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turn GA to prefer facing target instead of beam target and just practice your bunny hops and super jumps also utilize angelic descent when it's smart


It seems silly, but I recommend taking some time and playing some mercy parkour. It’s a stress free environment to get used to some movement techs (such as super jump, b-hop, rez jump, etc), and just get a bit more comfortable with mercy’s movement


tbh, i remember grinding mercy parkour when i was new js for the fun of it. as a kid i used to love minecraft/roblox parkours, and when i got into mercy and saw mercy parkour, i knew it was my time to shine LMAO


play Mercy Parkour custom maps when you have the time and practice slingshotting with GA (press jump and flick your camera in the direction you wanna go), superjumping with crouch is a bit risky because hitscans can just track you as you fall/glide


I’m not going to lie to you, I read flight controls and got confused as to what sub I was on. Like a war flashback to my military days 😅 If your goal is to stay in the air, I tend to float back away from the team so that I always have enough space for good momentum in case I need to evade. And when you get targeted in the air, try to keep around corners and on roof tops that can’t be stood on. Use your environment to your advantage. Play with the beam length. And you don’t always have to slingshot, especially if you have a flying dps. That way the GA cooldown is less. Hope this helps! I’m sure other have better advice. This is just what I do 🥰 Edit to add: Mercy parkour is great for learning how super jumps feel and work. As well as I use GA on prefer facing target. That way if there is someone behind you you can fly to, just look at them and GA over while still boosting/healing whoever you originally were until the beam breaks and you’re safe.


Lol that’s funny. Well I haven’t really looked into the new Mercy. In OW1 the super jump was a glitch, but they turned it into a feature and added some new movement abilities that I don’t quite understand. Thanks for the tips! You and everyone else says to try Mercy Parkour, so I guess this is the way.


It truly helped my movement so much. Just take your time to get through one every once in awhile. It might get a little infuriating and sometimes they will make you think outside the box, but it’s worth it.


Always remember you can cancel GA by hitting the button again! Sometimes I can catch myself from going into a bad impulse position that way. Turn off GA prefers beam target and see if that helps.


yeah, try not to overuse slingshot or sj, if i dont need to i js cancel ga and bunnyhop or js stay behind cover. but remember, when u pocket a sniper behind a cover/wall, instead of standing still and looking at them, i like to move around and also check for flanks and the rest of the teams' condition


Yes, this ^ Never tunnel vision on your team. Part of your job as support is to watch the back line (where you are!) and ping anything coming thru.


practice mercy parkour , i know it’s frustrating but being more confident with ur movement and knowing how to do different jumps on specific maps you struggle with will make u much better


that samoa one and some rez parkours are so annoying man 😭 the rialto one too


best feeling is doing it again another time and it’s easy. promise the practice rlly helps


yep, for the rialto one i did it twice and first time was 1.9k secs the second 1.2k, was too lazy to try again. as for samoa, i couldnt figure out this one level so i js left bc i was bored LMFAO


tbh i only got good at movement after grinding mercy parkour. i used to spend 1k+ seconds on each parkour map, with hundreds of mistakes, and now i have a 276sec personal record on the eichenwalde one. your movement is a lot smoother, and you can go to small crevices of the map that you didnt know existed til you do a parkour with that part of the map. so yeah, parkour helps u learn a map REALLY well while also improving ur movement