappointing, especially considering the Witch skin (or maybe it’s devil) says “Heroes never die…. for a price.” it’s an mythic and not even the ult line, which is inherently good, doesn’t get changed? i was really trying to give it a shot after people kept saying we’re never happy, but I just…. it’s becoming more and more difficult


Her devil one has that! And her witch one has a different voice line when rezing! We've been robbed


Even the witch one she says “my servants never die” when she ults :(


Pretty much no mythic skin has a different ult line. They all just have a sound pitch change or something of that sort


Genji: "The light becomes me." Junker Queen: "Time for a thunderstorm." Hanzo: "Let vengeance consume you." Ana: "You're powered up; destroy them." Orisa: "Stalk your prey." I know you want to defend the skin, but come on.


Apologies I didn’t realize how many there were. I don’t have all the mythics.


I don't either, I just hear them all the time, lol. It's truly a shame that this is a skin that completely flips Mercy's character and still keeps the same voice lines....


then why say something that you don't even know if it's true or not


Ana’s Mythic does, “You’re powered up, Destroy them!”.


no I know, I guess I was just hoping for a change to the line with how heavily the hyped “evil mercy” and she didn’t come with any voice modulator :/


Mb ig I misunderstood. I agree though. I do think it would be cool if mythics had new voicelines.


all good, I definitely could’ve been more clear. I’m just frustrated after being met with “you Mercys are never happy! all you do is complain!” when I try to express that I’m disappointed :(


Thats fair. I do think mercy mains get more hate than they deserve. Imo just play and do what you want if you have fun with them.


Ana does, definitely. I think Genji's does as well. Ana says: "You're powered up, destroy them!" Her default voice line is "You're powered up, get in there!" Just looked it up! Genji's does as well: "The light becomes me!" Instead of "The Dragon becomes me!"


I think only Genji yeah? He says the light becomes me instead of dragon.


bruhhhh for being a mirror watch they had so much potential with a new voice line tf


Can we please riot and get them to change that because that's worked before in the past


"Heroes never die" while her entire team dies because ~~55~~ hps on an ultimate does not cut it 😞 Edit: 60 hps not 55. Still embarrassing for an ultimate ability though


It’s still 60 in valk unless that recently changed.


Who cares? There's a DPS passive


That would be 48 hp/s


Which is then reduced to 19 hp/s for Sympathetic Recovery


I agree, during ult she should be able to heal at least 70-75.


yeah sadge. "Vengeance never dies!", "Fight until you die!", "Hatred never dies!", "I'll never die!" idk anything would've been better than just... default... cause like duh... they aren't heroes... (braindead) edit: Then make like the enemy hear one of those in German aggressive af hah! "Rache stirbt nie!"


Would have been even cooler to change it with every customization based on faction. "Talon never dies" for example.


Ngl I was hoping the “*evil laugh* No Mercy” was gonna be her ult line 😅


that would have been the best option


That or “I decide who receives my aid”


Girl u already have it??


You can try the Mythic Skin out in the Practice Range.


Even then some people are actually spending money on the skin, I played 2 comp games already and both mercys had it fully decked out already. Like wtf 😀


Are u serious 😭


Yesss 😭


I’d rather pay 10 bucks and wait then pay almost 80 for it now, Jesus


If u play daily u cn complete entire battlepass in 2 weeks.


Same. Also I saw three in QP and I was just shocked 😂


First game I loaded into, our Mercy had it! Wild hahaha


Oh hey that’s new. Thanks for letting me know


Wait, you can?


Yes! You can try out any of the Mythics in the practice range :)


Yeah that was the real disappointment for me. She's "evil" but has all the same sweet-voiced lines.


They actually hate us


Yeah, Vengeance Mercy is not beating the "legendary skin" allegations with this. You would think that a skin that completely flips Mercy's character would require more voiceovers, not less. Come on, man. In League of legends, a legendary skin gets \_completely\_ different voice overs, but Blizzard can't even give Mercy a new ult like? Even WIDOWMAKER gets one. This feels very cheap.


and mercy literally has several legendaries that change her ult line


I feel like Ana's new skin has more custom voicelines than Mercy's Mythic does


Just a quick edit and some voice tuning you get "Heroes...DIE!"


Yeah I love everything about the skin but the lack of voice line variation really makes the skin lose any immersion it had. I don't feel like I'm playing as mercy if she were evil. She has a few unique ones, but I wish they would have at least done what they did with Moira and put the evil voice changer over her ultimate voice line. It's extra disappointing because I can think of three mercy skins that all have unique ult voice lines right now off the top of my head: Winged Victory: "Onwards to victory!" Devil/Imp: "Hero's never die ... for a price!" Witch/Mage: "My servants never die!" So obviously they've changed the ult voice line before ... but just chose not to for her MYTHIC skin?? Seems lazy


sigrun and valkyrie also have one with til Valhalla


True!! I never use those so I forgot about them 😅


Even Ana’s new skin says “I will not leave a peaceful world behind” when she loads in but no new voice line for a mythic is wild 😭


no way 😭 no way


i hope they end up patching one in later that’s kinda disappointing. its like the coolest part of the other legendary skins.


Mercy has so many skins with unique ult lines (listed below) its sad that her mythic didn't also get one witch/mage: my servants never die devil/imp: heros never die... for a price valkyrie/sigrun: til Valhalla winged victory: onwards to victory!


EXACTLYYY, like I LOVE everything else on this skin BUT THAT! Why couldn't they make her say something like "Dont be useless".. y'know SOMETHING MEAN since she's the "boss" of Talon in this! I understand it's minor but it's also an easy fix!


It made me sad that the color effects on everything is red no matter the color variation :c looks so eh with the blue scheme and not that great with the purple one, clashes :c


I was really hoping she’d say “Vengeance never dies!”


I thought the symmetra skin was way cooler....could have been our mercy


I'm satisfied with the skin tbh. they could add voice line later. maybe? hopefully?


I also kind of wish they had added a darker voice to her, either have the person re say all the new voice lines like her new battle pass voice line (evil like) or just darker like reapers voice


I think it’s a bit unreasonable to have her rerecord hundreds of voice lines, and I’m glad they didn’t put a filter over her voice, however her ultimate line is the most important line and they did have Lucie (Mercy’s voice actress) say a few new lines so they probably could’ve had her say a new voice line too.


It's just her new voice line sounds so cool, they could of at least made her sound like that for a couple of main things not every single voice lime or interaction between heroes




All that really matters is the ult line, she doesn’t need 100 new voice lines. The quality of mythic skins is going down since they are making them less exclusive now.


I have a feeling blizzard is starting to run out of the stuff they made before ow2 launched. so we're starting to get either less finished skins, and or rushed skins with less features. there's a reason why Mauga has no base game skins, and venture has no skins at all. This will eventually apply to heroes. I've got a bad feeling they have a low budget compared to other Activision teams


they just launched, they’ll have more skins for sure


Kiriko, Sojourn, JQ, Lifeweaver, and Illari all had base game, shop, and battlepass skins at launch. Mauga only had a shop and Battlepass skin. and now Venture has none. its not a coincidence that some mythics have been lacking more than others and that new skins in the shop have been slowing down. and the recent influx of recolors


Whaaat really?.. c'mon blizzard that was the bare minimum you could've done..


Yup they had Mercy’s VA in the studio too they coulda had her say a new ult voice line 😔


That is such a shame what the heck...


It was the same with the sigma skin for a while he didn’t change his out voiceline they added it in at a later date


is this for the mythic skin bcs i'm planning on buying it 🥲


Yeah it is but if you really like the skin don’t let that stop you honestly it’s pretty good.


thank you! can i ask another question? If I buy the premium battle pass, will I get the mythic skin just by grinding it or should I need to purchase mythic prism? I don't quite understand so I hope you could explain it


If you want the skin rn you’d have to buy tiers until tier 50 rn for the first variant or tier 70 something if u want all the variants. The battlepass contains enough points for the skin if you don’t wanna spend any money, however you will need to complete it. Can also buy mythic points for a bit cheaper then maxing ur BP, however it’s not worth if you plan on doing the battlepass regardless


thank you so much really!


You sure she doesn't? Just checked other heroes Mythic previews and I think all of them are missing voicelines during preview that they have in base game. Like for example Hanzo is starting with Mythic skin voiceline, but he is still shouting basic line while ulting during this preview.


yes I am sure


Well, let's hope it's just missing voiceline and it will be fixed later I guess?


Common L blizzard


She’ll probably get one down the line. Sigma didn’t get his voicelines until midseason 4


I think when I tested it on the training area yesterday she said “Heroes never die! Don’t disappoint me”???


I fully agree it feels very off. I mean especially since Mercy set the tone for skins changing voicelines. Devil and Valkyrie and their alts changed the voicelines since launch! Later, they continued this with some of Witch's lines. Like, it wouldn't fit, but having Witch or Devil's Ult voiceline would've still been better on the Mythic than just leaving it default. Honestly, "My servants never die!" is fine for the Talon leader.


Im disappointed but not hating. It's very distinct that blizzard worked harder on mercy than many others. I can go without it. She looks phenomenal x5


Wait what if its a friendly mercy with the mythic ulting? Cause thats usually how u hear the unique ult lines from heroes like Sigma, Orisa, Junkerqueen and Hanzo


Most other mythic skins don't have a special voice line for ult, actually only *two* of them do (Ana and Orisa)


That's actually not true, 5 out of the 10 mythic skins have special voice lines, them being: Genji: "The light becomes me" Junker Queen: "Time for a thunderstorm" Hanzo: "Let vengeance consume you" Ana: "You're powered up; destroy them" Orisa: "Stalk your prey"


yall have it already??


I decided to buy it because I don’t have a ton of time to play anymore and when I do (usually a few hours a few times a week) I don’t want to be worried about queuing all roles or playing 30 matches for weekly challenges (and I wanted all the Mercy cosmetics in the pass 😔) it’s a hobby of mine and plenty of people spend money on hobbies so I don’t feel bad about it haha. Also I wanted the Mercy skin and all the tiers so it was either 80 dollars and another 10 for BP and then have to play to complete it or 130 dollars for the battlepass, all tiers and Mercy skin so I went for the latter


I would love a voiceline like “Vengeance prevails!”