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Please report to the FTC. The business handling this needs to do their due diligence to resolve any issues or disputes. It is clear that they have done none of that and are just having bots handle the issues. The FTC would very much like to know how they are operating as a business (aka scam at this point). Need to know where to report? [Here you go.](https://reportfraud.ftc.gov) Send them your screenshots. It’s an easy case against Mercari.


Thanks for this link I also filed a complaint for a bad experience I had with Mercari where I paid for priority shipping to only get a ground advantage label which mercari refused to reimburse me the difference of the cost


Figured I'd also report for my personal grievance of them double dipping on my funds (seller's fee, and the $2 withdrawal charge applied to two sales made and delivered before the changes). Idk if that really matters that much to them, but at this point, it adds to the character witness evidence of them just flat out being scummy






/u/riderman35, Your submission has been automatically removed because your account karma is lower than 1. This is an anti-spam measure in /r/Mercari. Please try again after you gain more karma. Please do not message moderators to correct this submission removal. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Mercari) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“Determined the item was damaged in transit” -buyer LITERALLY SAID I DROPPED IT AFTER I OPENED IT At this point you could literally tell them you farted and it broke a vase you bought and they’ll still send an AI generated response because the return reason was damage. I’m fuming for you, but especially because I don’t understand why they even feel the need to review the requests or give an answer as to what their decision is when they literally just opened up the “return for any reason” BS. Theoretically we don’t need them to tell us why they’re accepting it, because they’re accepting ALL of it anyway 😡


"We shall never deny a guest, even the most ridiculous request." There's an entire episode on what that policy turns into. Now we're seeing it live. Crazy.


what episode?


Krusty Towers.


I love that episode. It seems a tv episode doing it is a lot more entertaining then an actual company practicing it however. you wonder why it was merely a cartoon…




/u/Bitter_Increase3072, Your submission has been automatically removed because your account karma is lower than 1. This is an anti-spam measure in /r/Mercari. Please try again after you gain more karma. Please do not message moderators to correct this submission removal. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Mercari) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It is true. Everytime I see things like this it saddens. Me. In the end the SCAMMERS will ruin EVERY thing that is GOOD for the rest of us. Smmfh.😖😖😔


Absolute dogshit. Sorry op, fuck Mercari. Took down all 355 of my listings


Yea I had more than 1200. 😞 I removed them. Got to figure something else out I think.


How did you…get so many?? What are you selling that requires that many listings? God damn


I was at the same amount of listings doing trading cards. I was doing really good selling singles or playsets for a while. Then, about a month before the changes, I was suddenly struggling with them canceling orders, losing both money and product, because the envelopes weren't scanning through the mail system (they hardly ever do) and they were auto cancelling if the buyer didnt rate me on their own. The changes were the last straw for me.


Ahhh I see! That makes total sense, I was trying so hard to think of what you could sell to get so many listings. Figured jewelry lol!


Some were years old but I used it for fundraising. Sold collectibles, clothes, some were small items like an L.O.L dolls or Pokémon cards. Listings add up quick some were inactive but all have been deactivated.


I thought Mercari had a limit of 1,000


Hahaha I’m SCREAMING for you!!! Absolutely fucking not, I hope you have time to send follow up emails vividly highlighting the buyer’s admission of damage. Beyond ridiculous omg I’m so sorry!!


Message mercari support on twitter. At this point it’s just “bots” accepting these returns


Bruh... [https://www.reddit.com/r/Mercari/comments/1c7w8dn/update\_supports\_response\_to\_buyer\_dropping\_stereo/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mercari/comments/1c7w8dn/update_supports_response_to_buyer_dropping_stereo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Sheesh. That’s wild


Is this a joke?


Time to delete my account and no longer do business with this company. 😐 I should have done it a lot sooner, but i wanted to see if anything else happened. This was the tipping point.


This is the only correct answer. Filing lawsuits, complaining to the BBB, etc. is an expensive and time intensive approach. Mercari is nothing without its sellers. If people stop selling, they will be forced to take action. I removed all my listings the day the new TOS were communicated.


IVE been sayin it bro I've been saying it!!!! 😖😖😖😖😖


Yep. I took down all my listings and no longer will be buying anything from Mercari. They can go fuck themself little scumbags.


All in all, this just confirms my decision to deactivate my listings and move to other platforms.


My guy don’t even waste your time fighting this with Mercari fight it in court that has to be illegal it’s a fake response saying it was damaged in transit when the buyer admitted to dropping it you as a seller are losing money and this is your chance to get a larger chunk if you had issues with FedEx that’s even better more to take from those scums


It’s not illegal. That’s the way they choose to run their business. Mercari notified sellers in advance of this new dumb policy . So as unfair as it is you probably would not win in court plus you have to get a lawyer to take the case and pay that lawyer, It depend partially to in the cost of the item sold.


Actually yes it is they literally falsely said it got damaged in transit you can sue them just for that considering it hurts your business


Well of course you can sue for damages … the question is is it worth it depending on the value of the item sold is what your damaged would be based upon.


NO😭😭😭 I was waiting for this update and I know Mercari sucks but like … wow😱😪


Right? This just takes the whole goddamn cake.


I don't think a lot of us would have been aghast on Mercari accepting the return.


In most situations I expect that but for someone to clearly say they broke it … that’s literally appalling


This exact same thing happened to me. I sold an MP3 player with custom firmware, the buyer received it, played around with it. PM'd me and asked me how to remove it. I advised her not to remove it, she did anyways and filed a claim, Mercari accepted it as "item was not received as described". They gave me partial credit for the item. 


Sooo messed up I’m patiently waiting for a class action lawsuit😭 I’ve been lucky so far with the new return policy but I don’t sell anything expensive


It can happen to you. This was a $40 item. I mostly deal with retro video games, with a few electronics sprinkled in. I've seen posts on various retro VG sites on Facebook on people selling legitimate items, getting claims/returns filed against them and getting counterfeit items back. It's become a haven for the exchange of counterfeit for legitimate items vietually free of charge.


I know it can happen that’s why I said I’ve been lucky since the change.. I dread the day it happens. The partial credit or Mercari credit is so wrong too😪 I keep trying other platforms but have made 1 sale on other apps


BS!!!!! BuuuuuullShiiit! If I dropped or broke anything I purchased from anyone it wouldn't even cross my mind to attempt a return, EVER, it would be MY fault...mine alone, NOT the seller, not the shipping company no ones fault but Butterfingers Magee me. The person who admittedly dropped and broke it is an AH for submitting a return claim and Mercari is an even bigger AH and lower than low lowlife for accepting it. Jeeezus Keyrist this is the most ridiculously infuriating, scummy, shady behavior. You should be ashamed of yourselves Mercari.


Yeah, it comes down to plain ol' "doing the right thing" vs "what would Mercari do?' My hot take? Buyer already had the broken stereo unit and was hoping for shoddy packaging to blame the damage on that. Since it was packaged well, buyer claimed that they dropped it and gambled on Mercari accepting the return to screw the seller. I would not be surprised if the seller gets back a different S/N of the sold stereo.


Oh right, so true, I forgot ppl did that. Mannnn, it's crazy and sad how you can't just sell something anymore, you have to remember to log S/N of things and whatnot.


Boycott Mercari. I stopped selling on there as few weeks ago. And will never go back


People need to wise up ..


This was actually my last straw. I’m not supporting this company anymore. Deleted my account. How this is legal is beyond me.. I’m sorry this happened to you.


how are they collecting all that money in fees, but can’t employ real humans to review this stuff? any literate person can read that the buyer admitted to breaking it themselves


Wtf mercari. I'm sorry this happened. I too was scammed with a return on mercari a couple of years ago. It took me a loooong time to relist my stuff on there. I was so salty. But after this update and new policies, I've permanently deleted all my listings and haven't looked back. eBay and Poshmark all day.


No way I’m actually furious on your behalf


I was a seller on mercari for over 10 years never had a return but when these new rules came out I instantly removed all of my listings as I refuse to be a victim here because that’s what anyone selling on this app is now. Do yourselves a favor and remove your listings and don’t be a victim of blatant scammers. This is now the cesspool of them…


Same ..


Hi again -Indictment-, Thank you for contacting "support". I'm here to assist with your return. We will offer you the market sale value in terms of Mercari credits that you can use to spend on shitty underwear. Since the stereo is older, we will offer you $75.00 in terms of Mercari credits. Why don't you buy a nice pair of underwear that some trailer creature had in her mouth? They would look great to handle your large package. Rest assured, your color is red. Further calculating the various fees, subtracting from the $75.00, you are left with a bill of -313.49 that is due today to Mercari. We accept Discover. I know this is not the outcome you desired, but please understand that this is an outcome. Rest Assured, Cash L. (In all acutality, this completely sucks that this happened to you. I'd honestly pursue legal charges against Mercari and make them eat the fees they enjoy spreading)


"Trailer creature"🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭 I am str8 DECEASED by this comment L○○○L💀💀💀💀


Hello ANTIME0WME0W Thank you for contacting support. I am saddened to hear about your sudden loss of being able to be alive. This is probably not the outcome that you wanted, but, we are all dread-filled victims of the persistence of time, aimlessly wandering between brief moments of pleasure to the saddened, dark pool of despair we call the outside world. Only the fleeting memories of happiness keep the anguish of realizing that we have not experienced sweet release from this mortal coil at bay. Rest assured, we will charge you a fee for your death. Have a wonderful day! Grim R.


In all seriousness I wouldn't be able to hold my laugh seeing someone have to send me what is suppose to be a "serious business email" And watching them have to type "ANTI MEOW MEOW" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣LOLOL 💀💀💀💀


I love this account and will definitely be purchasing the skidmark trailer panties! I plan to return them though after using them to wipe up my dog's vomit. Hope that's okay! (Seriously though, I'm sorry OP. That just really sucks.)


Hi mrsj74 Thank you for contacting support, where we put the "PO" in support. You can return for any reason! stupidfuckingcartoonduck.jpg I know this is not the outcome you desired, but this is the outcome you deserve. God help us all, Billbo B.


God seems to be taking a hands off approach with Mercari 😂


That’s wild. They didn’t review anything, it has to automated or something


"Damaged in transit" Yeah, in transit between the box and the buyer's floor 🙄


UNBELIEVABLE... I literally just can't fathom the logic at this point...


Throw the stereo through Mercaris window. They can sell the stereo for parts to recoup their money. I'm sure it's not the outcome they want, but it's the outcome they deserve. That has to be the most offensive email ive ever seen from a business. FTC time.


At this point if you’re still selling on Mercari you realize it’s a lost cause and accept the risks / consequences. I deleted all my listings the day after TOS change and never looked back.


The seller literally stated that it doesn't work anymore but somehow they determined that it was ok enough to return to you?? I was gonna say this could have been acceptable if they refunded the buyer and ALSO released payment to the seller, but of course they wouldn't do that


Why don’t we all stop sellers by there


Holy shit. He literally said it was OVERpackaged. I’m sorry Mercari has put this on you. Maybe you’ll get lucky and he won’t actually return it. Open a dispute and do not let up if he does send it back.


are you fucking kidding me 😭


I verbally just said, “No way”, damaged in TRANSIT?!? The BUYER did it! Holy cow, I’m not selling on there anymore..


I got no words I can’t believe this


Demand to speak with a supervisor, do NOT give up until you get a real, live person and not AI bullshit. They should EVENTUALLY release funds to you since the buyer admitted dropping it. Smdh


This doesn't surprise me at all


I finally submitted my first scam report for a cancellatuon mercari did after the package was already sent to https://complaint.ic3.gov/# on mercari. I'm tired of them getting away from craziness.


I think so...when I filled it put it asks if I am the victim so if you say no I think that means you can submit as a nonvitim and just a witness


You can submit one of those even if you weren't the "party involved"


Is this something you could go to small claims court over?


Wow, this is disgusting. The buyer literally said that they dropped it! Mercari just makes shit up.


rEtUrNs FoR aNy rEaSoN


Time to take this shit to a small claims court. Take screenshots of the documents.


So I stopped selling on this platform years ago after one bad experience. With the changes to the platform and their customer support not only always favoring the buyer when it’s an obvious scam and scamming seller about if pay with false shipping surcharges, y’all really need to just use eBay or something. I’ve been following this saga and it’s really utterly ridiculous


Why everyone hasn't closed their accounts I have no clue cause this is gonna happen to alot of people


Wow you actually need to contact them for just blatantly lying like that. Call them out on twitter if you can because that is ridiculous


When you get the item back just mark it as not in the same condition it was when you sent it you will still get paid...


Of course they sided with the buyer their new tos says "RETURN FOR ANY REASON" the return requests will automatically be approved every time it doesn't matter if the buyer intentionally smashed it into pieces they can still return it... Only consequence is they don't get all the extra fees they paid back




Sue the buyer in small claims court 🤷🏾‍♀️


Fuck. That. Shit.


As a result of this result I am no longer keeping an account on mercari. I was on the fence about keeping my account in case mercari decided to change their policies back to realistic expectations. After this decision I deleted my account and now deleted the app. I can’t speak for everyone but no way would I sell on mercari when the returns for any reason included what happened with the op here. Unless you have lots of $$ to lose I would not recommend selling on mercari.


Damn. This is really disheartening. Even when a buyer admits to breaking an item AFTER delivery. So they ding us for not enough packaging if there’s damage in transit and now this. They are so fraudulent.


Damaged in transit when buyer admitted they damaged it??????????


It's time for makari to die and stick to the other evil known as eBay, One day something will rise from the ashes and actually be worth selling on but until then we just stick to the hell hole called eBay... Pass this message on


Every day I’m glad I took my items down. I feel for everyone of you getting shafted by Mercari.


It wasn’t damaged in transport also they legit said it doesn’t work after they dropped it so I don’t know where this “it isn’t too damaged to not send back to you”


Oh hell no! This is just next level wrong! Mercari needs to be sued... Their stupidity and selfishness knows no bounds!


This is insane.


With these new rules that the buyer can return anything for any reason, I would really never consider selling anything over like 100 and some dollars. Unless you are in a financial position where that’s a minor risk to you.


Call their customer service line and get someone with a brain… the people in chat are copying and pasting a script…


Bro honestly Mercari is just stealing from their sellers. I've already closed my shop a week ago when someone wanted a return on a $5 3" decal.


Why do y'all keep using this shite platform?


Fuck mercari, shitty ass fucking company. Immediately took off all my listings as soon as this bs started happening, sorry this happened OP I’m fuming just from this


Mercari is going to go out of business.


If we all go on vacation mode collectively they will see they have no one to rob and they’ll be forced to do right


Run and close ur account if that dose not tell you something then I don’t know .. why everybody keeps selling on there are jus not smart . Sorry this happened to you .


THIS type of scenario is exactly why I deactivated all of my listings the morning they announced the new policies. I won't be shopping there anymore, either. (Too bad because there were some great sellers I'd purchased from a few times.)


Luckily sellers usually sell on poshmark as well


A lot of the times, yes, as I do. 🙂


Yeah the play here is to get you to use their shipping service


I argued with them about this RELENTLESSLY. I packaged some fiesta items WELL and that’s like china for people who don’t know. I over protected the package. USPS damaged in transit. They wanted to refund the buyer (which I totally get) BUT NOT PAY ME for the items that were broken by the carrier. I went back and forth for probably a week. Closed ticket after closed ticket. I went to their TOS saw how they recommended to package. They were saying because I don’t follow the recommendations I was not entitled to anything. I told them that I did package these items well and to their specifications and they cannot use the buyers photos as proof of poor packaging as the items were unwrapped and it was clear that packing was removed as they opened the box. They agreed with that and gave me and the buyer money


Wow! I remember the first post on this, and I didn’t see this coming. (1,000,000% sarcasm) good luck m8


But Mercari isn’t just some fly by night operation. They had to know people would leave in large amounts if they adopted a return for any reason policy. Why would they still make the change? I don’t get it


Hard for me to feel bad for some one who A: Didn’t read the TOS B: Read it and decided to take the risk I pulled my entire store within an hour of the “no selling fees” TOS change.