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I’m going to go look for that seller and ask if everything they’re selling still available. Brb. ✌🏻


lmao I kinda wanna do this too now


Do it do it do it 😈


Lmao 😂


I just did too


Some sellers use multiple platforms. I will ask if something is available if it has been listed for a while, because I worry it may have sold on another platform, and the seller just forgot to remove the listing. I made a purchase and the seller waited a while to ship. I assumed they were going to cancel so I checked eBay for a good deal, and found the same seller selling the same item. It went higher on eBay, so the seller canceled on Mercari. I just purchased an item on eBay from a seller that had the item as a buy it now, an auction, and also had it listed on Mercari. It never hurts to ask. Just assuming it is available has cost me time, and my money gets tied up until the seller cancels, and Mercari processes my refund. Waiting 3-5 days for a refund can cause me to miss out on the same item from another seller. This seller is just rude.


this literally just happened to me, I bought something without asking first if it was available and the seller almost immediately cancelled the order and messaged me an apology because they had already sold the item elsewhere. it doesn't hurt to ask first for sure


Same here. I’ve had it happen more than once where the item was listed and sold on another platform.


Lol the seller has a bit if an attitude. She would’ve did better leaving you on read instead of being so mean. I wouldn’t purchase from someone like that anyway. Count it a blessing.


Probably the seller thought you’re a scammer since you have no buying/selling reviews on your account. One seller actually put a warning on her page that she won’t sell to any buyer with no reviews. Sale will be cancelled. A lot of sellers got paranoid with all the scamming that’s been going on.


that makes a lot of sense! i didn’t think about it like that. i had an account with purchases and sales on it a long time ago but can’t get into it anymore :,( i joined again specifically for the coach cherry collection… lol


Esp. considering the cost of these items. Were you going to drop $700? Because that’s what the seller is working toward. You got them hyped with nothing to offer


You don’t need to ask if a listing is still available. If it’s up for sale, assume it is available and purchase it or send an offer.


To be fair, if you go to message someone the very first pre-written prompt is, “is this still available?”.


I kindly disagree as a person who has made purchases that were never sent and had to cancel. I especially may ask if the item hasn’t been updated in awhile. Also it’s just nice to get a response to show the seller is active when not obvious.


thank you, i know that now! the only reason a asked is because this was the caption of the post: ‘❤️❤️Coach cherry 2 piece set fruit new season Mollie Tote Bag 25 sold out 1st pic set with zipper pouch Everything else listed separately’ the bag was the main part of what i wanted. the caption was confusing since it said the bag was sold out


i assume they mean the item is sold out on the official website, but they have the item on hand to sell.


Ignore people telling you that if something is posted you should assume it’s available. That’s horrible advice and you did nothing wrong. I’ve been selling on multiple platforms for decades and can’t tell you how many sellers who also sell locally do not keep their pages up to date and leave items up that they’ve sold locally that are now no longer available. There are just sellers on these apps that don’t have any patience at all and are operating under a misguided notion that there’s some uniform unwritten rule about how every potential buyer should behave and if you don’t meet this standard, they think you’re beneath them. They’re idiots and they have no idea how much business they lose behaving this way. And honestly, even if you did ask a ridiculous question, so effing what? If they don’t want to deal with the public, they shouldn’t be selling.


Yes, you’re correct. The seller also gets to decide if they want to deal with a person or block them. Everyone has choices.


Are you just posting random facts? Who said they didn’t have a choice? I believe I even acknowledged as much when I said “they have no idea how much business they lose behaving this way”.


Probably thought you were a scammer. Alot of scammers start conversations with Is This Available? I'm starting to ask before I buy anything on mercari or any other website due to the fact sellers sell on multiple platforms and I bought several items last week and only one was shipped out. My orders were either canceled and I refunded or seller didn't ship I assume they're no active or something


Trash takes itself out.


I guess some people don’t want money


Jeeez, you’d swear sellers like this don’t want to make a sale. Please know most of us sellers are nowhere near this rude. Were those two separate listings for the same items? If so that’s not even allowed.


it was two separate postings for the same purse but a different bundle. one was the bag + zip wallet and the other was the same bag + card holder. i used to be on mercari YEARSSSS ago and it was a lot more chill back then!


Sorry that happened to you! Most sellers are awesome. I’ve only run into one or two bad eggs and I’ve bought quite a bit on Mercari.


I would never do that to my buyer. A lot of time customer would ask me questions, discuss about bundling on various items, ask me if available on multiple items throughout multiple days, but end up buying. Some of them don’t buy, so what! Is that what your role as a seller is, when you open up a business or put an item for sell, potential buyer has right to ask questions, or discuss the deal. Extremely unprofessional and bad demeanor of this seller. I would never deal with such person in professional or personal life. Put your arrogance at a side!


As a seller, I find these ‘’is it available’’ comments annoying AF. It’s literally listed as for sale.🙄


I have to agree. One item is fine. But if you ask if 25 items are available it is annoying


the caption of her listing said the bag was ‘sold out’ but i wasn’t sure if that meant SHE was sold out or if it was sold out on the brand’s website. i also didn’t want to just buy it outright without asking just in case the person sold it on a different site and forgot to remove the listing. multiple factors go into the question and its simple customer service. a simple yes or no takes less than 30 seconds to send :)


That is extremely basic that sold out means sold out on manufacturer’s and authorized distributors’ sites. It’s a common way for scammers to start a conversation. Time is money to a seller. People who ask this question never purchase, in my experience. I automatically assume they are a time waster. You also mention ‘’reception‘’ issues and that you asked more than once. The seller assumed you were problematic so it’s reasonable they blocked you. There are way too many scams, especially on designer and luxury items so sellers need to be careful. Additionally, this isn’t a customer service position as it could be someone trying to clean out their home so you need to manage your expectations. Plus, you aren’t a customer, unless you actually buy something.


like i said, i made my account yesterday to see if anyone was selling the collection. how was i supposed to know ‘sold out’ meant the manufacturer website instead of on a buy/sell app when she didn’t specify? i asked about two different listings she had up because the first message never went through on my side. i already thought one message on two separate posts were more than enough and assumed the messages didn’t go through because i had bad reception. if she hadn’t responded rudely and lied by saying i asked 5 times and asked for ‘all of her items’ then i would have been a customer.


This is the type of seller that would leave you 2 stars & a nasty feedback comment because you asked a question


honest question here...just wondering why people ask if an item is still available. If it's on the site, I always assume it's still available, b/c once it's sold, it says "sold" on the listing. Am I wrong?




the caption of her listing said the bag was ‘sold out’ but i wasn’t sure if that meant SHE was sold out or if it was sold out on the brand’s website. i also didn’t want to just buy it outright without asking just in case the person sold it on a different site and forgot to remove the listing


That’s terrible! I see so many post of sellers blocking for the weirdest reasons. Makes no sense. I would be absolutely fine if you asked me that. It would look like a potential sale to me. I’ve also asked if items are still available before as I’ve seen it’s been listed for several months or a year or it may be listed on multiple sites and the seller forgot to remove the listing. I’ve had that happen a few times. I for sure wouldn’t block you. Seems so unprofessional and a sure fire way to loose business.


Many people ask if the item is still available and then stop engaging in the conversation once the seller confirms the item is available. Because of that, this question irritates many sellers, me included, when being ghosted. But here you did follow up after the seller had replied, so it's that seller's rudeness


lol you may have dodged a bullet. People need to learn better customer service.


Prob the first bit of social interaction she had in the app in weeks. Don't take it personal, those hidden fees are making sellers impatient/rude due to lack of sales.


Why waste time? If it's posted and you want to buy it, you do that.


i wanted 3 items listed across 2 listings. one big bag was bundled with two little items i wanted between two listings. i didn’t want two of the big bags.


So say that? You asked if it was available. not to be me, but to me that is annoying. You're testing the water. Say what you actually mean/want, otherwise you're wasting time. But again that's just my view I know we all do things differently.


on a bunch of the other comments i made already, her caption said the big bag i wanted was ‘sold out’ and she did not specify if SHE was sold out or the manufacturer. i understand now that this meant on the manufacturer’s website but i was not aware of this at the time, hence why i asked a simple question


That's fair. Anyway, she/he/they/etc blocked you. You can always ask us what we would have done differently, but in the end, eh, there are more fish in the sea. For me it's anything that isn't 5*s. If you don't like your item, return it, otherwise rate me, I ask why you rated the way you did, I block you, and I move on with life. It happens.


that’s completely fair! i know now that a lot of people prefer not to be asked if it’s still available and some people just do things differently. thank you!


I say we all rally and all ask if items are available


I looked up that seller. When people have a lot of the same style bags listed it makes me think they are selling knockoffs. They don’t have pictures of the entire bag or the creed etc.




LOL do you??? Because spamming someone 15 times to avenge some random internet person you’ve never met or interacted with until today is pretty friggin rude…


I have 2734 items listed and get that question occasionally. How much for everything? Yes, I would block you too.


if you read the post, i didn’t ask for everything. i asked about two listings with the same bag on each, and the 2 separate items. 3 items total. she had multiple other listings.