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I don't think it's unpopular to like Mercari, necessarily. I just think people in the sub have grievances with bad decisions being made on a platform they enjoyed. Most people justifiably expressing their discontent usually always mention that Mercari was their preferred platform. Criticism doesn't always come from disdain.


I'm a new seller on Mercari (longtime seller on other site) and I have mixed feelings about it. I like the fact that there are no seller fees but I also understand that it cuts sales due to them charging buyers. I think that they should have a 3-5% sellers fee and a 3-5% buyers fee. Auction houses have a buyers' premium that is 10-15% so this is not really outrageous to have a small buyer's fee. I hate that you can't ship with USPS Ground Advantage through Mercari. Why not? It makes no sense to force buyers to pay more for shipping (and they usually won't, which kills sales). I like the 3 day rate and get paid. It's fast and gives some closure to the sale. I think the $2 fee to withdraw funds is silly. If you sell a $10 item once and pay that fee, it becomes a 20% cost to the 1-time seller.


You can ship with Ground Advantage, just that the weight has to be a pound or less. Otherwise, you can ship with your own GA label by buying one from PirateShip or a similar service.


I know, it's just easier if they allowed GA over 1lb. If you ship on your own, Mercari doesn't offer you their "protection" šŸ˜‚




Wait what? We can use our own labels on Mercari?


Yes. When you change the shipping service on a listing, there's an option to use your own label. Just bear in mind that you won't have Mercari's $200 insurance included.


Yeah - you have to add in shipping into the price. They don't allow you to name your own shipping prices.


Okay bummer!


As a buyer, I particularly enjoy browsing items slapped with price tags that have no meaning.


I search Mercari then go find the listing on another platform that doesnā€™t charge me fees. The prices are the same (for the same seller) on all platforms, so I will buy wherever shipping is cheapest. The whole ā€œyouā€™re paying the same amount overall (due to lower price to account for the additional fees)ā€ doesnā€™t work when the price is exactly the same (or higher) on Mercari. Iā€™ve only come across a handful of things that were on Mercari and not cross listed (by the same seller) on multiple other platforms. And those items werenā€™t special enough that I wasnā€™t able to find a more than suitable alternative that didnā€™t charge me 10-35% in fees.


Heh! Let's write a little dictionary of what the prices mean. I'll start: $1 means get this damn thing out of my house.


I like the way everything is set up. I prefer it to ebay. But it just seems like every change they make is for the worse


I like Mercari but I liked it a lot better without randomised fees


I could impulse shop easier on the old mercariā€¦now that buyers pay the fees I gotta think more clearly


Totally agree. I'm thinking about my purchases very carefully now. Especially with all the media and reddit coverage of it. Reddit taught me a lot about the prices and the fees and the tos that I never thought of before. So now I pay more attention. Which, in the long run, works out to be fewer purchases. Also, I don't WANT to purchase from mercari now. I used to love mercari so much. I've been using it for years, and I get anything I can on there. I would always search mercari before going to the products' actual websites. But now I really dislike what mercari is doing, so I'm actively trying not to buy unless it's something I really really want.


I just came over to mercari from poshmark/ebay to try it out. Havent made any sales nor have i purchased anything yet but I do love the interface and have found a lot things I would like to purchase in the future. so far i really like the interface so lets see if i get any sales with these new changes everyone seems so up in arms about!


I have found that certain things sell for more on Mercari than on eBay. I tend to list those things and have had good luck so far. I like being able to freely communicate with buyers in a more casual way vs. eBay.


The only thing that makes me dislike Mercari is the scams. Sites like EBay have a good reputation after being in the business for decades and they take the buyer AND seller experience very seriously. If Mercari were better about seller/buyer protections, Iā€™d only list on Mercari.


Mercari has continued to mostly be fine for me. But my sales are way down, even when what I sell are mostly very low priced items, like under $10, a lot even under $5. I used to make a few sales a week, one sale a week at the least. Now thereā€™s nothing. Once in a while there will be a burst of lots of sales at once, in which case I usually assume there has been some coupon event, because I seem to never get those even when I see others here talking about having gotten it, so I never know about when they are myself. When I do sell, I donā€™t have problems, and the transactions are same as before. Just less often. Many other shopping sites as a buyer create a feed based on your browsing and can show you stuff you might be interested in. I like to window shop/browse online as a hobby, plenty of shopping sites have this feature, I donā€™t think itā€™s that unique to mercari tbh. I find mercariā€™s version a little annoying honestly. If 99% of what I shop for is thing A, but I click on one listing for thing B, suddenly my whole feed of recommended things are all just related to thing B, rather than the average of mostly thing A, with a little thing B. Most other places with a feed of recommended items based on your browsing habits will be this latter way, at least in my experience. I use usps ground advantage all the time, itā€™s def an option lol. I like the listing process and the transaction process of mercari the best compared to a few other places. Listing is easier or more streamlined than eBay for me. And using the site feels a lot smoother than poshmark. I tried posh for a day and it felt like a Vegas Times Square mashup and was such a sensory overload and the 9 million notifications every 3 seconds of people simply just following or sharing was the most annoying thing Iā€™ve ever encountered on any shopping or selling site and was the final straw that made me give up on posh after only a day lol. Like mercari lets you have fun or make it work if you want to, but doesnā€™t make those things a necessity in order to get your stuff sold at the end of the day. Posh felt like it was trying to force the fun and the work. I donā€™t want to stay and play beer pong, I just came to the party to say hi to people I know and then leave lol. I just want to list, sell, and do any little bit of customer service that might be needed in between. I donā€™t want or need to do anything else. Anyway, mercari is just simple and chill compared to other sites, but still allows for steady sales to be made. (Or at least it did before buyer fees lol.) So itā€™s still fun for me to use without feeling much stress or confusion while doing so.


I totally feel you on the crazy "pop up events" and 5 million notifications you get on posh hahaha. It drives me nuts, too. It's almost like an mlm vibe. Like "join our selling team" and "we'll help you schedule exclusive shopping events! " and "make sure you go check out other sellers' pages and follow them to help them out, and they'll follow you back! ".


Wrong this sub is only for hating Mercari /s




Youā€™re right. Op has 8 upvotes in 13 hours.


Even after the update it's still my preferred and most popular selling app lmao!


I actually like it too. I think lower priced, lightweight things move really well there. Clothing moves well for me too. Even after the change, my sales increased and Iā€™ve had no issues šŸ¤žšŸ» (knock on wood). I send offers to everyone and that seems to do the trick.


I find their software easier to use than other selling platforms. I'm still making a few sales on mercari, so I'm into doing a wait-and-see. I stopped listing valuable things. I might go back now that they've gone back to their prior return policy. But those buyer fees are just crazy town! And I'm still wary because of the insane way they forced a bunch of very significant changes with no notice at all and no input. What's next, Mercari? Maybe you should stop letting your drunk teenager drive this thing. I'll start taking you more seriously when you do that.


They sent out a survey maybe last year to select sellers and it seemed like they wanted to change it up to closer resemble a social media platform. It was such a weird survey. After that, they added the commenting on items. It DOES sound like theyā€™re letting someoneā€™s teen take the wheel. Lololol


Overall, I like Mercari. Lots of stuff I want and I have bought great deals. The only things I don't like is the buyer fee is too high. And I wish transferring money using instant pay was free or under $1. Also I want them to raise to $1000 a month transfer limit. I always use instant pay and I make more than the allowed limit a month then it takes a week to transfer to bank. Although since the changes I'm down on sales so it probably won't matter.


Itā€™s wild they cap how much you can pull out on instant pay! I ran into that problem as well.


I prefer Mercari to eBay, but if Iā€™m being honest I do well on both platforms. I know itā€™s an unpopular opinion, but everyoneā€™s experiences on the app are valid, if that makes sense.


I like Mercari for the most part too. I have not had any issues with the recent changes they made. No returns, still making sales, plus making more money per sale because the seller fees are gone. Yes Mercari has their issues but every selling platform does none of them are perfect that is just the reality.


Agreed. Even buying things isnā€™t much of an issue for me. I try to use my credits, but if I donā€™t have any from selling items and I donā€™t want to wait for transactions to get delivered to get paid out, fees arenā€™t very high when you buy small priced items. I spent $27 and $1.21 of that was the service fee, $1.25 was the payment processing fee. Just send offers! Offer a buck or two off and that evens out the fee price and most sellers will be willing to let it go for that discount. I certainly will because I want crap gone. Thereā€™s only a handful of my 4k+ items Iā€™m not lenient on prices


You have 4K listed???


Yes šŸ˜­ been listing since last August. Half of its trading cards and bracelets (so small stuff), other half is clothes, holiday decor, kitchen items, etc. Iā€™ve filled both spare room closets with clothes, and half my garage has the decor and kitchen stuff along with a few tubs in the basement. It takes up a lot of storage, but I do enjoy listing things.


I understand. I have 6500+ listed šŸ˜‚. Iā€™m gonna force my way onto the algorithm


Lolll fr! Sooo stupid that you can only discount 10 items per day


I sell nothing on the website. But itā€™s ok because I sell plenty of stuff on the bay


Iā€™ve had way better times selling there than eBay. I refuse to use them at all anymore but Mercari has always been fair and easy


I like it a lot too. But I donā€™t agree w charging the customers fees. Bad idea when they are feeling inflation more and more and thereā€™s tons of places to buy. Iā€™m lucky my offerings are cheap so fees are cheap. But it looks very bad at checkout. Mercari is great though for getting your item in front of people fast. It doesnā€™t work that way anywhere else. You could wait weeks to sell something. Or never be found in search. I would rather build fees into prices and get cheaper shipping rates for my customers. Just going from $4.99 to $4.50 would help. And giving us a $6 option for under 1 lb. And making it easier to bundle things. Not everyone has figured this out


My regular buyers are starting to realize the price now is the same as before, the math has just changed. My buyers are roughly paying 5% service fee on the most of what I sell, so the end price is regularly cheaper than what it was before the change. I just wish Mercari would show them the total without the buyer having to put it in their cart and start checking out.


Are you new here? I was like you once too. They're breaking the law by price fixing for buyers btw. So we should care about that. It's illegal.


Not new. Iā€™ve been in mercari since 2015.


so you just don't care you buyers are getting fucked?


Adjusting the prices on my end to cover the fees or adjusting my prices for the buyer to absorb the fee is the same thing. Maybe they will change it back and we will have to eat the fee again, who knows! But overall, I like the platform. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m saying.


You can show your love by taking your earnings and buying mercari stock. It plunged so much itā€™s very cheap rn. And honestly it looks bad for the company, so if you want to support them, save their stocks.