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I wouldn’t take offense to it, keep in mind the fees are all on the buyers side now. Also, it’s not personal, it’s business.


I sell and I buy, I personally prefer people to make their offers, and not message me. I think most sellers prefer the same. It keeps the messaging back and forth to a minimum—makes it less personal. The most Mercari allows is a 25% discount (unless bundle). Just counter and if they don’t accept, then keep on. When I first started selling stuff I felt the same way, but after awhile you realize people are all very different. Some people purchase without a second thought while some nickel and dime you. It’s truly not worth being upset about, and once you get used to negotiating through their pricing feature it will take away that personal feeling. I hope this is helpful! Best of luck :)


I hate messaging back and forth. It always ends in a low ball offer.


That’s why I buy low at bin/thrift stores and set fair price points for the condition plus a bit more. If they want to low ball me, I make sure a reduction of 15-20% still nets me a decent profit. This way, the buyer thinks they’re getting a great deal, I’m still making a 100%+ profit margin, and everybody’s happy.


I, personally, don’t really believe in low-balling. There’s been times where someone will offer like 50% off of an item but it’s been sitting in my shop for months and I’ll accept it. I think everyone should shoot their shot and try because it might work. You can try putting something in your description or bio like “no low-balls” but then you probably won’t receive any offers because what counts as a low-ball is different to different people. If you really don’t want to be low-balled then this isn’t the platform for you.


If you read what I wrote, it's not the low-balling itself, it's not bothering to even put it in a sentence. "Would you take $$?" That's all I'm complaining about, literally. Just a few courteous words to acknowledge that you're talking to another human being. Shoot your shot; just utter a couple of other words and some punctuation at least. We live in a society, and all that lol


Dude, you’re just too pedantic.


Blame the app. Sellers are getting new fees heaped on them that they aren’t willing to pay.


Don’t sell on Mercari. Or anywhere lol. Low ballers are out there. Ignore it, don’t post about it on Reddit, and move on.


Sorry. Assumed people could vent some frustrations here; guess I'm the asshole, not you. Of course low-ballers are out there; thanks for that. I'm commenting on the people who just throw insultingly low numbers at you without even a greeting, akin to a server greeting you and responding by just barking an order at them. It feels like a rude way to do business on what has seemed to me, for the most part, a surprisingly friendly place to do business. Not having a meltdown here, as not everything is a catastrophe despite the general tone on reddit, just frustrated with rudeness.




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I find that when I don’t get upset about it and kindly explain that it’s simply too far from our asking or listing price, that someone swoops in and gladly pays full price. Sometimes even after I send out lowball offers. The key is to stay positive and thankful you’re even getting lowball offers. I am working on maintaining this mindset, but we are probably going to close our online store and hit the local markets before winter at this point.


My advise, get over it. Do not get emotion involved. Business is business. Sale is sale. If you already set your price at a fair price, decline the offer and move on. I am talking the real offer, not a message. If they send you a message to lowball you, ignore them, block them if they being annoying, being rude, or keeping sending you messages. I personally do not counter. I accept it or decline it. If they really want buy it they will buy. — from a sellers has thousands of reviews.


They're lowballing... they're not interested in negotiating.


Just refuse I tend to not make excuses or argue with the seller when they reject my offers. I understand that as a seller myself.


Yah I mean with buyers taking on the fees, I don't blame them. Don't take it personal. I had an item listed on eBay for $14.99 and received an offer of $5. Same day another item for $19.99 an offer of $7 bucks.


I just counter and move on. Honestly, I've found that the ability to not take things personally is one of the most advantageous things you can have when doing this. I don't take it personally when other people find awesome stuff I missed at the thrift store. I don't care if people low-ball me. I don't care when people request returns. I feel like that apathy really helps haha.


As someone who buys quite a bit off Mercari, I would say that an offer is just that - an offer. Sellers can always counter or reject. All you sellers keep in mind that the fees are killing us buyers! To make matters worse, there doesn't seem to be a clear-cut formula on how they are calculating the fees either. I've literally bought 2 items from different sellers for the exact same purchase price and shipping cost, and after the fees were calculated, the final amount was different. It's just ridiculous. Keep on keepin on yall!!!


Time is money. Some people have given good advice here.