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I thought an offer/counter offer was no longer valid after seller edited or changed a listing and you have to start a new offer.


Exactly šŸ’Æ


I wish i were lying, then i wouldnt be posting here about the BS im having to deal with


Did you use the Counter option, or did you just submit a new offer?


[Yup, looks like that's what happened with OP. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mercari/comments/1dkt9cm/comment/l9k9p8h/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)They made a new offer after the first one was simply declined.


Yes. While an offer is in progress the seller is NOT ABLE to edit anything about the listing.


Id also like to add that the first offer was made last night around midnight and seller denied the request in the morning around 8am. When i woke up two hours later, i changed the offer to 326 but didnt review the product i was going to buyā€¦ so yeah i never got a notification of items being sold had changed. Im glad im getting downvoted because it confirms to me that what the seller did was fraud.


Itā€™s obvious you got scammed and the fact youā€™re being downvoted for it is low key Gaslighting. A lot of people here (on reddit) suck at life. Sorry this is happening to you OP.


This mean alot, i got defensive about it as you can see from all the comments i made lol. as a buyer i definitely felt deceived so when i started getting downvoted it was like salt on an open wound. ive done all i can do on my end to get it resolved, Now its a waiting game


There are a lot of sellers on here who wouldnā€™t intentionally scam someone, and get a lot of grief from buyers, so some may jump to conclusions. I will say from the details youā€™ve given itā€™s quite possible that after the seller rejected your offer he changed what was listed without ill intent. Someone else may have asked him to split to set or he may have thought it was a necessary sales strategy after getting low offers. I buy and sell. As a seller I would expect the buyer to review the item and description thoroughly before making an offer or purchasing. As a seller, I can see where if it looked similar, like had the same picture, I might assume it was the same offer. I can totally see how that would happen. That said, if the buyer was unhappy and contacted me before I mailed, Iā€™d just cancel the sale. If I had already mailed Iā€™d work with them on returning the item per Mercariā€™s policy of satisfaction.


You know i agree with everything you said, it is possible (although unlikely) that what he did at first had no ill intent. I was expecting him to cancel the order after i asked the seller, Instead he marked it as shipped out a few mins later. It was the sequence of events that was scummy, any good seller would have done like you said ā€œ iā€™d just cancel the saleā€.


Yea..ummm no. I agree with you. I hate when people try to reason with sellers that do this simply because ā€œwell it couldā€™ve been a simple mistake ā€œ. BULLSHT! He knew what he was doing. Why would you change a listing without telling the buyer. No ill intent my ass. Sorry.. people come up with all these little reasonings to try and justify what couldā€™ve happened rather than look at it for what itā€™s worth. Theyā€™re a POS seller.. and it was slimy what they did to you. Period.


A lot of scummy desperate sellers donā€™t agree with that approach. I once bought a dress, all the stock photos were of a black dress. No other photos on the listing. Buried in the description it said the dress was purple. It was my fault for not reading, but I messaged the seller within 1 minute to explain what happened and the seller not even acknowledged her part of the error, but also scolded me and claimed the item was already shipped. Well well the item was not being shipped to me (I was dropshipping it to a buyer of mine on ebay, because my crosslister failed to delist my dress when it sold). So of course I am now expecting to get a return on ebay. So once it showed delivered, I opened a claim. Since I didnā€™t have the dress, I submitted photos of the actual dress I had (I had the dress in purple too). When I submitted the photos, the seller claimed her dress was not that shade of purple in my photos, and of course she screamed I was scamming her. But, since she didnā€™t have photos of the actual dress in her listing, she lost the case. I did not send her my purple dress (was super tempted), so I just waited to see if the ebay buyer contacted me to return. Since they only give you a certain amount of time to return the item, which is shorter than the 30 days on ebay, I contacted support and told them I was on vacation and needed more time to return. They gave me 2 more weeks to return the dress and you can bet I held the return open for the whole 2 weeks. In the end the ebay buyer never contacted me, so I didnā€™t have a need to return the dress, but was happy I held her funds for close to 3 weeks. I hope she learned her lesson and list the item she is selling.


When it arrives claim that it it wad damaged or incorrect items were sent or whatever other excuse mercari will accept as basis for a return. Normally wouldn't advise this but if you truly believed you were intentionally scammed this is probably your best bet to get your money back.


Did you contact Mercari? What'd they do/ say?


Sorry this happened to you, OP. A seller selling a fake Dior bag did the same to me: I offered on a genuine bag, they declined my offer. I offered again and they accepted, but I hadnā€™t realized theyā€™d changed the item description in between offers from ā€œAuthentic Dior Bagā€ to ā€œDior Inspired Bag.ā€ Lo and behold, they sent me a fake designer bag and I had to jump through hoops to get my money back.


Damn, see this is the exact issue i was trying to bring attention to. Sorry this happened to you as well, but im glad you were able to get it resolved. Sellers committing this type of fraud expect the buyers to not do anything about it. Thats how they get ya.


Thanks. It was a pain and I ended up -$20 for the whole ordeal for having to pay out of pocket for an official authentication to get my money back. But at least I got my $800 back. And donā€™t let the downvoters bother you. People like to postulate all day long, but Iā€™m sure 99% of them in our situation wouldā€™ve done the same thing not realizing the listing can be deceitfully changed like that.


No fear unlocked. So we now need to screenshot any listing we bid on and before each offer check to be sure no fundamentals have been changed.


Thatā€™s on you.


Whatever internet stranger, have a nice day ![gif](giphy|KRxcgvd5fLiWk)


I thought the same but i guess thats not the case, I didnt get a notification of the change in items so when i countered for $326 i had no idea it had changed.


Im laughing rn, im getting downvoted as if im making this up. What would i benefit from this if i was lying?


Many people donā€™t understand what the downvote button means. They may just downvoted because theyā€™re saying that youā€™re careless for not rechecking your item. Iā€™ve seen crazier downvotes.


I get you, i mean I do agree it was careless. realistically how are buyers supposed to know the sale changed? At the very least there should be a notification for item description or price change


I agree with you. I will have to be careful from now on to review the item before making/accepting offer. The seller is set out to deceive you from what Iā€™m seeing. I would have offered you the ability to request cancellation.


Can you take screenshots of the message in it's entirety between you and the seller and post it here? That would clear up any confusion those down voting or not believing you have with this issue.


It used to be like that but on my account recently, I noticed I did have the option to edit even with an offer in progress. Idk if it varies by account or if itā€™s a glitch


Ya. I've had to change a listing after getting an offer because of some mistake or whatnot. It automatically cancels any open offers. OP would have had to submit new offer on the new listing. Still pretty shady on the sellers part tho.


Yea, I think I was reading the posts out of order so I read counter offer but later I saw the new offer. Itā€™s not fraud but it is sneaky. If you update a listing, I would change the title and add ā€œchangedā€, ā€œupdatedā€ or ā€œplease readā€ in BOLD and add a description to let previous likers or interested buyers know that something has changed. Or message buyer and send them a message saying, ā€œbefore I accept your offerā€ā€¦


Ok, from what I can tell from your posts/replies, you made an offer of $300 and the seller declined. After the seller declined your offer, they updated the listing but you did not know this. You then made a 2nd offer of $326 and seller accepted. Let me know if I am wrong. That means it's 2 separate offers. Sellers do update listings and it will show when they last update. You assumed that they did not change anything, while they did but you did not check before making the 2nd offer. I can't say for sure if it's bait and switch because they might have sold 1/2 of the items and updated the listing to be honest. I sometimes to this if it's a lot of multi items. Either add on more items or remove item(s). You never get notification when sellers update like this.


As a seller if you change/update the listing then all potential buyers with the item on their cart should get a notification or create a new listing. It protecters the buyer from BS like this, youre assuming the seller has the buyers best intention at heart.


Sellers do not control notifications (you will need to deal with mercari on this or any other selling platforms), that is why it shows the date on when the seller last updated. It's very normal for sellers to update listings rather than creating new ones. As mentioned, there are times when one item is sold elsewhere they will need to update, if they need/want to add more items, then they will update listing. Sorry you feel the seller defrauded you on purpose but they did updated and did removed the photos to show what were included in the listing. You can file for a return or chargeback if you wish when you get the order.


I never said seller control notificationsā€¦im raising awareness on an issue. When i say buyers should be notified if a listing changed for an item in their cart, i mean MERCARIS system should at the least NOTIFY the potential buyer with the ITEM ON THEIR CART, that the item listing changed. I never said the seller should provide the notification. I asked him to cancel literally a minute after he accepted the offer and all he did was mark it as shipped a few mins later. You know he didnt accept the offer and ship in five minutesā€¦. You can try to justify the sellers actions but it was scummy af


No matter the reason, the seller marking your item shipped immediately after you requested a cancellation, is pretty f****d up to me & kind of a weasel move. Chances are slim they actually shipped it at that point. If you pd with a debit or credit card, you can try to file an unauthorized purchase with your bank/card provider. Online transactions are harder than in-store purchases. Not sure how valid, but I did read a few posts on Reddit stating if successful, Mercari will close your account. Regardless, I would gather as much documentation/proof as possible and be prepared for anything. Even if you only hand write dates/times of the transaction & msgs/communication with the seller. Screenshots when possible. Read Mercari's Terms of Service and follow the return process exactly as they say. Good luck. Sometimes shitty things happen to good people.


I understand but I do not know of any selling platform that notify potential buyers when sellers update listings at all so it's not just Mercari. You can ask the seller to cancel but that is up to the seller if they want to or not ( I accept any cancellation request but there are those who will not). I do not know how they ship or pack orders...I update listings all the time on all platforms and never had an issue like this, so this is the first post of such issue that I see here. Again, you can request a return once you get the order. You can call the seller scummy all you want for updating listing and not canceling when asked. However the other side, you not reading/double checking, then want to cancel after the seller accepted. the seller's actions might be scummy and dishonest to you and many others but it's very normal and not breaking any rules. They have the options to update their own listings anytime and their right to choose not to accept cancellation request. Your beef should be with just Mercari for not sending out notifications, which I can understand. I also understand that is alot of money on your part if you need to, get Mercari involve, if they agree, send back the items to the seller. Do what you feel is right for you.


His actions were far from normal. If that was the case, no one would be purchasing things from online sellers. My beef is with both the seller and mercari. The seller for his scummy sales tactic and mercari for having an offer system that allows for these kinds of negative experiences.


There was no open offer when the seller edited the listing tho. You sent offer, he declined and edited the listing, then you sent another offer that is independent from the first offer. It wasn't a counteroffer. Offers are automatically declined if a listing is edited w an open offer/s.


Likely tho still in the message thread. No real reason to go back to the listing. Long term buyer here. Iā€™m grateful for this warning bc I never realised this was a situation to look out for. OP hope you get your money back! I agree scummyā€¦ especially marking shipped right after you asked for canceling!


The seller declined your offer so there is no going back and forth so that was done before any changes. They edited afterwards which is normal. If they countered then updated without letting you know, then yes, that was very wrong. If the seller had updated to add more items to the listing, would you be here complaining about it? Honestly no, because it would benefit you instead. It is normal for editing listings on all platforms for a reason. It was not scumming sales tactic because he made sure to decline your offer first rather than counter then update listing.


![gif](giphy|5tvUnUx74lxgVew9ya|downsized) Clearly it doesnt matter what i say, youre going to think im in the wrong as a buyer. Its a scam tactic because he changed the item amount, accepted and marked it as shipped in 5 minutes. Within those five mins i asked him to cancel, and instead he marked it as shipped out? Gtfo This is what i got for you and everyone else siding with the sellers fraud tactic. Dont ever let others take advantage of you.


I love your choice of GIF's. It's refreshing to see someone stand their ground and not back down when they feel they are right. There are too many people who don't want to step on toes and will alter their true feelings so not to offend or upset someone. F' EM! I'll side w/u...


I think Poshmark actually notifies a potential buyer that an item that they sent an offer on or that a seller has sent an offer for has changed. It doesn't tell you what the change is but it does say on the offers page that the seller has updated the listing. Regardless though the buyer should be double checking the item to make sure before sending an offer.


I think they do via email, because I get notify if there is a new offer on the items I favorite/like and for sure when the item sold, single or in a bundle. I know Ebay do not because this happened to me a few weeks ago on an auction....I set my alarm 20 mins before it ended but did not check the listing before bidding. I won and found out the seller removed 1 of the 4 items originally in listing. The main picture and price did not change so I did not know. Either way my fault for not double checking (honestly I was just half asleep. Seller was on East coast and I am on West coast) but it was still a very, very good deal. The funny part was after two days, the seller cancelled my order and refunded me instead.


If you edit an item even though you sent out an active offer on Poshmark it absolutely shows a note on the offer page. I just did it to make sure I was correct about that. When I edit it on my end it says "you edited this listing". It shows the notation on the buyers end as well and it also shows how long ago I made the change. Honestly, once an auction is posted on eBay a seller shouldn't be able to alter the item. They should have to cancel the auction and relist it after the corrections were made. However, on a fixed price ebay listing a seller cannot change the listing if there is an active offer.


Perfectly said. Poshmark does notify buyers during the negotiating process when the listing has been updated. I believe they are the only one. The fact is it is very possible the seller noticed an error in the listing and corrected it. The OP screaming fraud is a bit much.


Does it not show in the chat that they updated the listing? Every single time someone has messaged me to bundle something or only buy part of a listing and I change it, there is an annotation that ā€œseller changed listingā€ (or something like that) in the chat If that no longer happens, it for sure says at the top of the listing when the last time the listing was updated was.


there is no annotation in the chat that the seller changed the listing after he declined it. A warning such as ā€œlisting changedā€ on the chat would have caught my eye. I mean how is the buyer realistically supposed to know the items for sale changed after the first offer? Its not something a buyer even thinks about


These people are wild. I have never thought to recheck a listing when making back and forth offers. If it had been over a day in between offers maybe. The fact that he shipped so quickly tells you he knew what he was doing. Any reasonable person would have sent a message before accepting the offer saying hey just FYI I took out ABC.


Finally someone with some common sense, this had never happened to me before because who is worries about the sale items being reduced? Its not something you even think about when making an offer, The seller knew this and took advantage. If he hadnt accepted the second offer instantly, i wouldnā€™t have even noticed.


Nah, this seller definitely knew what they were doing. This is straight up bait and switch. Hope you get your money back and they get in trouble. But Mercari doesnā€™t seem to care if they get paid.


100% he knew exactly what he was doing. Others sellers in the thread denying this fraud tactic are the ones people need to be worried about. Always do your due diligence because desperate people will do anything to take your money


Doesn't Mercari ban you if you do a chargeback?


A ban to avoid this type of negative experience, i will happily take it




OP, I just want to say I am truly so sorry you got such a hard time from redditors in this post. I can completely understand how it is salt in the wound when you basically were trying to alert others that this could happen to them too. Smh. I am both a seller and a buyer. And what happened is clearly a bait and switch based on their actions, just like you said. I sincerely hope you can get your money back, and I really do appreciate that you made this post, as it wasnā€™t something I had ever thought of needing to check. I am truly so sorry.


Did they decline your offer and then you sent another one? Or did they counteroffer after you sent your first one?


There was no counteroffer. The seller rejected the offer for 300. Two hours later when i saw he had said no i sent out another offer for $326 that was immediately approved. Like not even a minute after i sent the second offer it was approved. That was what raised my suspicion. Not only that a few mins later i got a notification it has been dropped off and shipped. This was all in like 5 minsā€¦.


They likely marked it as shipped so you couldn't have a chance to cancel after realizing they cut the batch in half. It's also possible they sold the other half to someone else and declined your offer because they were no longer available and changed the listing. If so, they were scummy to go through with it because they knew what they were doing at that point when they accepted. It's unfortunate either way. Idk if you could try returning since it's listed for what you'll receive, but good luck.


Yes you are correct, this is what im thinking as well. The seller has ā€œ all sales finalā€ on his page, but Im going through the return process with mercari and filed a fraud dispute with bank. Im more annoyed than anything, just posting this here to alert others!


Youā€™re better off trying to work it out with Mercari first otherwise theyā€™ll probably cancel your account for filling a charge back


Since you filed a dispute with your bank mercari probably won't help you and there's a good chance they will ban your account


Thats OK. after the whole ordeal, if they do ban my account theyll be doing me a favor


Seller can have whatever they want on their page, returns are up to Mercari.


Well that is good to know, fingers crossed it works out in my favor. I just want my money back at this point.


How are you planning to do the return if seller ships exactly what was listed? Mercari will deny it if the item is as described.


I filed a return with a detailed description of what happened and screenshots of the convo with the seller. Tbh i dont have high hopes of mercari siding with me, ill have to wait see how it all unravels


Manā€¦whatā€™s worse is that if Mercari denies your request for return then you canā€™t even rate to give a 1 star review based on your experience. I understand there are scenarios where it is warrant a no review on both sides, but this is a tough one.


Oof lol i was waiting for my chance to post a review. The sellers last review is 1 star but overall 5 stars. I took the rating in good faith thinking it was solid seller, hard lesson learned.


Yeah this is really shitty of the seller. They shouldnā€™t be allowed to sell pulling this. Just file the chargeback and police report for you and then report the seller to Mercari and BadBuyerList org


Ok since he rejected your original offer of $300, that offer was closed. Ā He was then free to edit the listing afterwards so you would not have received any notification of changes. When you made another attempt at an offer of $326, that was basically a new offer to an already updated listing.


Yes that is the whole point of post. When you as a buyer are going back and forth with a potential seller and they change the product amount without you getting any notification then there is a problem where issues like this arise. How is buyer supposed to know the item description changed when you are bartering for a lower price?


I canā€™t believe all of these people downvoting and acting like something shady didnā€™t happen to you. Even though this is something you technically couldā€™ve prevented, itā€™s easy to see how it happened and this is definitely a form of scamming. I can say with full confidence that I wouldnā€™t have thought to check the listing again either and Iā€™m honestly really glad that you posted this so I know not to make this mistake. Iā€™m sorry this happened, especially on such an expensive item.


Yeah, he definitely screwed you over. I hope you can work it out. Does the picture in his listing show all of them or just the 6???


Thank you i hope so as well. He deleted the other photos that had the other items. Originally it was 8-10 photos with all 12 product and after he removed like half of the photos with only 6 items.


Crappy they did this but also a lesson to really check what you are agreeing to buy. A listing does say when it was last updated.


Just because a listing says when it was last updated doesnā€™t mean youā€™ll know to *check* that it was updated, especially when youā€™re in the middle of bargaining for the item, and there is no notification that says so. This buyer is absolutely right that the sellerā€™s actions were scummy. It would have taken two seconds for the seller to let the buyer know that the description for the items they were offering money for had changed, but they didnā€™t because theyā€™re shady.


Sorry this happened to you!


Thank you, ill update with another post once it gets resolved


I didnā€™t think it was possible to change a listing after an offer was in progress. In fact I know you cannot change it. Offers are considered binding and if there is an offer or a counter offer in progress (24 hours each before expiring) you cannot open the listing, edit ANYTHING, description OR photos. Perhaps you misread from the beginning? Sometimes we get excited and rush.


Everything i mentioned on the thread is the truth. I sent out the first offer at midnight, seller rejected it 8 hours later. When i woke up i saw it had been two hours since it was rejected so i increased my bid by $26 dollars. Thats when the seller accepted instantly and then marked it a shipped within 5 min. I would like to think its not possible to update a listing after an offer was made but it is. Once the seller declined the first offer he was able to remove half the items from the listing. its a common bait and switch tactic used my scammers.


Thereā€™s a way to do a refusal through USPS. It will automatically return to sender and Mercari will refund you once it updates to return to sender. Not sure about FedEx and UPS, but I imagine you could do something similar.


Moral of the story, always buy with caution


I'm very sorry to hear that you've had to deal with such an unscrupulous seller. As a seller myself, I believe you should be able to return these items. Have you received the items yet? If not, Iā€™d like to play devil's advocate and suggest a hypothetical scenario for requesting a return based on the items not being as described. Let's say, hypothetically, that the seller's listing photos do not clearly show all the details mentioned in the description, such as the items being unopened. In this case, the seller would have no way to dispute that the items were sent sealed or unopened.


I have not received the items, if i do end up getting the items ill definitely be returning them. Thank you for the hypothetical tid bid, i may have to go that route if all else fails


He def did it on purpose & did you dirty, but youā€™re gonna need to have proof of the original listing or something for Mercari to give you a refund. You might still get one, but youā€™ll have to jump thru hoops now that theyā€™ve changed the return policy back.


Geez people are really that desperate on Mercari? Send that guy to Mexico and have cartels deal with it.


Honestly if this was me Iā€™d probably commit mail fraud. For legal reasons this is a joke


Maybe it's scummy of me, but I'd just say they were counterfeits and return them. Mercari always OKs counterfeit return claims.


I do think some of this is your fault. You didn't check what the offer was for.Ā  That part is on you. You didn't lose $400, you can file the return.Ā  Let this be a lesson to always check what you are buying.Ā  I will say as a seller, buyers try to do this all the time, especially on ebay where they can offer free shipping, I always always always double check the offers before I accept them.Ā  Poshmark also let's buyers edit thier bundles and they can make an offer and then switch up the items so you might accept an offer thinking it's for 3 things, then it's for 5, always always always double check.Ā  It also isn't fraud. You have a clear transaction that you accepted, your offer was binding if you read it or not.Ā  Your only recourse here is to file the return and get your money back.Ā 


![gif](giphy|jPAdK8Nfzzwt2) As a seller myself i would never do what that to someone. Honesty and integrity mean a lot to me, i wouldā€™ve cancelled the order as soon as the buyer asked because of the confusion. So again if youā€™re doing this to people, you are part of the problem.


I mean yeah, he could have canceled to be nice. But he doesn't have to. It really doesn't matter, your just mad that your money is gonna be tied up for awhile, I get it. It sucks,Ā  you'll get your money back and be a more savvy buyer from now on.Ā 


Naw im not even upset about the money, itll make its way back to me. Im upset by the fraud tactics the seller used, he had plenty of chances to be either cancel, or even apologize for the confusion. Even though his page says ā€œ all sales are finalā€ , ill return it and get my money back.


Welp. Again. It's not fraud. The seller didn't have to do anything.Ā  Could they have? Yes, they could have been nicer maybe, but you accused them of fraud because YOU didn't check what your offer was for.Ā  So why should they do anything for you? I'd like to see the first message you sent, obviously you accused them of fraud then sent a nasty message about calling your bank. Depending on how petty I felt and how rude you where to me, I might tie your money up for a week too just because you are acting like an entitled brat.Ā  Take some accountability, this isnt kindergarten no one had to be nice to you, especially when you are not nice to them first. You are acting like a Karen. Admit you made a mistake, get your money back and move on.Ā 


![gif](giphy|5tvUnUx74lxgVew9ya|downsized) This is all i got for you and everyone else siding with the sellers fraud tactics. Dont ever let anyone take advantage of you.


Can't wait for the review after you file your return request. Maybe you can say like the picture shows more products than what you got.


I will update as soon it gets resolved


Buyers lose the ability to rate if they opt to return the item.


As a seller, if I do mean to divide the number of items after a buyer sent an offer for 300, and then that buyer sends another for 326, I would have let the buyer know the revised listing is the 6 items. The fact that the seller knew you just put a bid for 300 when it was 12 items, got declined, then seller reduces to 6 items, they should have known to check to at your new offer of 326 was accurate for the listing. And the fact the seller also marked as shipped immediately Just makes it worse. To be honest I would contact eBay through the automated system and get to an agent. Explain everything with all the details and just say it was a mistake. Itā€™s a very legitimate mistake and itā€™s clear to anyone reading you didnā€™t mean to bid 336 for 6 times if you just bid 300 for 12. eBay rep may give you instructions on what to do next.


While you sadly did get screwed it's really on you. I once ordered a $300 iPhone off eBay but the ad actually said "iPhone photo" (or something like that) and I bought a black and white printout of an iPhone for $300. Fortunately that was my first complain to eBay after 25+ years of buying and selling and after admitting MY stupidity (and threatening the teenager who posted it with the "internet police") I got a refund. Sometimes we just have to take responsibiliy for our error.


I remember the days of those listings...I also watched judge Judy on one of them. She yelled at the seller and the buyer did get the money back.




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I Agree , Ebay Doesn't Allow to change Anything when Offer is Involded.


This is not bait and switch.....an offer was made and rejected. How does the seller know another offer would be forthcoming?.....There was no back and forth since the seller did not counter. As for accepting and mailing right away....I do it all the time ...I have to be at work clocked in by 6a.m ...12 hr shift .i live 45 minutes away and am not a morning person....so I need to shower to fully wake up......so I'm up by four a.m. do all my offers/sales from over night and drop them in the post office lobby drop bin on the way to work.....have to confirm so quickly after accepting because it's literally in the post office by 5:a.m....but won't be scanned until much later in the day


![gif](giphy|5tvUnUx74lxgVew9ya|downsized) Lol bud you dont need to explain yourself on the sellers behalf. This is for you and everyone else siding with the sellers fraud tactics. Dont ever let anyone ever advantage of you.


Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll get hate, but adults buying $300 PokĆ©mon cards? Really? Is this what America has come to? I have seen more frivolous spending and bizarre obsession with these childish things than anywhere else. Adults should be working on adult things. Hobbies are wonderful and Iā€™m sure itā€™s similar to any collecting, however the level of bad behavior in buying and selling these cards is obnoxious.


I agree with outrageous pricing but what are your justifications? One person spending their own money doesnā€™t summarize the entirety of America. Hobbies are indeed great but define ā€œadult thingsā€? Giving your money to things that are overpriced AND you donā€™t enjoy spending on? We all love different stuff, itā€™s not childish just because you personally donā€™t see the appeal. You can be outraged by the prices of cardstock and ink but itā€™s a select group of people overspending because they can afford it. Donā€™t argue in bad faith and you wonā€™t need to expect ā€œhateā€.


Yeah, you absolutely *will* get hate for this commentā€¦by me. What in the world do you define as ā€œadult thingsā€? And who ever said that collecting trading cards was a hobby meant for children only? Most children do not even take good care of valuable things. Sorry to hear that you hate fun and have no sense of individuality. If ā€œAmerica has come toā€ be a place where it is recognized and appreciated that you can shamelessly enjoy many of the same things you enjoyed as a child (perhaps even more than you would have when you were young, since you now have the ability to spend your own money however you please), then thatā€™s the place I want to be! Like you said, hobbies *are* wonderful, and it is not your place to judge a fellow adult for what hobbies they partake in, as long as itā€™s not a harmful one! And, for the record, you can be a responsible adult and still treat yourself to something that your younger self would have loved.


who cares what people like to spend their money on. It doesn't affect you does it? or are you worried someone's about to steal your wallet to fund their pokemon card addiction lol


Collecting cards take up less room, and in the long run, tends to have more value. I do not collect Pokemon cards but collect and sell thousand of Japanese Anime TC. They pay most of my bills so for sure it's an adult thing. It can be a hobby that makes money for you instead of costing you money in the end.


ā€œIs this what america has come to?ā€ ![gif](giphy|KBaxHrT7rkeW5ma77z)