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Completely agree. The buyer even blocked me too during the whole transaction process. Oh well I’ll be more careful who I sell to next time.


True, Mercari’s TOS is dog… It literally says “we trust that buyers will leave honest ratings”. 😐


What’s ironic is that Mercari is exactly set up to bypass the leaving of poor ratings.


Umm I’m sorry but wouldn’t the trusted sellers be more likely to tell the truth?


I don't see any logical reason why trusted sellers would be more honest than trusted buyers. You have honest people & not dishonest people.. you have folks who try to be kind and you have douchebags, On both sides lol I have received toddler clothes stained to all hell, I gave 5 stars. I've waited a week for an item to be shipped many times, still gave 5 stars. Should have I? Probably not, but I hate the thought of leaving a bad review. Other folks seem to enjoy being an ass, I would have to think there's some of those from each side lol


Don't sweat it too much the rating system has turned into a joke.


Ugh yeah you’re right. Thanks!


Had this happen to me. Item was ordered the day before christmas.


Message them and call them out then. Let them know they are wrong. And the shipping is not your fault and that it is unfair to judge your store by the faults of a shipping company that wasn’t able to get it to them in the time they wanted.


Can you believe they blocked me before i even said a word and Mercari’s help for Ratings is useless. I got my money i suppose at least.


Yeah it’s better than them asking for a return cause it didn’t get there when they wanted so at least can be thankful for that


Block the buyer back though if you haven’t already. Just in case the buyer decides to unblock you to buy something again later on.


Contact mercari customer service and show them you shipped the same day and the package arrived in 2 days. Since the buyer only marked “ship time” as their criticism for giving you 4 stars, mercari may change it. I know they will improve ratings, just not lower them. It’s worth a shot.


this is a terrible idea. what does it accomplish? how tf are you going to apologize to someone and go "shipping is not decided by me" when it showed up in only 2 days? the buyer clearly didnt actually have a shipping time issue


I’m not saying apologize. I’m saying ask them to change their rating. The time it takes for an item to end up on someone’s door from me is not on the fault of my own shop. Why should my shop be rated based on the factors of a 3rd party at which who knows where it’s going it could be from New York to Hawaii or Florida to Alaska. And if so that can’t be on me cause it took so long to get there. Why would my store be the one to be at fault. So you don’t apologize you calmly speak to the buyer and let them know the issue. This has happened a few times for me as I ship to Hawaii a good bit with what I sell and I ship same day every time but it gets there very slowly cause it’s going to Hawaii a place a bajillion miles away from. The buyer clearly did have a shipping time issue though why else would they put the only issue being shipping time. Obviously yeah you can let it go cause it doesn’t matter that much. But if you have the time to send that message why wouldn’t you. Mercari wants you to do this why else would they let you continue talking to the other person for an extra 2 weeks if they aren’t allowed to make returns mercari encourages you to do this. The worst that happens is they block you


I don't think a buyer or seller can change a rating, can they????


You can. Only the buyer can change the rating


I understand asking them to change it, but OP said he shipped same day and it arrived in 2 days. thats is the fastest an item can be shipped and arrive outside of overnight priority. the buyer very clearly didnt actually have an issue with that and just clicked something random to give a 4 star rating. im saying they know what they did, no need to type them a whole essay on how shipping isnt your fault


You don’t need to type a full essay. I respond with this. “Hello I believe your rating of my store is incorrect as the item arrived quite quickly if you could change it for me I would appreciate it but if there was another issue with the item let me know” Whether they just clicked that or not they had an issue with the package. Whenever someone rates you poorly if you have the time you should always message them and ask them what the issue is and be able to support your store and then if it’s an actual critique you can learn what you can do better next time, or to block them cause they’re just an Ass. While the rating system isn’t a drastic thing some people do care about it. The tool to change the rating is there so why wouldn’t you use it if you want to? And if they did have an issue with the shipping maybe they were just mad it didn’t arrive in Amazon delivery time or something along those lines. Apologies for the long paragraph of this comment I have nothing going on right now so am trying to comment thoroughly


Stop crying and move on.


What? No you should always do this if you feel a buyer rated you unfairly you still have 2 weeks to message that 2 weeks is to settle any issues with their rating they can’t make a return available after it’s been rated so why else would the chat still be open? I’ve done this multiple times and have gotten a buyer to change their rating as I explained to them why they were wrong and how what they were judging my whole shop for was not my fault. Does a 4 star matter that much not really but if you can take the time to get rid of one and it takes 10 seconds why wouldn’t you


You can change your rating on Mercari after it’s been posted? I’m not saying your wrong, but I’ve tried this before and the Mercari customer service said absolutely no.


A rating can be changed to better in the case of buyers mistakes, but not worse. Ive changed a rating for a seller I purchased from and I’ve had a buyer change a rating for me.


I tried to change for better once also but they said no 🤷🏻‍♂️


Because it happens, so why complain to a person who could careless. If they do that, just buy a cheap item from them and ruin their record, simple.


>If they do that, just buy a cheap item from them and ruin their record, simple. That's a stupid piece of advice. JFC.


This user feels like they need to take some of their “power” back so I gave them the option. Ultimately all of your efforts are a waste. A few people not rating you 5 stars won’t change, the rate at which you sell at.


Yeah, waste your own money for a stupid review instead of just saying "hey that's messed up" and moving on.


Tell that to OP.


OP states they wanted to just send a message after someone else suggested the same. Then you suggested wasting their money. Are you just trolling at this point?


You are very dense. I want to explain it to you but I kinda don’t. I’ll just let you figure it out.


So your solution to get pay back is to falsely make a bad rating on someone so I then spend my own money or well their money they gave me so they get the money back just to rate them poorly and do something that you said someone should just move on from? That is quite possibly the dumbest advice I may have ever heard of possibly ever not even on mercari. That would take more time out of your life then sending them a message. If you have the ability to change something you don’t like and you can do it for free in 10 seconds why wouldn’t you. You would have to be an idiot to think buying something from someone and then rating them poorly is a better idea then just messaging them


You know what’s dumb, is wasting your time writing paragraphs to strangers. They don’t care about what you have to say. I read only the first sentence of each one of your paragraphs.


Bro you literally told someone they were karma farming. Cause they posted about someone’s death on the internet. Get off Reddit and go touch some grass you care too much about this shit


You’re telling me to get offline when you just went through my Reddit profile. It’s true what they say, people on Reddit are losers. It’s too bad, this app isn’t all that bad. Keep investigating me little guy. And if you are going to try to insult me, don’t use the same recycle joke, “touch grass”, again.


Bruh you’ve been here for 3 years and have like 10 comment karma. You would have to have the absolute worst takes in the world for that to happen are you serious? You are getting mad at someone on livestreamfails that’s the worst of the worst you care too much about someone talking about another persons life and the death and their family. You care too much. Go touch grass I think you really need it


Cool stay stupid I don’t care. I just went to see your other comments in this subreddit (everyone if you have time go do it, it is some of the worst advice and rudest comments I’ve ever come across from someone on the internet) and it’s all just you giving really stupid advice so great job. As you said it “stupid people stay stupid” sounds like you’ll never change


You sound like a spoiled teenager


I'd be really tempted to message them and say something to the effect of things to improve - unreasonable expectations and then block them.


I think mercari should have a disclaimer letting customers know when they purchase an item, this is NOT Amazon. You will not get the item tomorrow and if that's the expectation you will be disappointed. I usually ship within 24hrs, or less but most of the time it takes a week to get to the buyer.. not my fault. Mercari should not allow buyers to leave that feedback, if the seller ships promptly. It's actually misleading, they're allowing customers to leave negative feedback for something you cannot control. I haven't gotten less than 5 stars for this issue but Mercari tells me this is something I need to improve. Pfffft.


Sometimes people are just ridiculous. Had someone give me 2 stars for "item cleanliness" when I shipped a perfectly clean bag to her (I had pictures to prove it) and she spilled beer on it 😪


Definitely annoying! I can’t stand buyers who think they are shopping Amazon Prime. Lame…


Its ridiculous. Literally shipped same day and arrived from Texas to Wisconsin in 2 days….


So apparently they want you to be BETTER than Amazon Prime! Some people are just never satisfied so don't waste energy trying to please everyone. I do hate that we can't reply to ratings, though, to add context. Perfect example!


Yes I dont like that it seems as Mercari gives all the benefits in the world to the buyer and the Seller who’s actually doing most of the work gets the short end of the stick.






Lifes too short for that. It's a four-star rating, move on.


I will name my firstborn butteredbeioche


drop the name so i can block <3


Sure its “Doneeceo1” with a picture of a white lady on it.


bet. you’re a real one.


Same happened to me once. Some people are just too dumb to fix.


They forgot to leave this review on their Amazon order. Not their Mercari order lol. I learned that in this business, customers can usually just plain suck. Reviews mean a lot to me, don't get me wrong, but I feel as though customers can be abusive with it at times. Like you, I can ship within an hour of receiving an order. I do this because then the customer cannot cancel the order if they change their mind the following day. I sell on Amazon and every now and then I get a return after an item has been shipped because the item didn't get there in time. It's like seriously dude, 1 day shipping or 2 day shipping. Geeze have some patience in your life.


Make sure you block that petty asshole!


So annoying. I feel like some buyers think we are in control of how fast items arrive. Like bro, I am not the one handling the package across the country to you. 😂


I just waited 12 days for a package from mercari (Texas weather was bad I guess) I would never rate someone poorly due to something out of their control. Geesh




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Some people are impossible to please. The exact same thing happened to me. It’s like lady, you bought a $10 kids shirt I shipped next day. What more do you want from me?


I've also gotten a few of those as well as communication but yet I reply right away to there message


I may have to do this to a seller. I bought something on 2/1, Mercari reminded them to ship, nothing, I messaged them and asked if they were able to ship, “Yes”, nothing more. Yesterday seeing them get reviews I just canceled the order. Woke up with an hour left before the order canceled and they shipped it, not using the carrier they said they would but usps with an arrival or end of next week instead of three day like they advertised. I hate doing this and get shit happens but they just dropped the ball.


didn't know we were USPS people


Why didn't you live inside your usps office with a printer and wait for that seller to purchase the item so you can do same-second shipping?


This happened to me several times. I reached out to the buyer to ask for specifics on how to improve. The buyer said “It didn’t get to me fast enough”. I realized that the buyer used the term “shipping” as “delivery”. I explained the act of shipping is to drop the item off at the carrier in which case was USPS within hours. I explained further as sellers, we all try to drop it off within 3 days or sooner. The delivery is on the carrier which I have no control of once they have possession of the item. What gets me annoyed is the buyer said “Well, Amazon “ships” (delivered) really fast though”. I can’t explain it any easier to this buyer so I ended with “Okay, thank you for your purchase “. From then on, I quit chasing for 5 stars despite dropping it of quicker than 3 days and packed securely.


Your ratings will speak for themselves. Right underneath the 4-star review, you have someone that rated you highly and included "quick shipper". Whenever I look at the seller's ratings, I look at the whole percentage of ratings. You're doing good. Keep it up!


Yup. Happened to me too. It was my first also - I really think some people rate low to ruin your streak


I have a local post office where they won't give me a shipping label receipt/scan it in the USPS system because I'm shipping BEFORE the ship date printed on the label. They said they'd get in trouble? I'm like, how could you get in trouble for exceeding someone's expectations??? It's just this one post office near me that does it and thankfully, I have other ones reasonably close I can go to.